Read A Mother's Love Page 1


  by Stephanie Hamm

  Copyright © 2011 Stephanie D. Hamm

  All rights reserved.



  The characters and events represented in this story are fictitious and not intended to resemble any real persons. All characters are based on the novel, Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen.



  I'd like to thank Robin, Brenda, Katie, and Gayle for helping me with my little story. I'd also like to thank my husband, Jay, for being wonderful and indulging my hobby.

  Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes to the dawn of a new day. Yawning, she nestled under the counterpane. This was no ordinary day, however. No, not in the least. As sleep began to give way to conscious thought, Elizabeth felt the flutters in her stomach. She was in a state of emotional flux. Part of her wished she could ease back into sleep and back into her pleasant dreams, but that was not to be. The other part knew she must accept this was the day her precious daughter would be married. She was truly happy her daughter had found a wonderful man to love and to love her. It was a mother's fondest wish to see a daughter so well situated; nevertheless, Elizabeth wished it did not have to happen so soon. She wanted at least a few more years with her little girl—her little Anna Beth as her father so fondly called their daughter. Elizabeth took a deep breath and released it slowly.

  Lying on her pillow, her hands resting under her cheek, she focused on the face she had set eyes on every morning for the past nineteen years. Traces of sunlight made their way through a gap in the drapes surrounding the bed, allowing her to see his figure more clearly. He was still as handsome as the day she had first set eyes upon him. His dark hair was now frosted with mostly gray, yet his face bore few wrinkles considering his years. A soft smile crept over her face. She never tired of watching him sleep, as he was most at peace during these hours when no duty or commitments weighed him down. Elizabeth knew he was just as concerned for their daughter as was she. He worried constantly whether he had done the right thing by allowing his Anna Beth to marry so young.

  In the eyes of society, neither parent had cause to repine; it was a splendid match on both sides. As the daughter of a wealthy gentleman, she had an impressive dowry, and he was a viscount and future earl. But more importantly, there was a likeness of mind and spirit that would seem to ensure them a lifetime of shared happiness. Anna Beth was determined to marry for love just as her parents had done, and the night she first had danced with Jeremiah she had known he was more than just a handsome face with charming manners. They both had felt an instant connection. Well along in the courtship, Jeremiah had admitted to his betrothed that he had known the moment he first had seen Anna Beth that he would make her his wife.

  Elizabeth was convinced they would be happy together. Sighing, attempting to shake the melancholy settling upon her before it descended full force, she focused on her husband. She knew she needed to be strong for him, for both of them today. In just a few short hours he would be giving away his firstborn—his baby girl—and Elizabeth knew he was feeling every emotion that went along with that duty.


  Darcy began to stir, immediately reaching for his beloved wife. Not even attempting to open his eyes, he wrapped Elizabeth in his warm embrace. Settling her head against his cheek, one arm tucked in between them while the other slipped under his arm to hug his upper back, legs fully entwined, as close as two people could possibly become. They remained wholly connected for several minutes before he placed a tender kiss on her forehead and eased his hold in order to look down upon his beautiful wife. He still had a weakness for the fine eyes that had captured him almost twenty years ago; not once had their love and devotion waned. She still captivated him with her loveliness—even on this morning when his heart was in turmoil. He could not get enough of her love.

  Slowly leaning down, he captured his wife's lips, keeping their eyes locked until the connection was made. It was a slow, burning kiss—one that held passion for the person he loved most in the world. Neither was in a hurry to cease, but a kiss must eventually come to an end. Resting his forehead against Elizabeth's, he struggled to speak.

  "Are we doing right by Anna Beth? She is but eighteen and perhaps too young to be a bride."

  Gently stroking his cheek she answered as calmly as possible, "Fitzwilliam, they had a full season, courted properly, and received your blessing; it is too late for second thoughts now. Besides, they love each other. All will be well; you need not worry, my love."

  "If this was how it was meant to be, then why do I feel so wretched?" he asked, refusing to believe so easily.

  With a slight upturn of her lips, Elizabeth gently bestowed a kiss as she moved her hand down his chest. "Because she is your daughter and you are entrusting her life to another man. Remember the difficulty you had in giving Georgiana away? Anna Beth is your baby. She will always be your little girl, but you must come to terms with the fact that you cannot always keep her by your side. She is a woman now—a woman in love with an honourable man."

  Darcy sighed. "I know, I know. It is just so very difficult to think that in but a few hours she will no longer be under our roof. I will no longer be able to walk into the dining room to be greeted with her hugs and smiles, eager to discuss whatever suits her fancy. I will sorely miss our daily chats."

  "You may take comfort in the fact that she will be so closely situated. She will be less than a half day's journey, and we can visit at any time you wish," Elizabeth offered with empathy.

  With a little more force than was necessary, Darcy replied, "Yes, you are correct. We will see each other often. And it is as you say, Jeremiah is an honourable man. He will treat her with the love and respect she deserves." Darcy glanced down at his wife. She is the pillar of strength in this family. "I am being foolish. I am sorry, my love."

  "Not foolish, my love, just a father."

  Pacified, Darcy returned his attention to his wife. Bridging the gap that had been created during their tête-à-tête, Darcy tightened his embrace, kissing Elizabeth with new abandon. His hands were far from being idle as they roamed the contours of her back, softly caressing down her derriere then making their way back up her hips where they rested for a brief moment. Rubbing delightful circles, he encouraged Elizabeth to lift her leg to his hip before rolling her onto her back. Darcy released her lips, making his way to her ear where he spent time sucking and nibbling. Ceasing his attentions, he lifted himself up onto his elbows hovering above her with only inches separating them. Using both hands to brush each side of her face, he stared at his lovely wife.

  At length he spoke. "I think it is much too early to rise. We are not expected for some time yet, and I can think of nothing better than to spend my last few moments in bed bestowing delightful pleasures upon my wonderful wife. What say you?"

  Giggling, Elizabeth answered by grabbing the back of Darcy's head and bringing his lips down for a soulful kiss. They lost themselves in the raptures of lovemaking until they were forced to surrender to the responsibilities of the day.