Read A Man For Jenna Page 2

  Chapter 2

  Zabron Hadrini stood amongst the flock of screaming parrots like a god clothed in a brilliant green and red cloak. He laughed uproariously as he turned his massive arms over to display palms filled with grain. The greedy, crimson rosellas and king parrots covered every inch of his six foot seven inch muscular frame and his short, blue-black hair, in an attempt to reach the food in his palms. He shouted over the noise and flapping wings to his friend Teril.

  "Come and feed these ridiculous birds. We have nothing like this at home on Teeron. Our birds are much too polite to mob you like this." He laughed as he continued filling his open hands with seed from a bag in his jacket pocket. Teril refused with a laugh and a shake of his head.

  "No, you can play the clown for both of us. I'm happy just to take the photos of you looking like an idiot."

  The feeding frenzy was a common sight at O'Reilley's Guest House here in the Lamington National Park. Seed could be purchased from the little souvenir shop to tempt the greedy birds from the trees. The exotically coloured parrots would swoop down from the tree tops and happily perch on anything and anyone to get their free food.

  Zabron and Teril had decided to spend the day here to enjoy some of the bush walks and enjoy the wildlife that they had heard of. Tomorrow they would get back to work on their latest Earth mission. They were here primarily to conduct a survey on pollution levels and genetic research.

  The Interplanetary Science Co-Operative on Teeron sent out research Pods to many galaxies in the universe, checking for life and knowledge. So far Earth was the only planet that had been found to be compatible with Teeron life support needs. In fact, the researchers were convinced that Teeronites and Earthlings had all originally been one race. The most common theory at the moment was that humans had been divided by space travel thousands of years earlier when, they colonised different planets. So far only Earth and Teeron had been found with human life but, the Interplanetary Research Pods were always searching.

  Proof of the success of the research was one of the reasons that Zabron had volunteered for this mission. He had wanted to be here on Earth to celebrate the Australian marriage of Joe and Darial Grant that had taken place yesterday. He had become close friends with Joe over the last few weeks.

  Joe and Darial were already bonded according to Teeron law but, Joe, being an Earthling had wanted Darial to marry him before all of his family and friends. Darial, a foundling, was so enthralled to finally have a family that Joe had spent nearly the whole visit blotting-up her happy tears.

  The perfectly matched couple would be staying here on Earth until Joe's latest building contract was finished. Then, Joe intended to go into the building industry on Teeron, in partnership with his friend Daniel Smith.

  Daniel had been the first amongst them to marry a visitor from Teeron but, happily, not the last. It was becoming obvious that distance was not going to stop love; a new colony of mixed marriages was fast taking shape on Teeron also, here on Earth.

  A commotion coming from the entrance to one of the tracks disturbed the parrots and sent them squawking, high into the tree tops, leaving Zabron confused and curious. It soon became obvious why the parrots had taken flight as, a man came bursting out of the bush waving his arm wildly over his head as, he yelled into a mobile phone held close to his face. Simultaneously, two police trucks roared up the road from town. The lead truck screeched to a halt beside the running man and a rapid conversation ensued. The men were too far away for Zabron to hear what was being said but, it was obvious that something was very wrong.

  "Hey Teril" Zabron nodded his head in a considering way towards the group, "I hope that panic isn't about our research pod"

  Teril's whole body went on alert as he too looked down the road as he replied.

  "If a hiker has bumped into the cloaking device hiding the Pod, we could have a big problem on our hands."

  The men drew close, conversing softly so that they couldn't be overheard, while watching the body language of the police and the man who had run out of the bush. "What do you think Zab, have they bumped into the cloak?"

  "It's never been a problem in all the years that we've used this area of the bush. However, I suppose a hiker could have felt the shield where it touches the ground. If they strayed too close they would feel the energy pushing them away. Hail Hera, what lousy luck, we have always tethered it well away from marked tracks."

  Zabron stared worriedly down the road as the group of people surrounding the police truck grew larger by the minute. People in uniforms were rushing out of the bush, two way radios held to their faces as they frantically shouted into the communicators. It was obvious that, whatever the problem was, it wasn't going to go quietly away. As the senior member of this team Zabron had to make a decision and make it quickly.

  "We need to get closer to the police truck so that we can hear what's happening. Switch your com-watch to record." Both men made minute adjustments to their large, diver-like wrist watches. "The conversations can be run through the language program later, we can't afford any misunderstandings; we'll need exact translations. It's a damn nuisance that neither of us speaks fluent English."

  The two men appeared to amble slowly down the road but, arrived in less than a minute on the outskirts of the fast growing crowd, their superior muscular strength and long legs covering the distance easily. Just as they started to mingle with the group, a policeman jumped up into the back of his truck and holding a megaphone to his mouth asked for silence.

  "I know you're all worried by this obvious emergency so I'll fill you in as fast as possible. The facts are that a twelve year old boy is lost in the bush, and all he has with him are a camera and a jumper in a small backpack. None of these items are going to protect him very well in the mountains."

  The officer gave the crowd an incredibly weary look as he gazed out into the sea of shocked faces. "With dark less than an hour or so away we don't stand much chance of finding him tonight but, experienced Park Rangers are being called in from other areas so that we can mount a large search party by first light."

  Pointing to a small group of brown uniformed men and women standing behind him he continued. "In the meantime these local rangers are going in now to cover the nearest trails. Cross your fingers we get lucky people."

  Zabron didn't think the officer looked too hopeful of that outcome. The officer lowered the megaphone to quickly speak to one of his men, then turning back to face the crowd, he updated everyone.

  "At first light all of the rangers will be going out, and we'll be looking for fit healthy volunteers to assist them." Waving his hand in the direction of another officer holding a clipboard he urgently requested. "Please register your name and details if you are willing to spend the night here and assist. All the information you need will be provided at the next briefing." As he spoke his final words he jumped down from the bed of the truck and vanished into the melee of men and women all rushing to sign-up.

  Zabron and Teril edged out of the crowd and quickly drifted away until they couldn't be heard.

  "Wow! Not what we expected to hear," spoke a shocked Teril.

  "No, we haven't been discovered but, that poor boy is definitely in need of our help." Frowning he gave the situation deliberate thought, then, came to a decision. "I'll contact the Pod and tell them to send out a tracking signal to try and locate him. The child needs to be found quickly. Also, we can't risk dozens of people blundering about in the bush that might accidently stumble against the cloaking device."

  Zabron clicked a few dials on his com-watch then, after a quick look around to make sure he wasn't being watched he commenced speaking, giving directions and details to the duty commander on board the Pod.

  "We need to get more details of his height and weight etc. for the scanner to eliminate large adults but, for now they are searching out all human life forms more than one hour's walk from here."

  "Which co-ordinates do you want me to start searching?"

ron ran the problem through his mind then, came to a swift decision.

  "I think you would be more help on the Pod. If the searchers come close we will need every man we can get on board to help move it out further into the mountains. With all the teams scattered around the world on surveys, we're desperately short handed."

  He gave the area another careful search with his senses on full alert. A feeling of being watched and listened to was crawling up his spine, but he failed spot anyone. Teril didn't seem to be uneasy so Zabron shrugged off his worry and continued planning.

  "I'll slip away now to start the search by myself--I'll be able to cover five times the distance the rangers are capable of and keep going through the night with help from the Pod. You take the rental car and get back to the coast then, fly our transporter to the Pod. We'll co-ordinate the rescue via my com-watch from there. Hail Hera, what an end to a beautiful day," he muttered, sadly.

  The tall, lithe men, moved swiftly towards their car, finalising details as they went. They would have been stunned to know that every word they'd spoken had just been heard and understood, by a watcher in the nearby restaurant.