Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 34

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Helen, Tiffany, and Jody posed for pictures in their caps and gowns. They had each taken their turn walking across the stage and receiving their diplomas. Logan and Helen would be leaving for NYC in the morning, but now it was time to celebrate a job well done by all three women.

  News crews were present at the graduation. As the girls posed for pictures, Logan noticed them coming their way. He had already warned Helen that she would be a point of interest for them. Walking up to his wife, he took her hand and spoke to her. “Here they come. Are you ready?”

  Helen looked up into her husband’s eyes. “As long as you are here, I am ready.”

  Helen turned to face the coming crews. Much like in church Logan stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She leaned against him and waited for the questions to start. The two stood there for about a half hour each answering questions before the crews began to leave. As the last one walked away, Helen turned in Logan’s arms. She rested her head on his chest. Feeling his arms tighten around her, she drew strength from his embrace. They had a party to get to but needed just a moment to catch their breath. “Are you ready to go?” Logan asked softly.

  “I was ready after the first question,” Helen answered honestly drawing a chuckle from him.

  “You do hate this attention. Don’t you find it kind of funny that God put us together? I’m glad He did, but I am so used to the media’s attention it does not bother me. You, on the other hand, would rather have teeth pulled.”

  “It is strange, but He knew you were the only one for me. I love being your wife.” She said as she leaned back and peered up at Logan.

  Logan looked at Helen. It always made his heart skip a beat when he gazed into her blue eyes. Logan leaned down and kissed her. In that one kiss, he relayed the love one man could have for the woman God had given him. His desire and passion for her were unmistakable. As he pulled away, he whispered softly. “I love being your husband.”

  The man watched Helen kiss her husband. He was angry, but he would not let his rage get the best of him. One day he would find her alone. He would make sure she paid for every disloyal display of affection. He would make her see that she belonged to him.

  Jody, Tiffany, and Helen enjoyed their party. Family and friends wished them well. Ester looked at her daughter. A year ago, she would have been overwhelmed by all of the attention. This year, Helen found a circle of friends and family she trusted. She was completely relaxed and enjoying their friendship.

  “Can you believe we start work on Monday?” Jody asked Tiffany.

  Tiffany was thrilled. “I am so excited. I was ecstatic when they offered us a job at Providence. We can all stick together.”

  Helen had to agree. “I don’t start until Tuesday. I am glad I am PRN. It leaves time for me to go with Logan.”

  Tiffany had to ask a question she had been pondering. “Are you going to see Toby?”

  “We plan on staying with him while we are there. He is the one that is setting things up.”

  “Make sure you tell him hi for me. He really did come through for me his last visit.” Tiffany said.

  “I will make sure I tell him” Helen promised her friend.

  Jody made sure that she was included. “Don’t forget me.”

  The three continued to talk. They were so happy to have completed another chapter of their lives. The promise of the next chapter filled their minds and hearts. Tonight, worries were set aside, and dreams were embraced.

  Logan watched his wife and her friends. He loved how she laughed. Her eyes were sparkling with delight. When she looked at him, his heart raced. Her eyes were pools of blue that seemed to draw him in. He, at times, felt like he was drowning in their depths. He chuckled as she flirtatiously winked at him. He was ready for the party to end. He wanted his wife all to himself.

  Elaina watched Logan and Helen. She smiled as she watched Helen flirt with Logan. She looked at Logan and laughed. The man was lost in love. He reminded her in so many ways of his father. He was strong and compassionate. The way he carried himself with confidence and the way he loved. He held nothing back from Helen. She had become his world, and he was ok with that.

  The party was drawing to a close. As people made their way to their cars, the girls thanked them for coming. Once the last of the guests left, they all pitched in to clean up Elaina and Ester’s house. It took about an hour, but the place was white glove worthy. Logan and Helen kissed their mothers’ cheeks goodnight and headed for the car. Logan pulled his wife into his arms before he opened the car door. “It was fun watching you tonight.

  Helen leaned into Logan. “I did have fun. Thank you for helping put it together.”

  Logan looked down into those pools of blue. “You’re welcome.” He said softly before kissing her.

  Helen sighed when he ended the kiss. He opened the door, and she got into the car. She watched Logan go around and get into the driver’s seat. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. When he turned and looked at her, she winked at him. “We should get home. I’m tired, and we both know the stuff that comes out of my mouth when that happens.”

  Logan laughed. “That we do. I’m sure you can name designer cats next.”

  Helen had not even thought of that. It was brilliant. “I wonder if you mix a Tabby cat with a Bombay cat do you get a Tabbay or a Bombby?”

  Logan laughed. “I’m glad we don’t live far. You for sure need a bed.”

  Helen started to think about what she had just said. She began to giggle. “It really is kind of funny the names you come up with when you mix names. You can mix a Tonkinese with Snowshoe and have a Snowinese or a Tonkinshoe.” Helen was snorting with her giggles. She hiccupped like a little drunk and then went into another fit of laughter.

  Logan could not help but laugh. He always thought it was funny when his wife got like this. She would get tired and start coming up with all sorts of stuff. This time he had no one to blame but himself. He had given her the idea of cats. He pulled into the driveway just as Helen came up with another one.

  “Then there is the Pixie-bob and the LaPerm. That could be a LaBob or a PixiePerm.” She certainly felt like she was brilliant now.

  Helen’s laughter filled the car. He could not help but join her. Her giggles were contagious. When he opened her door, she was still giggling. “You are a bit strange when you’re tired.” He said as he tweaked her nose.

  She surprised him by tweaking his nose. “I’m brilliant when I’m tired. These names are hilarious.”

  The two walked up the front porch. Logan opened the door, and they walked inside. He watched her take off her shoes and stretch. “I’m ready for bed.”

  “I have to agree. You are ready for bed.” Logan laughed at her exasperated look.

  Helen giggled again and headed for the stairs. Logan followed her. She really was funny when she was tired. They both got ready for bed. As soon as they were in bed, Helen snuggled against her husband and went to sleep. He kissed the top of her head and soon joined her in slumber.