Read A Pale Paradise Page 35


  Thad pulled around the blue car and parked the black truck at the top of the driveway.

  "Their lights always look so inviting." Phyl gazed at the white lights around the porch of Emma and Pete's log home. She smiled as she watched her husband get out of the truck and walk around to her door.

  "Yes, they do." He took the large basket from her and extended his hand to help her down from the high seat. Their breath condensed in the frigid air as they joined their gloved hands and walked up to the porch, and Phyl admired the simple fir wreath that adorned the front door. Thad rang the bell and they removed their gloves, pocketing them in their coats.

  "Phyl, Thad! Merry Christmas." Emma greeted them as she opened the massive wood door and waved her arm. "Come in. Come in where it's warm." Pete entered the foyer, and there were hugs all around. Emma's blue eyes sparkled as she spied the basket Thad was handing over to Pete. "Oh, you shouldn't have. It all looks so wonderful." She pulled back the red checkered towel and 'oohed' in delight as she saw several loaves of bread wrapped in cellophane and tied with red ribbons, blocks of various local cheeses, and a bottle of red wine.

  "I made you loaves of rosemary, lemon-grass, and sour-dough dill." Phyl smiled as Thad helped her shrug out of her long black coat. "There's a jar of home-made fig preserves in there as well."

  "And we love this merlot, don't we Pete?" Emma enthused, looking up at her husband as she smoothed the skirt of her burgundy velvet dress. "Thank you so much, you two." She beamed at them and tilted her head. "This is going to be a wonderful evening. I'm so happy for you all." She waved her arm toward the hallway. "You know where to put your coats. I need to carve that ham. White wine for you both? Pete, could you get it for them?"

  "That's perfect, Emma." Phyl smiled at her dear friend and she and Thad headed down the hallway to the bedroom on the right. How much had changed since that first get-together two years earlier when she'd felt like she was going to her first prom. Nervous to meet new people, after moving alone to such remote location. She peered at her reflection in the mirror over the dresser as Thad took off his black overcoat and laid their coats on the bed. She brushed back a tendril of her dark, chestnut hair and smoothed her long, loose braid in the back, glad that she had chosen to wear her full-length, hunter green dress and heeled, black boots. The slinky, stretchy fabric felt cool to the touch as she pushed up the long, snug sleeves, and she smiled as she glimpsed her husband in the mirror. He looked devastatingly handsome in his crisp, white shirt, open at the collar, and black dress pants. The slight hint of beard on his rugged face, tinged with white and silver could make her melt. She sighed happily as she felt his arms slide around her waist, and his gentle kiss on her neck. Who could have known that such happiness would be waiting for her here.

  "You look beautiful tonight, Phyl." His voice was deep and his breath warm, as he kissed her neck again. He loosened his grip so she could turn around to him, and she raised her hands to his shoulders, and gazed contentedly into his beautiful eyes as he narrowed his brows and bent his head to kiss her softly. As she raised her lashes languidly, she caught sight of Beth and Caleb entering the room, and she pulled away and nodded over to them and smiled as they stopped short. Thad turned and released her, laughing at his daughter's look of surprise. They all hugged with enthusiasm and a slight giddiness considering the evening's festivities would soon revolve around their engagement announcement. After coats were removed and deposited on the bed, the foursome headed down the hall. Pete met them as they entered the massive living room and handed them the long-stemmed glasses of wine, asking Beth and Caleb if they wished to have a glass of soda or egg nog, and the couple followed him back to the kitchen. Phyl looked around the gorgeous softly-lit room, decorated, as it was every year, with strands of tiny white lights strung loosely around the large window facing the lake, and tucked in fir wreaths on the doors, and garland on the mantle. The eight-foot tree was adorned with the white lights and Emma's home-made ornaments. Phyl felt her husband's warm hand on her waist as they walked toward the fireplace to greet their friends, who were standing in a loose group in front of the blazing fire.

  "Mike, Merry Christmas." Phyl reached up and hugged him tight. She would always adore this sweet man, and she wanted more than anything for him to be happy again.

  "Merry Christmas, Phyl." She was glad to see his eyes sparkling on what must be a bittersweet night for him, his second Christmas alone after Annie's death.

  "How's it going at the clinic,Thad?" Mike nodded as the two men shook hands. "Haven't seen you for a while."

  "Everything's going well. A little slower before the holidays, but I'm not complaining about that," Thad smiled.

  "Phyl, how is your supply of brochures and business cards?"

  She turned from sipping her wine to see Samuel walk up beside her, and she hugged the tall, balding, gray-haired man. "Merry Christmas, Samuel." How could she do without this wonderful man and his reliable printing company. "I think I'm going to need more brochures next month. Where's Bill?" She looked over toward the dining room.

  "He's getting us drinks." They chatted for a moment about their businesses, and as Thad and Mike continued their conversation, she spied the gray-haired older man coming towards them, and she hugged him as he joined the group.

  "Merry Christmas, Bill." She'd lost count of the number of times she'd been in his hardware store, and she adored this friendly man.

  "Does everyone have a drink in hand?" Emma called out as she entered the living room with Beth and Caleb following close behind her, smiling broadly as they held hands. Everyone turned to watch as she led the couple to stand in front of the piano near the window, and the guests gravitated toward the couple. Phyl smiled at the couple. Beth, with her shoulder-length light brown hair and hazel eyes, was the image of her late mother, Angela. She smoothed the skirt of her black sheath, and rubbed her thumb along the modest diamond on her left ring finger, and looked up at Caleb, who appeared slightly more nervous than his beaming bride-to-be. The blond-haired young man looked handsome in his black pants and light blue shirt. "I think Thad has something to say, and then you'll understand, if you haven't caught on yet, why Beth and Caleb look so happy." She moved aside, making room for Phyl and Thad, as Caleb's parents, Warren and Jamie Smith joined them.

  Phyl saw Thad take a deep breath and exhale, and she knew how wonderful and difficult this was for him. He had told her on the ride over that he didn't have a clue what he planned to say, but she knew whatever he told them would be from his heart. He pursed his lips, and his dark eyes narrowed as he thoughtfully contemplated the excited couple standing before him in the softly-lit room.

  "Beth, this toast is for you and Caleb as you celebrate your engagement." The guests erupted in low 'ahhs' and applause. Thad's warm, deep voice was low as he gazed lovingly at his daughter. "It has been a privilege to watch you grow into the beautiful, compassionate woman you are today." He paused. "Your mother would be so proud of you." His voice broke slightly and he cleared his throat. Phyl wiped a tear away from her eye, as she heard Emma sniff softly behind her. She saw Thad purse his lips, trying to keep his composure, and Beth lifted her chin and blinked, trying to keep away the tears. Caleb squeezed her hand, and she turned and looked up at him for a moment, and Phyl could see her eyes glistening. Thad continued, "It is my fervent hope that the two of you will enjoy a life shared as one, without compromising the other's aspirations and dreams. That you will walk in this complicated, and beautiful, but often discordant world side by side, always looking forward, together." He paused and wrapped his arm around Phyl's waist, pulling her softly to him. "Phyl and I will always be there for you both, but only up to a point." He smiled and there was soft laughter in the room. "You must rely on each other now, and chart your own path, united by the devotion and passion you hold for each other. We love you, dear Beth and Caleb, and wish you only the best in the years to come." He held out his glass toward them, and the rest of the guests f
ollowed suit, as they toasted the teary-eyed couple. Phyl looked up at her husband, her eyes soft, feeling that her heart was full, and he bent his head and kissed her gently. She saw him take a deep, relieved breath, and they turned their attention to Caleb's father, Warren, who added his and Jamie's congratulations to the couple.

  The rest of the evening was spent enjoying Emma's scrumptious buffet, and catching up with all the people she had known now for over two years. Phyl took a bite of her ham and biscuit as she stood near the blazing fire, and looked around the festive room at her family and friends, and suddenly, was taken back to the island of Turtle Cay. How she wished that she could see Calvin walk towards her right now, with Owen beside him. In the short time they'd spent with him, after they'd rescued them from No Name Cay, Phyl had felt her heart connect to his. Calvin, like Thad, was a gentleman, in every sense of the word. A good man. And that was a rarity in this world. She had shipped them a box with a piece of her pottery for Calvin, a wide shallow bowl with pulled handles that would be perfect for holding his beautiful roasted vegetables or steaming red lobsters, and a blue fishing rod for Owen, as well as a heartfelt note, thanking them for their bravery in rescuing them and their hospitality. It was not nearly enough, she knew, to show their immense gratitude. Her musings turned into a smile as she turned to see Thad striding towards her from the dining room, carrying a plate of Emma's delicious lemon pound cake in each hand. They chatted with Dan, to whom she would forever be grateful for finding her the lake-front home, and his wife, Marianne for a few moments, telling them that they had decided to expand and close in the carport, and add another bedroom on the second floor, enlarging their bedroom and bath as well. Phyl noticed out of the corner of her eye that Emma was attempting to corral her chatty guests toward the window and they joined the group, as Jamie sat down at the piano and began playing a familiar carol.

  Thad wrapped his arms around her as he stood behind her, and she sang along with the group, all the while listening to the beautiful, soothing sound of her husband's deep voice resonating near her ear. When the carol ended, she felt him kiss her softly on her neck and squeeze her gently, and she tilted her face up to smile into his glistening, dark eyes, and he half-winked at her in the flickering glow from the holiday lights. What a wonderful night. A celebration of love. A celebration of family. Her heart was full.

  Who could know what their future together might hold.

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