Read A Man For Triena Page 6

  Chapter 5

  It took nearly as long to make their way through the massive pod by lifts and travelators, to get to the command centre, as the whole trip from Amberly Base to here. The pod was an unbelievable size. Men and women smiled at them as they passed, greeting them all happily as if they were one big family. Jethro hoped they were friendly, because Earth had nothing that could go up against this mammoth.

  Finally, a door slid open in front of Jethro and he immediately knew he had found Teril. Arms outstretched, a massive, black haired, handsome man rushed at him and lifted him off his feet in a bear hug. His smile was huge and very obviously genuine.

  “Welcome brother, to our home away from home. Tasha will be relieved that you are safe, as are we all.” He rushed to add. Switching to accented, broken English, Teril included Sam in the welcome. “I congratulate you and Staren. We welcome you to our team, everyone very happy.”

  Teril turned to Triena and questioned her rapidly with an intense look of concentration and excitement. Jethro kept up with most of the conversation but, some of it was highly technical and beyond his grasp of Teeronal. However, he worked out enough to know that Sam was needed for some kind of experiment. Alarm bells went off once more in his head. Damn it! Wasn’t anything straightforward anymore?” He wouldn’t let his friend be treated like a guinea pig by these people, even if they were related. Getting in close to Teril he delivered a warning

  “Hey, Teril, I didn’t follow all of that but, if you think you’re running experiments on Sam you’ll have me to deal with first.” Jethro squared his shoulders, clenching and unclenching his fists, readying for the fight of his life. Triena pushed between the two men reverting to her old job as guardian instantly. She loved Jethro but, Teril’s safety was always going to be her duty. Placing a staying hand on Jethro’s chest she pushed him back. Then, speaking swiftly to him she raced to avert disaster.

  “Please calm down. We only want a DNA swab from Sam’s mouth. His instant recognition of Staren as his life-mate has only been known to happen amongst Teeronites, so, obviously given our mission to trace Teeron descendents on Earth we are excited by this occurrence.” Easing back a little, Triena watched Jethro’s face anxiously for his next move. “There is a good chance that your friend Sam is also one of us.” Triena waited warily for Jethro’s reaction.

  Jethro wondered just how much more he would be able to take in before his brain shut down from overload. Now, not only did he have to accept that he and Tasha were part alien it looked like his best friend might be one too. He started to laugh and couldn’t stop. Doubling over in mirth he grabbed onto Sam’s arm, dragging him close and eyes sparkling into his friend’s confused ones, he spluttered out a warning.

  “You better watch out Sam, it seems there’s a better than even chance that you and I are related. Thank God you and Tasha were never attracted to each other.” Sam just shrugged his shoulders good- naturedly.

  “Sounds good to me, beats being a foster kid. What do we have to do to find out for sure?”

  Teril joined back in the conversation at this point, speaking directly to Sam. “We must a swab of your saliva take, also possibly a little blood. DNA will then confirm in short time and we will know for sure.”

  Teril was struggling with his English so he asked Triena to take charge of Sam and the tests while he had a private talk with Jethro.

  “Please will you come with me to my quarters, I want to ask your advice regarding Tasha’s special wedding gift.”

  Walking to the edge of the room ahead of Jethro, Teril pressed the part of the wall that opened a sliding door and waving Jethro ahead of him, followed him inside. Turning serious eyes on Jethro, he asked him to take a seat as he offered him a drink.

  “Please, sit and rest while I bring you up to date with my bonding to your sister.”

  Teril spent the next twenty minutes entertaining Jethro with his trek across Europe in his sister’s wake and the final proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower. Jethro was impressed by Teril’s ingenuity in arranging the carriage ride and the luxury dinner. He figured he’d better stay on his good side in case he needed a few ideas when his time came to propose. He no longer had any doubts that Triena was going to be in his future.

  Teril finally brought up the favour he needed. “I want to buy Tasha a surprise wedding gift that is special to her.” He turned a serious, no longer casual face towards Jethro.

  “Tasha has told me of her love of horses and the Arabian Stud that you were both raised on until the death of your parents. I want to replicate that home for her on Teeron, if at all possible.”

  Jethro felt his jaw drop in shock. “How in hell do you expect me to shift a whole house to another planet, not to mention at least twenty horses?

  “Please don’t panic—I have a plan. The original plans of the house have been researched by my team and now, with your input, the details and changes can be factored in. A group of very good Earthling builders, who live and work on Teeron, will build an exact copy.”

  Teril turned a face full of satisfaction towards his new brother.

  “I have already purchased the land so building will commence as soon as you give me the design changes that your family made.” Teril smiled eagerly at his own ingenuity, but quickly adding. “However, we must keep it a secret from Tasha until the wedding.”

  Jethro grew thoughtful as he realised that Teril was deadly serious—their old, well loved home was going to be resurrected on another planet. He felt overwhelming happiness fill his soul, strangling his voice with emotion, so that he could only mutter in reply.

  “That sounds great Teril, we haven’t been back to see the old place since it was sold—too painful for us. However, a replica will thrill Tasha.”

  “We will only be able to spend part of the year in the home for the next few years as my work here on Earth is vitally important to both our planet’s well being.” However, other teams will gradually take over and we will eventually be able to settle down in Tasha dream home to raise our children.” Teril looked totally satisfied at that thought.

  “That accounts for the home but, how do you plan to move horses to Teeron?” Jethro was starting to get into this project himself now that the idea had sunk in. “You’ll need to carry tons of feed for them. Horses can’t have their feed changed suddenly or they’re likely to get colic.”

  “I have checked with my superiors and they are inclined to indulge me as I’ve achieved some dramatic results to date with tracing the descendents.

  “The animals will return home with us in this Pod when we leave; a large part of one deck will be cleared just for them and all their needs.” His smile sobered as he continued to outline his plan to give Tasha back the home she had lost. “I would appreciate your buying me five mares that are either in foal to, or can be inseminated with, the bloodlines of your old stallions.”

  Jethro was getting seriously interested now. He wondered what the chances of buying close to Tasha and Teril were.

  “I’ll be happy to help out but, you’ll need to give me a budget before I can promise to acquire that much prime bloodstock. Arabs aren’t cheap you know and we had some of the best.” He sighed sadly. “It broke our hearts to sell up but, Tasha couldn’t run the place by herself and I was already contracted to the army and serving overseas. Bills had to be paid and Tasha had to finish her education.”

  Teril smiled in understanding. “I understand your feelings and the problems you both faced however, with your help, I can and will give you both back a semblance of your old home. I have earned a very good salary for many years so money is not a problem. Also, land is very cheap on Teeron.” Teril grinned happily. “We have a lot of it to spare you see.”

  “Is there any chance that I’d be welcome to buy close to you both? I think a home base is going to be figuring in my near future somehow” Jethro ran his hands through his hair in bewilderment at his thoughts, before continuing. “I might as well tell you straight up that, I’m serious
ly interested in Triena. I don’t know how or why but, I’m pretty sure that she’s the one for me.

  Jethro held his breath as he waited for Teril’s reaction to this bit of news. It wasn’t long in coming as Teril doubled over laughing as he reached over to slap Jethro heartily on his back in obvious pleasure.

  “My last gift to Tasha has come true. She will be deliriously happy when she finds out that her much loved brother is to be our neighbour. We must make plans immediately to buy the land next to ours.” Teril was oblivious to Jethro’s panicked look as he started tapping out commands on a nearby keyboard.

  “Hey! Hold on Teril, I don’t even know if I can afford the land. Sure I’ve been earning $100,000 a year for the last few years and I haven’t spent much of it, but I don’t know if I’ve got enough; added to that I’ve hardly spoken to Triena, never mind checked to see if she’s available and interested in me.”

  Teril waved his worries away with a casual hand. “Triena is not bonded so I’m sure that if your feelings are strong then she must reciprocate them. As to the land, it is only a fraction of what you pay here. Remember I told you that we have a small population and plenty of land, you will be able to afford it.”

  Teril tapped a button on his fancy keyboard and immediately a screen appeared on the wall of the room, he signalled Jethro to look at it, “Watch this and you will be convinced.”

  Jethro watched as a video played, showing a peaceful green landscape, with rolling hills that sloped gently down to a perfect golden, sand beach. White tipped waves gently kissed the sand and then retreated to join the rest of the blue, blue ocean. Jethro saw what looked like two suns blazing in a clear, cloudless sky.

  “That is the valley where we have chosen to live. It is only the next cove over from the rest of our friends of mixed Earth and Teeron marriages. You need never to feel cut off from your Earth heritage living here. Half of this valley is ours and the rest will be yours if I press this key.” Teril held a tantalising finger over the keyboard as he gazed intently into Jethro’s eyes.

  “Just how much money do I need to be your next door neighbour?” Jethro asked, intense desire coating his voice. Teril shocked Jethro by naming an amount that seemed little more than the cost of a car here on Earth. Eyes pinned to the screen as it once again wandered tantalisingly over the lush valley he gave the go ahead. “Buy, damn it. And if I have to live in a tent while I build the house myself, then that’s what I’ll do.”

  Teril pressed the key, whooping with excitement. “Your sister is going to love me all over again for this few minutes of work.” Teril busily copied data to a disk not noticing his future brother-in-law’s worried frown.

  Jethro didn’t know just where all of his careful restraint had vanished to. Five minutes with this man who was a virtual stranger to him and he’d lost all caution. Teril interrupted his musing by dropping his next bombshell.

  “I will contact our builder and let him know that we will need two homes building now. You can decide the details after you are bonded to Triena, I’m sure she will have many ideas. Luckily she and Tasha are good friends so we will all be happy.” Teril rubbed his hands together, happy and eager to get to the next part of his plans.

  “Hey, slow down. I don’t know if I can afford to build a house either.”

  “You can.” Teril tapped a key and Jethro’s whole financial situation appeared on the screen. A program running alongside it listed all the land and building costs.

  “Damn it, how did you get that information?” Jethro was not a happy camper at this evidence of hacking.

  “I’m sorry Jethro but, I had to know if you could afford to live near us if that is your wish. If you couldn’t, I would have changed the costs and paid the difference myself.” Looking deadly serious for the first time Jethro finally got a good look at the man who controlled so much power. He hid his authority well behind a jovial, nerdy facade but, it was there, and he knew how to use it. “My first priority is, and always will be, the happiness of my Tasha. She loves you and you are all that is left of her family, therefore, you are very important to me.”

  Jethro wondered how much more of this emotional roller-coaster he could take; he needed a bit of distance before he started tearing up.

  “Okay, I’ll let you off for now but, stay out of my bank accounts from now on; I would like to pretend that they’re private for a while longer.”

  Jethro switched gears quickly before Teril could justify interfering further.

  “I need some private time with Triena to do some old fashioned courting so, can you assign her to assist me with the horse purchases? You could tell her I need a geneticist to help with checking bloodlines.” Teril looked intrigued at Jethro’s words.

  “It will be no problem to assign Triena to you. However why do you need to court her? You are the Earthling and it is my understanding that as the Teeronite she must woo you. We Teeronites know immediately when we meet our life-mates you know.” Teril seemed supremely puzzled by Jethro’s lack of understanding.

  Jethro decided to make his own mind up about that little misunderstanding. In his experience a man had to chase down a woman until she caught him and he didn’t figure a Teeronite was any different. They were all Adam and Eve’s children after all.

  Jethro stood and squaring his shoulders decided to go in search of Triena to give her the good news about her new assignment and fill Sam in on the situation. Then, he would finally be able to leave and catch up with his much loved sister.

  “I’m going to let Triena know about her helping me, before I leave for Tasha’s unit. Are you taking me or another member of the crew?” Jethro queried Teril.

  “I’ll be taking you but, not for about twenty minutes. I want to make sure that all the details regarding your land purchase and house are taken care of before I dare face Tasha.” He laughed happily. “I’m going to be extremely popular with my love.” He kidded Jethro.

  The two men parted as friends. They had known each other for only a few short minutes but, the bond was now firmly established.

  Jethro’s conversation with Triena had gone smoothly so, he was reasonably content to leave her on the Pod to finish up her present work; he now had time to plan his courtship. She’d seemed pleased to be joining him in his search for the right horses for the new stud farm.

  He smiled reminiscently at how he had left her flustered and aware. With her smiling, happy face gazing up into his, Jethro just hadn’t been able to resist the temptation; he had swooped down, pulling her into his hard arms and taking her lips in a short, fiery kiss that left her startled and blushing. Jethro’s final thought before he joined Teril in the transporter, was that, at least he was clean this time; that had to have made a better impression on her.

  He couldn’t wait until morning when they were to start their search together.

  Jethro and Teril descended from the transporter in a hanger at Coolangatta Airport, its arrival invisible and silent. The hanger had apparently been used successfully for years by the visitors from Teeron; it was in a part of the airport reserved for private aircraft and was only fifteen minutes drive away from Tasha’s apartment.

  Teril’s hire car was parked just outside the hanger ready to transport them into town. Jethro marvelled at how well organised the Teeronites were. Teril had entertained Jethro on the flight in with the story of Tasha’s apartment building and how it had come to be the main base on Earth for the Teeron visitors. Tasha jokingly called it ‘The Alien Love Nest’ as so many of the mixed bondings had happened here.

  Two units were always kept vacant for the science team’s use, the owner having been the first Earthling to bond with a Teeronite in modern times.

  His story was legendary amongst the Teeronites as, after only knowing her for a few days, he had instantly left his apartment complex with a manager and accompanied his love back to Teeron. They were now the proud parents of twins and close neighbours to Tasha and Teril’s new property.

  Teril pulled into a parki
ng bay in front of the beachside apartments. Eager to see Tasha and give her the news that Jethro was to be their neighbour, he exited the car in a rush, intent only on getting inside. Halfway to the front entrance he slowed and looked over his shoulder to check on Jethro’s progress. The other man had walked towards the beach, and was just standing gazing out to sea, taking deep contented breaths of the salt air.

  “Hail Hera,” he was an idiot, he thought. The man had just left a war torn country, had watched his friends maimed and slaughtered and been nearly killed himself, all in the last week. Added to that, the news that he was part alien had to have rocked his world. And he, idiot that he was, just rushed around talking about land, houses and horses. He needed horse whipping himself for his lack of sensitivity.

  Walking slowly back to the beach he stood quietly by Jethro’s shoulder and just waited with him, lending his silent support.

  Finally Jethro broke the silence.

  “It feels good to be back. Just to watch the waves and smell the freedom in the air.” Taking one final, deep breath Jethro turned, smiling wryly. “Let’s go see my sister, you’ve been very patient but, I can feel your mind buzzing with excitement and it’s driving me bonkers.”

  The two, tall, handsome men walked contentedly into the building and Jethro’s true homecoming. His sister was the glue that held them all together.