Read A March on London: Being a Story of Wat Tyler's Insurrection Page 4



  That evening Mr. Ormskirk continued the subject of his talk of theafternoon.

  "You looked surprised, Edgar, when I said that I told Sir Ralph I hadmade some preparations for defence, and that some of the compounds inmy laboratory are as dangerous as the common people regard them,although that danger has naught to do with any magical property. Youmust know that many substances, while wholly innocent in themselves,are capable of dealing wide destruction when they are mixed together;for example, saltpetre, charcoal, and sulphur, which, as Friar Bacondiscovered, make, when mixed together, a powder whose explosive poweris well-nigh beyond belief, and which is now coming into use as adestructive agent in war. Many other compounds can be produced ofexplosive nature, some indeed of such powerful and sudden action thatwe dare not even make experiments with them.

  "Many other strange things have been discovered, some of which may seemuseless at present, but may, upon further experiments on theirproperties, turn out of value to man. Such a substance I discovered twoyears ago. I was experimenting upon bones, and endeavouring toascertain whether a powder might not be procured which, when mixed withother substances, would produce unexpected results. After calcining thebones, I treated the white ash with various acids and alkaloids, andwith fire and water, returning again and again to the trials when I hadtime. While conducting these experiments, I found that there wascertainly some substance present with whose nature I was altogetherunacquainted.

  "One evening, going into the laboratory after dark, I observed withastonishment what looked like a lambent flame upon the table. In myalarm I ran forward to put it out, but found that there was no heat init; lighting my lamp I could no longer see it, but on the table I founda few grains of the stuff I had been experimenting on. Turning out thelamp the light was again visible, and after much thought I concludedthat it was similar to the light given by the little creatures calledglowworms, and which in its turn somewhat resembles the light that canbe seen at times in a pile of decaying fish. I tried many experiments,but as nothing came of them I gave them up, not seeing that any usecould come of a fire that gave out no heat. I produced a powder,however, that when rubbed on any substance, became luminous in thedark, presenting an appearance strange and sufficiently alarming to theignorant.

  "Thinking the matter over some time ago, I took a little of this powderfrom the phial in which I had stored it away, and, moistening it,rubbed it on the wall in the form of circles, triangles, and othersigns. I did this just before it became dark. As the moisture dried,these figures gradually assumed a luminous appearance. I saw the use towhich this could be put in awing a mob, and, setting to work, made alarge supply of this powder."

  "How long does it retain its light, father?"

  "That is uncertain. For some hours in a darkened room, the lightgradually growing fainter, but if a bright day follows, the figuresstand out on the following night as brightly as before; while if theday is dull they show up but faintly at night. I see not that any usecan come of such a thing, for the light is at all times too faint to beused for reading unless the page is held quite close to it. Comedownstairs with me and I will show you the head of one of the old Romanstatues that was dug up near Rochester, and which I bought for a fewpence last year."

  They went down into the laboratory. The light was burning. "There yousee, Edgar, I have painted this head with the stuff, and now you cansee nothing more unusual than if it had been daubed with whitewash. NowI will extinguish the lamp."

  Prepared as he was, Edgar nevertheless stepped back with an exclamationof surprise and almost awe. The head stood out in the darkness withstartling distinctness. It had the effect of being bathed in moonlight,although much more brilliant than even the light of the full moon. Itseemed to him, indeed, almost as if a faint wavering light playedaround it, giving the stern face of the old Roman a sardonic and evilexpression.

  "You can touch it, Edgar, but you will see that there is not theslightest warmth."

  "It is wonderful, father."

  "Yes, it is a strange thing; but is, so far as I can see, of no usesave as a wonder, and it is just one of those wonders that to mostpeople would seem to be magical. I showed it a short time ago to theprior, having explained to him beforehand how I had discovered it. Heis above the superstitions of folks in general, and knowing that Icould have no motive in deceiving him, was much interested; but he saidto me, 'This is one of the things that were best concealed. I can quiteunderstand that there are many things in nature of which we areignorant. I know that what you say of decayed fish sometimes giving outlight like this is perfectly true, and everyone knows that theglowworms, when the weather is damp, light up the banks and fields,although no heat can be felt. Doubtless in your researches on bones youhave discovered some substance akin to that which causes the light inthose cases, but you would never persuade the vulgar of this.

  "'Nay, there are even churchmen and prelates who would view it asmagic. Therefore, my friend, seeing that, as you say, the powder is notlikely to be of any use to man, I should say that it were best that youdestroy it, for if whispers of it got abroad you might well be accusedof dealing in magic. All knowledge of things beyond them is magic tothe ignorant. Roger Bacon was treated as a magician, and I doubt notthat this will ever be the case with all those who are more learnedthan their fellow-men. Therefore my advice to you is, burn the stuffand say naught about it.'

  "I did not take his advice, Edgar, for it seemed to me that it mightwell be used to awe any unruly mob that might come hither at night toattack me. I have made an experiment that, though I believe not in thesupernatural, would have frightened me had I seen it without knowinganything of its nature. You know that old skull that was dug up out ofthe garden last month, I have hung the lower jaw on wires so that itcan be moved, and have to-day painted it, and now I will blow out thelight again, and then take it from the cupboard."

  A moment later the room was in darkness, and then an exclamation ofsurprise and almost terror rose from Edgar. In front of him there was agibbering skull, the lower jaw wagging up and down, as if engaging innoiseless laughter, It was much more brilliant than the stone head hadbeen, and a lambent flame played round it.

  "What think ye of that, Edgar?"

  "It is ghastly, sir, horrible!"

  "It is not a pleasant object," his father said, quietly, as he struckthe tinder and again lighted the lamp. "I fancy, Edgar, that if a mobof people were to break down the door and find themselves confronted bythat object they would fly in terror."

  "Assuredly they would, father; they would not stop running this side ofDartford. Even though I expected it, the sight sent a shiver throughme, and my teeth well-nigh chattered. But this would only avail in caseof a night attack."

  "It would avail something even in daylight, Edgar. These downstairsrooms have but little light, and that little I intend to block up bynailing boards inside, and by hanging sacks over them outside. Then ifI place the skull in the passage, those who sought me in my laboratorywould be brought to a standstill. But there are other means. I haveburied jars filled with Friar Bacon's powder round the house, withtrains by which they can be fired. At present the common people knowlittle of guns, and methinks that the explosion of two or three ofthese jars would send them about their business, I have other deviceswhich it is not necessary to enter upon, but which would be effective,therefore you need have little fear that any mob will gain entrancehere, and you may be sure that after a repulse they would be very loathto touch the place again."

  "Yes, father, but they might bring accusation against you ofwitchcraft."

  "I admit that there is that danger, but the prior here has long takenan interest in my investigations, and can testify for me that these arebut scientific products, and have naught to do with magic. Besides, ifthere is a rising of the common people, the king and nobles will be inno mood to listen to complaints against those who have thwarted theattacks of the rioters."

  "No doubt that would be so,
father; still, for myself, I would rathercharge them, sword in hand, with a band of stout fellows behind me."

  "But we have not got the stout fellows, Edgar; and for myself, even ifwe had them, I would prefer to set these poor knaves running withoutdoing harm to them rather than to slay and maim, for their attack wouldbe made in their ignorance, and in their hatred of those above them.They have been goaded by oppression into taking up arms, and the faultrests upon others rather than upon the poor people."

  The next morning, however, Edgar went round to the tenants, of whomthere were fifteen. They had heard of the affair at Dartford, whichwas, of course, in everyone's mouth, and their sympathies were whollywith the rioters.

  "I think as you do," Edgar said to one of them. "The exactions of thetax-gatherers are indeed beyond all bearing, and if the people do butrise to demand fair treatment and their just rights as men, I shouldwish them success; but I fear that evil counsels will carry them farbeyond this, and that they may attack the houses and castles of thegentry, although these may be in no way the authors of their troubles.I am sure that my father has oppressed no one."

  "That he has not, Master Edgar. He is as good a lord as one coulddesire. He exacts no dues beyond his rights; and indeed if there betrouble or sickness he presses no one beyond his means. We have notbeen called upon for service for many years, and if the Dartford menshould come hither to attack him they will find that they have toreckon with us."

  "That is what I have come for," Edgar said. "Should you hear of anyintention to attack the well-to-do, I would have you hold yourselves inreadiness to gather at the house, and to aid in its defence. My fatherhas means of his own for discomfiting any that may come against him;but as these may fail, it would be well that there should be a body ofmen ready to repel an attack."

  "You can rely upon us, master, but I say not that you can do so on ourmen. These are serfs, and their sympathies will be all with therioters. I do not think they would fight against us, but I fear theywould not venture their lives against those of their own class."

  "That is more than could be expected; but if you yourselves come, itwill, I think, be sufficient. I have no fear that these men will in thefirst place interfere with the gentry. Their first impulse will be toobtain redress for their wrongs; but they have bad advisers, and manywill join them for the sake of plunder. When this once begins otherswill take part with them in the matter, and there is no saying what maycome of it."

  "Well, you can depend upon us, at any rate, master. You will have butto ring the bell and all within hearing will run, arms in hand, todefend the house, and we shall, I hope, have time enough to gatherthere before the mob arrives."

  "I doubt not that you will. I shall engage a trusty man to go down tothe town and watch what is going on, and we are sure to have notice ofany such movement. But as I have said, I think not that there is anychance of their beginning in such a way; it will be only after theyhave encountered the troops, and blood has been shed."

  Having gone the round of the tenants, Edgar rode down to Dartford. Onthe way he passed many men going in the same direction. Almost all ofthem were armed with staves, pikes, axes, or bows, and he saw that thecountry people had only been waiting for some act that would serve as asignal for revolt, in order to gather as their fellows in Essex hadalready begun to do. He found the streets of the town crowded withpeople; some were excited and noisy, but the mass had a serious anddetermined air that showed they were resolved upon going through withthe work that had been begun. In many places groups of men wereassembled in open spaces, listening to the talk of others standing ontables or barrels that had been brought for the purpose.

  Their speeches were all to the same point, and Edgar saw that they werethe result of a previous agreement.

  "Men of Kent!" one exclaimed, "the day has come when you have to provethat you are men, and not mere beasts of burden, to be trodden underfoot. You all know how we are oppressed, how illegal exactions aredemanded of us, and how, as soon as one is paid, some fresh tax isheaped on us. What are we? Men without a voice, men whom the governmentregard as merely beings from whom money is to be wrung. Nor is thisall. 'Tis not enough that we must starve in order that our oppressorsmay roll in wealth, may scatter it lavishly as they choose, and indulgein every luxury and in every pleasure. No. The hounds sent among us towring the last penny from us now take to insulting our wives anddaughters, and at last our patience is at an end.

  "We have news this morning from all the country round that the peopleare with us, and before long tens of thousands of the men of Kent willbe in arms. Our course is resolved upon. We and the men of Essex willmarch on London, and woe be to those who try to bar our way. All shallbe done orderly and with discretion. We war only against thegovernment, and to obtain our rights. Already our demands have beendrawn up, and unless these are granted we will not be content. Theseare what we ask: _first_, the total abolition of slavery for ourselvesand our children for ever; _second_, the reduction of the rent of goodland to 4_d_. the acre; _third_, the full liberty of buying and sellinglike other men in fairs and markets; _fourth_, a general pardon for allpast offences."

  The recital of these demands was received with a shout of approval.

  "This and nothing less will we be content with," he went on. "There aresome of the king's advisers who had best not fall into our hands, forif they do their lives will pay the penalty for their evil deeds. Butupon one thing we are determined: there shall be no plundering. Ourcause is a just one, and for that we are ready to fight. But should anyjoin us with the intention of turning this movement to their privateadvantage, and of plunder and robbery, we warn them that such will notbe permitted, and any man caught plundering will at once be hung. Theymay call us rioters; they may try and persuade the king that we aredisloyal subjects, though this is not the case. One thing they shallnot say of us, that we are a band of robbers and thieves. By to-nightwe shall be joined by all true men of the neighbourhood, and will thenmarch to Gravesend, where our fellows have already risen and are inarms; thence we go to Rochester and deliver those of our brethren whohave been thrown into prison because they could not pay the unjusttaxes. That done, we will go straight to London and demand from theking himself a charter granting the four points we demand. Wat theTyler has been chosen our leader. He has struck the first blow, and asa man of courage and energy there is no fear of his betraying us,seeing that he has already put his head into a noose. Now shout for thecharter, for the king, and for the commons of England."

  Such was the tenor of all the speeches, and they were everywherereceived with loud cheers. As Edgar rode down the main street on hisway home he heard shouting, and a brawny, powerful man came along,surrounded by a mob of cheering men. He looked at Edgar steadily, andstepped in front of his horse.

  "You are the son of the man at St. Alwyth," he said. "I have seen youin the streets before. What think you of what we are doing? I haveheard of you attending meetings there."

  "I think that you have been cruelly wronged," Edgar answered, quietly,"and that the four points that you demand are just and right. I wishyou good fortune in obtaining them, and I trust that it will be donepeacefully and without opposition."

  "Whether peacefully or not, we are determined that they shall beobtained. If it be needful, we will burn down London and kill every manof rank who falls into our hands, and force our way into the king'spresence. We will have justice!"

  "If you do so you will be wrong," Edgar said, calmly; "and moreover,instead of benefiting your cause you will damage it. Your demands arejust, and it will be to the interest of no man to gainsay them. Eventhe nobles must see that the land will gain strength were all men freeand ready to bear arms in its defence; and save for the article aboutthe price of land, as to which I am in no way a judge, I see not thatany man will be a penny the poorer; but if, on the other hand, suchdeeds as those you speak of were committed, you would set the noblesthroughout the land against you, you would defeat your own goodobjects, and would in the end bring destructio
n upon yourselves; sothat instead of bettering your position you would be worse than before."

  "And do you doubt," the man exclaimed, with a scowling brow, "that thecommons of England could, if they wished, sweep away these accursednobles and their followers?"

  "Were the commons of England united, well armed, and disciplined, theycould doubtless do so," Edgar replied, quietly. "I know not whether youare united, but certainly you are neither armed nor disciplined. We sawhow little an undisciplined mass, even if well armed, can do againsttrained troops, when a few thousands of English soldiers defeated nightwenty times their number at Poictiers. And I say that against a forceof steel-clad knights and men-at-arms any number of men, however brave,if armed as these are, could make no stand. It would not be abattle--it would be a slaughter; therefore, while wishing you well, andadmitting the full justice of your demands, I would say that it werebest for your own sakes, and for the sakes of those who love you, thatyou should conduct yourselves peaceably, so as to show all men that noharm can arise from granting you the charter you ask for, and in givingyou all the rights and privileges of free men."

  There was a murmur of approval from many of those standing round. TheTyler, who had made a step forward, looked back angrily and would havespoken, but the man next to him whispered something in his ear. Withoutsaying more he walked on, while Edgar touched his horse with his heeland proceeded on his way.

  Although his father no doubt heard him ride up to the house, he did notascend from his laboratory until his usual time, for although, sincethe prior had called his attention to his son's condition, he had, whennot at work, done all in his power to make the boy happy, and had evengiven up two hours every evening to him, at all other times he wasabsorbed in his work to the exclusion of aught else.

  "You have been down into the town?" he asked Edgar, as they seatedthemselves at the table.

  "Yes, father; and whatever may happen afterwards, there is no fear ofany trouble at present. The speeches of almost all the men were quietand reasonable. They urged that serfdom should be abolished, free rightof markets given, the price of good land to be not over four pennies anacre, that all past offences should be pardoned; beyond this they didnot go. Indeed, they declared that everything must be done peacefullyand in order, and that any man caught plundering should be hungforthwith. By the applause that followed, these are evidently thesentiments of the great mass of the peasants, but I fear there are someof them--Wat the Tyler at their head--who will go much farther. Atpresent, however, they will disguise their real sentiments, but itseems to me the march on London that they threaten will be far frompeaceable. In the first place, they are going to Gravesend, and,joining those gathered there, will then march to Rochester, free allthose who have been thrown in prison for non-payment of the tax, andthen march on London."

  "It must end in disaster, Edgar; for if they obtain what they desirefrom the king--which they may do, seeing that his uncles are all away,and it will be difficult to raise any force of a sudden that wouldsuffice to defeat them--what will they gain by it? Doubtless, as soonas Gloucester and Lancaster arrive in London, the charter will beannulled, and possibly the leaders of the malcontents punished fortheir share in the matter. Still, I say not that even so, the movementwill not have done good. The nobles have enough on their hands withtheir own quarrels and jealousies, and seeing that the continuance ofserfdom is likely to give rise to troubles that may be more seriousthan this hasty and ill-considered movement, they may be content togrant whatever is asked, in order to make an end to troubles of thiskind. The English are not like the peasants of other countries--so far,at least, as I have seen them. The feeling of independence is verystrong among them, and there is none of the obsequious deference thatthe serfs in Italy and France pay to their masters."

  The next morning Albert De Courcy rode into St. Alwyth.

  "Why, Albert," Edgar said, as he went out to the door, on seeing himapproach, "have you got a holiday to-day?"

  "I have a holiday for some time, Edgar. I have received a message frommy father saying that he deems it well that I should at once escort mymother and Aline to London, for he has heard of this trouble atDartford, and as the king has asked him to remain at Court at present,he would fain have mother, Aline, and me with him. Old Hubert is totake command of the castle, and to bid the tenantry be ready to come infor its defence should trouble threaten. But this is not all; he hasspoken to the king of you, praising both your swordsmanship and thebenefit that I have derived from your teaching, and Richard desired himto send for you and to present you to him."

  "It is kind indeed of Sir Ralph," Edgar exclaimed, warmly, "and I willassuredly take advantage of his goodness, although undeserved. This isindeed a splendid opportunity for me. When do you start?"

  "We shall leave at ten. I heard as I came along that the peasantsmarched at daybreak this morning to Gravesend, therefore there is nofear of our crossing their path."

  "I must run down and speak to my father. It is no small thing that hewill allow to disturb him at his work, but methinks that he will notmind upon such an occasion."

  In five minutes Mr. Ormskirk came up into the hall with Edgar.

  "My son has told me, Master De Courcy, of the great kindness that yourfather has done to him. I would, indeed, say no word to hinder hisgoing with you. 'Tis an opportunity the like of which may never occurto him again. It is only on account of the troubles with the peasantsthat he dislikes to go away at this moment, but I deem not that anytrouble will come of it here; and I can myself, as he knows, cope withthem should they attempt aught against this house, therefore I bade himnot to let that matter enter his mind, but to prepare himself at onceto ride with you up to town, so that you can rely upon his being at thecastle at the hour appointed."

  "Then, with your permission, I will ride off at once, Mr. Ormskirk, forI also have preparations to make, having started at once on the arrivalof my father's messenger."

  As soon as he had gone, Mr. Ormskirk went up to his chamber andreturned in a minute or two. "Here, Edgar, is a purse with money foryour needs. The first thing you must do when you reach London is toprocure suitable garments for your presentation to the king. Yourclothes are well enough for a country gentleman, but are in no way fitfor Court. I need not say to you, do not choose over-gay colours, for Iknow that your tastes do not lie in that direction. I don't wish you tobecome a courtier, Edgar; for, though it is an excellent thing to beintroduced at Court and to be known to high personages there, that isan altogether different thing from being a hanger-on of the Court.Those who do naught but bask in a king's favour are seldom men of realmerit. They have to play their part and curry favour. They are lookeddown upon by the really great; while, should they attain a marked placein the king's favour they are regarded with jealousy and enmity, andsooner or later are sure to fall.

  "You cannot but remember the fate that befell the queen's favouriteswhen Edward threw off his tutelage and took the reins of power into hisown hands. Such is ever the fate of favourites; neither nobles nor thecommonalty love upstarts, and more than one will, I foresee, erelongdraw upon themselves the enmity of the king's uncles and other noblesfor the influence they have gained over the mind of the young king. Ishould wish you, then, to make as many acquaintances as you can, fornone can say who may be of use to you at one time or another; but keepyourself aloof from all close intimacies. It may be that, in afteryears, you may find it well-nigh impossible to keep aloof from allparties in the state, but do so as long as you are able, until you candiscern clearly who are true patriots and who are actuated only bytheir own selfish ambition, bearing in mind always that you are asimple gentleman, desirous when an English army enters the fieldagainst a foreign foe, to play your part manfully and with honour, andto gain your reputation as a soldier and not as a frequenter of Courts."

  "I will bear your instructions in mind, father, and indeed they accordwith what you before said to me, and which I determined to make a guideto my conduct."

  "Now you had better s
ee to the packing of your valise. It will not benecessary for you to take many things, as you can equip yourself inLondon."

  An hour later, Edgar, after bidding farewell to his father, mounted hishorse. "I shall look to see you back again in two or three weeks at thelongest," Mr. Ormskirk said; "it is better to come home, even if you goagain shortly, though it may be that you will have no occasion foranother visit to town for some time to come. If Sir Ralph would keepyou longer it were best to make some excuse to return. I know thatthere are many at Court but little older than yourself, for the king,being as yet scarcely fifteen, naturally likes to surround himself withthose who are not greatly older, and who have the same love forpleasure and gaiety, but such associates will do you no good, though Isay not that a little of it might not be of advantage, seeing that youare somewhat more grave than is natural at your age, owing to the lifethat you have led here with me. Young De Courcy--although I havegreatly encouraged your companionship with him, for he is a verypleasant and agreeable young gentleman--is too gentle, and lacking inhigh spirits, which has increased, rather than diminished, yourtendency to silence, and a little companionship with more ardour wouldnot be amiss. You must remember that a cheerful spirit that enables aman to support hardship and fatigue lightly, and to animate hissoldiers by his example, is one of the most important characteristicsof a leader of men."

  Edgar arrived at the castle of the De Courcys a few minutes before ten.Some horses were already standing at the door. He did not go in,deeming that he might be in the way, but sent in word to Lady De Courcythat he was there and at her service. In a few minutes she came out,accompanied by her son and Aline.

  "I am glad to have so good an escort, Master Ormskirk," she said,smiling; "for after what Sir Ralph told me I feel that I can safelyentrust myself to your care."

  "I will assuredly do my best, lady," he said, "but I trust that therewill be no occasion to draw a sword. I deem that most of those who makethe roads unsafe will have gone off to join the Tyler and his band,thinking that opportunities for plunder are sure to present themselves;but, at any rate, as you take, I see, two men-at-arms with you, it isunlikely that anyone will venture to molest us."

  He assisted Lady De Courcy and her daughter to their saddles, and theparty soon rode off, followed by the two men-at-arms.

  "Do you purpose to make the journey in a single day?" Edgar asked.

  "Assuredly. Aline and I are both accustomed to ride on horseback, andthe journey is not too far to be done before the evening falls,especially as it will be for one day's journey only; the roads aregood, the day fine, and there will be no occasion to ride at speed.Why, it is but some seventeen or eighteen miles, and you must think butpoorly of our horsemanship if you think we cannot traverse such adistance."

  So they travelled on, the horses sometimes going at an amble, sometimesdropping into a walk. As they proceeded they met several little partiesof men hurrying along, armed with pikes, clubs, or farming implements.These passed without speaking, and seemed to be much more fearful thatthey might be interfered with than desirous of interfering with others.

  "They are miserable-looking varlets," Dame De Courcy said,disdainfully. "Our two men-at-arms would be a match for a score ofthem."

  "I doubt not that they would," Albert agreed, "though methinks that ablow with one of those flails would make a head ring even under a steelcasque."

  "I doubt whether they would think of anything but running away,Albert," Edgar said. "I am sorry for the poor fellows; they have greatgrievances, but I fear they are not setting about the righting of themthe best way. I hope that no great ill may befall them."

  "But surely these people have not your sympathy, Master Ormskirk?" LadyDe Courcy said, in some surprise.

  "I have seen enough of them to be sorry for them," Edgar said. "Theirlife is of the hardest. They live mostly on black bread, and arethankful enough when they can get enough of it. To heavily tax men suchas these is to drive them to despair, and that without producing thegain expected, for it is in most cases simply impossible for them topay the taxes demanded. It seems to me that a poll-tax is, of allothers, the worst, since it takes into no account the differences ofstation and wealth--to the rich the impost is trifling, to the poor itis crushing. It seems to me too that it is not only wrong, but stupid,to maintain serfdom. The men and their families must be fed, and asmall money payment would not add greatly to the cost of theirservices, and indeed would be gained in the additional value of theirlabour.

  "When men are kept as serfs, they work as serfs--I mean to say theywork unwillingly and slowly, while, had they the sense of being free,and of having the same rights as others, they would labour morecheerfully. Moreover, it would double the strength of the force thatthe king and his nobles could place in the field. I am not speakingupon my own judgment, but from what I have learned from my father."

  They had no sudden attack to fear from lurking foes, for an act ofEdward the First was still in force, by which every highway leadingfrom one market-town to another was always to be kept clear, for twohundred feet on each side, of every ditch, tree, or bush in which a manmight lurk to do harm; while, as any ill that happened to travellerswas made payable by the township in which it occurred, there was astrong personal interest on the part of the inhabitants to suppressplundering bands in their neighbourhood. Both Edgar and Albert rode inpartial armour, with steel caps and breast-pieces, it being anordinance that all of gentle blood when travelling should do so, andthey carried swords by their sides, and light axes at their saddle-bows.

  It was but a little past three o'clock when they crossed London Bridgeand then made for the Tower, near which Sir Ralph was lodged.