Read A Roving Commission; Or, Through the Black Insurrection at Hayti Page 18



  The _Agile_ only remained for two days at Cape Francois, but in thattime Nat had learned enough of the doings of the French commissioners tosee that the position was becoming hourly more and more hopeless, andnought short of the arrival of a powerful army from France under acapable commander, without political bias and with supreme authority, orthe taking over of the island by the English, could bring back peace andprosperity. He was, however, rejoiced to know that Monsieur Duchesne hadalready taken passages for himself, his wife and daughter, and the oldnurse, to Jamaica, and would leave in a few days; and that MonsieurPickard had received and accepted an offer for his estate, which was atleast as good as he had hoped for, and would also return to Kingston assoon as the necessary documents could be prepared and signed.

  For some weeks the _Agile_ cruised backwards and forwards along thecoast of Hayti without adventure. Nat had endeavoured, butunsuccessfully, to open communication with the blacks under Biassou andFrancois, the two chief negro leaders. It was seldom, indeed, that hecaught sight of a human being except when cruising in the bay. Themountains along both the north and the south coast were thinlypopulated. The white planters and employees had perished to a man, andall the smaller villages had been deserted. St. Louis, Jacmel, Fesle,and Sale Trou were occupied by small bodies of French troops, but mostof the settlers had left; and the whole of the negroes had from thefirst taken to the mountains. The same was the case at Port Dauphin,Port de Paix, Le Cap, and St. Nicholas on the north. It was at St.Nicholas that he was for the first time able to open communication withthe negroes. He had anchored in the bay, and, among the native boatsthat came off to sell fruit and fresh meat, was one in which a mulattoof shabby appearance was seated in the stern. As the boat came alongsidehe stood up, and said to Turnbull, who was leaning on the rail watchingthe sailors bargaining with the negroes:

  "Can I speak with the captain, sir? I have a message for him."

  "Yes, I have no doubt that he will see you. Come on deck."

  The man climbed up the side, and followed Turnbull aft to where Nat wassitting.

  "This man wants to speak to you, sir."

  "I am the bearer of a letter," he said, "to the English officercommanding this ship," and he handed him a very small note. It was asfollows:--

  _Sir,--As there are rumours that some of the people of this island have opened negotiations with the governor of Jamaica, we, who represent the coloured people of this country, will be glad to have a conversation with you, and to learn from you what would probably be the conditions on which your country would be likely to accept the sovereignty of this island. What would be the condition of the coloured people here if they did so? Should we be guaranteed our freedom and rights as men, or would it mean merely a change of masters? If you are willing to accede to this invitation, I will personally guarantee your safety, and that, whatever the result of our conversation might be, you shall be escorted in safety back to your ship. We are willing that you should be accompanied by not more than six of your sailors, for whose safety I would be equally responsible. The bearer of this will arrange with you as to the point and hour at which you would land._

  This was signed "Toussaint."

  Nat remembered the name.

  "Is the writer of this the man who was the coachman of Monsieur Bayou,the agent of the Count de Noe?"

  "The same, sir. He is now next in command to Biassou and Francois. He isgreatly respected among the negroes, and is their chief doctor."

  "I have met him, and know that he is worthy of confidence. This is justwhat we have been wanting, Turnbull," he said, handing the letter tohim.

  "Then you know this man?" Turnbull said, after he had read it, andstepped a few paces away from the messenger, so as to be able toconverse unheard by him.

  "Yes, he is one of the few who remained faithful at the rising,concealed his master and family in the woods, and got them safely off. Ihad an interview with him, and endeavoured to get him to do as much forMadame Duchesne, but he refused, saying that he had done his duty to hismaster and must now do it to his countrymen. I had frequently spokenwith him before. He bore a very high character, and was much respectedby all the negroes in the plantations round. As you see, he writes andexpresses himself well, and has, indeed, received a very fair education,and is as intelligent as an ordinary white man. I am quite sure that Ican place confidence in him."

  "Perhaps so, but the question is not whether he would be willing, butwhether he would have the power, to ensure your safety. Biassou is, byall accounts, a perfect monster of cruelty."

  "Yes, they say he is the most fiendish of all these savage brutes. Ofcourse I must risk that. My instructions, as you know, are to opencommunication with the negroes, if possible, and ascertain theirintentions. This is the first opportunity that has offered, and I canhardly expect a more favourable one."

  "You will take one of us with you, I hope."

  "No; if anything happens to me the _Agile_ must have a captain, and youwould want at least one officer."

  He returned to the mulatto.

  "Shall I give you a message in writing, or will you take it by word ofmouth?"

  "I do not want writing, sir; if I were searched, and it were found thatI was an agent of Toussaint, I should be hung at once. You give me amessage, and I will repeat it."

  "Tell Toussaint that the commander of this ship is Mr. Glover, whom hewill remember to have seen at Monsieur Duchesne's plantation andelsewhere, and who knows him to be an honourable man, and will thereforetrust himself in the mountains relying upon his promise of protection.You understand that?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Please repeat my words."

  The man did so.

  "How far is Toussaint from here?"

  "Six hours' journey among the hills."

  "Then tell him that I will land to-morrow night, or rather the nextmorning, an hour before daybreak--that is to say, at about half-pastfour. That time will be best, because the boat will return to the shipbefore it is light enough for it to be seen. Where do you propose that Ishall go?"

  "You see that rock near the end of the point to the south?--it is aboutthree miles from there. To the left of that rock is a sandy beach, whichis a good place for landing. Your escort will be there waiting for you."

  The mulatto bowed, and at once went over the side and got into his boat,while the two men who had rowed him out were still busy selling fruit tothe crew. Nat told Sambo to go and buy some fruit, not because theyreally wanted it, for a supply had already been bought, but in orderthat, should any of the negroes in the other boats have noticed themulatto coming on board, it would be supposed that he had done so inorder to persuade the steward to deal with him. The next day four pickedmen were chosen to accompany Nat. They were to take no muskets withthem, but each was to carry, in addition to his cutlass, a pistol in hisbelt, and another concealed in the bosom of his shirt. The absence ofmuskets was intended to show the negroes that the party had no fear asto their safety. Nat himself intended to carry only his sword, and adouble-barrelled pistol in his belt. At four o'clock on the followingmorning, he and the four men took their places in the gig, and wererowed ashore to the point agreed on. As they landed a negro came down tomeet them.

  "Toussaint charged me to tell you, sir, that he has sent twelve mendown, and that he has done so lest you should meet other parties of ourpeople who might not know of this safe-conduct that he has given you."

  And he handed a document to Nat.

  "He has done well," Nat said. "I know that I can rely upon Toussaint,but I myself have thought it possible that we might fall in with men ofother bands, and I have therefore brought four of my sailors with me. Iam ready to start with you whenever you choose."

  "We will go on at once. The hills are very close here, but it is bestthat we should be well among them before it is daylight, or we might benoticed by someone in the town. They would not concern t
hemselves muchwith us, but your dress and that of the sailors would be sure to causetalk and excite suspicion among the soldiers."

  He went up to some negroes standing a short distance away and gave theman order. They at once started. He himself took his place by Nat, andthe sailors followed close behind.

  "You talk French very well," Nat said.

  "Yes, sir, thanks to Toussaint. You do not remember me, though I shouldknow you were it daylight, for I have seen you several times when youhave been over at our plantation with Mademoiselle Duchesne. I was chiefhelper in Monsieur Bayou's stables. Of an evening Toussaint had a sortof school, and four or five of us always went to him, and I learned toread and write, and to talk French as the whites talk it and not as wedo. He is a good man, and we all love him. There are many who think hewill one day be king of the island; he knows much more than any of theothers. But it may be that he will be killed before that, for Biassouhates him because he does not like his cruel ways and speaks boldlyagainst them, which no one else dare do, not even Francois, whom we allregard as equal in rank to him.

  "There have been many quarrels, but Biassou knows well enough that if hewere to hurt Toussaint there would be a general outcry, and that he andthe men who carried out his orders would assuredly be killed. For allthat no one doubts that he would get Toussaint removed quietly if therewas a chance of doing so, but we do not mean to give him the chance.There are twenty of us who keep guard over him. As for Toussaint, he isnot like the others, who, when there is nothing else to be done, spendtheir time in feasting and drinking. He is always busy attending to thewounded who are brought up to him, or the sick, of whom there are many,for the cold air in the mountains has brought down great numbers withthe fever, especially those whose plantations lay on the plain, and whowere accustomed to sleep in huts. Very many have died, but Toussaint hassaved many, and were it needed he could have two hundred for his guardinstead of twenty.

  "But indeed he thinks not of danger, his whole thoughts are taken upwith his work; and he is often without regular sleep for nightstogether, so great is the need for his services."

  The ground at once began to rise rapidly, and before the day fairlybroke they were high among the hills. When it became light Nat examinedthe document Toussaint had sent to him. It ran as follows:--

  _I, Toussaint, do give notice to all that I have given this safe-conduct and my solemn promise for his safety to Monsieur Glover, a British officer, with whom I desire to converse on matters of importance._

  Then followed his signature and a great seal in red wax.

  "It was the one Monsieur Bayou used," the negro said. "Toussaint broughtit and the wax from his office, and uses it often, so that we may allrecognize it when we see it--for, as you know, sir, there are scarcelyany of our people who can read."

  After three hours' walking the man pointed out a wood near the crest ofa high hill a mile distant.

  "Toussaint is there," he said. "He accompanied us to that point in orderthat you should have less distance to travel."

  Nat was by no means sorry at the news. The way had been very steep anddifficult, and the sun had now gained great power. As they neared theedge of the wood, Toussaint came out to meet him.

  "I am glad to see you, Monsieur Glover," he said quietly. "I learnedfrom our people at Cape Francois that you had returned there with MadameDuchesne and her daughter, and I rejoiced indeed at your escape, whichseemed to me marvellous, for how you avoided the search made for you Icould not tell. They told me that Madame Duchesne was carried down on alitter, which must have greatly added to your difficulties. I hardlythought, monsieur, when I saw you last that we should thus meet again, Ias one of the leaders of my people, you as commander of an Englishship."

  "No; things change quickly, Toussaint."

  The negro led the way to a rough hut constructed of boughs and trees inthe centre of the clump.

  "You must need breakfast, and, as you see, it is ready for you. Your menwill be cared for."

  The breakfast was rough, but Nat enjoyed it greatly. Toussaint remarkedthat he himself had breakfasted an hour before, and he talked while hisguest ate.

  "It is as well," he said, "that you should be down near the spot whereyou landed before it is dark, for the track is far too rough to travelafter dark. I suppose you have ordered your boat to come to fetch you?"

  "Yes, I ordered it to be there as soon as it could leave the shipwithout being seen from the shore; but I hardly thought that I should beable to return this evening, as your messenger told me that your campwas six hours' journey among the hills."

  "Yes, my camp is there, and I too would like to return before nightfall.There are many who need my care, and I have already been too long away.Now, Monsieur Glover, as to the subject on which I asked you to come toconverse with me. We have heard that some of the planters have sent adeputation to Jamaica asking the governor to send troops to take thisisland for England. We, as you doubtless know, are not for the republic.We call ourselves the royal army, seeing that the National Assembly ofFrance refuse to do anything for us. It is true that their commissionersat Cape Francois have issued a proclamation offering a free pardon toall who have been concerned in the insurrection, and freedom and equalrights to men of all colour. We do not believe them. The Assembly carenothing for us. They passed a decree giving rights to the mulattoes, butin no way affecting us; and then, directly they found that the mulattoeswere exercising their rights, they passed another decree reversing thefirst. One cannot expect good faith in men like these; they would waittill we had laid down our arms and returned to our plantations, and thenthey would shoot us down like dogs, just as they are murdering all thebest men of their own country and keeping their king a prisoner.Therefore we do not recognize the republic, but are for the king."

  "I fear there will soon be no king for you to recognize," Nat said;"everything points to the fact that they are determined to murder him,as they have murdered every noble and every good man in the country."

  "I see that," Toussaint said gravely, "but the number of those who knowwhat is passing in France is small. However, we who do know, and areresponsible for the mass who trust in us, must consider what is the bestthing to do. Do you think there will be a war between France andEngland?"

  "I think that if the king is murdered the indignation in England, whichis already intense, will be so great that war is certain."

  "So much the better for us," Toussaint said. "The more they fightagainst each other, the less will they be able to pay attention toHayti; but on the other hand the more likely will it be that the Englishwill endeavour to obtain possession of this island. Now, between theFrench and the English we have no great choice. We regard ourselves asFrench; we speak the French language, and have, ever since the colonywas first formed, lived under the French flag. Then, on the other hand,the French have been our masters, and we are determined that they shallnever again be so. Now as to your people. In their own islands they haveslaves just as the French have here, and we have no intention ofchanging slavery under one set of masters for slavery under another.Now, sir, do you think that if the English were to come here they wouldguarantee that slavery should never exist again in the island?"

  "That I cannot say," Nat said. "I cannot answer for what the Britishparliament would do in that matter. The feeling against slavery isgrowing very fast in England, and I feel convinced that before long alaw will be passed putting a stop altogether to the transportation ofnegroes from Africa; but whether that feeling will, at any rate for along time, so gain in strength as to cause parliament to pass a lawabolishing slavery altogether in British dominions, is more than I cansay. It would be a tremendous step to take. It would mean absolute ruinto our islands; for you know as well as I do that your people are notdisposed for work, and would never make steady labourers if allowed tolive in their own way. Then you see, were slavery abolished altogetherin this island, it would be difficult in the extreme to continue it inothers."

  "But they would not find us as
slaves here," Toussaint said. "They wouldfind us a free people, without masters, unattached to any plantation orto any regular toil; we should be like the Caribs in Jamaica. It wouldbe as if they came to a land which foreigners had never visited. Theywould find a people with arms in their hands, and perfectly capable ofdefending themselves, but ready to accept the sovereignty of England onthe condition that our personal liberty was in no way interfered with."

  "There is a great deal in what you say, Toussaint, and to-morrow I shallsail for Jamaica and explain exactly the line you take to the admiral. Imay say that in coming to see you I do so in accordance with the ordersthat I received, to ascertain if possible the views of the leaders ofthis movement."

  "If these terms are refused," Toussaint went on, "and your people invadethe island, we shall leave you and the French to fight it out until weperceive which is the stronger, and as soon as we do so, shall aid theweaker. I do not say that we shall stand aloof up to that time, we shallfight against both, they would be equally our enemies; but if one wereso far getting the better of it as to be likely to drive the other out,then in self-defence we should unite our forces against it. I may saythat although we and the mulattoes are both fighting against the French,the alliance is not likely to be a long one. We all know that if theygot the upper hand they would be far more cruel and more tyrannous thanthe whites have been. They have ever looked down upon us, and havetreated us with far greater contempt than have the whites, who, to dothem justice, were kindly masters, and especially treated their houseservants well. There will therefore be four parties here all hostile toeach other. You and the French will be striving for mastery, we forliberty, the mulattoes for the domination of the island and for theirpersonal interest. The way I have pointed out is, in my opinion, theonly one that can bring about peace. If your government and people willgive us a solemn undertaking that in no case shall slavery ever bere-established, and that all men shall have equal rights, we will joinyou heart and soul. When I say equal rights I do not mean that theyshall have votes. We are at present absolutely unfit to have votes orto exercise political power. I only mean that the law shall be the samefor us as for the whites, that we shall be taxed on the same scale inproportion to our means, that the assembly shall have no power to makeseparate laws concerning us, and that, should they attempt to make suchlaws, they should be at once dissolved by the white authorities of theisland."

  "I think your proposal a perfectly fair one, Toussaint, and I have nodoubt that any one who has, as I have, a knowledge of the situationhere, would not hesitate to accept it. But I doubt whether publicopinion at home is ripe for a change that would be denounced by allhaving an interest in the West Indian Islands, and declared by them tobe absolutely destructive to their prosperity. However, you may beassured that I shall represent your offer in the most favourable light.I must ask, however, are you empowered by the other leaders to make it?"

  "I have talked the matter with Francois, who is wholly of my opinion,"Toussaint said. "It is useless to talk to Biassou; when he is notmurdering someone he is drinking; but his opposition would go forlittle, except among the very worst of our people. He is alreadyregarded with horror and disgust, and you may be assured that his careerwill ere long come to an end, in which case Francois and I will sharethe power between us. At the same time I do not blind myself to thepossibility that other leaders may arise. The men of one district knowbut little of the others, and may elect their own chiefs. Still, I thinkthat if I had the authority to say that the proposal I have made to youhad been accepted, I could count on the support of the great majority ofthe men of my colour, for already they are beginning to find that a lifeof lawless liberty has its drawbacks. Already we have been obliged toorder that a certain amount of work shall be done by every man amongthe plantations beyond the reach of the towns, in order to ensure asupply of food.

  "The order has been obeyed, but not very willingly, for there can be nodoubt that a portion of the men believed that when they had once got ridof the masters there would be no occasion whatever for any further work,but that they would somehow be supplied with an abundance of all thatthey required. The sickness that has prevailed has also had its effect.There are few, indeed, here who have any knowledge of medicine, and thepoor people have suffered accordingly. When in the plantations they werealways well tended in sickness, while here they have had neither shelternor care. It is all very well to tell them that liberty cannot beobtained without sacrifices, and that it must be a long time beforethings settle down and each man finds work to do, but the poor people,ignorant as they are, are like children, and think very little of thefuture. The effect of centuries of slavery will take many years toremedy. For myself, although I believe that we shall finally obtain whatwe desire, and shall become undisputed masters of the island, I foreseethat our troubles are only beginning. We have had no training forself-government. We shall have destroyed the civilization that reignedhere, and shall have nothing to take its place, and I dread that insteadof progressing we may retrograde until we sink back into the conditionin which we lived in Africa."

  At this moment a negro ran up.

  "Doctor," he said, "there are a large number of our people close athand, and I think I can make out Biassou among them."

  "I fear that we may have some trouble, Monsieur Glover," Toussaint saidquietly, "but be assured that I and those with me will maintain mysafe-conduct with our lives. Biassou must have arrived at my camp afterI left, and he must have heard there that I was going to meet an Englishofficer, and has followed me. He was present when Francois and Iarranged to send a messenger to propose a meeting to you, and he thenassented, but as often as not he forgets in the morning what he hasagreed to overnight."

  He went apart and spoke to his men. Twenty of them had accompanied himfrom his camp, and with the twelve who had formed the escort, and Natand the sailors, there were in all thirty-eight, and from the quiet wayin which they took up their arms Nat had little doubt that they would,if necessary, make a stout fight against Biassou's savages.

  These arrived in two or three minutes. They had evidently travelled atthe top of their speed, for their breath came fast, and they were bathedin sweat. Their aspect was savage in the extreme. Most of them wore somegarment or other the spoil of murdered victims, some of them broadPanama-hats, others had women's shawls wrapped round their waists assashes, some had jackets that were once white, others were naked to thewaist. A few had guns, the rest either axes or pikes, and all carriedlong knives. Conspicuous among them was Biassou himself, a negro ofalmost gigantic stature and immense strength, to which he owed no smallpart of his supremacy among his friends. He came on shouting "Treachery!treachery!" words that were re-echoed in a hoarse chorus by hisfollowers, who numbered about a hundred and fifty.

  At the threatening aspect of the new-comers, Toussaint's men closed upround him, but he signed them to stand back, and quietly awaited thecoming of Biassou. The calmness of Toussaint had its effect on Biassou.Instead of rushing at him with his axe, as it had seemed was hisintention, he paused and again shouted "Treachery!"

  "What nonsense are you talking, Biassou?" Toussaint said. "I amcarrying out the arrangement to which you and Francois agreed the othernight, and am having an interview with this British officer."

  "When did I agree to such a thing?" the great negro roared.

  "Last Friday night we agreed that it was well that we should learn theintentions of the English, and that we should ascertain the position inwhich we should stand were they to come here."

  "I remember nothing about it, Toussaint."

  "That is possible enough," the latter replied. "You know that it is nouncommon thing for you to forget in the morning what was arrangedovernight. This officer has come here on my invitation and under mysafe-conduct, and no man shall touch him while I live."

  "It is agreed," Biassou said, "and all have sworn to it, that no whitewho falls into our hands shall be spared. Such is the case, is it not?"he said to his followers; and they answered with a loud
shout and beganto press forward.

  "These men have not fallen into our hands," Toussaint said, "they havecome here on our invitation, and, as I have told you, with oursafeguard."

  "It is all very well for you to talk, Toussaint; I know you. You pretendto be with us, but your heart is with the whites, and you are here toconspire with them against us," and he raised his axe as if about torush forward.

  "This is madness, Biassou," Toussaint said sternly. "Have we not enoughenemies now that we should quarrel among ourselves? You have done enoughharm to our cause already by your horrible cruelties, for which everycoloured man who falls into the hands of the whites has to sufferseverely. Beware how you commence a conflict; you may be more numerousthan we are, but we are better armed, and even if you overpowered us inthe end, you would suffer heavily before you did so."

  "I wish you no harm, Toussaint, but for the last time I demand thatthese white men shall be given up to me."

  "And for the last time I refuse," Toussaint said; and his men withoutorders moved up close to him.

  Biassou stood for a moment irresolute, and then, with a shout to his mento follow him, sprang forward. In an instant Nat threw himself beforeToussaint, and when Biassou was within a couple of yards of him threw uphis arm and levelled his pistol between the negro's eyes.

  "Drop that axe," he shouted, "or you are a dead man!"

  The negro stood like a black statue for an instant. The pistol was but afoot from his face, and he knew that before his uplifted axe could fallhe would be a dead man.

  "Drop it!" Nat repeated. "If you don't before I count three, I fire.One--two--" and the negro's axe fell to the ground. "Stand where youare!" Nat exclaimed, "the slightest movement and I fire! Come up here,men!"

  The four sailors came up, cutlass in one hand and pistol in the other.

  "This man is your prisoner," he said. "Keep him between you, one on eachside and the other two behind. If he makes the slightest movement toescape, or if the blacks behind approach any nearer, send your fourbullets into his brain."

  The men took up their stations as directed.

  "Now, Biassou," he went on, lowering his own pistol, "you can continueyour conference with Toussaint."


  "You see, Biassou," Toussaint said, "you have only rendered yourselfridiculous. I repeat what I said before, this officer is here in answerto my invitation sent to him after Francois and you had agreed that itwas advantageous to learn what the objects of the English were. If youquestion him you will find that it is as I say. We have had ourconference, have expressed our views, and he will repeat what I havesaid to the British governor of Jamaica; and I think that, whatever theresult may be, it is well that the English should understand that wehave resolved that, whether they or the French are the possessors ofthis island, slavery is abolished for ever here. He will return at onceto the coast, and will then sail direct for Jamaica. Now, if you haveany observation to make, I shall be glad to hear it."

  "I do not doubt what you say," Biassou replied sullenly; "but it must besettled by what Francois says when we rejoin him."

  "So be it," Toussaint said. "And now, I pray you, let there be noquarrel between us. I have been forced to withstand you, because I wasbound by a sacred promise. Any divisions will be fatal to our cause. Forthe moment you may be in superior force, but another time those who loveand follow me might be the more numerous. You well know that I am asfaithful to the cause as you are, and we must both set an example to ourfollowers, that while we may differ as to the methods by which successis to be gained, we are at one in our main object."

  "I admit that I was wrong," the great negro said frankly. "I drank morethan was good for me before I started, and my blood has been heated bythe speed with which we followed you. I am sober now, for which I haveto thank," he added with a grim smile, "this young officer; though I ownthat I do not like his method. Let us think no more of it;" and he heldout his hand to Toussaint, which the latter took.

  A shout of satisfaction rose from the negroes on both sides. Thedetermined attitude of Toussaint's men, the fact that they had fourwhites among them, and that almost all of them had muskets, had cooledthe courage of Biassou's followers, who, as soon as their leader wascaptured, saw that even if they gained the victory, it would be at thecost of at least half their number. There was no prospect of plunder orof any advantage, and they knew that, beloved and respected as Toussaintwas, it was very possible that those who did survive the fight wouldfall victims to the indignation that would be aroused at the news of anattack being made upon him.

  "Now that it is all settled we may as well be starting for the coast,Toussaint," Nat said. "There is nothing more for us to arrange, and asour presence here might possibly lead to further trouble, the sooner weare off the better."

  "I will not ask you to stay," the negro said. "I do not think that weshall have any more trouble, but there is no saying. Several ofBiassou's men have wine-skins with them, and a quarrel might arise whenthey had drunk more. I will send you down under the same escort asbefore."

  "I do not think that we shall need so many. I should not like to weakenyou so far."

  "There is no fear for me," Toussaint said decidedly. "Arriving in hotblood they might have attacked me, but I am sure they will not do sonow. They know well enough that I should be terribly avenged were theyto do so. It is quite necessary that you should take as many men asbefore, for it is possible that some of Biassou's men might steal awayand follow you."

  A few minutes afterwards Nat set out with his men and his guard oftwelve blacks. It was still some hours before the time at which he wasto be met by the boat. They therefore halted when within a mile of theshore, and there waited until it was dark. Then he went on alone withthe four sailors to the beach, and in a few minutes after they arrivedthere they heard the sound of the oars of the gig.

  "I am heartily glad to see you back again," Turnbull said as Nat steppedon to the deck. "Lippincott and I have been horribly uneasy about youall day. Did everything go off quietly?"

  "Yes, except for two or three minutes, when that bloodthirsty scoundrelBiassou came upon the scene with a hundred and fifty of his followers.There was very nearly a shindy then, but it passed off; for he did notlike looking down the muzzle of my pistol at a few inches from his head,and my four men made him a prisoner until affairs had taken a friendlyturn, which was not long after. For when the leader of a party is aprisoner, and his guards have orders to shoot him instantly if there isany trouble, it is astonishing how quick people are in coming to anunderstanding."

  "Yes, I should say so," Turnbull laughed. "However, as it has turned outwell, and you have fulfilled your mission, it doesn't matter to us; andI hope that we have now done with this creeping alongshore work."