Read A Report on Humanity by an Alien Page 2


  For the human being, however, going to work is (as is all their schooling too) tightly linked to their units of time. Each day at a specific point in their system of time-units they wake up and go to work. They then stay at work until another specific point in time and then leave. If this wasn't structured enough, they even structure what they call spare time according to these time-units, and generally enjoy food at the same time each day. Their entire day, therefore, is one big pre-programmed schedule-routine that they follow more or less all the way from kindergarten, through school, then work, and then finally, when they're old and the end of their short lives is inevitably closing in, they get to enjoy their last days as a senior citizen in something resembling real spare time. However, after a long life being completely programmed, probably more than half of them learn that they are so physically and psychologically addicted to routine programming that they often get depressed when they have to quit work due to old age. They then find themselves not knowing what to do, and tend to just rot away alone. Because, yes, in surprisingly many cases, even a perfect and beautiful thing as being alone is viewed as something unhealthy and perhaps even unnatural by these intriguing and exceedingly social creatures.

  In their current state of development as a species, they are habitual beings mainly existing in a structured reality already set before they're even born into this world. And those few who actually see this complex, structured prison are either cast out of society or bound to join it in order to get money so they can buy food and keep their temporal bodies alive.

  Now, I’m aware of the fact that Humanity actually resembles the Awaritanians as we were in our early days of evolution, just taking our first baby steps as a new species in the local Universe. It’s funny to look at from the perspective I’ve gathered and developed throughout my aeons of traveling the multitudes of different galaxies and worlds in this universe, because one comes to realize a pattern in the evolution of creatures on inhabitable planets. This is what I’ve witnessed so far:

  First critters and basic animals begin their existence. These have a very dim awareness and for the most part no consciousness of self at all. They surely have consciousness, but it isn't conscious. Then, the next step is an upgraded development of their physical bodies which leads them to having more possibilities for complex interaction with their physical environment. This, in turn, forces their awareness to grow, and slowly, slowly their consciousness starts to blossom like a rose opening its petals to the sun’s warmth.

  At one stage or another their physical vehicles, their bodies, stops the rapid evolutionary mutation towards more complex modifications, and an interesting thing happens. Their awareness, consciousness and minds suddenly become the main focus of evolution to upgrade, as their bodies have already developed enough to handle the environment of which they are an integral part. This is where the beings begin creating more sophisticated tools to help them modify the environment more to their preferences. They create villages, rural societies, start trading things and so on. As their minds keep on growing they get more and more complex ideas and understanding of themselves and their relationship with the environment they find themselves in.

  A time comes when their knowledge of how to utilize nature's resources is peaking, and they can pretty much create whatever their minds are capable of thinking up based on their innovative creativity. This is approximately where these human beings are right now. And if not, they are rapidly getting there, quicker and quicker.

  Based on my observations over a wide range of planets across the universe, this is the level of development where the given species must either make the next step in evolution, or they’ll generally find a way to simply eliminate themselves. Why? Well, my dear Awaritanians, let’s take a look at why.

  As the minds of the beings develop from very dim to not so dim, and then to relatively bright, they tend to lock themselves into the ideas they create with their minds. They are not aware of the fact that the mind exists as a tool to organize experiential data and process information - and this is its only job. A species locked into their minds consequently believe everything their minds are telling them - which, in reality, are nothing more than arbitrary perceptions about what the being itself is experiencing in this physical reality. In other words, even though the species has developed great science and understanding of things, they are generally so focused on this fact that they do not see that the use of the mind is merely a tiny fraction of what existing as a living being in a living universe is all about. And, of course, believing everything your thoughts tell you is the sure way to create a mess out of an otherwise beautiful existence, because thoughts are logical and drenched in the duality of life. They see everything as good and bad, white and black, friend and enemy, and so on. This is how the species gets separated from itself and starts splitting everything and everyone up into groups of friends and foes, mine and not mine.

  I have no longer any estimate of how many times I’ve visited a planet with a species currently at this developmental phase, and seen how they split the planet up in smaller segments and kept to themselves on each their own segment. For Humanity, these segments are called countries. The people here actually believe countries and what they call nations and nationalities, which is linked to what specific segment of the Earth they’re from, are real things. They’re swimming so deep in the ocean of the mind's polarities that they actually believe their borderless planet is full of invisible borders separating each nation and its country.

  This is how, like many, many other early species around the universe, they create a great big (mind-made) wall between each other and start believing that ”those in that other country” actually are others - while in reality, of course, there are no ”others” anywhere, because they are all children of the same planet. And as we Awaritanians innately know, the entire planet belongs to all the beings that was naturally formed there. But because of their pride in their intellectual capacity (and their deep rooted fear of each other based on the belief that they are separate), which stems from the mind’s ability to process information and see contrasts in that data, they are blinded to the more basic fact of complete and utter oneness with all life they see around them.

  The planet is their mother, and they are each other’s brothers and sisters, but they simply cannot see it as long as they keep the blindfolds on, and therefore keeps being dictated by their logical minds and what’s left of their animal instincts driven by fear. But, surely, the more fundamental logic of everyone being a great big planetary family is much more logical. Yet, this can’t be realized until at a later stage of their species' evolutionary path. As a matter of fact, the entire universe is one great big family - but this understanding takes even longer to realize. Any Awaritanian knows that Life is our mother, and we are Its children, no matter where, when or how we come to be. If we exist, then we are of the same one. It's simple.

  A species separating itself from itself is like chopping one's hands and feet off because the head thinks they are something ”else” than itself. But this is just not how Life works. To us these are very clear, fundamental facts, but let me remind you that even we Awaritanians at one point also split ourselves up in different groups, inhabiting each of our preciously held tiny segments of our planet of origin. We created wars too, just like human beings are doing now - and have been doing for as long as anyone can remember. We were also at that critical point where we had the choice to either step up our growth and enter the next phase of our evolutionary path, or simply destroy ourselves because we were capable of creating weapons of such horrible magnitudes they could easily blow our entire planet to smithereens within, as a human might say, a few seconds. Luckily, we instead grew up and entered the next beautiful phase on our potentially eternal path to becoming more and better.

  In my thousands of travels I’ve witnessed species make the choice and rise to the next heights of their potential, and I’ve seen species miss the mark and unintentionally self-terminate.
This happens over and over again in all corners of the universe, and there is indeed a perfectness at work keeping a perfect balance. In the end, only those beings who really grow up in a fundamental way and gain the true wisdom of Life are the ones who inherit the Universe. At least that’s how it works in this local Universe, as we know it.

  I’m nearing the end of this report on Humanity and its current condition. As you all know, my Awaritanian family, before I leave a world I’ve explored, I create a document printed in the language and symbols of the world I’ve just observed, which is a shortened version of my report to all of you. Since my report to you is done through our connection in consciousness, I can squeeze a great deal more detail and vivid imagery into it. However, the report I leave on the planet I’ve visited is merely a little note letting them know they’ve been visited, and, if I feel that my species has come further in the evolutionary race, I let them know what they could do to enter the next natural phase of the process for themselves. They seldom listen, of course, and the document usually just gets lost