Read A Royal Prisoner Page 27



  The Empire clock on Juve's desk struck half-past eleven. The detective,having gone over in his mind the course of events just narrated, roseabruptly and tapped Wulf on the shoulder.

  "Monsieur Wulf, if you are to remain here you are very welcome to do so;as for me, I'm going out."

  Wulf, wakened out of a doze, sat up and stared at Juve, an expression ofdawning suspicion in his eyes.

  "Where are you going?" he inquired.

  Juve, absorbed in his thoughts, did not remark the strange behavior ofhis colleague. He had settled on a plan of action, which was simply toarrest the Marquis de Serac.

  "Oh, I'm just going ... for a walk."

  "All right, get your hat."

  A few moments later the two men hailed a taxi and drove to 247 Rue deMonceau.

  During the trip Juve pumped Wulf about his relations with Fandor, and itappeared that the latter had pursued the policy of making Wulf drunkupon every occasion. Doubtless, the detective reasoned, it was thusthat Fandor was enabled to escape for an hour, during which time thesubstitution had been effected. Wulf explained how he had found the Kingnear the fountains in the Place de la Concorde, and Juve realized thatin some way or other the King and the fountains were mysteriouslyconnected.

  In his turn, Wulf plied Juve with questions as to what he had doneduring his stay at Glotzbourg.

  What sort of welcome had he received from M. Heberlauf?

  How had the arrest of Fantomas been effected?

  How had the monster died?

  The detective, naturally, had no intention of enlightening Wulf as tothe truth.

  He therefore answered in monosyllables, annoyed by the turn theconversation had taken. In fact, as the questions became more pressing,it flashed through Juve's mind that the stupid officer was actuallybeginning to suspect him of being Fantomas. As the taxi neared itsdestination Juve suddenly put his head out of the window and cried withan oath to the chauffeur:

  "Follow that automobile which is just starting and don't lose sight ofit!"

  Wulf turned inquiringly:

  "It's the Marquis de Serac."

  "Well, what of it?"

  "Why, is he the man we are after?" Then turning again to the chauffeur:

  "Have you plenty of gasoline?"

  "Enough to run a hundred miles, Monsieur."

  The chase began at the Boulevard de Courcelles, continued through thePlace de l'Etoile and the Avenue de la Grande Armee. The two taxis, ofthe same horsepower, kept an equal pace, but the Marquis de Serac'schauffeur seemed the smarter man. At any rate, he was the more daring.He dodged in and out of the traffic and began to gain on his pursuers.

  "He's taking us to the Bois," growled Juve, as they made a turn to theleft after passing the fortifications, before the Barriere de Neuilly.The pace increased in the back streets and then, suddenly, the taxi ofthe Marquis de Serac disappeared!

  It had turned sharply down a narrow street.

  At the risk of his neck, the detective sprang out of his taxi and rushedround the corner, just in time to hear a door bang to.

  Wulf now joined him.

  "We have wasted our time, my dear Juve. The taxi we have been followingwas empty. It made a circuit and passed me just now."

  "Just what I expected!" cried Juve, "our man got out of it ... he isstill here."

  Juve took out his revolver, and then an exclamation of surprise escapedhis lips. Fifty yards away, a figure appeared, vague and dressed inwhite.

  "What the devil does that mean? I've been following the Marquis deSerac, of that I'm sure, and now I find this other one." Then turning toWulf, he gripped him by the arm. "You see that individual, well, he isthe Primitive Man Ouaouaoua."

  * * * * *

  Taking the utmost precaution, Juve and Wulf followed the enigmaticOuaouaoua for over an hour. The singular meeting had given the detectivefood for thought. This man had figured prominently at the ceremony ofthe Singing Fountains; again, he had been foremost in the demonstrationof the mob against the King outside the Royal Palace. It was now that asuspicion came to Juve's mind, that this venerable beard and whitewoollen robe concealed the person of the Marquis de Serac.

  "Whatever happens," he muttered, "I must get to the bottom of this.While it would be quite easy to bring him down with a shot from myrevolver, yet, once dead, I could get no information from him."

  They arrived at the corner of the Boulevard Malesherbes and the Avenuede Villiers, and Juve's excitement grew, for he knew that not far awaywas the America Hotel, where Lady Beltham had put up under the name ofthe Grand Duchess Alexandra. Ah! If it were possible to connect thePrimitive Man with her! In that case he would not hesitate to arrestthem both, although he suspected that Fantomas's mistress would be moreready to give him up than to shield him.

  But Ouaouaoua brusquely made a right-about face and headed toward theBoulevard des Batignolles.

  "Are we going to keep this up much longer?" inquired Wulf, who by thistime was breathless and weary.

  "You can go if you like," growled Juve without turning his head. In hisintense absorption, Juve failed to notice the menacing and ironical lookthe officer directed at him.

  Ouaouaoua now turned down the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette hastening hisspeed. The two men had some difficulty in keeping up with him. Suddenlyhe disappeared at the corner of the Rue Saint Lazare and the RueLamartine. Juve sprang forward just in time to see the white drapedfigure vanish down the stairs leading to the underground Station of theNord-Sud.

  The Station was lighted and the ticket windows open. The morning'straffic had begun.

  "Have you just seen a queerly dressed man?" he asked one of the porters.

  "He has just bought his ticket, Monsieur."

  Juve flung down a coin, seized two coupons and without waiting for thechange hurried onto the platform. The first morning train was waiting,due to start in five minutes. A quick search through the carriagesdisclosed the object of Juve's search. He was standing in the firstcarriage by the door of the driver's compartment. While Juve eyed himeagerly, the Primitive Man in turn was watching the detective.

  The conductors and employes were standing gossiping by the ticketoffice, and the station was almost deserted at this early morning hour.

  Juve remained on the platform with Wulf. As a preliminary to making hisarrest, he took out his revolver, and held it in the palm of his hand.Suddenly he gave a yell and sprang forward. Ouaouaoua, taking advantageof the engine driver's absence, had entered his compartment and pulledthe levers.

  In a moment the train was under way. As Juve made a jump on board, Wulftried to restrain him, and in the scuffle knocked the revolver out ofthe detective's hand. To the consternation of the train's crew leftbehind in the station, the train was now gathering speed. Their shoutsin turn alarmed the few passengers, who regarded the precipitateentrance of Juve in amazement. Finally a cry from the powerful lungs ofWulf was heard above all the other noises. A name shouted in terror:


  A rush was instantly made to seize the fool or the madman who hadstarted the train, but a revolver shot quickly drove back the passengersand Juve, furious with the imbecile Wulf for having disarmed him, wasobliged to take cover with the others.

  The train passed through the Station de la Trinite, shot through SaintLazare without heed to signal and tore along at headlong speed. Andthen, in a moment, the train was plunged into total darkness and a cryof rage escaped from the Primitive Man. The detective understood in aflash.

  The Nord-Sud had had the happy idea of cutting off the power, and Juvenoticed that this occurred just as the train had passed the Station dela Concorde and entered the tube beyond. Ah! this time the Primitive Manwas in a tight corner. His revolver would be less dangerous in thedarkness.

  Juve rose carefully, prepared to advance, when a spark was seen,succeeded by a terrific explosion. A shower of matter fell upon thetrain, shattering the
windows and throwing the passengers pell-mellupon each other.

  Then ... silence....

  * * * * *

  The red lights of torches gradually lighted up the tunnel in which thetragic accident, still unaccounted for, had occurred. Juve, unconsciousfor ten minutes, came to his senses and realized with a sense of reliefthat he was unhurt, and that the men directing the rescue were the Parisfiremen. Many persons had been wounded, but by an apparent miracle notone had been killed.

  The Primitive Man had disappeared.

  Juve, in quest of clues which might lead to the discovery of theexplosion, climbed upon the train to where an immense hole in the roofof the tube had showered down bits of asphalt and broken earth. Henoticed quickly that communication had been opened with the Place de laConcorde. By dint of hoisting and scrambling he succeeded at length ingaining the surface of the ground.

  Vague groanings came from the mass of stones piled not far away. As heapproached these noises, they became more distinct. Finally, hediscovered the body of a man wedged between two large blocks and coveredwith a piece of gas-pipe.

  The body was begrimed with soot and mud. Juve, after hauling his burdento the open air, where he was greeted with cheers by the crowd, dippedhis handkerchief in the water from the fountain and wiped the man'sface. Suddenly, he dropped to his knees with a cry:

  "Fandor! It's Fandor!"