Read A Perfect Canvas Page 30

  Chapter 30

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Paige demanded.

  Chris flipped open the magazine. “I’m talking about you having Nicholas kill your husband.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t want Nicholas to kill Eddie.”

  “Did you know the blood python is one of the most unpredictable of the species? They have a reputation for being vicious and for striking with the least bit of provocation.”

  Paige didn’t want Eddie killed, but for some reason Chris thought she did. If she could unravel what Chris was talking about, maybe the woman would finally help her.

  “Why do you think I want Nicholas to kill my husband?”

  “Lébé was the first mortal, part human, part snake,” Chris said, flipping the page. “It’s said that Lébé comes during the night to transfer wisdom through the saliva of its tongue.”

  Paige grabbed Chris by the arm. “Would you quit with the trivia and just tell me what the hell you’re talking about?”

  Chris pulled away. “I would, but you don’t believe in magic. And you’re not being honest with me.” She set aside the magazine, opened the top desk drawer, and pointed.

  Pictures of Paige filled the desk drawer. Pictures of her hanging from the tree. Pictures of her lying in her own bed. In one photo that immediately caught her eye, she was lying nude on her back. She had her sleeping mask on. She felt her face flush with anger. How had he done it?

  The photo had to have been taken while she was home alone, napping. She never slept nude unless she was completely alone.

  She picked up the photos, flipped through them. There were pictures of her sitting on her couch in her pajamas. Pictures of her in the shower.

  Had he drugged her somehow? No. He hadn’t. He had cameras in her house. He had to. It was the only logical explanation.

  All the photos of her in her bedroom were taken from the exact same position, from her dresser. And the photos in the living room were taken from a single spot as well, from somewhere up on a wall.

  “You can quit your little act,” Chris said. “I know all about the two of you.”

  Now she understood why Chris had hit her, why Chris had hesitated in helping her. All this time Paige had been wondering whether Chris was working with Nicholas, Chris had been thinking she had some kind of relationship with the maniac.

  “At first,” Chris said. “I thought you were just like me. Then I realized you were up to something. Now I know you’re just like him. I didn’t ask Nicholas to kill my husband. He did it on his own. Maybe I could have done more to prevent it from happening. I could have fought him. I know that now. And I have to live with that. But what you’re doing is murder.”

  “But I don’t--”

  “Don’t bother trying to explain.”

  Paige rubbed the side of her head. How could she make Chris believe her? She took a breath, looked Chris in the eyes, and spoke softly. “I didn’t ask Nicholas to kill Eddie. Yes, I knew him. Yes, I worked with him, but he lied to me. Honest. I had no idea what was going on. I would never want Eddie dead. Nicholas kidnapped me.”

  “And I’m supposed to believe that?”

  Paige dropped to her knees. If there was anything she thought Chris might understand, that might make her see the truth, it was an act of submission. She put down the leg of the chair, and took Chris’s hands in her own.

  “You have got to believe me. I never asked for any of this. I’m here completely against my will. Can’t you see? Oh God, what can I do to make you believe me? I didn’t want any of this to happen.”

  “I want to believe you,” Chris said. She pulled her hand away and ran her fingers through Paige’s hair. “I do. But--”

  “You have to believe me. We can’t let him kill Eddie. He doesn’t deserve to die. Help me. Please help me save Eddie.” Paige pleaded.

  Chris put her hand under Paige’s chin, looked at her long and hard.

  “In African Muti ritual killings it’s believed that the more a victim screams the stronger the magic that’s born of them will be. Some people believe in magic. Some people believe in talismans, magical charms that protect them or give them power. Some wizards acquire all their power from a wand.”

  Chris winked at her. Then she picked up the grapefruit from the desk and handed it to Paige.

  Baffled, Paige took it and looked at it. Tattooed on the peel in an elaborate script were the words: LOOK IN THE MEDICINE CABINET.

  Paige looked back up at Chris. “What?”

  Covering Paige’s mouth with her fingers, Chris took the grapefruit from her and pushed her away.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. Even if you don’t want your husband killed, it’s too late. Nicholas would kill me if I did.”

  Chris looked up at a corner of the ceiling. Paige followed her eyes and saw a camera just like the one that had been in the bathroom.

  Chris peeled off a portion of the grapefruit’s skin.

  “The only thing I can do for you is open the door.”

  Sliding off the desk, Chris stuffed the peel in her mouth and began chewing it. Then she glided away from Paige.

  Paige picked up the leg of the chair and stood.

  Chris crossed the room, snapped on a switch. The door in the ceiling motored open. She peeled off another portion of the grapefruit and stuck it in her mouth.

  Paige sprinted up the stairs. She wished Chris would come with her, help her. Her odds of beating Nicholas would be much better if it was the two of them against him, but she understood why Chris wasn’t willing to help her anymore than she had. She’d lost too much. The risk was too great for her.

  She stepped into the living room, glanced out the big bay window. Headlights at the end of the drive pointed up at the house. She wanted to run and wait at the kitchen window to get a better look at the car, to see it as it drove around the house, to see if it was Nicholas, to see if he had Eddie.

  God, wouldn’t it be fantastic if the police had arrived? Wouldn’t it be great if some hunter had heard her cries for help and had called the sheriff? But she knew in her heart it was Nicholas. She was out of time.