Read A Portrait of Tragedy (Chapter 3) Page 1


  Chapter 3: Shades of Tainted Glory


  J. Niessen

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  Published By:

  A Portrait of Tragedy

  Copyright 2013 by J. Niessen

  Cover Page by J’s Art Emporium, Copyright 2013

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  Chapter 3: Shades of Tainted Glory

  It’s the first night for the couple in their new apartment. Before Lace steps away from the safety of his home, he has a basic understanding of the scenario he will be visiting, where tragedy dwells in that moment. The picture, mounted to the back of his apartment doorway, depicts a dark sky with a massive skyscraper toppling over, through a vast cloud of grey.

  Putting on his undergarment work suit, made of woven metal, Lace considers the phrase “Man of Steel.” Unfortunately he’s without the super-human power of invincibility that such a hero might garner. The material helps to protect against average injury and vicious bites from common attackers. Preparing to step into the doorway of transference, Lace’s muscles tighten from unease. Calculating these worries--he takes in a deep breath to release his tensions, as a routine for self-maintenance. His resting wife’s head is turned away, as he glances back.

  Lace mentally prepares for his duties. By centering his focus on the source of fearlessness, he identifies the clear reality of general worldly threats.

  While objects can harm you, the bodily injury you sustain has no affect on your well being in the afterlife. In this theory the standard concept of life is illusionary, when assuming physical matter is irrelevant to your overall existence.

  Each material item in your proximity has a function: to aid and assist, or block progress. The overwhelming environment Lace arrives in is plagued with chaos and panic…

  Briefed on the scenario he’s entered, Lace is aware of the insurmountable force able to claim any object for use as an extension of its being. Named Instigator, the mechanical-like super being patrols the current territory pursuing common dwellers to capture and annihilate those human occupants. This takes place years before Lace is born, during the age of sufferings.

  Lace runs to keep up with others fleeing by foot across the concrete paving. Sounding like a deep amplified steam horn, the ungodly noises roar from high within the clouded sky, and bolster Instigator’s domineering presence as another skyscraper topples. A bridge behind them (with people still on it trying to run) detaches from its mountings, shaking the ground ahead where Lace and the others hurry. The bridge lifts as Instigator readies another brutal assault.

  Joined up with Lace is his partner, Amadeus. Only a select few Godly angels are allowed to enter the age of trials to serve alongside a [human prophet]. This describes Lace’s role. The two are fortunate to have one another, each learning facts otherwise difficult to grasp from a counterpart’s perspective. Amadeus is an angelic guardian, sent to monitor and protect Lace.

  For Amadeus it’s a time of training, in preparation for final confrontation. A massive war has yet to occur, involving the forces of good and evil. It is the battle to end all wars. It will be the Lord of Darkness’ last stand, released once again upon the earth, determined to surmount a vast army, before enduring a crushing defeat, and sentenced in final judgment to everlasting hell.

  Lace must regularly travel to where this dark lord’s false savior reigns. Here earth’s populace undergoes testing procedures for bioengineered advancements. It’s why Lace wears the garment of woven steel. The aim of this era’s trained technology is to make man’s physique less susceptible to injury, and amplify the subject’s drive for survival. Amadeus explains the history behind the bio plague, which is responsible for the near extinction of the human race, and how those affected by this released virus quickly lose hope over their eternal salvation by its powerful psychological effects.

  The conversation is held amongst gathered nonconformists, in a secluded shelter, having safely escaped Instigator. People are more receptive with senses alerted by a devastating attack. It’s a viable technique in the mission field, when striving to lead the desolate to saving Grace.

  Before getting started, Lace explains that he would like to excuse himself. Feeling grimy and warn out (from helping these people reach safety) he retrieves his locator device and then returns to his own era. There in the time of the new millennium he’s briefed on the full details of the mission, and what the other team members went through to defeat Instigator. He’s instructed to survey the crash site later when he returns, and to assist with the rebuilding process of the great city. After his debriefing Lace goes home for a good night’s sleep, and to be with his wife.

  After spending the day in their new apartment working on renovations to the bathroom, Judy warns her husband not to be late for dinner. Cleaned up and ready for work (unaware it won’t be till months later that he’ll see his wife again) Lace arrives at the moment when Amadeus was about to give a detailed explanation on the bio plague. Other than his cleaned-up appearance, it’s as if Lace never left. The two use conversation between one another as an effective tool for onlookers to learn.

  Amadeus begins by deploying a large, clear display screen. On it a human example appears. The viewers see into the person’s thoughts. This is another well devised teaching tool the pair uses, as Amadeus guides in the steps of the displayed individual’s development:

  “I will share with you, Lace, the process involved with man’s greatest weakness.

  “It initiates with self desire, transitioning a center for good into a corruptible asset.

  “Self wants progress under the presumption of self benefit.

  “This mental sickness spreads by an infliction to the heart.

  “Under the guise of self-preservation distress initiates, using one’s own insecurities.

  “The growing infection forces out goodness from a person’s kind nature.

  “Thoughts become depraved, convincing the stricken host that the use of degrading accusations and harsh measures are necessary during personal interactions, to any extent.

  “This manipulation causes one to disregard the notion of proceeding in good conscious, pushing negative tactics to accomplish justifiable gain.” Lace pictures his group of friends to associate such attributes. It’s sickening to realize his wife reflects a similar attitude.

  The model does not look as attractive as first depicted. Black virus cells contained in a syringe are injected into the displayed host. The animated person acts out what Amadeus goes on to describe. There are other characters that appear for the model to interact with…

  “Lace,” Amadeus states, reestablishing focus with his partner. “When man can trigger an emotion, that status will be exploited. To do this a chemical is formulated. The developed serum is administered to propel a ravenous hunger, which can be spread to others through the host’s saliva, entering into the bloodstr
eam of a bitten victim, and initiating in less than a minute. The altered state amplifies the deepest, darkest, evil (which we’ve discussed) inside a person. This unrelenting control establishes a hardening of the heart, overcoming the mind with malevolent selfishness. The inflicted disregard what’s important beyond their personal spectrum. Like nocturnal predators they prefer the cover of night. Now that the light of the sun is blocked out in the final days, these fiends prowl tirelessly, unaffected by exhaustion. They seek--under a frenzied urge--to infect others.”

  Lace admits witnessing the stages of this disease that Amadeus has shared, first hand…

  “I recognize these attributes in everyday individuals, living in the time of peace, Amadeus. My wife takes every opportunity to accentuate my faults. Tuned to what the Holy Spirit shares with me, I know that it comes from her doubts, believing she’s not worthy enough for salvation, and tries forcing this belief onto me.

  “And she’s right…because I’m not without sin…I deserve to suffer for my wayward heart, and deserve punishment for breaking God’s laws. But it’s not up to her or any of my accusers to decide my sentence. They need to grasp that there is only one without sin. People look to me,