Read A Man for Halli Page 4

  That was when Halli finally realised just how quiet and smooth the flight was. Moving over to the window that he had pointed to, she spent the next hour admiring Earth from an impossible to beat view.

  Callem spoke, breaking into her musings.

  “Sweetheart will you get a flight suit like mine out of that locker on the wall please. I need you to be insulated in case anything goes wrong. These suits will protect you from heat, cold, fire and water so you’ll be fine,” he smiled reassuringly. “Just take off your shoes and pull the suit over your other clothes.”

  Pulling the suit on Halli was intrigued by how the material moulded exactly to her frame. Wow! She could make a fortune with this material in the boutiques on the Gold Coast; imagine a one size fits all bikini; instant millionaire.

  Callem was speaking a language that sounded a lot like Swedish into a large screen on the wall. She couldn’t understand what was being said but, the situation started to become clear as a picture formed on the screen. Two people wearing suits exactly like the one she was wearing sat around a pile of technical equipment. They didn’t appear to have a tent or any food supplies with them, and the area of ice was only as big as a tennis court, definitely no room to land. Also, a snow storm was battering at them and gaining in intensity.

  About five hundred metres away was what looked like the main body of ice that the floe below had broken away from. Halli assumed the transporter was on the main floe somewhere, she could see people walking around.

  “Callem who is that over on the main body of ice” she asked as she pointed at the screen.”

  “That’s one of our problems” was the grim reply. “Unfortunately, they’re not people, they’re a family of Polar bears and they’re hungry.

  Darial could have swum across in her safety suit but, no way could the suit save her from a bear. On top of that, Zabron injured himself saving the equipment when the ice started to break-up so, he’s temporarily out of action.” He bunched his hand into a fist.

  “I’ve got to get them off of this ice floe and over to their transporter.” He worried. “I can’t land, so I’ll have to hover here and lower a winch for them to try and hook themselves on. It’s going to take all my concentration to keep the ship steady in this storm, I can’t leave the controls.”

  Callem turned an anguished look towards Halli. “Damn it all to hell, I can’t lose them Halli, they’re my responsibility and they don’t have much time left. This storm is closing in fast.”

  While Callem ran to get the hatch open and the winch started Halli calmly checked her suit then followed looking for the harness that was needed. Spotting it she dragged it towards the hatch.

  “Get this on me Callem I’m going down to get your friends and the gear, one thing I’m good at is wearing harness and hanging in the sky” She watched the frightened, stubborn look settle across his face. “You know I’m right, I have every faith that you will keep me safe. Just get me geared up and lower away”

  Callem was terrified but, he knew she was his best chance of saving his crew and damn it to hell, he couldn’t get any lower without blasting his team off the ice with his engines.

  “I love you, so very, very much so be careful down there my darling. I’ll keep this ship as steady as a rock for you.” Taking her face in his hands he took a desperate, heated kiss, from her soft lips, before quickly giving her instructions while he harnessed her up.

  Halli didn’t feel any fear as she was lowered hundreds of feet to the ice floe below, she was still tingling all over from that last kiss, she figured Callem’s kisses worked well as courage boosters. Normally, over the extreme distance that the ship had to hover above the ice, she would be swinging wildly in the wind. However, some sort of tractor beam was keeping her reasonably taught and straight, helping her to keep control over the wire.

  Reaching the ground she quickly attached the hooks to the two crew members. They would go up first and then Halli and the gear could be hauled up last.

  Callem had told her to bring the injured man up first and then the winch was to go back for Darial and the equipment. But, one look at Darial’s face and Halli knew she had to get her up immediately if she was to survive. Darial wouldn’t last until the winch’s return; already she couldn’t move without a great deal of effort and staggered just getting to the winch line.

  All of the equipment had been collected into a wire basket ready to be winched up so, Halli only had to hook it and herself on. Halli felt toasty in her suit—she would wait.

  Visibility was almost zero when Halli saw the wire return. Hail Hera, as Callem would say, they hadn’t got here a minute too soon, another few minutes and there would have been no way of seeing anyone.

  Chapter 13

  Callem lost no time in landing his craft as soon as his life- mate was back on board. He wanted to yell and threaten, demand instant obedience from now on. But, he couldn’t, she had obviously made the right decision and had saved Darial’s life into the bargain. Hera preserve him, she was going to worry him for the rest of his life.

  Darial and Zabron were curious about Halli, however it was soon obvious to them that another Earthling was going to be a life-mate to a Teeron. Darial approached Halli as she was taking of the harness.

  “Thank you for making such a brave decision, I don’t think I could have hooked myself up, never mind the equipment. I’ve never been so cold in my life.” Darial shuddered violently as warmth began returning to her body. “I owe you one Halli, is that how you say it on Earth?” She smiled.

  “Halli laughed back into her beautiful face, weren’t there any ugly Teerons,” she thought. “That’s the right expression but you don’t owe me anything,” she replied, happy to see Darial reviving.

  Zabron couldn’t utter his thanks immediately as he was so engrossed in gazing at her glorious hair. They just didn’t grow hair that colour on Teeron. Halli didn’t realise it, and would be totally shocked when she found out but, she would be considered a raving beauty on Teeron.

  Zabron finally found his voice, “My thanks everlasting, Halli,” he spoke English with difficulty but, was obviously sincere in his thanks. He shook her hand gently.

  Halli smiled back at Zabron as she returned the handshake but, was totally embarrassed by all of the praise and attention. She was relieved when they touched down on the main ice island and were able to get busy recovering the situation. Luckily the Polar Bears were frightened off by the transporter engines so that made things a lot easier.

  Callem checked Zabron’s injuries quickly and efficiently then placed him in a machine that would speed the healing process. He appeared to have a broken leg and multiple cuts and bruises, but hopefully nothing more serious. Halli thought the machine was probably some kind of advanced hyperbaric chamber.

  The decision was made that Darial would fly her team’s transporter back to the Gold Coast and Callem would follow closely as back-up. Callem was shutting down the Arctic research stage. It would be up to the next team from Teeron to continue the work. He was going to recommend a much bigger team and more equipment for the Arctic in future, his team should have been safe where they had been camped; obviously the ice was melting at a faster rate than predicted.

  Their arrival home was accomplished easily and without fanfare. The two transporters docked at the Interplanetary research Pod. Zabron was transferred to a bigger machine and Darial would stay to look after him, continuing their Arctic research work as best she could from the Pod. Halli just stood in stunned amazement, staring at the inside of the Pod.

  “Are you positive this thing can get off the ground?” she asked in wonder.

  “It’s already off the ground” laughed Callem. “It never touches the ground when we’re away from Teeron, we can’t find a landing pad big enough” he joked.

  “Come on” he smiled as he hugged her to his side. “It’s time to get my little heroine home.”

  Halli laughed as they made their way across the huge deck. She turned to shout a hap
py, “see you later,” accompanied by a friendly wave to Zabron and Darial then, snuggled in and walked with him to their transporter.

  “I’m no heroine but, I am tired and ready to call it a day.”

  They arrived home a short time later, where Callem gave Halli a lingering, steamy, if tired kiss goodnight at her door.

  “How about going for a swim with me when I get home from work this afternoon sweetheart?” Callem whispered into her ear, as he hugged her tight one more time before pushing her through her open door.

  “Fine,” she whispered tiredly back. “However, right now my plan is to sleep until lunchtime,” she yawned, “I’m not like you, with Teeron endurance, good night my love.” As she spoke she closed the door in his smiling face and staggered off to bed.

  Callem stretched in blissful happiness, as he moved on to his own unit for a quick shower before going to work. He was her love, Hail Hera.

  Chapter 14

  Ten days later Halli hugged Joe goodbye as she prepared to leave on the trip of all trips.”Bye Joe, we’ll be back as soon as Callem can get away from work,” whispered Halli quietly into his ear. Joe thought that their hasty marriage yesterday, surrounded by their friends and family, was so that Halli could accompany Callem to his next overseas job. All true, just not quite the destination that he thought they were heading for.

  Callem had promised that they would return often to visit her family, and that one day soon they could be told everything.

  Halli was pretty sure that she would be able to persuade Joe to visit them soon, even if she had to get him drunk before they loaded him on board the transporter. Halli wanted him to see that special beach on Teeron and help her build her new home as they’d always planned. With an inward smile she wondered just how he was going to claim the travel expenses on his tax return.

  It was going to be hilarious to see his face, when he discovered that Daniel Smith lived next door and would probably be part of the building team. Halli burst out laughing at the thought. Joe looked at her in surprised curiosity but, Callem just smiled contentedly---he knew what she was thinking. Joe the Joker was in for the shock of his life.

  “Hail Hera,” she borrowed from Callem, “time to get this happy show on the road I think.” Life was definitely surprising and wonderful. She couldn’t wait to get started on living it with her new life-mate on Teeron.

  The End

  Other books by Beth Sadler

  Twisted Dreams


  A Man For Calli

  Book 1 in the Teeron Series

  Visit Beth on Facebook

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