Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 32

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Logan was hot and sweaty. He had dropped Helen off for her Thursday finals and decided to take a jog. It always helped him clear his mind when he worked out. He had talked to Detective Benion a couple of times in the last few weeks. She had some real concerns for Helen’s safety and the upcoming graduation. Logan could not stay with Helen the entire time. There would be many lapses of space that would make opportunities for Helen’s rapist to grab her. This man had already killed. It was at the forefront of Logan’s mind that his wife would not be safe until he was arrested.

  He turned the corner and watched as an elderly couple tried to get their dog back on a leash. It looked like the little poodle had slipped its’ head out of the collar. The dog had spotted him and started coming toward him to say hi. As he neared the poodle, he dropped to one knee and started petting it. He scooped it up and walked toward the grateful couple.

  The elder lady noticed who Logan was. “Would you look at that George? That is Logan Day that just saved our little Pepper.”

  George must have been hard of hearing. “What day is it?”

  Logan chuckled as the lady repeated what she said at a higher level. He was now right in front of them with their dog. Neither seemed inclined to take the little thing from him. He heard the man say ‘Toot’ and assumed he was saying the dog’s name he could have sworn that he had heard the lady call the dog Pepper. He soon realized that ‘Toot’ was the woman’s name.

  George looked up at Logan. “Well look here, Toot. Logan Day just saved our Pepper.”

  Logan wanted to howl with laughter. Toot looked like she was about to put poor George in the grave. Logan gently took the leash and collar from Toot as she yelled to her husband that she had already said that. He made sure the collar was one notch tighter as he put her down on the ground. Holding the leash, Logan stood there smiling until they were done. George noticed him first.

  “Thank you so much for helping us with Pepper. She can be a bit of a snip like the misses here.” He said nodding his head toward his wife and giving her a sound whack on the bottom.

  “Now George don’t you go telling tales.” Toot said blushing. She looked at Logan and asked. “How is that sweet little bride of yours doing? We watched you two on TV the entire time.”

  “Helen is doing well. Do you know her?”

  “Only from TV but I can tell she is a darling.” Toot said with conviction.

  Logan had to agree. “She is special. I can’t imagine life without her.”

  George looked at his wife and said loudly. “Don’t you think we should let the young man go?”

  Toot agreed. She thanked Logan once more for helping them. Logan watched the couple go down the sidewalk hand in hand. He shook his head and chuckled. Putting his earbuds back in, he started jogging again.

  The finals for the day were over. The three women and Andy were heading to the parking lot. It had already been agreed that Andy could head home since Jody and Tiffany would be spending the night with Helen. Jody leaned over to Helen. “I wanted you to know I got all of the usual slumber party snacks.”

  Helen looked at Jody. “I have never been to a slumber party. What kind of snacks did you get?”

  Tiffany overheard the conversation. “I have never been to one either. I did not even know there were special snacks.”

  Jody stopped and looked at her two friends. “How could you not have been invited to at least one slumber party?”

  “I was invited, but my mom would never let me go,” Tiffany said honestly.

  Helen smiled. “I was not a people person until I met you. To be honest, I’m still not a people person. I’m a Tiffany and Jody person.”

  Jody felt bad. The fact was Helen didn’t trust people. “I’m glad you trust me, Helen. I’m sorry. I didn’t think before I said that.”

  Helen smiled. “I’m ok. Now tell us about this. I figured we were just doing some studying, but this sounds fun.”

  The three continued walking as Jody explained the perks of having a slumber party. When they got to the parking lot, Helen spotted Logan. He was leaning against the car looking at them. Logan looked so handsome to her. He really was very muscular.

  Logan watched his wife. He loved the way she looked at him. He loved that her eyes never left his once they found his. She just kept walking. He pushed himself off the car and walked toward her. He did not know why but he just could not wait to kiss her. “I missed you today.”

  Helen smiled. “I missed you too.” She noticed that the others kept walking. She looked up at her husband. “Please kiss me.”

  Logan did not need to be told twice. He had missed her. Logan kissed her with all of the love he felt in his heart. When he pulled away, they both looked at each other a little dazed. Logan took her hand and walked with her to the car.

  Jody could not resist. “Did you get that speck out of her eye, Logan? You sure were thorough with your examination.”

  Logan roared with laughter as he watched his wife turn crimson. “Jody, you are such a brat.” He said and meant it.

  Andy smiled and winked at Helen. “Don’t worry. I like to find things in my wife’s eyes too.”

  Tiffany looked at Helen and shrugged her shoulders. “You should try living with her.”

  They all waved to Andy and piled into the car. Jody had an enormous duffel bag. “What is in this thing?” Tiffany asked.

  “These are slumber party musts. You and Helen need me more than you know.” Jody said dramatically.

  Logan pulled out of the parking lot. He looked over at Helen. “I ordered pizza. Jody texted me and said it was part of the food requirement.”

  Helen turned and looked in the back seat. “We are going to try to study…right?”

  Jody was looking a bit too innocent. “Of course, we are.”

  Logan pulled into the driveway. He helped with the bags. When he picked up the duffel, he looked at Jody. “Seriously, what is in here?”

  Helen laughed. “I guess we have to wait to find out.”

  Logan and Helen turned as they heard a greeting from the sidewalk. “Hello there. Thanks again for today Logan.”

  Helen observed an elderly couple walking by with their dog. She waved back. “Who is that, Logan?”

  “That is Toot and George,” Logan said.

  “What is the wife’s name?” Helen asked innocently.

  Logan lost it. He could not stop laughing. As if on cue a little poodle came up to them. He leaned down and said. “Hello, Pepper. Did you get loose again?”

  Pepper, however, was more interested in Helen. She got down on her knees and picked her up. She giggled when Pepper kissed her cheek. She looked up and saw George and Toot coming up the drive. Toot looked at Logan. “Yup…I told you I knew she was a dear.”

  Helen got up with the dog in arms. “Hello. I’m Helen.” She introduced herself. She could not help but add. “Your dog is so sweet.”

  George looked at Toot. “Did she say the dog looks beat?”

  Toot looked at George and said loudly. “No. She said Pepper is sweet.”

  George looked at Helen. “She is sweet. Just like my misses.” He nodded toward his wife and again gave her bottom a smack.

  Helen stepped back. Logan knew she was not sure of this. His hands went to her shoulders, and his thumbs caressed her.

  Jody and Tiffany came up to Logan, Helen, and the couple then. Jody smiled at her neighbors. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. White how are you?”

  Toot looked at Jody. “Well Hi, there you two. Look George it’s Jody and Tiffany. I didn’t know you were friends with Helen.”

  Tiffany smiled at the woman. “We go to the college together.”

  “Do you want me to have my dad make another collar for Pepper?” Jody asked.

  “That would be wonderful. She seems to like Helen.” Toot said.

  Helen had f
orgotten she had the dog. She smiled at Toot as she handed Pepper back. “Thank you for the visit Pepper.”

  They all waved as Toot and George walked back down the sidewalk. When the elderly couple was out of sight, they all turned toward the house and grabbed the rest of the bags. They had just put everything down when the pizza man came. Logan paid for the pizza and brought it to the kitchen.

  Jody smiled and raised her glass of soda. “Let the slumber party begin.”

  Tiffany raised her glass too. “Let the study session begin too.”

  Helen laughed. “I say yes to both.”

  They sat down blessed the food and ate.

  Logan watched Helen with her friends. She was enjoying herself. A part of him was sad that Helen had not been able to do this as a child or a teen. She looked up at him and smiled. Her eyes were dancing. He smiled back and winked. The love he had for her consumed him and was only surpassed by his love for Christ. He finished his food and stood up. He walked over and kissed the top of his wife’s head. “I will leave you to your party. I need to go choreograph some dances for my next consult.” In a whispered voice he added, “I love you.”

  Helen felt chills on her arms at his heartfelt whisper. She leaned her head back and looked up into his eyes. “I love you too.” She whispered.

  Tiffany smiled at Helen as they watched Logan leave. “I am so happy you have him.”

  “Thanks, Tiffany. I don’t know if I tell you two enough, but I am glad I have you two as well. It is nice to have people that understand why I am the way I am and still like me.” Helen said softly.

  Jody giggled. “Girl we don’t like you… we love you.”

  Tiffany agreed. “It took over twenty years but I know I have found my best friends.”

  Jody lifted her soda can. “Here is to friends for life.”

  “…friends for life.” Tiffany and Helen repeated as they clicked their cans together in a toast.

  Tiffany could not resist. “…to study time.”

  Helen toasted and Jody laughed. The three studied until a little after midnight. Their last final was in the afternoon so after they were done studying Jody pulled out the twister. Tiffany spun the arrow. Jody and Helen laughed as they put her hands and feet where ordered.

  Logan heard laughter coming from the living room. He set his laptop aside and headed for the stairs. Logan could hear his wife giggling as Tiffany said “right-hand red.” When he was able to view the living room, he had to laugh.

  Jody looked up to see Logan on the stairs. “Your wife is a real problem in this game. I think I may make it a rule that if you’re short, you are not allowed to go under people.”

  Logan smiled at her and winked at Helen. “I would ask if you’re having fun, but I think it is evident that you are.”

  Helen looked at her husband. She blushed when he winked at her. “You were able to get some work done?” she asked as she put her left foot on blue.

  “I was able to get most of it done. I will probably finish it tomorrow. How can you twist like that? It looks painful.” He asked with a grimace.

  “I guess I’m flexible. It doesn’t hurt unless Jody falls on me. She is not gentle at all. I think it is because she is losing.” Helen said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Jody looked at Logan. “She is a problem. She does all these sneaky little moves and wins. I think she is taking advantage of our friendship.”

  Tiffany looked at Helen. “I think if it were you and me it would be harder. We are both shorter than Jody.”

  “Well when your wrist is healed we will need to find out,” Helen said as she moved her left hand to yellow.

  “We should get to sleep. We do have our very last final tomorrow.” Tiffany said.

  Jody agreed. “We should get to sleep. I’m tired of Helen winning.”

  “I will go get some blankets and pillows for you,” Helen said.

  Logan wanted to make sure Helen was able to get the full slumber party experience. “Would you like to stay with them? I don’t mind if you do. You have never been to a slumber party.”

  Helen was hesitant. She wanted to sleep with Logan. His arms always seemed to keep the nightmares at bay.

  Logan knew she was struggling. “If you need me, I’m right upstairs.” He whispered softly.

  Helen smiled. “Ok. I’ll stay down here.”

  Helen got all of the pillows and blankets they would need. Logan leaned down and kissed her goodnight. His lips lingered just a moment longer than normal. “I love you.” He whispered against her mouth.

  “I love you too.” She whispered back.

  Logan went up the stairs leaving them to sleep. About an hour later a blood-curdling scream pierced his slumber. He ran down the stairs. Jody and Tiffany were trying to calm his wife down. Logan walked over to her and knelt beside her. She instantly calmed.

  Tiffany looked at Logan. “Is she ok?”

  “She will be all right.” He said as he lay down beside his wife and pulled her into his arms.

  Jody looked at Helen. “Will she remember anything in the morning?”

  “I would say probably not. She usually does not get this bad, but the few times she has she hasn’t remembered.” He said as he softly kissed her brow.

  Jody got up and turned off the light. “I guess this is ‘goodnight again.'” She said to Tiffany and Logan. The three settled down to join Helen in sleep.

  Helen stretched. She looked down to see Logan’s hand on her tummy. She turned in his arms and looked at him. He was awake looking at her. When he leaned down and kissed her, she kissed him back. “Did you miss me?” she asked.

  “I always miss you. I came down because you had a nightmare.” Logan pulled her closer.

  “I did? I don’t remember.” She asked.

  “I know. You normally don’t. Does it bother you that you forget?”

  “No. I’m glad I don’t remember them,” Helen said honestly.

  “You have a doctor’s appointment this morning. Your mind may be overwhelmed. Your mom will be with you.” Logan encouraged her.

  Helen was nervous. She knew that it was necessary, but she was dreading it. “Maybe you could come and sit in the waiting room?”

  “I will do whatever you want. I just want to do what makes you most comfortable.”

  Helen did not know what that was. The thought of such an invasive exam was making her almost physically sick. She wanted to be brave but was finding it impossible. It did help that her mother had said most women dreaded this kind of appointment. “I just don’t know what I want.”

  “Well, you have an hour to figure it out. Why don’t you go get a shower, and I will make coffee and breakfast?” Logan offered as he stood and helped her up.

  “Coffee sounds good. I don’t think I can eat a thing.” Helen said as she walked toward the stairs.

  “Coffee it is. I will make something for these two. You just get ready.”

  Logan headed toward the kitchen. He had just put the coffee on when the door opened behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw a very groggy Tiffany. She smiled at him and then sat at the table. “Do you need help?” she yawned and stretched.

  “How about you make toast and I’ll make sausage and eggs?”

  Tiffany yawned again. “I can do that. I am so tired. These slumber parties are exhausting.”

  Logan laughed. “They seem like a lot of fun, though.”

  “It was fun.” She said as the door opened again. She looked toward the door and laughed.

  Jody looked about as awake as she did. Her eyes were barely open as she walked to the table and sat down. “I would say it is a good morning, but I’m not sure yet,” Jody said dramatically.

  Tiffany got up and went to the toaster. She grabbed the bread from the fridge and started toasting it. Jody waited until the coffee was finished and then poured herself and Tiffany some. After a coup
le of sips, she began to help Logan. “I can say good morning now. The coffee has worked its’ magic.”

  Helen walked in just as the food was done. She pulled out plates for everyone but her. Helen just could not bring herself to eat. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down. They blessed the food and ate. Helen sipped her coffee and enjoyed the breakfast conversation.

  “I had so much fun last night. We will need to do this again.” Tiffany said emphatically.

  “It really was. I loved playing twister. I have never played that before.” Helen agreed.

  “It has been a long time since I have had so much fun. It was very nice. Logan, I did mean it when I thanked you for the pizza. It just is not a slumber party without it.”

  “It was my pleasure ladies. I enjoyed watching my wife have fun.” Logan looked at Helen and smiled.

  Tiffany and Jody knew that Helen had an appointment. Sensing her vulnerability, neither had asked why. They had made arrangements with Jody’s parents to be picked up. Jody’s cell alerted that she had a text message. Her parents would be there in about fifteen minutes. They got up and cleared the table. Helen said she would do the dishes later. They went in the living room and gathered all of the stuff up to go with Jody and Tiffany.

  “You did bring a lot of things. What else was in the bag?” Helen asked Jody.

  “We need to have another slumber party for you to see the rest. We did not even get to half the stuff.”

  Tiffany and Helen looked at each other. If there was more, they needed to do this again. It had been a lot of fun. “We will make plans.”

  A horn sounded out in the driveway. Logan and Helen walked their guests to the door. “I will see you in class,” Helen said as she waved goodbye.

  Jody’s dad got out and waved to Helen. She waved back. “Hello, Mr. Sims.”

  “Hello, Helen. How was your first slumber party?”

  “It was fantastic.” She answered honestly.

  Logan and Helen watched everyone get into the car and drive away. Helen felt her husband’s hands on her shoulders. She leaned back against him. He was her rock. He was so strong, and she felt safe. “Logan, will you come with me? My mom can go back with me, but I don’t know if I can do this unless I know you are close.”

  Logan wrapped his arms around her. “I will come with you. If it makes you more comfortable, I will be there.”

  “Thank you” Helen whispered softly.

  “You’re more than welcome.” He said just as softly.