Read A New Colony amongst the Stars Page 9

  Later on Mark spoke again to Bishop Marley, this time about their goods and chattel. “I have been thinking hard about our situation Bishop Marley, and it occurred to me that except for the tractors we cannot take any of the farming machinery with us, when we move camp. I suggest that tonight we take it far out into the prairie and leave it there, camouflaged as well as is possible, and with luck, and a little help from God, the Aldebrans will not find it, then when this is all over we can collect it.”

  “Yes you are correct Mark, I should have thought of that.” Bishop Marley said despondently.

  Bishop Marley knew that he was putting an enormous load on this man`s shoulders, things that he should be tending too, but he knew nothing of this sort of trouble, he dealt with the spiritual problems that beset normal people. He just wished that he could be more practical use to his people, as Mark was as each new situation arose.

  That night the colonists hitched up the farming machinery to the tractors in preparation for the move. However, before they set out Mark realised that they needed to hide the heat signatures of the men and machinery from the starship still thought to be in orbit above them, for its sensors would soon notice the heat coming from the tractors when their motors were running, or even just afterwards, and then there was the colonists own body heat. Mark had decided to make use of the lightweight survival blankets that each colonist had been asked to bring with them by the Church. The blanket has a thermal reflective layer backed by a khaki coloured reinforcing outer layer, it kept you warm, it kept you cool, and the reflective layer could even be used to signal for assistance. It was primarily designed to keep its owner warm in an emergency, should their heating fail during the cold winter months and any solid fuel was buried under the snow. With the men who had been chosen for the task ready to go they hauled the farming machinery fifteen miles into the prairie, here they found another of the narrow gullies that broke up this part of the prairie; using their digger they put a ramp into it and then moved their farming machinery down into it. After trying their best to camouflage it all, they left it to await better times, should they survive the coming war.

  The next day, Bishop Marley sought out Mark, for he had an idea of his own that might be of use when the time came to transmit their message to Earth.

  “Mark, it looks as if we shall have a clear sky tonight, if so we should be able to locate the alien spacecraft through my telescope, if it is still up there, and once found we should be able to keep track of it. Then when we want to use the Communications Centre we will be able to ensure that a solid wall of rock is between the craft and the subspace transmitter itself.”

  The subspace transmitter resembled a Phaser cannon, except that it sent their communications through subspace, and this part of the Communications Centre was light enough to be portable, so if they knew where in the sky the starship was, then they could move the transmitter behind suitable cover.

  “Bishop, if you can locate the craft, then you are correct, it will prevent the craft from destroying our transmitter, or at the very least give us more time to send our message.” Mark agreed. This would certainly increase the odds on their successfully sending a call for help, with luck they might yet see an Earth space cruiser coming to their rescue.


  The next morning, Bishop Marley and Captain Larson formally asked Mark to take over the command of the colony`s defence, and Mark had agreed for what else could he do. Bishop Marley assembled the colonists, and when they had gathered around him he first reiterated the situation they were in, and then he told them that while he would still be their spiritual leader, Mark would now be in command of the colony`s defence, this information was greeted with applause from every single person there. Mark used the meeting to tell the colonists of his future plans to ensure their safety.

  “Good morning everyone, my first speech will be short and sweet.” He was stopped here by the usual comments of good, the shorter the better. “However, I do ask you all to listen carefully as I am about to outline plans that will affect the future of everyone here.” Mark said a little louder so that he could be heard over these and other comments, and which quickly dried up when Bishop Marley told the colonists to be silent and listen to what Mark had to say.

  When Mark had all of their attention he proceeded. “First some news, Bishop Marley has located the alien starship; unfortunately it is still up there, right above our camp. It is probably waiting to assist the small Aldebran task force that is coming to resume the attack on us.”

  This news dampened the spirits of the colonists who had hoped that the ship had returned to Aldebra for urgent repairs; Mark though did not allow them to linger too long on this bad news.

  “OK everyone, I now want to outline our plan of action starting today. As you probably all know, this morning we set up ten teams, each one comprising of ten colonists, that is just over half of our available people, they will be led by people who have already been chosen by myself, Bishop Marley and Captain Larson.” Mark said, stopping for a few moments to allow the colonists to take in what he had said, before continuing on.

  “Ok people, each team will have the same three tasks, they will act as hunters to provide food for the colony, and the reason why each team comprises of ten people is so the leader can send some of them back to camp with any fresh food they obtain. Team leaders, please do not send people back in groups less than three, this world has too many carnivores in it who might attack too small a party, especially one transporting fresh meat.” Mark stopped here to ensure that this message had been absorbed by all of the colonists before proceeding with his instructions, for he did not want to lose any more of their people.

  “The second task is to locate a cave large enough to allow us to use it as a location in the very short term for our Communications Centre. The third task is to find a location to use as a long term base, should the Aldebran troops land close by to our present location we need to be somewhere else. Right are there any questions?”

  “Just one.” Chief Engineer Peterson said. “Why will we only use the cave in the short term?”

  “Simply because if and when the Aldebran troopship arrives, that will be the first place that their troopers will attack and take.” Mark replied.

  “You mean try to take, surely?” This question was from a colonist named Bingley, a short but stocky man from the south of England.

  “No, I mean take, for when they arrive I do not intend to lose our people defending places against trained troopers who will probably possess artillery, never mind the space craft that has already fired upon us. We will use guerrilla tactics against them; anything else against a full company of well-armed soldiers would be suicide.” Mark replied. “Even if we won the battle we would have lost far too of our people for me or Bishop Marley to ever countenance such an idea.”

  As no one else had a question Mark ordered his teams to leave when ready, he had decided to remain behind in their base, as he reckoned that his place was at the encampment, at least for the moment. Now he was in charge of the defence of the colony the wellbeing of the people was his personal all-consuming duty, and he had another suggestion to put to Bishop Marley to this end.

  “Bishop Marley, I know that originally it was better for us to set up our tents near to the river, but the situation has now changed, and radically so, now I think it would be better if we moved all of the tents into the forest, so that they are hidden by the extensive tree canopy.” Mark began.

  “”Why on Earth would we want to put them there Mark, surely keeping them along the river bank makes much more sense?” Bishop Marley asked incredulously. “There is also the danger posed by the camp fires, what with their being sited under any lower hanging branches.”

  “I know it sounds insane Bishop, but bear with me.” Mark said. “We both know that the chances are that the Aldebran task force will land nearby and that they will attempt to kill us. That is why our teams are looking for a new location for our camp, and we need to find
one well before they arrive, correct?” Mark asked.

  “Of course Mark, but that still does not explain your request.” Bishop Marley replied quizzically.

  “When we do move, if we are camped beneath the stars the spacecraft will see us decamping and follow us to our new camp site, making the move pointless. If however we are camped beneath the concealing canopy of the trees, with a number of camp fires spread beneath the tree canopy to dazzle their infrared detectors, then when we do move we will do so undetected by the technology aboard that spacecraft, until the final morning which is when they find that there are no colonists moving around on the prairie.” Mark explained.

  Bishop Marley had caught up with Mark before he had finished his explanation, and seeing the sense in the suggestion whole heartedly agreed.

  “It will be a little uncomfortable, and we will have to ensure that no one burns the forest down around us, but you are correct Mark, we will have just disappeared.” Bishop Marley said with a wry smile upon his face.


  Richard Rider was leading one of the search teams, and his team had headed deep into the forest along a narrow animal trail that took them far away from the prairie, soon the forest closed in around them, the light fading the deeper in that they walked. In fact it seemed more like dusk than morning, with the sunlight finding it hard to penetrate through the thick canopy of tree tops that filled this part of the forest. The team consisted of five couples, the women of the colony not willing to let their husbands go off in to danger while they stayed safely back at camp, for this was the early twenty third century rather than the Victorian age. Therefore, Richard`s wife Penny had also insisted on her going along with him, but then she, as well as the other women, were all quite capable of handling a Phaser rifle. The colonists looked quite smart as they walked slowly through the forest, for they all wore hunter style boots and lightweight clothing, because even beneath the trees it could get hot walking for hours at a time, especially as the temperature had shot up that morning with the arrival of a warm wind from the south. The boots were also essential outfits when the danger of being bitten by a snake was always present, and they were yet another part of the kit the colonists had been requested to bring to New Caledonia. With orders from Richard to only talk when necessary, so as not to warn the local wildlife to their presence, they moved quietly along the track. For half an hour they heard signs of life, but saw nothing, then their luck changed as they rounded a large boulder left behind by a retreating glacier, they came upon a small herd of animals that resembled the roe deer of Earth, both in size and in looks, the animals were moving along a trail that crossed the one that they were on. With no knowledge of Man, the creatures did not immediately break into a run, making it an easy task for Richard and his team to kill two of the deer before the others realised that all was not well, and had disappeared fast into the forest. With the need to get the carcases back to the encampment quickly, and into a freezer, Richard designated two couples to the task. To make it easier for them Richard had two stout poles cut over which the two carcases were stretched lengthways and tied on. Each couple set off back to base carrying the pole over their shoulders while carrying their rifles over their other shoulder, in this way all four rifles could be easily and quickly brought to bear on any hungry carnivore.

  Richard led his wife and the other four members of his team forward, ahead of them the river that supplied them with their drinking water blocked their way, they could ford it, but Richard decided that for today at least they would stay dry. He therefore followed a trail that slowly took them away from the river and an hour later they were climbing up into hill country, ahead of them they saw a large plateau towering high above the surrounding forest, and it was here that they found a suitable cave in the side of a tall limestone cliff.

  “What do you think Penny, does it suit Mark`s requirements?”

  “Its entrance is wide enough, but it is kind of low.” Penny said as she scrambled up the small incline that led to the entrance.

  “Hang on Penny; we do not know if the cave already has an occupant.” Richard called out anxiously. “Wait there until the rest of us join you, then we can all go look see.” Richard ordered.

  Seeing the sense in this Penny waited at the entrance and when the others had joined her she hunched down low enough to clear the low ceiling at the front of the cave. They found that it went in at least thirty feet, and at the back of the cave the team found they could stand upright. There were signs of occupation, there were a number of gnawed bones in one corner, but Richard decided that they would just have to evict the owner, if the animal returned while they were there. He was obviously delighted, as were the others, and they agreed that it would make a great site for their Communications Centre. Out of the weather and with the operator safe from any Phaser attacks from space. Penny pulled out her small camera and took plenty of photographs for Mark and the others to look at, in this way they could make an informed decision.

  “Ok everyone, I think we have done enough to earn our keep for today, let`s return to camp, our people need to know about this cave, maybe now we can send our message to Earth.” Richard declared happily.

  The others were all of the same mind, and even though they felt a little footsore, they set off immediately towards their encampment. On the return journey they were able to bag two large birds that they decided to call Caledonian turkeys, as they resembled the turkey of Earth, and they also shot another roe deer, a small female. It was the middle of the afternoon when they entered the encampment, only to find that most of the tents had been moved into the forest, however they put this mystery aside for the moment, and although a little tired, they all crowded around Mark to tell him the good news, after leaving the deer and the turkeys in the downed starship`s freezer.

  “It is a fair way away, it took us well over three hours to walk to it, and the cave entrance is a little exposed, but you only wanted a short term base so it should suit our needs and more importantly it should be Phaser resistant.” Richard said enthusiastically while Penny showed Mark the photographs that she had taken of the cave.

  “It looks and sounds fine Richard, your team has really come up trumps; however, you and your people look to be exhausted by your long trek, so rest up for the rest of the day, for tomorrow morning you can lead us to the cave. One of the photographs you took shows a likely place to set up a telephone relay; it can be powered by one of the smaller solar panels that we brought with us for just this sort of thing.” Mark said. “Bishop Marley also wanted the chance to go out with one of the teams, this will give him the opportunity to do so, we can also confirm what these photographs show; that it is a most suitable site for our Communications Centre, if so then the day after tomorrow will see us installing it and calling Earth.” Mark exclaimed joyfully.

  However, Mark did not allow Richard to rest just yet, instead he took him to speak to Bishop Marley and Captain Larson, they were helping the colonists to finish setting up the last of the tents. When they were told the news, and had looked at the photographs, they felt like celebrating, and as the tidings spread so did the feeling of joy, soon their colony would be safe, soon their attackers would be sent scampering back to the fear ridden planet of Aldebra.

  Mark had not been idle while the teams had been out and about, he and his wife Susan had been busy setting up a local relay for their cellular phones to one of the taller trees near to the encampment. Now when the teams left to explore their new world, they could take their cellular phones with them, and so keep in contact with base for up to a day`s journey on foot, assuming that they did not mind the possibility of the Aldebran`s listening to them and zeroing in on their position. This distance could be extended as more relay sites were installed.

  Early the next morning Susan Summers complained to her husband. “Mark, we are supposed to be on our honeymoon, but I fear that in the future we shall hardly see each other. I realise that you are the only person here qualified to deal with the Aldebran
threat, but all the other couples go out together, so when you do decide to go out and about please remember that I still want to accompany you.” Susan Summers declared defiantly. “At least we will be together then, even if the bugs on this planet seem to have taken a special liking to me. Oh buzz off will you.” She said waving her hand at a large horsefly that had been buzzing around her head for the last ten seconds.

  Mark smiled. “This is not my idea of a honeymoon either Darling, but as you say, we should meet the dangers together, and Richard told me that some of the countryside he saw from the cave entrance was quite spectacular.”

  With the danger over for the moment, Mark did not mind his wife accompanying him, for as she had said, they were supposed to be on their honeymoon, and this thought brought a smile to his face, one Susan saw and she looked at him quizzically.

  “Just that as honeymoons go Darling, this one is way out on its own.” Mark explained.

  Richard and Penny led Mark, Susan, Bishop Marley and Captain Larson to the cave, allowing the rest of his team to rest up, Robbie being put in command of the camp while they were away. The trek took the colonists all the morning, as Bishop Marley was not as fit as the others, and this time they did not get the opportunity to add to their larder, for Bishop Marley was making far too much noise as they passed along the narrow animal trail, for he constantly stopped to comment on the view or the local flora.