Read A Royal Prisoner Page 20



  "Another drink, Monsieur Louis?"

  "I think I've had about enough."

  "No, no ... this is my turn to treat."

  "Well, since you put it that way, Monsieur Wulf, I can't refuse."

  "Besides," added the barkeeper, "this is some very special vermouth,only served to old clients."

  "Ah," laughed Wulf, "I hope we're included in that category, for youcertainly have no better client than myself."

  "Excuse me," replied the barkeeper, smiling, "we have one, your boss,Monsieur Wulf, the King Frederick-Christian.... And while he doesn'talways finish his drinks he always pays for them."

  "And that's the important thing," added M. Louis.

  It was about ten in the morning, and in the bar of the Royal Palace,deserted at this early hour, were M. Louis, Major-domo of the hotel,Wulf, and the barkeeper, who in his turn offered a round of drinks onthe house.

  As the glasses were being filled, the telephone rang to say that hisMajesty wanted to see Wulf.

  "That's all right," replied Wulf condescendingly, "I'll be along by andby."

  After several more vermouths, Wulf grew expansive:

  "Do you know, Monsieur Louis, that I've actually saved the King's lifetwice in five days!"

  "Pretty good work," commented M. Louis, politely.

  "The first time was the day after my arrival in Paris. Your Governmentwanted to kick up a fuss over the death of the King's little sweetheart;in fact, they went so far as to talk of his arrest." Wulf stoppedsuddenly, alarmed:

  "But that is a state secret which I may not tell you. The second timewas yesterday evening, or rather early this morning. You see the Kingand I had been off on a spree together."

  As the barkeeper looked surprised at this announcement, Wulf explained:

  "Oh, we're a couple of pals, the King and I ... like two fingers of onehand ... that's why I was in no hurry to answer his call just now....Well, as I was saying, we were having a little spree, and the King wasgoing to introduce me to a little ... but that's another secret....I'll skip the details, it is enough to say that after waiting a while, Ifound, instead of the girl, the King, my King. And where? Beside theSinging Fountains in the Place de la Concorde. Ah! my dear friends, whata state he was in! I hardly knew him at first; in fact, I shouldn't haveknown him at all if I were not such a sharp detective. He had removedhis false beard and spectacles. I tell you Frederick-Christian has agedten years, his clothes were torn and covered with mud, and moreover hewas dead drunk! How he managed it in the time I don't know, for hewasn't away from me for more than an hour. What would you have done inmy place? Left there in that deserted street he would have been at themercy of the first thief or assassin. Therefore, I say, I saved his lifeby putting him into a cab and bringing him back to the Royal Palace.While I was helping to put him to bed, I noticed a letter pinned to hiscoat with this inscription on it, 'I am to read this when I wake.' So Ihave arranged accordingly. He'll see it the first thing on opening hiseyes. Well, what do you think of that? Didn't I save the King's life asecond time?"

  M. Louis nodded:

  "Never twice without the third time."

  "I hope so ... well, au revoir, Monsieur...."

  "Pardon, Monsieur," interrupted one of the employes, "but his Majestyhas asked for you again."

  "All right, I'm going," replied Wulf, as he drank his fifth vermouth.

  * * * * *

  "Whatever happens, whatever you are told, do not show any surprise. Takeup your customary life again as though it had never been interrupted, asthough nothing had happened since the night of December 31st."

  Frederick-Christian, the victim of a racking headache, read and rereadthese strange mysterious words, without in the least understanding theirmeaning. After a heavy sleep, he had wakened about nine o'clock to findhimself lying comfortably in his own bed at the Royal Palace. At firsthe thought it was part of his nightmare, that he was dreaming, but as hebecame more fully awake, he was obliged to admit the evidence of hissenses.

  At this moment, he suddenly caught sight of the crumpled letter pinnedto his counterpane; opening it, he read the lines that Fandor hadhurriedly pencilled the night before.

  In spite of his exhaustion and stiffness, he sprang out of bed and wasabout to ring for a servant when a feeling of caution came over him.

  It would be better first to take stock of the situation.

  What had happened?

  Among the newspapers lying on the table, he noticed several copies ofthe _Gazette_ of Hesse-Weimar.

  He glanced over the most recent numbers, but found nothing unusual intheir columns. He then went back to the paper dated January 1st and tohis amazement saw the following announcement:

  "Paris, 1st January. (From our Special Correspondent.) His MajestyFrederick-Christian, contrary to his general custom, did not leave hisHotel during New Year's Day. This may be accounted for by the fact thatthe streets of Paris are, as a rule, crowded during this holiday and hisMajesty would have run the risk of being drawn into promiscuous contactwith the common people."

  The copy of January 2d also remarked that the King had evinced a desireto attend the Longchamps races, but had been prevented by thepossibility of a chance meeting with the President of the Republic, acontingency not foreseen in the protocol. Frederick-Christian, in fact,recalled that he had expressed a wish to attend the Longchamps meet, buthe asked himself how it was possible to have notified him of the changeof program while at that time he had mysteriously disappeared! But theclimax of his amazement was reached when he came to the followingparagraph:

  "Paris, 4th January. (From our Special Correspondent.) His MajestyFrederick-Christian II is still held in the French Capital by affairs ofthe highest importance. His subjects need, however, be under noapprehension, as his Majesty's health is excellent, this informationhaving been received by Hedwige, our well-beloved Queen.

  "During his stay in Paris, Frederick-Christian has been especiallyappreciative of the respectful and devoted services of M.Wulfenmimenglaschk, head of the secret service of Hesse-Weimar, who, bythe exercise of his perspicacity and high intelligence, has found in theKing not only an able assistant, but a true friend, having the honor tooccupy the apartment at the Royal Palace next to his Majesty."

  * * * * *

  "What's this all about?" exclaimed the King, "what influence have I beenunder during these last four days?"

  It was easy enough to recommend him to show no surprise, but it was alsonecessary to settle upon some definite attitude to take. And what aboutthis "Wulf"?

  Frederick-Christian would have a look at this individual who claimed tobe his friend and his next door neighbor. Accordingly he rang the bell,and sent down the message which Wulf received in the barroom. A wait oftwenty minutes followed and then the door opened without ceremony andthe King stood rooted in amazement at the appearance of his SecretService Chief. In the most natural manner in the world, Wulf entered theroom and stood looking slyly at the King. Then, smilingly, he said:

  "Well, Sire, feel better?"

  "What!" stuttered Frederick-Christian, scarcely able to speak forindignation.

  "Yes," continued Wulf, "I'm glad to see you up; as for me, I'm allright ... but you must remember that I drank less than you did lastnight. I tell you they've capital vermouth here ... shall I order yourMajesty a bottle?"

  "What's your name?" asked the King.

  Wulf considered his sovereign with compassion.

  "He's still a bit soused," he muttered to himself, then wagging areproving finger at the King, he continued:

  "Who am I? Wulfenmimenglaschk, Sire, at your service, and I've alreadysaved your life twice ... that's why I may be allowed to give you a bitof advice. Cut out the booze, Sire, you're distinctly the worse forwear ... you're so changed that if it wasn't for your dressing-gown...."

  Wulf was undoubtedly very drunk; otherwise he could not
have failed tonotice the difference between the King of the last few days and thepresent one.

  Frederick-Christian held himself in hand as long as possible, then burstout:

  "What does this attitude mean?... this familiarity? What makes you speakin French?"

  Wulf was first amazed at the change in his beloved master and inclinedto weep over his humiliation. He was about to give utterance to hisfeelings when the King seized him by the arm and pointed to the_Hesse-Weimar Gazette_.

  "Read that! Who furnished this information?"

  "Why, I did, Sire."

  "Then you mean to say you have been continually with me. You occupy thenext apartment? You enjoy my friendship?"

  "Yes, Sire."

  The King, in a burst of rage, now held the unfortunate Wulf by thecollar and shoving him toward the door, ejected him onto the landingwith a prodigious kick.

  * * * * *

  Frederick-Christian, more puzzled than ever by the turn of events, nowturned his attention to his toilette. He was still in scanty attire andwent behind his screen to continue dressing. At this moment a soft andcharming voice spoke:

  "Sire, are you there? It is I ... Marie Pascal."

  Marie Pascal!

  Where had he heard that name before? Slowly Frederick-Christian recalledthe silhouette of a young woman ... with a fair skin and light hair ...

  The voice continued:

  "I am glad to know that you are better, Sire. Forgive me for troublingyou now but since our last meeting things have happened of a veryserious nature ... hidden enemies want to destroy me ... to destroyus.... First of all they accused your Majesty of the murder of Susyd'Orsel, and now after torturing me with questions they have dared tosay it was I!... I'm sure they overheard our last conversation andmisunderstand our love for each other...."

  Frederick-Christian was growing suspicious. What did this extraordinaryvisit mean? Did they want to trap him into an unwary admission?

  "In the name of our love, say you don't believe me guilty!"

  The King hesitated.

  "I don't know.... I ..."

  He stopped short as Marie Pascal with a sudden movement flung down thescreen. The King in amaze stood stock still while the young girl lookedat him in utter stupefaction, with trembling lips and body shaken bynervous tremors. Then suddenly she turned in terror, screaming:

  "Help! Help! The impostor! The murderer!... the King is not the King....Frederick-Christian has disappeared!... Who is this man?"

  The girl's cries brought the Hotel servants quickly to the scene. Shecontinued, pointing to the King:

  "Who is this man?... Frederick-Christian has disappeared!... good God,what has happened?"

  "Better call the police," suggested some one.

  This met with general approval, but proceedings were suddenlyinterrupted by the arrival of Wulf.

  "Have you heard?" several voices asked.

  "All I know," replied Wulf in a piteous tone, "is thatFrederick-Christian or not, he's got a devilish heavy foot, and when hekicks, he kicks royally."