Read A Man For Jenna Page 7

  Chapter 7

  Everything went as they had planned. They successfully landed near the path they'd used to enter the park and Zabron's incredible strength made carrying a sleeping Jason an easy task. Twenty minutes walk placed them near the entrance to the car park where Jenna gently brought Jason out of his deep sleep.

  "Where am I now Jenna?" asked a groggy Jason.

  "We are nearly back at the Guest House Jason. My friend has carried you a long way while you slept. He also bandaged your leg to keep it straight. You should be fine now as he's very good at first aid." Jason nodded weary acceptance.

  Please thank him very much for me." Jenna smiled in agreement.

  "I will."

  "Did I hear you talking in my mind Jenna or was that all part of the dream?" Jenna flashed a brilliant smile of relief at Zabron. Their last problem was solved.

  "You must have dreamed that part Jason. We were out searching for you and heard you calling from a creek bed near Lightening Falls."

  "Oh yeah, I remember calling you and watching your torch light come nearer and nearer." Jason seemed to accept her explanation without question. Now it only remained to get him to the rescue station.

  Loud cheers went up as Zabron carried Jason to the waiting rescue teams that had set up their headquarters around the restaurant. It wasn't yet midnight and no one had retired for the night, all too worried about Jason's fate. A woman broke away from the crowd and with tears streaming down her cheeks she reached for Jason. This had to be his mother.

  Giving a quick explanation of where they'd found him and the condition of his leg they took the first opportunity to slip away unnoticed and head for the car park. They had managed to return the boy without giving their names or any personal information. Only the waitress who'd prepared Jenna's food supplies and offered to pay for them, noticed them leaving. She sent Jenna a watery smile of triumph accompanied by a thumbs-up.

  Some photos had been taken but, the chances were that they wouldn't be very clear. Also, no one knew Zabron, and Jenna kept very much to herself. Jenna worked from home, receiving most of her work over the internet. Very few people would recognise her.

  While unlocking her car, Jenna sent Zabron a contented smile over its roof.

  "A good night's work my friend," she whispered softly.

  "Yes, our young adventurer will never know that an alien and a mind-reader rescued him tonight. He was very lucky." With a happy laugh he added," Bet his mother gives him hell once she gets over her shock."

  Jenna laughed along with him as they started the long drive down the mountain to the coast and home. Zabron realised for the first time that he didn't know where home was for Jenna. He would find out on the drive and after she was safely behind a locked door he could run to the unit he was staying in. A Teeron could cover several miles very easily, their aerobic capacity far superior to anyone on Earth.

  Turning sideways as she drove, Jenna pulled her backpack from the backseat and dropped it onto Zabron's lap, offering him his choice of sandwiches and water from its pockets. Zabron accepted with alacrity, suddenly made aware of just how hungry he was. Munching contentedly on the food, they relaxed in silent contemplation of the night as the miles passed smoothly beneath their wheels.

  Jenna pulled into a parking space near the entrance to Daniel Grant's beach front units, where she lived.

  What were the odds, thought Zabron. Jenna was definitely meant to be his life-mate this just went to prove it. He spoke for the first time since he had asked Jenna for her address twenty minutes ago.

  "Which unit do you live in?"

  "Number six on the top floor. I only moved in a month ago but, feel very at home here."

  "So you should," he smiled in approval at her choice. "You see that ground floor unit on the left." Jenna nodded. "Well, that's where I'm staying. Also, I think you should know that the first Teeronite to bond with an Earthling owns this block of units." He laughed uproariously at Jenna's stunned expression. "You are surrounded by your alien cousins. We always stay here when we are on Earth surveys. Daniel keeps two of the units on the ground floor free for us."

  Jenna spluttered with surprise. "But I met one of the ground floor tenants last week and she's a plumber from Brisbane."

  "Ah, that would be Halli. She is bonded to my Executon, Callem. They are here, as are most of us, to celebrate her brother's marriage to another of my team, Darial."

  Zabron doubled over with laughter as he realised the joke that the universe was playing on them all. "I wonder if this land once belonged to a Teeronite and was just waiting for Daniel to move in and fix the units up for us."

  Zabron was now so delighted by the joke of it all that he could no longer sit still. Getting out of the car he continued to roar with laughter as he walked towards the front door. "Wait until I tell the rest of them about this."

  Jenna just shook her head and wearily followed him inside heading for the stairs to her unit, she intended sleeping in until lunchtime. She was too tired right now to enjoy Zabron's warped sense of humour. But, first she wanted a shower more than she wanted to win the lottery. All this alien stuff could wait until tomorrow.

  Zabron finally stopped laughing long enough to notice that Jenna was not amused and looked distinctly weary. She had been through so much tonight and hadn't complained once. His little fairy was a Trojan in disguise.

  Quickly mounting the steps behind her, he swept her up in his arms and cuddled her snugly into his body. Jenna gasped when her feet left the ground, but then, settled in to enjoy the ride. Zabron carried her swiftly to her unit and deposited her inside with a brief, but oh so tender, kiss.

  "You have been very strong and courageous tonight my love. Sleep well and I will see you tomorrow." Zabron left a bemused Jenna leaning against her now closed door.

  "My love," she repeated out loud. "Where did that come from? I thought I was a lab experiment to him?" Her heart thumping fast, she headed for the shower. Tomorrow couldn't come fast enough now.