Read A Man For Darial Page 9

  Chapter 9

  Darial went about her duties for the next few hours in a cloud of misery. Joe had been friendly and joked with her about green children but, she knew he must be disgusted by her behaviour. She had lied and cheated to get him here and now she must pay the price for her deceit.

  The whole of Darial’s life had been given over to duty and obedience.

  Abandoned in a rubbish bin at birth, she had been raised in an institution for orphaned children; no one knew anything more about her than her blood group. Even on Teeron people gave birth to unwanted children as they did on Earth.

  Institutes, although commendable and well meaning, were still just places without enough love to go around, and where you learn to obey and not cause trouble. Darial had learned well. She had grown up studious and obedient, never causing trouble or drawing unwanted attention to herself.

  She had an excellent brain and attitude which had brought her to the attention of the Research Co-operative at a young age. Darial had been honoured to be chosen for the work, however once again she was bound by strict rules, and strangers.

  Slowly, over the years, she had made friends amongst her co-workers and had finally been able to laugh, and enjoy life. However, she was still inclined to take any conversation very literally and with the utmost seriousness. So, she was having trouble understanding Joe’s talk of green children. Was he being funny or serious? Did he love her or hate her? Hail Hera, she loved him so much, and was totally lost and confused about what he was feeling. She didn’t see how he could forgive her but--- could he? Darial badly wanted to have a loving family of her own, however, that could only be possible with Joe as her life-mate.

  Darial was headed to the main data storage room, with her trusty com-pad, when Joe finally caught up to her in a small hallway. He had been trying to catch her alone for the last six hours but, it had been like trying to capture a light ray.

  “Hi love of my life,” he grinned, happy to have cornered her alone at last. “Have you decided where we’re going to live when we’re married? We need to be near a good school for out little green offspring, you know.”

  Joe steadily backed her up against the nearest wall, trapping her in his strong arms as he leant his body firmly against hers. Gently, rubbing his face along her neck, he breathed in her unique scent then, blew it back in a scorching blast into her hair. Nibbling softly on her delicate ear he puffed a warm breath there too. Freeing one hand, he took it on a slow journey of discovery over her beautiful face. Touching first one eyebrow, and then the next with the tip of his finger, he gently traced the delicate arch before moving on to trace her trembling lips.

  “You know. I could touch you for hours and hours and not get bored.” He whispered into her neck. Gently nibbling and tasting her skin.

  Darial had had enough of this torture, she needed to know how he really felt, and she needed to know now. She just wasn’t equipped to understand the many nuances of love-making, it had to be put into plain words or she was lost. She had never known love before. Was he playing with her or what?

  “Hail Hera, Joe. Tell me the truth before I go mad with unhappiness. Do you love me or hate me? Will you ever forgive my lies to get you on this pod or, will you always distrust me?” Darial waited miserably for Joe’s answer.

  “Honey, if you can’t tell that I love you more than any woman was ever loved before, then, hell! I’m doing everything wrong here.”

  Frustrated beyond reason at his inability to get through to her, Joe wrapped her tightly in his arms. Plastering his body to hers from knee to neck, he took her lips in a burning kiss that was guaranteed to get his point across.

  Darial felt Joe’s kiss burning away all the cold places in her heart. Her lonely soul, so long without another to comfort hers, expanded to enfold them both. Darial responded with all the love in her lonely heart. Covering Joe’s face with wild swift kisses she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hung on for dear life.

  Her response enflamed Joe’s eager desire, making itself known to her as she was trapped between the hard wall, and his even harder surging, body. The temperature sky rocketed between them, melding their bodies and souls into one. Minutes passed in a frenzy of touches and heated kisses. Joe couldn’t get close enough to Darial’s creamy skin, her soft lips and tempting curves. God, she was glorious, he was never letting her go.

  Sweat beaded Joe’s face as he tried desperately to control himself. He couldn’t allow Darial to be embarrassed in front of her co-workers. Withdrawing his hand, which had somehow found its way inside her shirt, he used it to re-do her buttons. Finally, his voice husky with desire, he spoke.

  “In answer to your questions,” he took a deep steadying breath, “I’m serious as a heart attack about you. I don’t care that you lied or that you hypnotised me, because, if you hadn’t I would never have gotten on this pod and been with you,” he grinned into her bemused face. “Does that answer all your questions now?” Darial gave him a look of joy that took his breath away.

  “All answered thank you.”

  “Now, for the big question, when can you marry me?”

  “Whenever you want Joe,” replied Darial. “On Teeron we gather our friends and family together as witnesses and announce that we are bonded , that is legal and binding for life-mates. “As I have no family, we can wait until we can have an Earth marriage, if that is what you want.”

  “Like hell! I’m not waiting to start our life together any longer than necessary. We’ll do both, love of mine. We’ll do the Teeron one so that I can get my hands on you,” Joe leered. Playfully lifting his hands in front of her body and twiddling his fingers. “Then, when we go back to Australia, we’ll have a big white wedding for all the family to enjoy. I have a hell of a lot of family for you to get used to.”

  “That will be wonderful Joe, because, I have only my job and friends. I will finally belong to someone.” Joe was stunned that anyone as wonderful as Darial could be so happy to join the Grant clan.

  “Love of mine, I hate to tell you this but, a large family is not always a plus. Just wait until you meet my crowd before you start cheering.” Joe’s smouldering gaze caught her eyes as he vowed. “You’ll never be alone again, we’ll be together until I draw my last breath and beyond.”

  Darial reluctantly left Joe, a few steamy kisses and a few minutes later, to continue her interrupted work. She needed to upload and check data readings, in the ‘Clean Room.’ It was named such not, because it was washed clean but, because all magnetic energy had been neutralized, in order to protect the electronic data.

  Arriving back on the command deck she was stunned to be met by cheers and congratulations. Callem strode forward and swept her into a warm hug.

  “Welcome to the family Darial Tarkon, Joe has given us your news.” His smile held warmth and sincerity. “I will be privileged to stand with you as your family, at your bonding.”

  Darial’s mouth quivered as she tried vainly not to cry. “Thank you Callem Radinor, the privilege will be all mine.” With that said, the tears of happiness rolled unrestrained down her cheeks. Joe rushed forward and scooped her into his warm embrace, laughing as he kissed away her tears.

  “Come on, love of mine, it’s nothing to cry about, everyone here is going to be at the ceremony and now you have a real honest to goodness family member or two. Halli and Callem are your in-laws now.”

  Cheers went up around the room as congratulations were offered over and over again. Teeronites knew happiness when they bumped into it.