Read A Matter of Trust Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Callie called her at nine the next morning and woke Trish up. “Hey, Trish, how are you feeling this morning?”

  Trish tried to sit up but quickly fell back down on her pillow. “Oh, my head. How could you let me overdo it so much last night? What kind of friend are you, anyway?”

  “The kind that endorses misery loving company. I don’t feel any better than you do. I just got off the phone with Evita, and she’s in just as bad a state as we are. The next time we have a girls’ night out, we better stick to the movies or something equally tame. How many drinks do you think we had last night?”

  “Who the hell knows? I don’t remember paying the tab, do you? I hope we didn’t skip.”

  “No, Jake picked it up. Speaking of my brother, you certainly were aggravated at all the women hanging around him last night. What gives?”


  “Trish, are you there?”

  “Yeah, I’m here. And they weren’t hanging around him, as I recall, they were hanging on him. He didn’t seem particularly interested, so I helped him out and took him out of circulation, that’s all.”

  “Uh huh. So, what happened when he took you and Eva home last night?”

  “Nothing. Josh carried Eva inside, and Jake … saw me inside. Since I’m waking up in bed, I’m assuming he helped me get here.”

  “Are you naked?”

  “Callie! I can’t believe you asked me that. Of course …” – she took a quick look down – “… I’m not naked. I’m not even in my jammies. Jake is a true gentleman. And besides, we’re just friends.” Boy is my friend a good kisser, too. Oh shit – did I ask him to spend the night with me? Did I dream that? Surely, I dreamt it. Please, God, let me have dreamt it.

  “Uh huh. I must say, you’re very territorial over your friend, Jake. Eva and I both noticed a little spark of interest there, and it did not lean toward the platonic side, either. But, hey, that’s okay. If that’s your story, and you’re sticking to it, that’s fine. But I expect full disclosure if and when that status changes.”

  “It’s not going to change, Callie. My plate is full with raising babies and running a business. I don’t have the time or the inclination to start a relationship right now, and I’m sure I won’t for at least another twenty years. By then, I’ll be too old, and that’s fine with me.”

  “What about sex? Don’t you miss it?”

  “Sometimes, but I have my battery operated boyfriend for those times, and he’s nothing if not trustworthy. And if he ever fails me, I’ll toss him out and get another one. That’s more than I can say for a lot of men.”

  “You think Jake’s not trustworthy?”

  “I didn’t say that, Callie. Of course he’s trustworthy. He’s a great guy, but I’m just not interested in starting a relationship.”

  “You know, Trish, you kind of remind me of Eva. She didn’t want to trust another man either, and she never thought she would. But Dubeck men are a cut above the average male. I’m not just saying that because they’re my brothers, but Josh and Jake are true blue. They know how to treat a lady, and they stick.”

  “It’s different when you have kids, Callie. They’ve already lost their dad. I can’t be bringing men home and having them get attached, then moving on to the next guy and repeating the cycle. My kids need more stability than that. God knows they’ve had very little since Pete died. I have to be careful for their sake.”

  “I can understand that, girlfriend. You be careful all you want. When push comes to shove, though, I don’t think it’s the kids that make you hold back. I think it’s you. More specifically, I think it’s something hurtful in your past. I’m not being nosy, but if you ever want to talk about it, I’m here, and Eva is, too. You know we have some pretty shaky skeletons in our closets when it comes to past relationships.”

  “I appreciate that, Callie, I really do. Maybe someday I’ll take you up on it.”

  “You do that. Anyway, I called to invite you to one of our famous barbecues. Where else besides El Paso, Texas could you have a barbecue in October? Granddad called and asked me to tell everybody.”

  “Hmmm. I’m not sure. I kinda sorta have plans tonight.”

  “Uh huh. Do these plans have anything to do with my big brother and your dear friend, Jake, by any chance?”

  “Now, Callie, don’t read more into this than there is. Jake brought me lunch a couple of times last week in exchange for dinner. That’s all. He came by on Friday, and he’s coming by tonight. Then we’ll be even. There’s nothing more to it than that.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Now see, you’re making more of this than there is. When you call Jake, ask him what he’d prefer, dinner here or over at your Granddad’s. Whatever he wants to do is fine with me.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that. And I’ll have him call you to tell you what he wants to do. How’s that?”

  “That’s just fine. I’ll probably see you later. Right now, I’m going to jump in the shower and take a couple of Advil, not necessarily in that order.”

  “I’m going to finish making these calls and then have morning sex with Cade.”

  “That’s just so hateful of you to tell me that.”

  “Hey, next time you’re asked, say yes. Nobody’s there to witness or chaperone.”

  “Goodbye, Callie.”