Read A Royal Prisoner Page 12



  "Come in and sit down, Monsieur Wulfenmimenglaschk."

  The Marquis de Serac led the way into his study.

  He was a powerfully built, white-haired man, in the sixties, stillactive, with a slightly tired voice, a typical man of the world in hismanners and dress.

  Very embarrassed, Wulf bowed and bowed:

  "I am confused, Monsieur. Quite confused ... I ..."

  "Not at all, Monsieur Wulf; now take off your overcoat, sit down andsmoke a cigar. I assure you it's a great pleasure for me to talk toanyone coming from Hesse-Weimar. I left the court when I was very young,and I should be a stranger in Glotzbourg to-day; still I remember myvery good friends there ... but never mind that now, we have moreimportant subjects to discuss, Monsieur Wulf, and I'm sure you are in ahurry."

  "Oh, not at all; I am only too happy and too proud ..."

  "Yes, yes, Paris is a city of temptations, and I won't take too much ofyour time. First of all let me explain that I only received your letteryesterday, as I happened to be out of town. You state that I am in aposition to render you a great service; this I shall be delighted to doas soon as you tell me what it is."

  Wulf began a long and rambling story to the effect that upon leavingGlotzbourg for Paris, on his special mission to the King, he hadconceived the idea of writing to the Marquis de Serac, whom he knew tobe an intimate friend of the King, to give him a letter of introductionto His Majesty.

  "But now I don't need it," he ended, "for the King is my best friend ...he received me with charming simplicity, just like an old comrade."

  "Alas, my dear Wulf, His Majesty is at present exposed to the mostterrible danger."

  "What do you mean?"

  "You have doubtless heard of the tragic death of Mlle. Susy d'Orsel, theKing's mistress, which, by a curious coincidence, occurred in this veryhouse?"

  "I know! I know!"

  "Well, perhaps you also know that among the King's enemies, some dare toaccuse him of having killed Mlle. Susy d'Orsel?"

  "Oh! Such people ought to be cut in pieces."

  "Alas, Monsieur Wulf, we are not yet in a position to avenge HisMajesty. You don't happen to know who the real murderer is, do you?"

  "No, I haven't the least idea; but if I ever get hold of him, I shallknow what to do!"

  The Marquis smiled and shrugged his shoulders:

  "I shall be glad to help you."

  "Thanks, Monsieur le Marquis, but I'm afraid we shan't succeed. There'sa French detective on the case, a man named Juve, who hasn't been ableto find the man either!"

  The Marquis gave a slight start:

  "Ah, and Juve has found nothing, suspects nobody?"


  "That is strange.... Well, Monsieur Wulf, I think we shall be able to dobetter. You are ready for anything?"

  "For everything, on my honor!" replied Wulf, with fervor.

  "Very well, then I promise you we shall have some news within a week.But excuse me a moment, I have some orders to give; I won't be amoment."

  The Marquis crossed the room and opened the door; Wulf could hear himtalking:

  "Is that you, Madame Ceiron?"

  A woman's voice answered:

  "Yes, Monsieur le Marquis. What can I do for you?"

  "Kindly unpack the bag in my room and when you go out be sure to lockthe doors. I don't want a recurrence of what happened the other day whensome one entered my apartment and left a chemise belonging to themurderer among my laundry."

  "Monsieur le Marquis may rest assured his orders will be obeyed."

  In a few moments the Marquis returned and M. Wulf rose to go. Herepeated with emphasis his determination:

  "If ever I get the chance to arrest this murderer, I will do so in theface of any danger. All for the King! That is my motto!"

  "Yes, you are right, Monsieur, all for the King."

  The Marquis de Serac bowed his visitor out, and then suddenly hissmiling face underwent an astounding change of expression.

  "I must clinch my alibi!"

  In a moment he had torn off his false whiskers and his wig of white hairwas quickly replaced by another--this time a woman's wig. With theagility of a Fregoli he then got into a skirt and waist.

  Forty seconds after the departure of Wulf the Marquis de Serac hadbecome ... Madame Ceiron, the concierge.

  Three or four pencil marks and his disguise was complete. It would beimpossible for anybody not having seen this transformation to guess thatthe Marquis de Serac and old Madame Ceiron were one and the sameindividual.

  After a quick glance into his mirror he rushed across his drawing-room,through the hall, and quickly opened a large Breton wardrobe. Throughthe centre of this rose a post which he seized and slid down. It was thesame contrivance used by firemen to join their engines when a call wassent in. At the foot of the post in Madame Ceiron's apartment werestretched two mattresses to deaden the fall. These were placed in asmall storeroom, well hidden from observation. After closing the doorbehind her, Madame Ceiron rushed to the hall in time to intercept Wulfon his way downstairs.

  "You are looking for some one?" she asked.

  "No, Madame, I have just come from the Marquis de Serac's apartment."

  After Wulf had disappeared Madame Ceiron returned to her office and wasabout to enter when a voice called:

  "Here I am, Madame Ceiron. I found your note under my door. Is thereanything I can do for you?"

  "Ah, it's you, my child. You are very kind to have come, and there issomething that you can do for me. I want to know if you will comeupstairs to Susy d'Orsel's room with me."

  "What on earth for?"

  "Well, I'll tell you. It's this way: I am scared to go up there allalone."

  Marie Pascal smiled.

  "Of course it is rather appalling, but why do you go there, MadameCeiron?"

  "Well, you see, the police have put their seals over everything and I ampaid one franc a day to see that nobody enters the apartment and breaksthem. I have to take a look around from time to time, so won't you comewith me?"

  "Certainly, Madame Ceiron."

  Marie Pascal and the concierge went up together and began a carefulexamination of the poor girl's rooms. While the young girl was lookingcuriously around Madame Ceiron entered the boudoir. She crossed to thechimney and pulled out a small casket, which was hidden behind a bluecurtain. She opened it quickly and inspected the contents.

  "Jewels! Which would be the best to take? Ah, this ring and thisbracelet ... and these earrings. Now for the key. I'll take that withme."

  "Mam'zelle Marie Pascal!"

  "Madame Ceiron?"

  "Come along, my dear. I am so frightened, it upsets me to go throughthis poor girl's apartment. Just run and see if the outer door islocked."

  While Marie Pascal turned her back and walked toward the door, MadameCeiron suddenly pressed against a large box which fell over and spread afine coal dust over the carpet.

  "It is locked, Madame Ceiron."

  "Then come along. I hope to Heaven this business will soon be cleared upor it will make me ill."

  A few moments later Marie Pascal had returned to her own bedroom and theconcierge busied herself by opening in her office a parcel which she hadtaken from a cupboard. She was interrupted in her work by the arrival ofa working woman who was engaged to take Madame Ceiron's place when shehad errands to do.

  "I am going to leave you alone here to-day, Madame. I have some shoppingto do.... I am going to spend my New Year's gifts, buy a green dress anda hat with red feathers.... It is my turn to dress up a little."

  Shortly afterwards the concierge went out, taking with her the parcelshe had prepared. But instead of going to the shopping district ofParis, she hurried toward the Bois de Boulogne.

  When she had reached a remote part of the wood she entered a small hut.A few moments later visitors to the Bois noticed the well-knownOuaouaoua, the Primitive Man, walking down the main pathway. Theenigmatic and dreamy face o
f this man resembled neither the Marquis deSerac nor Madame Ceiron and yet ...

  The science of camouflage pushed to its extreme limits produces the mostunexpected transformations.