Read A Pale Paradise Page 16

Chapter VI

  "I'll have the Conch Salad...and...the Yellow Bird cocktail." Phyl handed the colorful menu back to the waiter. She looked over at Thad, who still hadn't made up his mind, it appeared, and hung her shoulder bag on the side of the chair.

  "Hmm..m. Let me have the Conch Fritters....and the Gully Wash cocktail." Thad handed over his menu, and the waiter nodded affably, and headed back to the kitchen. "Seems like conch is their only choice." He turned to Phyl and smiled. "I guess that's why it's called The Golden Conch Bar."

  "Well, I've never had conch, so this should be interesting." Phyl leaned toward him as they sat in a dark corner of the open-sided, tiny bar they had found as they'd walked around after leaving the hotel. "Or a Yellow Bird cocktail," she laughed and she looked over beyond the curved bar at the small band of Bahamians playing Goombay, what the waiter had said was the local folk music of the Bahamas. The rhythmic beat was mesmerizing as they listened to one of the men playing the goatskin drums, and Phyl leaned her head back and closed her eyes, listening to the sounds and feeling the soft breeze from the wide ceiling fans hanging down from the high, wood beams.

  "Nor have I." Thad smiled, then he leaned forward, his arms on the table, and looked at her, his dark eyes serious. "We've walked around Lucaya for several hours now. I'm thinking that Jonathan may be staying at one of the small hotels we passed. Perhaps we should talk to the receptionists of a couple after we leave here." Phyl nodded, returning her attention to him, leaning toward him, as they talked amid the boisterous conversations around them as well as the music.

  "I agree. I thought that the one-story, pale pink hotel with the green trim down the street might be a possibility." Phyl rubbed her lips together. "I wonder how much money he could have on him if he's on the run."

  "Well, he obviously had enough to pay for transportation to two different islands." Thad scratched his stubbled jaw and looked around him at the patrons of the dark bar. "This doesn't seem like a touristy spot, do you think?"

  "No, I was thinking the same thing, actually. Looks more like locals with a few tourists like us here and there." She turned back to him. "It almost seems wrong of us to be eating out when we're trying to find him. I just haven't felt comfortable since we've been here, knowing that he's around somewhere. We just don't know where." Thad nodded. Phyl tucked a stray strand of her damp hair behind her pony tail and smoothed the front of her sleeveless white blouse and and black capris. She eyed her handsome husband, and was glad that he had worn his khaki Bermuda shorts, and green polo shirt on this sweltering day. Even though this place did not have air-conditioning, the low ceiling fans felt so good after walking in the humidity for so long. They listened to the music, quietly discussing their options, and were surprised at how quickly the waiter returned with their meals and drinks, and he set down the plates, and glasses of water next to their cocktails, served in tall glasses adorned with small umbrellas and fruit. They were starved after walking in the heat, and losing track of time. Phyl took a bite of the conch, which was paired with diced peppers and onions, and immediately her eyebrows shot up and she gasped and took a sip of the water.

  "Oh my goodness. That is spicy." She took another sip of the water. "How is yours?"

  "Very good. The fritters are chewy." He showed her one of the mollusks, chopped with sweet peppers and onions, rolled into a ball, and deep fried. "But the sauce is very hot." He put a couple on her plate, and she passed over some of her salad to his plate. Phyl took a sip of the Yellow Bird, and decided that she absolutely loved the fruity taste of the citrus and rum drink. Thad passed his Gully Wash cocktail over for her to sip.

  "What is in that?" She pursed her lips, deciding that she much preferred her own drink.

  "Gin, coconut water, and sweet condensed milk, if I remember correctly." She saw him smile at her expression, as he took another sip of his drink.

  They ate their meal and listened to the sounds of the Goombay. Phyl's eyes roamed around the small bar, as she chewed one of the fritters, and she realized that one of the men sitting at the bar was watching her, a very serious look on his face. She frowned, quickly taking her eyes off him, and leaned toward Thad to discuss the rest of the day, when a strange feeling crept up in her chest. Still leaning toward Thad, she glanced up at the man again, puzzled why he should catch her eye. He was bald, and had a short beard. She narrowed her eyes as she watched him, and she saw him raise a bottle of beer to his lips and take a swig, then lower his face to look directly at her with his haggard-looking eyes. Oh my God, was it? Could it possibly be? She blinked, and swallowed hard.

  "Thad, he's at the bar," she whispered, still leaning toward him, unable to take her eyes off the man.

  "Jonathan?" Thad whispered back as he swallowed, and took a sip of water. He turned his head, wiping his mouth with the napkin, and narrowed his eyes as he scanned the row of men sitting at the wooden bar. Phyl saw Jonathan shake his head very subtly from side to side, then reach in his pocket to pay the tab. Looking over at them, he tossed a couple of bills on the counter, then walked out of the bar. Phyl was stricken. He looked so different. Nothing like she'd remembered or even how he'd looked in the beach photo. He looked so thin, so worn. But it was him, she was sure of it. He had acknowledged them, but why had he gotten up and left after shaking his head at her? She saw that Thad was motioning to the waiter, who quickly brought them their bill. Thad paid for their dinner as she hoisted her bag over her shoulder, and they got up and left the bar.

  The glaring sunlight blinded them for a moment as they left the dark bar, and Phyl rummaged in her bag, pulled out her sunglasses and slid them on her face. She saw that Thad was getting his shades out of his pocket as well, and after a brief adjustment to the blazing sun again, they strolled slowly and casually hand in hand down the street. Phyl's eyes skittered around to every building as she tried to remain calm. Her heart was pounding. Where had he gone? He had to be close by. They were reaching the street on the other side of the bar now and she noticed that Thad had slowed his pace even more, and was scanning the colorful Victorian homes, and businesses as she was.


  She swung her head around as she heard her name whispered. Thad squeezed her hand, and they both stopped, and peered around them cautiously.

  "I heard it." Thad deep voice was low. They both saw that the coral-painted door at the back of The Golden Conch Bar was cracked open. Phyl looked up at Thad and he nodded, and they changed direction slowly and walked back toward the turquoise building. Metal trash cans, and discarded boxes lined the back side of the bar's building. As they neared the door, Phyl thought she saw Jonathan's face for a split-second, then darkness as he apparently receded into the room. She glanced up at Thad worriedly, and he stepped in front of her, removing his sunglasses, and slowly pushed the weather-worn door inward. He entered the dark space and Phyl followed, removing her glasses, and closing the door quickly behind her. They stood together, letting their eyes adjust to the dimness of the small space.

  "Jonathan?" Phyl could just make him out. He was sitting on the bed, one arm slung over his bent knee. The blades of a decrepit ceiling fan spun slowly above him. She walked tentatively toward him and stood at the side of the bed. She could see that Thad was scanning the room, then he came over and stood beside her, sliding his arm around her waist protectively.

  "Hello, Phyl." Jonathan stared hard into her eyes for a moment, then his gaze left her eyes and focused on Thad.

  "Jonathan, this is Thad."

  Jonathan leaned forward and held out his hand and the two men shook hands somberly.

  "I'd offer you both a seat, but there's only the bed. Help yourself if you like."

  Phyl couldn't pull her gaze away from his face. She'd been surprised to see Leah's photo of him with shoulder-length hair, and now to see him with a beard and his head shaved. It took some getting used to. She sat on the side of the bed and turned to him.

  "Jonathan, we've all been so worried about you." She took a deep breath. "Y
our parents are in Nassau and are in discussions with a lawyer, the embassy, and the police." She saw him nod. Thad stood to the side, his arms folded across his chest.

  "Thank you both for coming, although I'm not sure if you should have. I didn't know who else to call."

  "Why didn't you go to the embassy after the kidnapping?" Thad's lips were pursed, Phyl noticed, as she saw him look over at Jonathan. Jonathan lifted his head and eyed her husband.

  "My employer, Jack Sullivan, is involved in a highly illegal operation. I have concrete proof, but he's a very influential man on the islands." He rubbed his forehead. "I can't trust anyone, and I don't want to tell either of you any more at this point."

  "What are you going to do now?" Phyl rubbed her lips.

  "I'm going to the Freeport airport tomorrow and catch a private plane to Miami." He shifted his gaze from one to the other. "I haven't seen that I'm wanted by the authorities as of yet, so the sooner the better, in my opinion. I'd rather give someone the proof in the states."

  "You're considered a person of interest right now." Phyl sighed. "Jonathan, I'm sorry about Kristin. I hope she's okay." She saw him shake his head and look down for a moment, blinking slowly.

  "Yeah, it was pretty bad." Jonathan stared at her. "I couldn't identify him. His face was covered. But I can't figure out who is behind the kidnapping. The man didn't expect me to be there, though, by his initial hesitation. And then, he shot at me as he took Kristin."

  "Which means, they are most likely, still after you." Thad's voice was deep, and Phyl saw his dark eyes flash as he eyed Jonathan. "And, therefore, Phyl is in danger now, as well." He shifted his hands to his hips. "And, your parents. Now that you've told us about Sullivan, even though we don't know the specifics, we're all in danger."

  "You're right, of course." Jonathan's eyes were haggard as he looked from one to the other in the darkness. "I should never have called. You two need to leave the islands. My parents too. I didn't know that all of you would come over. I was hoping to get to Miami sooner than this, but the tourists are swamping the airports on the weekends. Monday seemed the better day to catch a flight."

  "We'll let your parents know that you're safe and that you're headed to Miami. They can book a flight as well from Providence Island." Phyl looked from Jonathan to Thad, and could tell that her husband was getting agitated at the position Jonathan had now thrown them in. She couldn't think of that right now, with Jonathan sitting here in front of her, and looking so awful. "Is there anything that we can do for you before we go back to Providence?"

  "Is it asking too much for you to buy me another shirt and pants? I have just enough cash for the flight out, and these are getting pretty bad." Jonathan sighed, running his hand down the front of his dark blue shirt. "The small bars are dark and the only places I feel safe right now. I don't want to be seen in a store."

  "Of course we will." Phyl looked up and saw Thad nod reluctantly, then tilt his head and shift his gaze to the door as if signaling her that he was ready to leave.

  "Come back after dark. That would be safer, I think." Jonathan sighed, running his hand over his shaved head.

  "All right, and we'll bring you something to eat as well." Phyl saw him nod, and she instinctively reached her hand out and rested it on his arm, her eyes tearing despite her efforts to stay calm. "We'll help you any way we can, Jonathan."

  "Thank you." He looked at each of them solemnly, then got up off the bed. "I'll see you out." He paused. "Phyl, I'm sorry. I know my appearance was a shock to you."

  Phyl stood up and looked up at him, finding it hard to keep her emotions in check. He had gotten himself into an unbelievably awful situation, and she felt so helpless. Jonathan looked down at her, then surprised her by wrapping his arms around her for a brief moment. As they pulled apart, Phyl blinked away her tears, and saw that Jonathan's eyes were tearing as well. This man that she hardly recognized now had done nothing to deserve his current predicament. He had made some bad choices, that was a given, but to be on the run like this, his girlfriend missing - perhaps dead.

  "We need to leave." Thad's tone was short. "Jonathan, we'll be back later, and then, we're heading back to New Providence, and Vermont immediately." He paused. "I still feel that you should tell a U.S. government agency what you know. Someone needs to know."

  "I will, but not until I reach Miami."

  Phyl could see that the two men were at an impasse. Thad was wasting his breath voicing his opinion to Jonathan, who, she knew, would dig in his heels to make a point. She turned and headed toward the door. Jonathan opened the door for them, closing it immediately behind them. She and Thad stood for a moment, sliding their sunglasses on again in the glaring sunlight, and letting their eyes adjust once more. After a moment, she felt Thad's hand on her waist.

  "Let's find a store and get that over with." He looked down at her, then gazed around him. "Weren't there some clothing stores over on the next street?"

  "Yes, I think so." Phyl sighed, a wave of sadness flowing through her. "Thad, I feel so awful for Jonathan." They turned to walk alongside the turquoise bar to the next street.

  "Well, I feel worse for us right now, Phyl." Thad took a deep breath. "We don't know who is out there looking for him, and I'm not sure we considered the danger to ourselves as carefully as we should have." He sighed. "I'm angry with myself for coming here. We could have called people from home, and done as much good. Now we've set ourselves up for who knows what." They had reached the front of the bar, and stood on the sidewalk, peering down the street.

  "There's a store." Phyl pointed out a pale green building with a blue awning.

  "Let's get this over with as quickly as possible, then head back to the hotel and call Scott and Leah."

  "I agree. For some reason now, I'm anxious to get back home." Phyl sighed as they held hands and headed across the street toward the small store. "Do you realize that now, Jonathan will be in the states before we've even gotten back to Nassau?"

  "You're right." Thad shook his head as they reached the store. "Well, let's get this over with." He repeated. She knew that he disliked shopping, so she let go of his hand after entering the small boutique, and let him wander around as she found Jonathan a shirt and pants. After a few minutes of searching through the items stacked on one of the wood tables on the men's side of the narrow middle aisle, she had picked out a pair of navy blue slacks, and a blue and white striped polo shirt, hoping he was still the same size she remembered, and they headed to the cashier.

  "It will be dusk soon." Phyl observed as they stood in front of the store and slid on their sunglasses.

  "Thank goodness." Thad reached over and took the shopping bag from her now outstretched hand, and shifted it to his right hand. She slid her hand in his, adjusted her shoulder bag to a more comfortable position, and they walked together down the sidewalk toward their hotel.

  "I know you're anxious to get home."

  "That's an understatement." Thad's voice was deep. "I think... no, I know...that we're in danger here." He shook his head. "We should never have come...never have come." He repeated, and she sighed. For some reason, she couldn't imagine anything bad happening to them in this tranquil setting, and had a difficult time picturing themselves in the middle of whatever Jonathan's boss had been up to - with his illegal operation - as he had put it. She felt oddly removed from that part of it - only feeling empathy for Jonathan at this point. Wanting to help him get back to the states seemed to be the only thought occupying her mind now.

  "How about this. I'll call Scott and Leah when we get back to the room, then I'll call and book a flight for tomorrow morning back to Nassau, then we can change our return tickets home for a flight tomorrow afternoon." She looked up at him. "We'll be back in Lake Saint Catherine's late tomorrow night. How does that sound?" She felt him squeeze her hand as he smiled down at her.

  "That would be great."

  "Well, here we are." Phyl spied the Sunset Inn, and they crossed the street at the interse
ction. As they entered the hotel, and walked across the lobby toward the elevator, Thad let go of her hand, and gestured as he spoke.

  "I still think he should go to the embassy, Phyl. It's just nagging at me that he should have told someone here."

  "He's made up his mind, Thad. There's no changing it at this point."

  "But at least, he would be safe at the embassy." Thad pushed the elevator button, the doors opened and they entered the small enclosure.

  "Jonathan obviously doesn't think he would be safe, but everything would be out in the open if he went to the embassy, and in my opinion, there could be an immediate investigation. Everyone can't be dishonest, or at Sullivan's beck and call."

  "Perhaps we should try to convince him tonight to change his mind about flying to Miami tomorrow." Thad pushed the button for their floor.

  "I don't know, Thad. If he makes it there tomorrow, he can go to authorities in the states right away. If he stays in the Bahamas, he'll be stuck here for the duration of the investigation, won't he?"

  "You're right." The elevator doors opened and they exited and walked down the short hallway to their room. "And we know how slowly the system works here." Thad exhaled as he unlocked the door to their room, walking over to set the bag on the bed. Phyl sat down on the bed and picked up the receiver from its cradle on the nightstand. After the desk receptionist had answered, she requested a connection to the Martin's hotel in Nassau. She watched, twirling the cord, as Thad motioned to her, then opened the sliding door, and went out on the balcony.


  Phyl took a deep breath as she heard Leah's voice.

  "Leah, it's Phyl," she tried to stay calm as she composed her thoughts. "We found Jonathan."

  "Oh, my God, is he all right?" Leah cried, with a quick muffled "Scott, they found him." to her husband.

  "He's in a room at the back of The Golden Conch Bar in Lucaya." Phyl informed her, and she could tell that Leah was holding out the phone so she and her husband could hear her at the same time. "He plans on catching a flight over to Miami tomorrow."

  "How is he, Phyl?" Scott interjected.

  "He's all right physically. Just tired, I think. He's shaved his head, and has a beard now, and he's very emphatic about getting back to the states and talking to authorities."

  "Well, I guess we need to head back as well, eh Leah?" Scott's voice sounded determined.

  "Phyl, did he say who he was running from?" Leah sighed.

  "He can't identify him because his face was covered, but he's not even sure it was one of Sullivan's men." Phyl paused as she saw that Thad had come back into the room and stood in front of her, his hands on his hips, and she nodded at him, understanding what he wanted her to say. "Thad is very concerned - very certain that we are all in danger here, Leah, and need to leave the islands. Jonathan doesn't trust anyone in authority here. We're getting back to Nassau in the morning, then heading back to Vermont."

  "Yes, that's what you should do." Leah sighed again. "We've all put ourselves in the middle of something bad, I know. We'll do the same."

  "We're going back after dark to take him a change of clothes and a meal." Phyl continued. "And I need to call the airport as soon as I get off the phone with you."

  "Well, I won't keep you then. We need to change our tickets as well."

  "We'll be leaving tomorrow, too, Phyl. It sounds like Jonathan will beat us home." Scott added.

  "Thank you so much, Phyl. And tell Thad that we appreciate you both coming here, but it sounds like we'll all be in the states by tomorrow evening, and that makes me feel very relieved." Leah sighed, and sounded very tired herself. "Hopefully, there'll be some sort of resolution soon."

  "I hope so Leah. You two have a safe trip home, and we'll keep in touch." Phyl ended the conversation, and hung up the phone, then rummaged in her shoulder bag for their tickets and the airline number. She dialed the desk and was connected to the airport, and booked a flight at nine the next morning to Nassau. After she hung up, she looked up at Thad.

  "We'll be back at the British Colonial Inn in Nassau by ten thirty tomorrow morning." She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and smoothed her ponytail, tilting her head at him. "What time do you want to leave Nassau for home"

  "The sooner the better, don't you think?"

  "All right." She dialed the desk again and was once more connected to the airport, getting their original return tickets organized while she waited for them to pick up, and after a few minutes had changed their return flight from Nassau International Airport to Burlington International Airport. They were scheduled to leave at two in the afternoon, and with a short layover, once more, in Atlanta, and their drive back to Lake Saint Catherine, she figured they would be home by eleven that night. She relayed that information to Thad, as he sat down beside her on the bed.

  "That should give us time to pack up at the hotel, then head back to the airport," she concluded.

  "Good...good. Thank you for getting that arranged." He looked at her solemnly, his dark eyes narrowed. "I'll be glad when we're on the plane for home."

  Phyl turned and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder, and he enfolded her in his arms, rubbing her back softly. He kissed the top of her head.

  "We did what we came out here to do. We found Jonathan," he whispered as she nodded into his shoulder. "I know that seeing him was hard on you."

  "I didn't know him, Thad." She pulled back and squinted up into his eyes. "He's changed. His personality has changed. It's just disturbing." She shook her head. "It's not like I was ever expecting to run into Jonathan again..."

  "Well, you wouldn't have, more than likely, if not for his messages." Thad continued to rub her back. "This is disturbing all around, for Scott and Leah too." He exhaled. "It will all be over soon, and we can get back to our normal lives. Jonathan can handle things himself once he's in the states."

  Phyl rested her head on his shoulder, relaxing in his arms, and took a deep breath. "I've forgotten what day this is - honestly," she sighed.

  "I think it's still Sunday," Thad laughed softly. "Although, I can't swear to it, with all the naps I've been taking."

  "We'll be safe and snug in our home tomorrow night." She tilted her head and kissed his neck, loving the warm roughness of his unshaven skin. " Have we only been in the Bahamas for two days? It seems like forever."

  "Yes, but most of that time has been taken up by plane rides, or checking into hotels."

  Phyl smiled at their weak attempts at humor, and they held each other for a few minutes more, then pulled apart, and eyed each other.

  "We should go back in a couple of hours, I'm thinking." Thad rubbed her shoulder.

  "All right." Phyl ran her hand along his arm. "I'm not looking forward to going there again. The more I think about it, the more apprehensive I feel."

  "We'll drop off the clothes and food, and leave immediately." Thad paused, then narrowed his eyes at her. "Would you rather stay here? I don't mind running them over to him."

  "No, of course not." Phyl grimaced. "We'll both go. I got you into this mess, didn't I?"

  "I beg to differ," he smiled at her. "We agreed on this together. That was the initial discussion, remember? But, to change the subject, if I may, I am starving. Let's get some room service and sit out on the balcony one last time."

  "That sounds great." She turned from him and leaned over and picked up the hotel's leather-bound booklet from the nightstand, and flipped through the pages until she found the list of items available for room service. "Here it is." They leaned over the menu and decided that breakfast for dinner sounded wonderful to them both.

  "Let me call." Thad moved over next to the nightstand and dialed the desk, placing their order, then he hung up the phone. "Our dinner will be here in twenty minutes. Not bad," he smiled at her.

  "Should we have ordered something for Jonathan as well?"

  "You're right." Thad dialed the desk again, and asked that they add a second
breakfast as a to-go order. "That's done." Thad stood up and held out his hand to her. "Let's relax on the balcony." She put her hand in his and getting up from the bed, they made their way onto the small balcony overlooking the ocean. They moved the two floral chaise lounge chairs closer together, and pulled a small table next to one of them, then lay on the recliners, leaning their heads back on the small cushions.

  "This is so relaxing." Phyl closed her eyes and concentrated only on the soft breeze blowing in from the sea.

  "Deja vu, eh?"


  Phyl wasn't sure if she had drifted off as she jumped when she heard a knock on their door. She saw Thad get up and head inside, so she pulled herself up, smoothed her hair, and adjusted her seat into a sitting position. He quickly returned with a tray filled to overflowing, and set it on the table. Phyl lifted the domed metal cover of one plate and sighed with happiness.

  "Bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, toast with butter and jam." She smiled up at Thad. "...and juice, and coffee." as she eyed the white carafe, and pitcher of orange juice. "Perfect, just perfect." He looked down seriously into her shining eyes for a moment, then bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. As they parted, she searched his eyes, and reached her hand up around his neck, coaxing him down gently for another kiss. Phyl pulled back and took a deep breath as she gazed into his beautiful, dark eyes. They understood each other's trepidation. They understood that whatever they did now was an added risk. They would enjoy this meal together, then, as promised, they would head back out to The Golden Conch Bar.