Read A Mysterious Disappearance Page 7



  Messrs. Dodge & Co., of Leadenhall Street, possessed business premisesof greater pretensions than Bruce had pictured to himself from Mrs.Hillmer's description of their transactions with her brother.

  Not only were their offices commodious and well situated, but a liberaldisplay of gold lettering, intermingled with official brass platesmarking the registering offices of many companies, gave evidence of somedegree of importance--whether fictitious or otherwise Bruce could notdetermine, as he scrutinized the exterior of the building on thefollowing morning.

  Moreover, workmen were even then busy in substituting the title "Dodge,Son & Co., Ltd.," for "Messrs. Dodge & Company," the suggestive natureof the latter designation having perhaps proved a stumbling-block in theway of the guileless investor.

  When the barrister entered the office, a busy place, a hive of manyclerks, and adorned with gigantic maps of the Rand, West Australia,Cripple Creek, and Klondike, he asked for "Mr. Dodge."

  His card procured him ready admission. He was shown into an elaboratelyupholstered apartment of considerable size. At the farther end, seatedin front of a gorgeous American desk, was a young man who ostentatiouslyfinished a letter and then motioned the barrister to a seat.

  Bruce was curious on the question of the age of the head of the firm.

  "Are you Mr. Dodge, or the son?" he said, with the utmost gravity.

  The other was taken back by this unexpected method of opening theconversation. It annoyed him.

  "I am the representative of the firm, sir, and fully able to deal withyour business, whatever it may be," he replied.

  "No doubt. But it will simplify matters if I know exactly to whom I amaddressing myself."

  After an uneasy shuffling in his seat--he could not guess what thiskeen-faced, earnest-eyed lawyer might want--the representative ofMessrs. Dodge, Son & Co. (Limited) explained that he was Dodge, and thename of the firm had been adopted for general purposes.

  "Then there is no 'son,' I take it."

  "Yes, there is, sir,"--this with a snort of anger.

  "How old is he?"

  "What the Dickens has that got to do with it? Will you kindly tell mewhat you want, sir, as my time is fully occupied?"

  "Just now I want to know how old the 'son' is?"

  This calm persistence irritated Mr. Dodge beyond endurance.

  "Three years, confound you, and his sister is four months. Can I obligeyou with any more details concerning my family affairs?"

  Having purposely raised this man to boiling point by this harmlessmethod of examination, Claude tackled the real business in hand. He wasquite sure that a financial sharper in a temper was far more likely toblurt out the truth than if he were approached in a matter-of-factmanner.

  "To begin with," he explained, never taking his eyes off the furiousface of Mr. Dodge, "I have called to ask for information with regard toyour dealings with Mr. Sydney H. Corbett, of Raleigh Mansions, SloaneSquare."

  "I never heard of him in my life. You have evidently come to the wrongoffice, Mr. Bruce."

  "Are you quite sure?"

  "Well, nearly so. However, I can tell you in a moment, as it isimpossible for me to carry every name connected with several companiesin my memory."

  Mr. Dodge recovered his temper now that he saw a chance of disconcertinghis caustic visitor. He touched an electric bell, and told the answeringyouth to send Mr. Hawkins.

  "My correspondence clerk," he explained loftily when Hawkins entered."Are we in communication with any one named Sydney H. Corbett, Mr.Hawkins?"

  "No, sir."

  "Have you ever heard the name?"

  "No, sir."

  "That will do. You may go. You see you have come to the wrong shop, Mr.Bruce."

  "Yes, so I see."

  The barrister kept looking at the back of Mr. Dodge's head, but made nomove.

  Mr. Dodge became puzzled.

  "Now, Mr. Bruce," he cried, "you know the age of my son, and the extentof my information about Mr. Corbett. Is there anything else in which Imay be of service?"

  "Yes. You do a great deal of underwriting, mostly for the flotation ofgold-mining companies?"

  "Y--yes. That is a branch of our business."

  "I am interested in this class of undertaking, and I was given tounderstand that Mr. Corbett has had some dealings with you in a similarrespect for a considerable sum of money."

  "The name is absolutely unknown to me."

  "Of course. So I gather. I am sorry to hear it. Several clients of minehave money to invest in that way, and I naturally came to a firm whosename apparently figured largely in the transactions of Mr. Corbett."

  It was good to see the manner in which Mr. Dodge metaphorically kickedhimself for his previous attitude. His emotion was painful. For quite anappreciable time he could not trust his sentiments to words.

  At last he struggled to express himself.

  "Really, Mr. Bruce, if you had only put things differently. Don't yousee, it rather upset me when you came in and began jawing about theyoungsters. And then you spring Mr. Corbett's name on me--a man of whomI have no sort of knowledge. It must have been my firm of which yourfriends heard. There is absolutely no other Dodge in Leadenhall Street.Indeed, we are the only financial Dodges--that is--er--Messrs. Dodge,Son & Co. (Limited) are the only firm of the name dealing with financialmatters--in the city."

  By this time Bruce had assured himself that Mr. Dodge did not know Mr.Corbett's identity, and if Mrs. Hillmer's brother had changed his nameto conceal himself from Dodge, it was likely to be successful.

  "Anyhow, I am here, Mr. Dodge," he said cheerfully, "so I may as wellenter into negotiations with you. Have you any good things in hand atthis moment?"

  "Some of the best. We are just waiting for the market to ease a bit,and we shall have at least five splendid properties to place before thepublic. By the way, do you smoke?"

  Bruce did smoke; and Mr. Dodge produced a box of excellent cigars. Thenhe warmed to his work.

  "Here is the prospectus of the Golden Halo Mine, capital L150,000, forwhich the vendors are asking L140,000 in cash, with a working capital ofL10,000. The ore now in sight is estimated to produce two millionssterling, and the mine is not one-tenth developed. We are offeringunderwriters ten per cent in cash, and there is not the slightest risk,as the shares will stand at a high premium within a few days after thelists--"

  "It sounds most promising," said Bruce; "but my principals are moreinterested in taking up concerns which have been already established,but in which, for want of sufficient capital, the vendors' shares have,by a process of reconstruction, come into the market. If you haveanything of that kind--"

  "The very thing," interrupted Dodge excitedly. "The Springbok Mine willjust suit 'em. After all is said and done, Golden Halos are a bit in theair, between you and me. But the Springbok is a genuine article. It wascapitalized for a quarter of a million, and the directors went toallotment on a subscription list of about L14,000. This money has beenexpended, but twice the amount is necessary to develop the propertyproperly. A call was made on the shares, but no one paid up, and thereis a talk of compulsory reconstruction. Believe me, money put into itnow will yield two hundred per cent in dividends within twelve months."

  "There is a whiff of scent on this trail," said Claude to himself. Headded aloud: "That looks promising. Can you give me details?"

  "By all means. Here is the original prospectus." Bruce glanced throughthe document, which dealt with the Springbok claims on the Rand withmore candor than is usually exhibited in such compilations. Judging fromthe reports of several mining engineers of repute it really looked asif, this time, Mr. Dodge were speaking with some degree of accuracy.

  "This reads well," said Bruce. "What proportion of share capital isfalling in on the reconstruction scheme?"

  "I hold fifty thousand shares myself," cried Dodge, "and though my moneyis locked up just now I am so convinced about this mine that I willmanage to pay th
e call myself. Roughly speaking, there are one hundredand fifty thousand shares to be underwritten at, say, three shillingseach."

  "And who are the present holders?"

  The barrister asked the question in the most unconcerned way imaginable,yet upon the answer depended the whole success or otherwise of thishitherto unproductive mission.

  Mr. Dodge was manifestly anxious.

  "I take it that we are talking with a definite view to business?" hesaid.

  The barrister hesitated. Even in the detection of a crime a man does notcare to tell a deliberate lie, and Dodge's attitude so far had beencandid enough. The Springbok Mine honestly looked to be a goodspeculative investment, so he resolved to place the proposition beforeone or two friends who dealt with similar matters, and who were fullyable to look after their own interests.

  "Yes," he answered, "I am here for that purpose. If my principals likethis thing they will go in for it."

  "Then here is the vendors' list," said Mr. Dodge, taking a foolscapsheet from a drawer.

  Claude perused it nonchalantly. His quick eyes took in each name andaddress out of half-a-dozen, and rejected all as being in no wayconnected with the man whose antecedents he was seeking.

  Yet, where possible, he left nothing to chance.

  "Have you any objection to a copy being made?" he asked.

  Mr. Dodge hummed doubtfully.

  "You see," went on the barrister, "it is best to be quite candid withpeople whom you wish to bring into risky if apparently high promisingventures. I presume these gentlemen are moneyless. If so, it is a factorin favor of your scheme. Should any of them be men of means, myprincipals would naturally ask why they did not themselves underwritethe shares."

  Mr. Dodge was convinced. "From that point of view," he criedemphatically, "they are above suspicion. Jot them down, sir."

  The barrister armed himself with the necessary documents, and theyparted with mutual good wishes. It was only after reflection that Mr.Dodge saw how remarkably little he had got out of the interview. "He wasa jolly smart chap," communed the company promoter. "I wonder what hewas really after. And who the dickens is Mr. Sydney H. Corbett? Anyhow,the Springbok business is quite above board. How can I raise the windfor my little lot?"

  If Mr. Bruce had probed more deeply Mr. Dodge's holding, he would havebeen saved much future perturbation. But, clever as he was, he did notknow all the methods of financial juggling practised by experts on theStock Exchange.

  A hansom brought him quickly to Portman Square. In fulfilment of hispromise, he was about to place Sir Charles Dyke in possession of hisrecent discoveries.

  When the door of Wensley House opened, the butler, Thompson, whohappened to be in the hall, anticipated the footman's answer to Bruce'sinquiry.

  "Sir Chawles left yesterday for Bournemouth, sir. 'E was that hovercomeby the weather an' his trouble that 'e has gone for a few days' rest atthe seaside. If you called, sir, I was to tell you 'e would be glad tosee you there should you find it convenient to run down. And, sir,you'll never guess who came 'ere this morning, as bold as brass."

  "Jane Harding."

  "Now, 'ow upon earth can you 'it upon things that way, sir? It was 'er,'er very self. And you ought to 'ave seen her airs. 'Thompson,' sez she,'is Sir Chawles at 'ome?' 'No, 'e isn't,' sez I; 'but you're wanted atthe polis station.' She was in a keb, and she 'ad asked a butcher's boyto pull the bell, so 'im and the cabby larfed. 'Thompson,' she said,very red in the face, 'I'll 'ave you dismissed for your impidence.' An'off she went. Did you ever 'ear anythink like it, sir?"

  "No, Thompson, Miss Harding is certainly a cool hand."

  Bruce walked to his chambers, and his stroll through the parks wasengrossed by one subject of thought. It was not Mrs. Hillmer, norCorbett, nor Dodge who troubled him. What puzzled him more than all elsewas the "impidence" of Jane Harding.