Read A Modern Love Page 10

  Chapter 7

  Following several days of the same old same old, up early, run, off to work, home, sleep and repeat; David was feeling the tinge of boredom creeping up on him. A nice evening out on the town might just be the thing to recharge his batteries. A tasty meal and maybe a movie sounded pretty good.

  After much thought, David decided on just a leisurely dinner, possibly Italian. Along with his planning he realized it would be a much more joyful event with some company. He jokingly wondered to himself, maybe I should invite Frank; then thought better of it. He considered Miss Donna, but then realized a dinner invitation might come off a little odd. Amy, yes Amy she would be a better choice. Sure, it will come off as a date invitation but that's OK. After all, I'm attracted to her and she's the only one I know around here that's about my age, David thought.

  So in a rare unplanned moment David simply walked out his front door and towards Amy's. David believed planning this out would just make him nervous so why not just wing it. As David approached Amy's door the butterflies jumped up and down, then round and round, in his stomach. He could feel the dryness in his throat and the small bead of perspiration on his brow. He wiped the sweat and took a deep breath, then knocked firmly.

  Amy answered the door in bare feet, short shorts and a tight tank top. Leaving little to the imagination David immediately tried not to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra. "Well hi David," said Amy in her normal flirtatious manner of inflection on the name. "You come by to borrow some sugar; or just to get some?"

  David wasn't as surprised at her question as Amy had hoped. David did know her a bit after their meeting at the pool and probably would have been more surprised if she didn't ask a provocative/flirty question.

  "Well I was thinking just now," David chose to get right to the point. "I'll bet you know some good places to eat in Owensboro."

  "Oh yes, we have many five star restaurants in the metropolis of Owensboro," said Amy while rolling her eyes. "Yah, there's a couple of places I like.

  "Do you like Italian," asked David with a hopeful tone to his voice?

  "Why Mr. Kerr are you asking me out on a date?

  "Well yes, um yes ? yes I am," stammered David while finding himself looking at the ground and toeing at a little pebble like a school boy. Amy found this cute and David was a little angry at himself for not being manlier about the situation.

  "Well I'll tell you what," said Amy while stretching her arm up high on the door sill and leaning against it, crossing one leg over the other at the ankle and twisting her hair a little with her free hand. "If you come by Saturday at, oh say seven o'clock, I'll show you the best steakhouse in town."

  "That sounds just fine," David said with just a hint of a southern accent.

  "Ok then, David; it's a date then," said Amy while slowly beginning to close the door. Amy knew this was not a subtle signal to shove off for now but didn't really care. David got the point and simply turned on his right heel and made his way back toward his front door.

  Well so much for Italian food, David thought to himself. Amy sure does like to be in control. David thinks that's not that big of a deal, as he's more laid back and just goes with the flow at times. A girl that knows what she wants isn't all bad, he thought. David was doing a fine job of making some fairly obvious poor behavior into positive character traits for Amy. Oh, to be young again and to be able to get away with that.