Read A Night Of Secrets, A Paranormal Romance Page 31

  His grip tightened. “Your maid left a note.” He released his hold and snatched a piece of paper from the bedside table. Holding it to the lamp light, he read, “Hanna has decided to sleep in her secret place. The moonlight is bothering her.”

  He lowered the paper, his jaw clenched with anger.

  “You know why the light is bothering her, of course. Because she’s turning into one of them.” He crumpled the paper in his fist and tossed it to the fireplace where it settled in the cold hearth. “Have you not noticed how they avoid light? Because light is pure, and they burn under the holy rays.”

  But that wasn’t true, Grayson had taken her out plenty of times… when it was dull and gray. Millie, too, always wore large hats and rarely went outside during the day. Oh God, Hanna was turning into a vampire? She’d become a vampire in a month and Meg might not be here to protect the child.

  He released a wry chuckle. “Do you think he married you because he loved you? They can’t love. Grayson was searching for my child. He knew you had her. He’s using you.”

  The words stung even though she knew they weren’t true. They couldn’t be true. She wouldn’t believe them.

  “Where is she?” he demanded.

  She looked directly into his eyes and lied. “I don’t know.”

  He swung his arm forward, the back of his hand connecting with her mouth. Her head snapped back. “You lie!” Pain radiated up and down her skull. She tasted the salt of her blood and stumbled back. Meg would have fallen to the ground, if the man behind hadn’t captured her, holding her tight.

  “Tell me,” William hissed.

  Meg ignored the ache that had settled in jaw, thrumming in time to her heart beat. Instead, she focused on her anger, the deep burning anger she felt for this man. She might not be here for Hanna. William might kill her. But Grayson would protect the child.

  “Do you think I’d tell you?” Meg lifted her lips into a smirk as blood trailed down her chin and dropped to the floor. “She’s safe and she’ll stay that way. Grayson will protect her. And when he realizes what you have done, he’ll kill you.”

  William was silent for a moment, the only sound was his harsh breath coming in and out of his flared nostrils. “You think we won’t find her? I will.” He walked away, as if trying to regain control. “You know, I actually felt sorry for you at one time. I thought you’d been fooled, like me. But you’re worse than they are because you choose this life. And because of your sin, you will suffer as they will.”

  He turned toward her again.

  Meg didn’t have time to avoid his fist. His knuckles hit her jaw and her head jerked back, stars bursting before her eyes. Pain exploded within her skull. The room spun, blackness taunting her vision as blood roared to her ears. Her lashes drifted down and then there was nothing but blessed darkness.

  Chapter 23

  Grayson scanned the room, looking for signs of Meg. He hadn’t seen her in an hour and he was starting to grow anxious. He couldn’t sense her. Couldn’t detect her scent and when he discreetly asked a maid, she hadn’t seen the new Mrs. Bellamont. Yet, every time he attempted to break free of the crowd to search for her, he was waylaid by someone with supposedly important news.

  “You see,” Lord Watkins said, “This is why I need your investment.”

  “Not now,” Grayson snapped, in no mood for mindless discussion. Meg had had enough time to cool her temper. He wanted answers now, more importantly, he wanted Meg.

  “But, Bellamont,” Watkins continued.

  Grayson pushed past the man. He’d angered Meg, he knew that, demanding answers. And Lady Winters hadn’t helped. Merde, he hadn’t meant to be such an arse. He’d wanted tonight to be special. He’d wanted Meg to enjoy being the belle of the ball. Instead, he’d let his emotions rule him.

  He spotted one of the maids standing near the doors and headed that way. “Did you find her?”

  “No, Sir,” the maid fidgeted next to him, her gaze going to the crowds. “She’s not in your chambers nor Miss Hanna’s.”

  “She must be here somewhere. And Hanna, was she in her bed?”

  The maid shook her head. “Shall I find Catherine or Anna and ask them?”

  “Yes, immediately.”

  The maid curtsied and rushed into the hall. Grayson’s body hummed with unease. He’d begged Meg to tell him Hanna’s true identity. Had she fled with the child because of him? Did she race to London to find comfort with her family? Damn her! Didn’t she know the danger a woman could face alone at night? Ignoring those who called to him, he shoved his way through the guests and into the hall. Surely Meg wouldn’t do something so silly. Even as he told himself not to worry, panic settled like an icy ball of anxiety in his gut.

  Something was wrong.

  “Grayson,” Nate called out.

  He didn’t pause but continued up the steps. In no mood to chat about the bloody weather or shipping or anything else his friend had in mind.

  “Is anything wrong?” Nathan fell into step beside him.

  “Hanna and Meg are missing.” Merely saying the words sent his panic flaring to life, fear swept through his blood.

  Nate was silent as they raced up the steps. “Something’s off,” he said, as they reached the second story, “I didn’t want to mention it before, but…”

  “Your senses.”

  Nate nodded. “My senses flared the moment I arrived.”

  “I know,” Grayson admitted, barely able to hear over the roar of blood through his body. The beast within was lifting its head, preparing for battle. “I haven’t been able to pinpoint what, but I’ve known all along something was wrong.” He started down the hall. “Three people have been murdered since I arrived. Humans.”

  “Any indication of death?” Nate asked.

  Grayson pushed open Meg’s bedchamber door, the panel bouncing against the wall. A fire burned in the fireplace, kept to life by the maid who was sitting in a chair darning stockings. Startled, she jumped to her feet and curtsied.

  “Meg,” Grayson demanded. “Mrs. Bellamont. Is she here?”

  The maid shook her head. “No, my lord, although I just got in, meself.”

  Grayson spun around and rushed into the hall. Fear pulsed beneath his skin. “No marks. Bruises at the necks, as if they’d been strangled. Certainly it happens with humans, when they turn on each other. But odd…three.” He started for Hanna’s room.

  “Yes, strange indeed,” Nate agreed. “But no scent of anything otherworldly?”

  Grayson shook his head. He read the indecision on Nate’s face. “What is it, what do you sense?”

  Nate sighed, raking his hands through his overly long hair. “A bitter scent. Something’s off. I noticed it the moment my carriage arrived. Fear, blood, death. I can smell it here, now.”

  Fear, blood, death.

  The words roared through Grayson. But his mind, his heart, would not believe that Meg was dead. Grayson paused outside Hanna’s room. His hands were trembling, the animal inside gathering strength. “Something’s wrong. I knew it the moment I entered this town, I was just too caught up in other things.” In Meg. Always Meg.

  He pushed open the bedroom door. No fire burned in the hearth. No lantern was lit, but someone had been here. A male human. He could sense the intruders lingering presence.

  Grayson paused in the middle of the room. A room of innocence, childhood sweetness. He breathed deep through his nose. There it was… the unmistakable scent.

  The animal inside him roared in protest, accepting what his human emotions could not.

  “Do you smell it?” Nate whispered.

  He didn’t need to say the word. It was there, hovering in the air. The scent of blood. Not much, but enough for him to notice.

  He could feel his teeth lengthening, his eyes starting to glow. “She’s gone,” Grayson hissed. “She was taken.” He would find the man responsible. He would find him and he would kill him.

  Grayson spun around, intending to leave when Nate reache
d out, resting his hand on his arm.

  “I smell a child. Innocence.”

  Grayson froze, his body trembling with pent up rage. He breathed in deeply, focusing his senses. Merde, Nate was right. Hanna’s scent was here, not old, but fresh. Hope welled within him, temporarily blinding the anger.

  “Hanna?” No response. His heart hammered madly. “Hanna, love, please, come out.” He needed to concentrate. Needed to turn his senses inward and find her before someone else did.

  Nate walked the room, breathing deeply. As he made his way near the bookshelves, Grayson realized where the child was hidden. Time was of the essence. He pushed past Nate and grasped onto the bookshelf. It pulled open easily under his hands.

  Hanna was curled into a tiny ball in the small servant’s room. Her whimpers broke his heart. “Hanna?” Grayson dropped to his knees, reaching for her.

  At his touch, she cried out and dove into his arms, quickly, much more quickly than a normal child. “He took her.”

  The words were like a knife to his heart. Her voice was muffled against his shoulder, but he understood every word. He would not let his fear overtake his common sense. He would find Meg and kill the man who had dared to touch her. “Who took her?”

  Hanna tilted her head back, a wild and terrified look in her innocent eyes. “Father. My father took her.”

  Grayson shook his head, confused, his patience wearing thin. Damn it, he didn’t have time for riddles. He needed answers now. “I don’t understand.”

  “He’s here.” She was trembling, her shivers growing more pronounced the more she talked. “He’s here and he took her. He said she was evil, he said you were evil.”

  Grayson felt sick.

  Nate lowered on his haunches, resting his hand gently on Hanna’s shoulder. “The man who took Meg, he’s here, as a guest at the party?”

  Hanna snuggled closer to Grayson and nodded.

  “And this man, he’s your father?” Grayson asked, his voice deceptively calm. Things were clicking. Memories flashing. Instinct roaring. The rage inside him was close to exploding. He curled his fingers, forcing himself to remain still.

  Hanna nodded, tears running down her pale cheeks. “He killed Mere. He killed her and he wants to kill me next.”

  Grayson cupped the sides of her face, forcing her to look at him, forcing the animal within to remain in the background…for the moment. He needed the truth now, once and for all. “Hanna, what is your father’s name?”

  She sniffled. “Mere called him William.”

  Sickening cold reality washed through Grayson. For a moment the world around them faded and he swam in a red sea of anger. He saw nothing but his brother-in-law’s face. The lies. All the lies and betrayal.

  “Shite,” Nate whispered.

  It made sense. All of it suddenly made sense. Why hadn’t he seen the truth when it was right before him? Slowly, Grayson stood. “Take her.” He gently pushed Hanna toward Nate, the one man he trusted completely.

  “Gray, you’ll need help. You can’t do this alone. You have no idea what you’re rushing into.”

  “No,” he shouted. Hanna jumped. He swallowed hard, forcing his voice to remain calm. She was terrified enough, he would not frighten her more. “What I need is to know that my niece is being protected. Take Hanna, Nate. If you are my friend, you will take her and you will protect her with your life.”

  There was a moment’s hesitation, but Nate finally nodded. “You’ll come with me, won’t you, Dove?” He looked down at Hanna.

  Hanna looked at Grayson, searching for his approval. “You’ll find Meg? You’ll bring her home?”

  “I will. I promise.” He cupped her shoulders and brought her forward, pressing his lips to her forehead. He glanced back up at Nate. “If anything happens…”


  “No, Nate, listen. If anything happens, protect Hanna. Find Millie and make sure she helps when her time comes.”

  Nate nodded, looking anything but thrilled. But he would do what Grayson asked of him.

  “I must go.” Grayson started for the door, finally allowing the monster deep within to crawl to the surface.

  “Gray, what will you do?” Nate called out.

  Grayson didn’t turn. “Have a little talk with my brother-in-law.” In a blink of an eye he was downstairs, his speed so fast, no one noticed. Nelson gasped, stumbling back at his sudden appearance.

  “My…my Lord, is there anything…”

  Grayson strolled past the man.

  The roar of conversation pulsed around him. Faces laughing, faces smiling, faces looking his way. People watching him, wondering, nodding their greetings. He barely saw any of them. It was as if he was no longer in his body. The demon inside had taken control and the demon had one goal. He found William easily. The man stood next to the windows, talking with Lord Temple as if nothing had happened. As if the world had not been destroyed.

  William, who had betrayed him. William, who had murdered his sister. William, who would see his own daughter killed. William, who knew where to locate Meg.

  As if sensing the anger pulsing from him, the crowd scattered aside and the roar of conversation softened. William glanced up, met Grayson’s gaze and smirked. He knew. The man knew what Grayson was coming for. He knew and he didn’t care.

  “Where is she?” Grayson asked, his voice calm and controlled, belying his inner turmoil.

  William released a soft laugh. “Your wife asked me the same thing about my daughter not an hour ago.”

  An hour ago. They’d taken Meg an hour ago. She could be anywhere by now. Time was ticking. “Hanna is safe, you’ll never touch her.”

  He reveled in the look of anger that flashed through William’s eyes. He’d not only come here for Meg, but for Hanna as well and who knew how many others.

  Lord Temple shifted, taking a step back in unease, realizing something was happening that he would wish no part in.

  William took a drink, feigning ease for their audience. “You didn’t tell me what she truly was. What you truly are. I was quite shocked, as you can imagine. I hadn’t a clue I’d married a monster.”

  The word cut more deeply than Grayson wanted to admit. He had trusted William. Cared for him like a brother. “Where is my wife?”

  William took another drink as if they had all the time in the world. The demon inside Grayson saw red. His fists curled as he resisted the urge to reach out and wrap his hands around the man’s neck.

  William set his glass on the tray of a passing footman. “Since you played so many games with me, I’ve decided to play a game with you.”

  Grayson was on him in a second. His grip found the man’s throat and he slammed him against the wall, holding him pinned there. A roar of shock went through the crowd but no one dared to interfere. How he wanted to kill him then and there. William’s eyes bulged from his head, his fingers pulling desperately at Grayson’s hands.

  “Where is my wife?”

  “Release me,” William gasped. “Or you’ll never see her again.”

  The monster inside Grayson protested his release. It might be a trap, another lie, but Grayson didn’t have any other choice. He released his hold and forced himself to step back. William slumped to the floor, gasping for air.

  “You think I wanted this?” He stumbled to his feet, his face red and glistening with sweaty outrage. “You think I wanted a monster for a wife? You think I wanted a monster for a child?”

  Grayson’s fingers curled and he stepped closer to the man. “Did you kill Emma?”

  “I rid the world of a monster,” William whispered.

  The truth had finally come out. Grayson should have felt relieved. He felt oddly numb. Emma was gone. But Meg still lived. He knew it in his soul. “Where is my wife?”

  William smirked. “You’re fast, but not fast enough. You’re wondering how Emma died? You’re wondering how so many of you have died? Blood is vital to your survival. But what if that blood is tainted? As blood is your streng
th, it’s also your weakness. We can’t kill you, but your blood can.”

  William was insane. If Grayson had listened better to his instincts, he might have realized it. Emma wouldn’t be dead. Meg wouldn’t be missing. “What are you saying?”

  “We found a poison that makes your blood run, killing you from the inside.”

  “Sir? Is everything well?” Nelson asked behind Grayson.

  “And now you are faced with two options,” William continued, ignoring the butler. “A dilemma much like you forced upon me. The antidote for the poison is in my study, in Edinburgh. Meg is south of here at my hunting lodge. In thirty minutes my hired man will shoot her in the head. I know you’re fast, but not fast enough for both.”

  Poison. Poison rushing through his body. As William admitted what he had done, Grayson could suddenly feel the poison in his veins. Practically feel his blood thinning, his heart pumping furiously in effort. How had he not noticed it before? So many things missed and Meg might die because of it. No! No, Meg would not die.

  “You can save yourself, or you can save your wife. Either way, soon one of you will be dead.”

  Grayson should have been terrified. He should have been praying to a God he wasn’t even sure he believed in. Instead, he felt oddly calm. Grayson stepped closer to William, the one man he thought was like a brother to him. Only inches from the man’s face, his lips lifted, his teeth growing with a hiss. “You better hope I die, because if not, I will find you and when I do, you will wish you had died instead of Emma.”

  Grayson latched onto the man’s neck again and with ease, lifted and tossed his brother-in-law through the large window. Glass shattered, pattering to the floor and mingling with the sound of screams. He could feel the mad, frantic rush of his guests as they stumbled away from him. They would talk about this for years to come. They would realize he was different. He didn’t bloody well care.

  Without a backward glance or word of explanation, Grayson moved across the room and pushed the French doors wide. Stepping into the darkness, he entered the garden, becoming one with the night.