Read A Man For Tasha Page 5

  Chapter 5

  Chill, moist air welcomed Tasha to Prague as she exited the entrance of the main train station at five-thirty in the morning. Light was just beginning to colour the dark sky and the gypsies camped on the grass nearby were stirring, ready to face the day.

  Suddenly hard warm arms engulfed her from behind, sweeping her and her backpack into the air. She immediately knew she was engulfed in Teril’s familiar embrace, his arms felt as familiar as her own. She was home.

  “You’re late, I’ve been worrying. What was the delay?” Tasha snuggled under his chin, breathing in his unique scent before she answered. This was the sort of welcome she could get used to.

  “Don’t know but, at one of the stops there was a lot of crashing and banging so I imagine some carriages were either being added or removed. It took a while.”

  “Come on; let’s get settled into our dorm so that we can enjoy Prague for the short time we’re here.”

  Teril carefully lowered Tasha to the ground then, unable to resist, urgently pulled her back into his arms for a long heated kiss. His lips played over her face, tasting her like a fine wine. Tasha felt his heart pounding into her chest. Time stopped as they indulged their hunger.

  A bus lumbered by a few feet away then, with a loud shoosh of its air brakes it pulled to a stop. The noise intruded into the moment, bringing them to their senses and pulling them apart.

  “This time we’re definitely getting a move on my love,” said Teril.

  Tasha laughed as she stroked her mussed hair away from her face. “Lead on, I’ll follow you.” To the ends of the earth or even Teeron, if that’s what he wants, she thought.

  Later that day Tasha found herself standing on the Charles Bridge, watching Teril being immortalised in a pencil sketch.

  They had been wandering hand in hand over the famous bridge, on their way back into the Old Town from Prague Castle. Watching the different artist at work, they had been intrigued by their efforts to catch the ancient scene on canvas. The Vlatva river flowed on uncaring of their effort, it had witnessed much since time began and would see even more, some artists would be famous but, many would fail. Some of the artists were sitting on their fold- out stools doing quick pencil portraits of any tourist who would part with a small fee.

  Teril had insisted he wanted one of Tasha. It had all nearly come to blows though, when the artist asked Tasha to undo her plait and let her hair blow gently in the breeze. Teril had looked as though the artist had asked her to walk naked across the bridge. His affronted look had had Tasha struggling to hide her laughter, as Teril took off his jacket and held it wide to block the other pedestrians view. If anyone stopped to look he glared so hard they quickly moved on.

  Portrait finished, he stood over her until her glorious mane was once more confined. That was when Tasha completely lost it and laughed so hard she had to sit on the ground. Tears streaming down her face she struggled to compose herself, but one look at Teril’s outraged face and she was off again.

  “It’s only hair Teril, don’t take it so seriously. I wasn’t sitting there naked.”

  “You don’t understand Tasha. On Teeron we only have one colour hair for everyone so, there is no jealousy.” Teril ran worried fingers through his hair. “Now we are bonding with earthlings and there are all these beautiful colours coming into our society. We feel honoured to have such beautiful life-mates and I’m afraid we haven’t learned to share that beauty yet.”

  He gazed beseechingly into her eyes. “Forgive me please” Tasha felt immediately guilty and insensitive.

  “Oh Teril, I’m sorry. I know exactly what you mean because I feel the same way about you. You have no idea how I worried that someone as handsome and special as you could ever be interested in me. Even now I find it hard to believe.”

  Teril stared at her in shock. “Me, handsome? Tasha, I’m one of the ugliest men on Teeron. My nose is crooked, my face too square and my eyes are not a deep enough blue. “He shook his head in disbelief. “I’m well educated and hold some of the highest honours in my field but, I’m not handsome.”

  Tasha lifted her hand and gently stroked the side of his face, before placing a loving kiss there. “To me you are the most handsome man in the world.”

  That was when she convinced him to have his portrait done, this man of hers who outshone anyone in both worlds.

  Their stay in Prague wound up a day later. They had wandered for hours through the streets in awe at the medieval architecture. Street after street filled with beautiful unique buildings, looking like they had only been built yesterday, so well were they preserved. Tasha was an avid traveller and had visited many countries in the world but, never, had she seen a city more beautiful. Even St. Petersburg would be hard pressed to match it for elegance.

  They had managed to fit in a visit to watch the famous Astronomical Clock in the Old Town Square, striking the hour; it had been working since the year fourteen-ten. With its display of the apostles, and other figures appearing and moving around the face on the hour, it had been a perfect end to their visit.

  Teril watched Tasha settle into her seat near the window of the long distance bus to Paris. He had wanted to book the seat next to her and board the bus at the first stop over the border in France but, Tasha had persuaded him to wait until Paris. She was worried that there would be awkward questions asked. So, he would be waiting for her at Bagnolet Terminus in Paris. Soon this part of his mission would be over and he could concentrate on wooing his life-mate as she deserved.