Read A Modern Love Page 16


  As David descended the stairs to the laundry room he felt that same old unpleasant sensation of boredom he always gets on laundry day. However, on this day the negative feelings were quickly pushed aside when he found Miss Donna there offering a big smile.

  "Hi David, how are you," welcomed Miss Donna?

  "Well I'm just fine Miss Donna, and you," David replied while slowly making his way across the room?

  "I'm glad we bumped into each other again, I've been wanting to ask you something," said Miss Donna with a tone of true interest and curiosity.

  "What's that," replied David as he began his first load of laundry?

  "Well I get up pretty early in the mornings for coffee with Cosmo and Dash; Cosmo's my kitty and Dash's my puppy dog," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "Anyways, I couldn't help but notice that you run most mornings".

  "Sure do," replied David, intrigued.

  "Well I was wondering how far you run?"

  "Oh, usually a 5K, umm, that's a little more than three miles," replied David with happiness in his voice. Not many folks take an interest in his running, but he always likes to talk about it to those that do.

  "You ever get lonely on those runs?"

  "Oh, I guess a little sometimes, but they go by pretty quick," replied David wondering where she was going with this.

  "Well Dash doesn't get as much exercise as she needs, you know living in an apartment, and I was wondering if you would ever like a companion when you run. Believe me she won't hold you back any. I don't mean to impose hon, so don't hesitate to say no if you don't like running with dogs," said Miss Donna with sincerity.

  "That's sounds great Miss Donna, what breed is Dash?"

  "Ha ha, well several," replied Miss Donna with a hearty laugh. "She's medium sized and kind of looks like a sheep dog; I think she's got some poodle/terrier and especially border collie in her. I think that border collie part is what makes her run so fast, she's quite the athlete." Miss Donna sounded like she was talking about her grandchildren when referring to her puppy dog.

  Miss Donna and David had a great conversation. Just talking small throughout the laundry process, David noticed that Miss Donna purposely stayed after her laundry was done. She stayed until David was finished and they ascended the stairs to the courtyard together. She let him know which apartment was hers and told him anytime he wants to run with Dash just come a knockin', no time is too early in the morning. David agreed and left Miss Donna with a friendly good bye.