Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 30

  Chapter Thirty

  It had been two weeks since Ester moved out of one house and in with Elaina. Helen and Logan were settled into a routine. Every day that they were together marriage seemed more real to Helen. They went to sleep together and woke up together. Helen tried not to let her mind wander but couldn’t help it when she thought of her life with Logan. She knew she needed to pay attention. She was sitting in class listening to the professor go over the notes she would need for her final exams. Helen looked over at Jody and realized her wandering mind was not alone. She almost laughed as she watched her friend file her nails. It was almost time to go to the next class, so she gathered her notes and books. The professor dismissed, and she walked over to Jody.

  Jody looked at Helen coming her way. She had a feeling her friend had seen her doing her nails.

  “Hello, Jody. I see your nails are looking good.” Helen teased.

  Jody laughed. “I thought you were watching me.”

  Tiffany walked over to her friends. “Helen. You have to do a bad job on the final. The studying is killing me.” Tiffany’s voice was exaggerated as her casted wrist and hand came to her forehead in mock pain causing her to wince in actual pain.

  Helen glanced at Tiffany. Her face looked much better, but she could tell Tiffany’s ribs still hurt. Tiffany’s cast was pink and green. Helen decided to point out the obvious. “That cast sure is colorful.”

  Tiffany leveled Helen with a look. “You said that the Sunday I came home and every day you’ve seen me since. I love bright colors.”

  Jody had to agree with Helen. “I love bright colors too, but that thing looks like a box of crayons threw up on you.”

  Helen giggled as she gave Jody a high five. “That is a good one.”

  The three started for their next class as Jody’s fake boyfriend joined them. He took her books and carried them as they walked. Jody winked at Tiffany. “This undercover thing does have some benefits.”

  Tiffany laughed. “He can hear you.”

  The officer’s name was Andy. He looked at the ladies and laughed. “You three are kind of fun to keep an eye on. My wife teases me every night about this gig.”

  Jody was very serious as she looked up at him. “You tell that sweet wife of yours those cookies she made were the bomb. They got Tiff and me through an all-night study session.”

  Helen agreed. “The ones you sent home with me were gone in an hour. I would blame Logan, but that would be dishonest.”

  “When she has her baby shower, let me know. I would love to get you two a gift for your baby.” Tiffany said sincerely.

  Andy looked at Tiffany. “That is very kind of you. I will make sure that you three get an invite.”

  Helen looked behind her. She felt like someone was watching her again. Helen glanced at Tiffany and noted that she was looking over her shoulder too. “Do you think he is watching?” she asked Andy.

  His face became serious. “If he is, we can’t seem to find him. I think he figured out his cigars were giving him away.”

  Helen suddenly wanted Logan. She always felt safe in his arms. The three had one more class and then the day would be over. She was glad that Tiffany no longer stayed on campus but at Jody’s house. “I wish this would end.” Helen heard Tiffany say in a whisper.

  “Me too…” Helen agreed. “I feel like our lives are in limbo.”

  The four walked into the class and took their seats. As was the norm, Andy sat in the back. When an explanation of his presence was asked for, the answer stayed the same. The university thought it would be in the best interest of Helen for her to have a bodyguard. Her fame attracted reporters that could cause a disruption close to finals. If Jody and the bodyguard had feelings for each other, that was ok.

  Helen had a question for Andy. “Why didn’t they just have you as my bodyguard and be done with it? Why the boyfriend thing?” she whispered so only he could hear.

  Andy thought about it. “We wanted to keep it hidden from the stalker that we are aware he is watching you on campus. The appearance is for him, not the other students.”

  Helen understood. “Well thanks for being willing to do this ‘gig.'”

  Andy smiled. “It beats sitting in a police car. Here I can text my wife.”

  The professor walked in and started class. Helen sighed. She was ready for this chapter of her life to end. She could not wait until graduation.

  The man watched the girls go into their building. He laughed. These people must think he is stupid. He knew they were looking for his cigar butts. He had watched the officers bag them a couple of times. His mind raced as he watched Helen. He would have her. He would wait. They would make a mistake, and he would take her. He would make her see that she loved him. That she enjoyed all of the things, he had done to her. He knew she wanted him.

  Class ended, and the four made their way to the parking lot. Andy always drove Tiffany and Jody home. Logan was always waiting for Helen. She could not wait to see him. Helen longed for the feeling of safety that came when he wrapped his arms around her. As they neared the parking lot, she looked over her shoulder again.

  Logan watched his wife coming. He still was amazed at how tiny she was. She walked up to him and smiled. “I missed you.” She said in a whisper.

  “I missed you too.” He leaned down and kissed her softly.

  Jody looked at Tiffany. “You think we should remind Helen she needs to do badly on the finals.”

  Tiffany laughed. “We can remind her all we want. We both know she won’t bomb her finals.”

  Helen heard the exchange and laughed. “You two need to study more.”

  She and Logan said their goodbyes as they got in the car. He beeped the horn as he left the parking lot. “Those two are not doing all that bad. I think they just like to torment me.” Helen laughed.

  “I think Jody likes to tease more than Tiff,” Logan said laughing.

  Helen agreed. Logan pulled the car into the driveway. He opened Helen’s door and helped her out. As was the norm, he pulled her against him and kissed her softly. “I love you.”

  “I love you too” Helen whispered back. When his lips sought hers again, she leaned into him. Helen thought about how much she trusted this man. When he kissed her, she felt so cherished. She was confused with how restless she was feeling, though. It was like she wanted more. A thought suddenly hit her. She blushed and smiled at the same time. She was ready.

  Logan leaned back and looked at his wife. “Are you ok?”

  Helen giggled and smiled up at him. “I’m fine. I just love you so much.”

  Logan winked at her. “I love you too.”

  Helen winked back at him and giggled. “I’m starved. I say we go eat.”

  The two turned toward the house and walked up the front porch. They could smell the aromas as they reached the door. Logan unlocked the door and opened it for her. “I think your crockpot meal is a success.” He leaned down and whispered near her ear.

  Helen shivered. She turned and looked at him. “I think you are enjoying giving me chills.”

  He laughed. “I know I am.” Logan looked at Helen again. He was aware that something was going on. “Helen. Are you sure you are ok?” he asked again.

  Helen was not so sure of herself. The thought she had earlier came back to her. Helen was not sure how to articulate what she was feeling. She shrugged her shoulders and blushed. “I’m ok. I just need to figure something out. I promise I’ll talk to you about it when I’m ready.”

  “Can I help?” Logan asked.

  Helen laughed. “I sure hope you can.” She answered before she realized what she was saying.

  Logan was more confused now than he was before. The entire conversation was bizarre. “Ok. Just let me know when you need my help.”

  Helen completely lost it when he said that. She was not sure how to get herself und
er control. How did she tell Logan she was ready? Helen knew it was her nerves that were bringing these fits of laughter. She did not know how to stop being nervous. She finally was able to stop laughing. “Logan. We need to eat. I promise I’m not laughing at you. I’m just having some issues at the moment.”

  Logan looked at his deranged little wife. He was doing his best to follow along but could not figure anything out. He had no choice but to trust her. “Ok. I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.”

  The couple sat and ate their food. It was a beautiful evening, so they sat out on the back porch to enjoy the view. Helen was deep in thought. She knew what she wanted, but she just did not know how to tell her husband. It was getting late, and the two went in. Helen looked at Logan. “Why don’t you go get your shower while I do the dishes?”

  Logan kissed her softly. “I will lock up first.”

  Helen nodded and then turned to do the dishes. She heard Logan go upstairs. Helen said a prayer as she cleaned off the table. She heard the shower turn off as she finished the last of the dishes. Helen went up the stairs and walked into the bedroom. She picked up her robe and clothes. When Logan came out of the bathroom, Helen smiled.

  Logan looked at his wife. She was acting strangely. He wondered if the pressure of not catching her stalker was getting to her. He watched her go into the bathroom and softly shut the door behind her. He had seen her look over her shoulder as she came to the car earlier that day. It bothered him that she felt afraid.

  Helen stood in the shower and allowed the water to wash over her. When she was done, she turned off the water and stepped out onto the soft rug. Helen dried off and started to reach for her clothes. She looked at her robe and picked it up instead. Leaving the clothes on the shelf, Helen wrapped her robe around her and walked out of the bathroom. She was nervous, but she was ready.

  Logan watched Helen come out of the bathroom. She looked at him. He smiled at her. He wished she would talk to him.

  Helen walked into the bedroom and closed the door. She leaned her forehead against it and paused before she turned around. Taking a deep breath, she spoke softly. “I’m not sure what to do. I trust you, Logan. I am just not sure what to do.”

  Logan finally realized what Helen was trying to tell him. He sat up in the bed. “Helen are you sure?” He did not want to rush her. He was willing to wait, and he wanted to make sure she knew that.

  Helen looked at Logan. She was sure. “I want to be your wife in all ways. I want to know why I feel so restless after we kiss. I’m scared but not of you. I’m afraid of the unknown. I trust you. I know you will keep me safe. I want to know why your kisses give me chills and make me warm all at the same time.”

  Logan stood up. He walked over to Helen and held out his hand. Helen went into Logan’s arms, and Logan gently made Helen his wife.