Read A Man For Jenna Page 9

  Chapter 9

  Three hours later Zabron and Teril joined Jenna in the doctor's lounge of the private hospital where they had been working. They'd left her there an hour ago, while they worked on researching Jenna's mitochondrial markers. A quick swab of her mouth and they had been off and running.

  The hope was that they could match her up with an ancient Teeron bloodline to find out when humans came to Earth. Now, the results were in, and they were astounding--Jenna wasn't the result of an ancient line---she was the result of a paternal line that was less than two hundred years old. Zabron was going to have to explain the facts of Teeron life to her now.

  Scooping Jenna out of her seat and hugging her close to his side, he had her running to keep up before she could ask any questions. Teril followed behind, gabbling excited technicalities that Jenna had no possibility of understanding.

  "I will explain our findings over lunch my love. First, we'll get settled at a nice restaurant with good food, so that I can continue to show you what an excellent provider I'll be. Then, I'll show you what we've discovered," said Zabron.

  "I hope you've got plenty of patience because I don't know a darn thing about genetics," she replied in exasperation at the information being thrown at her. Teril was still gabbling away in his techno speak, much to Jenna's confusion, but, paused long enough to give her a grin of reassurance.

  "Don't worry, I'm brilliant at this stuff, you'll be an expert before I've finished with you."

  Thirty minutes later they were tucking hungrily into their lunch in a local restaurant famous for its buffet style eating. Jenna enjoyed selecting all of her favourite foods, hovered over by a vigilant Zabron.

  "I need to see what you like to eat so that I can court you without making mistakes. This morning I provided coffee and it is now obvious that you prefer tea."

  "Don't sweat it Zabron, you don't have to provide me with food. I'm quite capable of feeding myself," Jenna said in exasperation.

  "I know that you can buy your own food; although, I don't understand the sweating part. However, tonight I had scheduled in a romantic dinner as the next stage in our courtship so, I don't want to get it wrong." Jenna choked back a laugh.

  "Oh, I see. You do realise that you're taking this courting business a lot like trying to ace an exam, don't you?"

  "But of course, this is for the rest of my life, I will always be alone if I don't have you," he replied in a resigned voice.

  Jenna immediately felt guilty. Damn, she really ought to put the man out of his misery, she was no longer sure that a courtship was worth his angst. All she really wanted to do was throw herself into his arms and make alien babies. That thought had come as a shock to her. She'd never been interested in having a family before today, but now, all of a sudden, the thought of Zabron's beautiful black haired baby in her arms was all she wanted.

  Maybe the fact that Zabron had found every opportunity to casually touch the nape of her neck with a gentle stroke, or hug her close and whisper in her ear, had a lot to do with it. She was now a bundle of quivering, slavering hormones, determinedly looking for a warm sexy body to invade.

  They finished lunch at about the same time as Zabron and Teril finished their explanation of her gene pool. Jenna was awed by their revelations.

  "You mean you traced my line back to Marie Antoinette?"

  "Well, not exactly Marie Antoinette. But, a close relative," replied Teril as he tried to explain further. "You see, it is very easy to trace back to the royal line as a lock of her hair was kept. The mtDNA haplogroup and sequence were determined so, now it's possible for us to jump back to that time and check for matches."

  Zabron interrupted then to simplify it all for her.

  "All you need to know is that you are a distant relative of hers and that the other genetic line you carry is Teeronite. Once we check the data base on the Pod we'll know which male is your paternal ancestor." Zabron stroked a gentle finger down her cheek. "You see, you were made for me a long, long time ago," he laughed into her startled eyes. Jenna grinned back.

  "Well, all I can say is that you took your sweet time getting here." The two men roared with laughter as they rose to leave, Jenna dragged along in the wake of their good humour. She still had dinner to look forward to before she caved in and admitted her love smitten state.

  Zabron left Jenna at her unit with a lingering kiss that melted every trace of resistance in her. Melding their two bodies close with his strong arms, his lips heating her soft skin as, he nibbled his way down her neck and cheek, before finding her mouth and setting every female hormone she owned to jump up and sing the hallelujah chorus. Jenna was still in a fog of lust when he released her with instructions to be ready by seven. Apparently she still had dinner to look forward to. However, for now, he had to tap into the data base on the Pod. He was determined to track down Jenna's ancestors by the end of the day.

  Jenna's existence now threw up a new problem for Teeron. As Jenna's paternal bloodline proved, there had been earlier mixed marriages. Now, unknown progeny had to be traced. Jenna had developed mind reading abilities, which were a possible mutation of the mixed genes. What other possibilities existed?

  Many months of work were going to be needed to track down all of the offspring of Jenna's Teeron ancestor. Zabron could imagine the turmoil his news was going to bring to the Interplanetary Science Co-Op. An earlier expedition member had fathered an unregistered child, against all Teeron laws.

  Jenna got down to work and spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up the last of her commissions. Before she met Zabron there had only been two book covers to finish and it was now apparent that, she needed to clear her work schedule if she was to travel to Teeron. How long she would be away was an unknown but, if she was part Teeron Jenna wanted to at least visit the planet no matter what happened between Zabron and herself.

  Covers finished and sent off; Jenna then turned her attention to what to wear. Drat the man he'd got her so hot and bothered that she hadn't thought to ask him what to wear. Ah well! The useful 'little black dress,' would have to do.

  Jenna didn't have a lot of choices anyway as, dinner dates weren't a big part of her life so her wardrobe was limited. Knowing what your dinner date was thinking had always been a damn big put off as far as she was concerned.

  Teaming the scooped neck, close fitting, black dress with a heavy Egyptian style necklace in red stones and matching ring, gave the plain dress a bold exotic look. Jenna figured if the dinner venue was casual she could slip the jewellery into her bag and still fit in. Ok, dress sorted, now for a face mask followed by a long relaxing shower. Tonight was a special date so she was going to pull out all the stops.

  Zabron wondered if he was lost in an Earth fairy story as, he caught his first glimpse of Jenna dressed for dinner as she opened the door to his knock. Jenna's exotic appearance turned him speechless.

  "What's wrong Zabron, am I dressed incorrectly for wherever we're going?" Jenna's exasperated voice finally got through to Zabron's hazy mind.

  "You, of course, are perfection my fairy princess, I'm amazed that anyone like you could be my life-mate," he replied with a happy grin. "However I'm not about to question my good luck, I shall just make every effort to convince you that I'm the one for you."

  Instead of replying Jenna stood on her tiptoes and with the help of her high heeled sandals, reached for Zabron's shoulders. Hanging on tight she made a daring move that muddled his mind all over again. She planted a hot, lip-melding kiss on his, oh so firm, enticing lips.

  "Mmmn! Tasty, I could get used to this." Jenna laughed up into his sparkling eyes. The next thing she knew, the ground was falling away from her feet as she was wrapped in, what felt like, the safest place in the world. Zabron scorched her face and neck with his hot breath as he murmured words of love and adoration, before sealing her mouth with a kiss that seemed to last a lifetime. His wonderful hands caressed over her back and up the sides of her body in firm exploration, claiming every inch of h
er skin for his own. Jenna fell into a wonderland made for two. Gradually, Zabron's sense of responsibility poked its nosy way into the moment and forced Zabron to reluctantly release Jenna, steadying her as her feet slipped to the floor.

  "Time to go or we'll be late for our dinner." Muttered a husky voiced Zabron. "I'm determined to woo you properly; I'm not taking any chances on losing you my love."

  "'Kay," replied a barely functioning Jenna.

  Jenna now got her first good look at Zabron in all his courting finery. Dark slacks were topped by an expensive dark leather jacket and blue, polo-necked silk shirt. Dark tan leather loafers completed the ensemble. Damn the man knew how to dress for affect. He'd been handsome before but, now he was darn right devastating.

  Zabron took Jenna's arm and carefully made his way down the stairs. He wasn't sure if his feet were still attached to his body but, he figured Jenna's kisses were worth risking a fall for.

  Jenna was astounded and delighted at Zabron's choice of venue for dinner. Fifteen minutes after leaving the units, they pulled into a car park at Main Beach next to the marina. There, nestled in the water, in all its luxurious beauty, was a gondola straight out of a dream. Jenna had heard of the company that offered this gondola dining experience but, had never expected to experience it.

  Sheep skin covers padded the seats and a gourmet feast was set out on the small, low table with all of Jenna's favourite foods. Rich, soft cushions enhanced their comfort as the Gondolier assisted Jenna and Zabron into their seats and closed the cabin door.

  The soundproof cabin kept the chug of the engine from spoiling the romantic ambience as, soft music filled the room. It also provided much needed privacy from the Gondolier. They were now in a romantic cocoon just for two as they drifted along the canals and waterways of the Gold Coast.

  The next twenty minutes were given over to eating and checking all the cabin had to offer, with the occasional murmured comment about the scenes passing outside and the food.

  Zabron uncorked the champagne with a practised flair before filling two glasses and handing one to Jenna. With a look of intense longing in his gleaming blue eyes he gazed into her face.

  "Drink up my little fairy, because I need all the help I can get right now and having you a little drunk just might assist me."

  Taking a large gulp from his glass, Zabron gathered his courage. Going down on one knee in front of the table was difficult in such a small space, but, he managed it. Taking a small velvet box from his jacket pocket, he opened it and took out the ring he had bought for Jenna earlier in the day.

  "If you don't like the ring then I will change it, but the emerald reminded me of your eyes and the diamonds of your strength." With a look of determination he continued, "Jenna Bradley, I love you and will for the rest of my life. Please do me the honour of becoming bonded to me as soon as possible and being my life-mate forever."

  The large, square cut emerald, surrounded by diamonds was so beautiful that, added to his words, brought Jenna to happy tears. Too late now to hold out for a prolonged courtship; she was definitely this man's life-mate and he needed to know it.

  "Oh! Zabron, it's beautiful, I've never seen a more perfect ring. Of course I'm going to marry you, bond with you, whatever you want to call it. I love you so much that it's been hell holding out all these hours just to get a bit of courting from you." Jenna was laughing and crying all at the same time as, Zabron scooped her up and cuddled her tightly on his knee, rocking the gondola wildly with his exuberance.

  "We will be very happy, my little fairy and I will court you every day for the rest of our lives," laughed a blissful Zabron. "I promise you will never be sorry you accepted me." Jenna rested her head on his chest as she replied.

  "I hope you never regret marrying a weird mind reader from Earth."

  The next hour passed in a romantic haze as far as Jenna was concerned. Hot kisses and caresses interspersed by contented silences mixed, with murmured plans for the future. Jenna didn't think she would ever be sorry that she hadn't held out for a longer wooing. Nothing could top this night and this proposal, no matter how long she waited.

  Chapter 10

  The blue sky and sea was a beautiful backdrop to the scene taking place on the golden sands in front of the beachside units. Zabron and Jenna had just finished exchanging their marriage vows in front of their friends. Cheers were vibrating in the air from the incredibly handsome crowd surrounding them, and the champagne was flowing freely. They would have another ceremony on Teeron with all of Zabron's family in attendance but, this was the official start to their life together.

  The group that had come to Earth for the marriage of Darial and Joe were now all gathered for the wedding of Zabron and Jenna. Daniel and Calli had been unable to attend as their twins were too young to travel as yet, but, all the rest were here. Jenna had met them all several times in the last few weeks and they were now firm friends. She was looking forward to being part of their community back on Teeron.

  They all had beachside homes next door to each other on their home planet. Daniel Grant and Joe Smith, both married to Teeronite women, had started their own construction company on the far away planet. Now, Zabron and Jenna were going to be their first clients when they all returned home in less than a week. Zabron had already bought the block of land next to Joe and Darial's.

  Zabron gazed into Jenna's eyes with a love that would last forever, his vows fresh in his mind.

  "You don't need to read my mind to know that I've never been happier than I am right now little fairy."

  "Of all the people in the world yours is the one mind that I can't read. I'm giving you a 'get out of jail card' to lie to me." Jenna laughed happily as he swung her off her feet and spun her around. "That's my 'Wedding Present' to you."

  Jenna had never been happier than when she realised that she couldn't hear Zabron's thoughts.

  "You all heard her. My wife has given me permission to lie to her."

  The assembled group heard his words and laughing, cheered their approval of the new bride and groom.

  Another successful romance between a Teeronite and Earthling had been born. Their group was growing.

  The End

  More books by Beth Sadler

  Full Length Novel

  Twisted Dreams

  Short, Short Story.


  Teeron Series

  Book 1

  A Man For Calli

  Book 2

  A Man For Halli

  Book 3

  A Man For Darial

  Book 4

  A Man For Jenna

  Visit Beth on Facebook


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