Read A Monster That Couldn't Love - A Monster Lovers short story Page 3

an' youse wa alive, I put two an' two tageda. De police wa keepin’ youse safe. Dey says it ain't youse. But I no beleef dem. I lay low, not drawin' tenchun ta maself. Youse wa gonna be an easy kill. An' I no wea youse lives. I jus had ta pick de rite time. I's so out a it, an' runnin' on anga, blamin' maself fo' not findin' ma bro in time."

  "De day a Giorgio's wake I ain't dea, I's a lona, an' bein' at a place wid too many people wood make me go nuts, but I did go ta de fewnawal an' stood in de back, behind a tree, listenin' ta a priest tellin' us dat ta be happy dat he dead, dat deas no mo' pain fo' him. He ain't dead from any disease dat I no, I says. Ma bros murdad. I wanna kill him fo' sayin' dat crap, but I keep it coo."

  Sebastian's asleep in ma sholda an' I dot a de day I gone afta him by mistake...

  He out a de hospital an' I prowl his hood. Is mad rainin' an I's use ta dat kind a weada, since New York gets bout two hundad rainy days a yea. I hate it, make it hawd ta sense heat durin' a hunt. No caws wa patrollin’ his home. Ma minds set on killin' him dat nite. Das no need ta shift fo' dat hunt. Usin’ ma claws, I slowly climb de side a his house. I enta a winda ta a dawk room an' smell de air. Its his room. Ma nose pick up a scent an' it leads out de back winda. Den I hea his folks on de first flow, drunk, shoutin' at each oda. An' I want Sebastian ta no wat it felt ta lose sumone youse luv. His fada’s insides wa left all ova de front room. His muda try ta run ta da backyawd, I cawt up ta ha, half a ha bodys floatin' in de pool. Mo' blood in ma hands. Dat nite plays ova in ma head, wishin' I cud go back an' change wat I's done.

  Sebastian must neva no wat I's did.


  Back to the Cemetery

  Sebastian's still asleep. I cud tell he afraid a me. I no blame him doh. He seen ma bad side dat nite at de cemetay. De nite I almost kills him. Good din' I got shot, he wasn’t ma broda’s killa. I den memba de nite I hunts him down...

  I follow his scent, he runs de alley an' inta a vacant street. In a flash, I locate Sebastian. He runnin' in de hawd rain. Den entas de cemetay an' I follows him inside. I den sees Sebastian above ma bros grave an' he fall on his knees as if he bout ta pray. Dats wen I no he luvd ma bro. Must not be de killa, I says. So I turns ta bounce wen I heas him shout two mo' words: “Fo' give me!”

  Ma feva rose, I's bout ta teaw him apawt. But wen I turns, ma broda’s killas lookin' at me. He dot I's Giorgio. Befo' I cud ansa him, Sebastian hugs me tite. Neva felt dat feelin’ in ma stamuk befo'. I pulls away from him an' put ma claws inta his chest.

  “Naw, I's Giovanni, de twin. We’ve's met befo',” I toll him. He slump down an' fell onta de mud. He den look at me, blood in his moud. He says dat he luvd ma broda, but I ain't listenin' ta his bull. Sebastian's slowly dyin'.

  “How cud youse say youse luv sumone an' den go kill him?” I yells at Sebastian.

  He says dat he sorry, gaspin’ fo' air.

  “Sorry ain’t gonna brin’ him back, bruh!” I says in anga, “Youse rob me a de chance I's had ta no him!”

  He den crys, showin’ me de scaws on his back.

  Dam! He a weawulf now. I make de monsta dat kill ma bro! In heat, I's forgot who I is dat nite. I needs ta dispose a him befo' ma Alpha finds out. Da aw a few ways ta kill aw kind.

  I sits on tap a Sebastian's stamuk an' notice dat his wunds aw gone. He healin’ quick. Da’s no time! I begin de ritual by cuttin’ a mawk on his chest wid ma claws. A staw in a circle. He in pain. It be ova soon.

  I begin ta say de wulf killin’ spell, “Kaladruv, give me yo' blessin'. He ain't one a us.”

  I place ma left hand on his mawk. Sebastian says words I's not wanna hea. He too weak ta do me hawm. I wait fo' a sign from ma Masta. Sebastian's tryin’ ta get away, but I pins him down. His eyes turn a golden yella, changes begun. De moon makes us howl an' I pray dat I gots time ta finish de spell.

  Suddenly, I’s hit wid bullets. Sumone’s firin’ at me! I cud feel de bullets in’ ma body. Den a black shadow drops me on ma back, I continue ta hea gun shots bein’ fiad. I crawl an' scramble up a tree. I's hurt. But okay. Dey ain't silva bullets. I’s heal. I turns ta look at de empty road an' I howl in anga. Sebastian's gone!

  I's a wulf wen I attack de man wid a gun, teaw his neck. Lata, I's naked, standin' ova a dead guy. His neck rip open, blood all ova de place. I no his face. Jon Malik, a detektif dat help me get out a New York. Wats he doin' hea? Ma hands an' moud aw covad in blood. I kills de one person who'd given a dam bout me. Dis monsta inside a me, I cannot controls it. Ma folks aw dead. Ma brodas dead. An' his killa jus got away.



  Sebastian's awake. He wanna no how I got cot. He say dree vampyas kill his friend. I guess we's got time...

  "I hea footsteps in de rain. Dat smell. Bad memories haunt me agin. Fea. Anga. I's almost twenty-one yeas ol'. Ma body changes back ta a wulf. I growl at a tall, skinny shadow. De shadow calls me Sweetcheeks. I snap ma jaws an' growl agin. De long red haia. Its him! Jude Goodson!"

  Sebastian says he neva met him, only dat he mite be friends wid a girl he met, a witch dat died.

  "Youse a hard wulf ta find, he says ta me. His voice de same, deep an' frightfull. He hardly had any clodes, he shirtless an' bafoot, an' only had pants on. Jude shouts dat I robs him, dat he neva got a normal life! Dat cuz a me he an Omega, a nobody in his pack! I runs at him, snarlin'. Jude twist his hands an' ma ribs crush ma lungs. I cannot move. Ma bones crack. I's in pain. Fo' yeas he hurt me. An' now Judes back ta finish de job. He says he kill me once! Calls ma bro a bastawd cuz he got de same face. Dats wen I no youse ain't de one dat kill Giorgio. Jude did!"

  Sebastian's happy, but I can tells he got anga in him, like I's did.

  "Jude mad laffs an' lifts me onta his shouldas. Den I woke up hea. No longa a wulf. Lata, Jude walks by de vampya gawds an' walk ta de cage. Seein' him agin, make me mad, but I cannot shift. Dis ma chance ta get sum ansas."

  "Sweetcheeks, he hollas. I ignose him. He move his hand an' ma body's lifts inta de air an' slams on de bars. Youse get ova hea wen I calls youse, he says. I asks him why he brin' me hea, why not kill me at de cemetay. Says he make a deal wid a vampya name Caden. He gets ta keep ma head at de end a all dis."

  Sebastian's sad. I hugs him an' tells him it be alrite. But I no deafs near. Wish I cud help. But I cannot. Feel betta only cuz he hea, close ta me.

  "I asks Jude why he kills ma broda. Scaws make youse who youse aw, he says. He den lifts his hand an' slams ma body ta de ground agin an' agin, til I's numb. I heas him laughin' on de way out, his backs covad in mawks. Dats wen dey brung youse in."

  Sebastian smiles. Wen he look at me, his blue eyes gotta hold a ma soul. Neva dot I cud feel dat way agin. Wat if it happens agin? Wat if I loses him too? Cud I lives, knowin' he die cuz a ma sins? Ain’t ready fo' anoda mate, dat wounds still open.

  An' den de gawds get in.

  Memories fadin'...

  I wakes up.



  About the Author:

  Emari Valdicar is an indie author of short stories, many still available at his website. He has discontinued his memoirs of Bare Boy and is currently working on the Monster Love Series. A full-length fantasy novel is scheduled for a 2014 release. He resides in New York with his dog Oreo.

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