Read A Modern Love Page 18

  Chapter 11

  David hadn't take two steps from Miss Donna's door when he saw Frank approaching him. While he wasn't ready to make his final decision on the Amy issue, saving that for later, he would have enjoyed having a little peace between now and then. No such luck. Frank had a B-line on David and was increasing speed with every step. David's first thought was to turn and run. Not that he feared Frank; just that well Frank annoyed him. He hadn't known the man very long at all and he already annoyed him. That's not very nice I guess, thought David.

  David decided he had already had his run this morning so he would put on his best good morning smile and try to walk past Frank as if he was in a hurry, which he kind of was. David's swift meaningful steps, upright posture, smile and glance at his watch didn't deter Frank a bit. As they came closer and closer David said: "Good morning Frank", with a smile. He was hoping beyond hope that this would be the beginning and the end of this conversation with Frank. Not to be.

  "Says who ? YOU," replied Frank stopping directly in front of David so he could not possibly pass? Frank waited a moment while David just stood there with the same good morning smile on his face. "I see you're still in dire need of that dictionary son ? that wasn't a rhetorical question."

  "Well it's been a nice morning for me, how's yours," asked David then realizing he'd just opened the conversation up to Frank? He settled in for a nice tongue lashing. I'll take it like a man, he thought but his expression now said otherwise.

  "Well, I'd be a happy go lucky guy if my Wendy were still here, but that hateful old man upstairs took her so soon," said Frank with a scowl on his face. David thought this a bit too personal a conversation for a nice morning pass by.

  "You mean the Apartment Manager," David said trying to be funny but realizing it was the wrong time?

  "Yah the Apartment Manager that lives on the second floor; you dummy. I sure hope you never lose someone close and then a young boy makes jokes about it," said Frank sounding truly disturbed by the comment.

  "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean any harm," replied David doing that 'I'm embarrassed' thing he does with his toe and a pebble on the ground.

  "Sure, you can't help yourself. You're just an inconsiderate youth." Frank didn't see that as an insult in the slightest, and David just took his lumps.

  "You been out running or something boy, what's with that getup"? David kind of looked down at his shorts and shoes.

  "Yah, I went for a jog with Miss Donna's dog. She's really ?" David didn't get a chance to finish as he was interrupted.

  "I thought so, I can smell you from here," Frank said loudly with a turned up nose.

  "Well, I was just about to go take a shower," quickly replied David with a tad of embarrassment in his voice.

  "Good thinking son, I mean Jesus"! Frank was showing his normal level of tact. David was actually hoping his aroma may speed the conversation along so he took a half step toward Frank to provide an incentive. Frank didn't play along as he took a half step back and grinned.

  "You been gettin' along Ok so far here," Frank asked almost sounding concerned for David's welfare?

  "Sure ? I mean yah; I've been getting acclimated to The Villa." David remembered what Miss Donna had said about how Frank was really nice; just acting, or faking, being a mean person. David could see this in him clearly now. He caught a bit of it in the parking lot earlier but now it was as clear as day.

  "Acclimated ? such a big word for such a little boy," replied Frank as if mocking David. Frank was doing a good job of "acting" mean again.

  "I suppose," replied David softly.

  "Speak up son."

  "Y-yes ? I'm enjoying living here, lots of nice people, the courtyard is great, the weathers been kind (unlike Frank, David thought to himself), I've found a good running route in town and things are good." David found himself praying this answer would suffice.

  "Well good for you David," Frank said but wasn't too convincing. "You been visiting that Miss Donna?" Frank had a way of turning people into objects; that Miss Donna, those brats, that girl.

  "Yah, I was returning Dash, her d-- ?"

  "I know Dash is her dog boy, I've lived here a long time now," Frank interrupted.

  "Well I was returning Dash and then she gave me some good advice".

  "Advice," questioned Frank with sarcasm in his tone? "Probably on that little harlot you been dating ? that Amy girl." Wow, thought David, that is very rude; surely he knows a synonym for harlot is prostitute.

  "Goodness Frank," replied David with shock in his voice.

  "Oh, grow up boy I'm just yankin' your chain," replied Frank with a slap on David's shoulder, then he pulled his hand back quickly realizing he had just touched the "stinky" shirt permeated with dried sweat. "All I'm saying is that little Ms. Helmer is trouble with a capital T. That's all.

  "Besides I don't know if Miss Donna is the best person to be getting advice from anyways."

  Oh yah and I suppose you'd be better, thought David, but didn't dare say it. "Oh really," said David smartly like a rhetorical question.

  "Just cause Miss Donna's ? well kinda pretty and such doesn't make her a know it all. Sure she has a sweet way about her but that don't make her goddamn Confucius," Frank said with a higher pitched tone in his voice than normal. David noticed that Frank was putting down Miss Donna at the same time he was praising her appearance and demeanor. Funny way to dislike someone he thought; Frank loves Miss Donna, Frank and Miss Donna sittin' in a tree ? David was singing little schoolyard songs in his head. What's the use in being young if you don't act it sometimes, David thought?

  He tried to set the conversation in the right direction by only addressing the positive parts of Frank's last statement. "Yes I agree ? Miss Donna is quite pretty and has a very nice way about her ? she's kind," David inflected strongly on the word kind knowing Frank would get his point that Frank is not kind.

  "Yah, I suppose," said Frank while looking up at the sky. David was shocked with Frank's ease of agreement. David realized there really were feelings there for Miss Donna. He remembered back to when Miss Donna brought up Frank as really being nice. I think they both like each other, thought David. I wonder if either knows how the other feels.

  "You ever tell Miss Donna how you feel," asked David quickly before he lost his nerve?

  "What! Oh no, why would I ? let's focus in on your issues for a minute rather than worry 'bout mine son," snapped Frank. David realized he'd embarrassed Frank a bit.

  "Let's get back to this little Amy chick you've been running about with; she's quite a mess I tell ya," said Frank with a smug tone.

  "I'm not sure I know her very we--?," as usual with Frank, David wasn't allowed to complete his thought.

  "I tell you boy she's a love'em and leave'em type if I even seen one; and I don't mean lovin' with the heart if you know what I mean."

  "Well," said David.

  "What," asked Frank with an annoyed smirk on his face?

  "Well ? I was just trying to say I'm not sure I know her very well," replied David with a slow cadence to his voice. Let's just slow things down a bit, he thought.

  "I know what you were saying before, you don't have to repeat yourself to me I hear just fine son. Just 'cause you don't know her very well doesn't make her any better of a person. You get my point David?" With his last statement Frank changed his tone completely and seemed to be truly trying to help David stay out of a damaging situation with Amy Helmer. David recognized this and appreciated it. In fact, deep down David agreed with Frank; just not in such coarse terms. However, David was reluctant to feed into Frank's negativity; didn't want to spur him on so to speak. So, David chose to listen quietly instead.

  "That girl will just pull you in then break your heart, I've seen it time and time again," Frank continued. "She's a run around I tell ya; a run around. Are you hearing me David?" David noticed that when Frank was being sincere he would not call him boy or son but
usually called him by his name. Maybe this is Frank's way of making a more personal connection, David thought. Or maybe it means nothing at all; Frank's a complicated fellow when you get down to it. There's definitely more to him than his complaining. Underneath there's a real affable side and caring too ? I think ? I hope.

  "Yes, Frank I hear you and I appreciate your advice," said David with that tone that a person has when they are calling an end to a conversation. Frank had a bit more to talk about though.

  "Well now that we've got that out of the way have you noticed ?," Frank went into several agonizing minutes of complaining about every day things around The Villa. Rambling is really what he was doing. He began with his favorite pet peeve, the parking spots. David felt himself become drowsy at this point. Then Frank moved into too many leaves in the pool, too much dust on the gazebos, the steep steps leading down to the laundry room and continued on with his opinion about the general condition, upkeep being done, to The Villa.