Read A Neophyte's Tale: A Netherwalker Short Story (Prequel to Cloak of Shadows) Page 4

Epilogue ~ Cloak Unveiling

  Manhattan, NY ~ One Year Later

  Bernie folded his hands as he finished telling his audience the young neophyte’s tale. He didn’t need shepherd senses to know that Abbey’s unfortunate journey had touched Lourdes Reese. Bernie contemplated giving her a tissue but knew that as a hunter she would take it as an insult.

  Lourdie blinked several times. She sat in stunned silence, images of the story Bernie had just told her undoubtedly playing wildly in her head. She seemed horrified by Abbey Thorne’s story as Bernie had recounted it.

  “That’s awful, Bernie!” she finally said, wiping away her tears.

  “Sorry, hon, but it’s true,” Bernie said, still fighting the urge to hand the brunette beauty a tissue. “It’s as much as I’ve been able to get outta the poor girl, but I’m sure there’s more we’ll never know.”

  Lourdie shook her head. “Why are you telling me all of this?” she asked, looking between Bernie and Marcus Vaughn,

  “The neophyte took her gloaming bond and chose the path of a hunter.” Marcus Vaughn, knight of the King’s Court New York, stated matter-of-factly from behind his desk.

  “Lourdie, hon?” Bernie looked to Marcus for approval before continuing. “We think she would benefit from a strong female role model in her life and well-”

  “You want me to take her on as an apprentice?” Lourdie asked, looking straight at Marcus. She suddenly seemed displeased, having spotted the ambush.

  Bernie couldn’t recall a time he’d ever seen the hunter with an apprentice in tow. Which was odd, really. Lourdes Reese was one of the best hunters in the King’s Court so naturally she should have an apprentice, or several for that matter. Bernie tried to ignore trivial things that weren’t his business, but his senses were telling him there was something hidden here. Opening his senses a bit, he picked up that Marcus, as least, was failing to conceal some sort of relationship with the hunter. With Lourdie, there was something more.

  Heavily relying on his southern disposition for discretion, Bernie concentrated on his goal instead. “It’s still your choice, but I was hoping you’d meet the girl before making your final decision,” Bernie said. “Abbey and the rest of the freshman hunters start orb training at school tomorrow.”

  “I’m actually making your participation in the delvir class a bi-annual event as of now,” Marcus said. “I hope you choose an apprentice, Lourdie, whether it’s this girl Abbey or not. It’s time my best hunter had an apprentice.”

  “I’ll meet her, but I’m not promising anything and I don’t like being cornered like this. You know me, Marcus.” Lourdie stated.

  “I know.” Marcus seemed pleased with himself.

  “I have training, so if that’s all?” Lourdie got up from her chair without waiting for an answer.

  “That’s all,” Marcus said, coolly.

  “Thanks, hon,” Bernie beamed at Lourdie.

  “Only for you, Bernie,” Lourdie said, giving Marcus a look before leaving the knight’s office.

  Bernie waited until he heard the elevator ding before continuing his conversation with Marcus. “Have you had time to consider my personal request?”

  “I have,” Marcus stated. “Do you have anywhere in mind?”

  “I figure I can work the reception desk for a while. Stan could use some field trainin’ anyway,” Bernie scoffed. “That kid’s shepherd senses didn’t even tell him what Abbey was up to when she followed me to the Vaughn building.” Bernie laughed to himself, remembering how eagerly Stan had raised the plate of cookies as Abbey watched from across the street. Stan, the rookie shepherd might benefit from Bernie sticking around, as well. “And I reckon other neophytes will still find their way to us even durin’ my semi-retirement. I’ll help them as best I can, too.”

  Marcus drummed his fingers on his desk as he contemplated Bernie’s request.

  Bernie knew that a shepherd asking to stay in court for an extended period of time after shepherding a neophyte in was unusual, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was important to stay. He tried to erase the image of Abbey’s mother from his mind and focused on his shepherd senses that had never failed him. “I just want to stay close for a while, you know, in case Abbey needs me. The kid’s been through enough. I don’t want to be the next one that leaves her.” He couldn’t explain his feeling to Marcus, but something was telling him that there was more to Abbey’s story, a lot more.

  “Okay, Bernie, okay,” Marcus said. The knight leaned back in his chair and both men looked down at Central Park, the Chiarshadrin they had sworn an oath to protect.



  Lourdie waited until the elevator doors closed before she allowed herself to hyperventilate. Marcus and Bernie didn’t have a hunter’s keen hearing, but she wanted to be safe rather than sorry. She had gone to Marcus’s office to finally tell him her secret, but she was thrown off guard by Bernie’s unusual visit. She knew his shepherd senses were as keen as her hunter ones so she hoped he wouldn’t tell Marcus she was hiding something until she was ready to tell him herself. She also hadn’t expected the ambush ‘pick an apprentice or else’ speech from Marcus.

  The master hunter played with one of her chainmail relics on her wrist as she steadied her breathing and slowed her heart rate. Marcus’s request wasn’t outrageous, just unexpected. He’d never demanded she take on an apprentice before. She scoffed defiantly to herself, I’m not going to start now just because you told me to, Marcus! But, if she did decide to mentor this neophyte, the girl deserved Lourdie at her best. Lourdie swore that she would never look at the girl with sadness in her eyes, only strength and confidence no matter if she chose her or not, with all that the girl had been through, she at least deserved that.

  As the elevator descended to the subterranean virtual chamber below New York City, Lourdie whispered her word against her relics. Cupping her palms together she slowly pulled her hands apart revealing a beautiful translucent purple orb. Letting it grow slightly, she admired the delvir for a moment. She then let it dissipate and quickly cupped her hands together again without saying her word. Sighing in shame for hiding such a big secret from Marcus, she peeked into her hands, but she already knew it was there. Another beautiful orb, glowing brightly and impossibly, greeted her. It hissed and popped almost demanding to be wielded against the evil that lurked in the shadows. No, no, no! Lourdie thought, How is this possible? She squeezed her eyes closed and slammed her hands shut.


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  The adventure continues in Cloak of Shadows (The Netherwalker Series, Book One). Available online where fine books are sold. Here’s a sneak peek:

  Cloak of Shadows



  CK Dawn