Read A Runaway Brig; Or, An Accidental Cruise Page 23



  While it was not possible that those who had stolen the Bonita couldgain possession of the tug so long as her crew exercised ordinary care,nor probable that they would make any very desperate effort to do so inher disabled condition, every precaution was taken for the defense ofthe steamer and the safety of the treasure.

  Immediately after breakfast Bob, Joe and Harry went into the hold, andthe work of stowing the bags among the ballast where it would escapeobservation was begun.

  The gravel and rocks were first dug away until the keelson was exposed,and on this timber the gold was packed, after which everything wasreplaced as before, leaving the bags buried to the depth of six or eightinches. The hoard was thus hidden so securely that there was littlechance that it would be found unless the searchers had positiveinformation of its being on board.

  This work was hardly finished when Walter came below with theinformation that the two men were leaving the key, and Bob and Joehurried on deck, for it was by no means certain some demonstrationsagainst the steamer would not be made.

  In this, however, they were happily mistaken. Neither he with the rednose nor the Mexican had any idea of trusting their precious bodieswithin reach of possible harm; but they stopped the boat fifty or sixtyyards away while the leader shouted:

  "Do you still say that you won't lift a hand toward helpin' the brig offthe shoal?"

  "There's nothin' we're able to do," Bob replied. "The tug is as uselessas a raft, an' it'll be three weeks at the very soonest before the screwcan be turned. I'm willin', though, to say we wouldn't help you if wecould, so it's no use to do any chinnin'!"

  The red-nosed man appeared to think that some vent for his anger wasabsolutely necessary, and he catered to this feeling by shaking his fistthreateningly, after which the two rowed out of the cove.

  "I don't reckon them kind of monkey-shines will do us much harm," Bobsaid philosophically as he walked slowly aft to where Joe hadrecommenced his long task of repairing the engine, as if time was tooprecious to be wasted on such villains as those in the boat.

  "If they're wise we sha'n't see so much as their noses again," theengineer said. "This craft wouldn't be of any service if we should offerto give her up, and the scoundrels ought to be in too much of a hurry toleave the vicinity, where the schooner from Nassau may put in at anymoment, to waste much time on spite-work!"

  "I reckon you're about right; but at the same time, it stands us in handto be ready if they should take it into their ugly heads to kick up arow. After we've made sure they're really gone I'll take two of the boysashore an' bring off a cask of water. It's got to be done before we canleave, an' now's as good a time as any."

  There was nothing the remainder of the crew could do to help Joe,however disposed they might be for the task, and he made no objection tothe plan.

  The yawl was lowered, an empty cask put on board, and, with Harry in thestern-sheets, Bob and Jim pulled the little craft out toward the openwater until it was possible to see the enemy fully a mile away as theyrowed around the key.

  "We're all right now," Bob said after one glance at the two men."There's no chance of them villains getting back before we fill thecask; so head her for the shore, lad."

  It was a difficult job to get the water-butt, after it had been filled,from the spring to the boat, and the forenoon was well-nigh spent whenthe task had been accomplished. The only thing in the laborers' favorwas the fact that the sun no longer sent down such fervent rays upon theparched land. At about ten o'clock clouds began to gather, and hadcontinued to do so until the entire heavens were covered as by a veil,much to Bob's disquietude.

  "There's more than rain in them, lads," he said with an ominous shake ofthe head when they emerged from the thicket with the unwieldy burden."If I ain't 'way out of my reckonin' we'll get a capful of wind from theeast before mornin', an' the Sea Bird stands a slim chance of keepin'off the shore."

  "With both anchors down I don't see how any harm can come to her, nomatter how much of a gale we have," Harry replied as he gazed toward thetrim little steamer, which was moored so securely bow and stern.

  "I'm afeared you'll have a chance of seein' how it can be done. Thissandy bottom ain't the best holdin'-ground for an anchor, an' once shebegins to drag nothin' can stop her. Howsomever," he added in a morecheerful tone, "we needn't croak till the trouble comes; but it's bestto get aboard lively an' make preparations for a dirty night. It won'ttake much of a wind to knock the brig to pieces if she's on the outeredge of the shoal, so we can reckon on that red-nosed villain an' hismates comin' ashore about sunset."

  It was necessary for the rowers to exert all their skill and strength onthe oars to prevent the yawl from being swamped during the return to thesteamer. Already had the sea begun to rise, and the white-capped waveswhich now beat heavily against the shore gave token of what force theywould exert when roused to fury by the east wind, which was causing thetrees to wave helplessly to and fro against the gray sky.

  The little boat was loaded to the gunwales, and despite every effortthe green water rushed in over the rail very often, much to Harry'salarm. By pulling around to the starboard bow of the steamer, where theywould be partially sheltered from both wind and wave, it was possible toget the heavy cask on board without mishap, after which the yawl washooked on the falls and hoisted up; otherwise she would speedily havebeen stove to pieces against the larger craft.

  "It looks as if we were to have a bad night," Joe said when the work wasfinished and all hands went aft once more.

  "The worst we could have," Bob replied gloomily. "The chances are thesteamer will be driven ashore, and there's no question about thosevillains leaving the brig; so unless this wind takes a different slantbefore sunset we can count on bein' penned up on the island with them asjolly companions. But we can't afford to moon 'round very long tellin'what's goin' to happen, for there's plenty of work to be done. Theawnin' must be taken down an' the cables overhauled."

  Then he called for the boys to "bear a hand," and soon all were busilypreparing for what was apparently the inevitable.

  By the time the deck had been cleared and everything made snug the SeaBird was dancing about like a cork, flinging the spray fore and aft asshe came up on the cables with a thud that caused the timbers to creak,or plunging her bow under until the deck was awash.

  At five o'clock in the afternoon the gale was full upon them, comingdirectly out of the east, and so furiously did the little craft toss andpitch that Bob took the precaution of stretching life-lines fore andaft. The cables had been slackened to give plenty of scope; but sheoverrode the bow anchor until one would have fancied, from the savagejerks which the steamer gave, that it had been hove short.

  There was no thought of cooking. Jim could hardly have remained on hisfeet in the galley, for the swell was shorter and more violent than itwould have been on the open ocean; therefore the anxious ones wereforced to eat dry ship's-biscuit with the poor consolation in mind thatbefore morning all their stores might be at the bottom of the sea.

  The boys were in the pilot-house, where they could have a view of allthat was going on and yet be in a position to render immediateassistance if it was needed. Joe and Bob remained on deck despite thespray which fell like rain; and the former said to the old sailor towardnight, as he made his way forward after great difficulty:

  "We can get some pleasure out of the fact that the men haven't comeashore from the brig. There's no chance of their making harbor in theteeth of this wind, and we can count on having got rid of them."

  "That's where you make a mistake, my hearty. They most likely landed twoor three hours ago, runnin' down the western shore, where they'd findsheltered water. Them men ain't fools if they are villains, an' by noonknowed the brig couldn't hold together much longer. The chances are shewas bilged two hours ago, an' has gone to pieces by this time."

  Joe went aft again, looking more disconsolate than ever. He had feltpositive the enemy had not abando
ned the vessel, and his disappointmentwas all the greater because this hope had been so strong.

  When the gray light of day gave place to the darkness of night theanchors still held; but the steamer was laboring so much on account ofthe bow hawser that Bob decided it would be necessary to shift thestrain, despite the danger attendant upon such an undertaking.

  "All hands on deck!" he shouted at the door of the pilot-house, addingwarningly, as the boys crept out, "keep a firm hold of the life-lines,lads, for he who falls overboard will stand a poor chance of savinghimself."

  To make the proposed change it was necessary to carry the cable asternafter it was cast off the bitt, for all the slack had long since beenlet out, and rapidity of movement was as essential as strength.

  "Wait till she buries her nose once more, an' then rush when she rises,"Bob shouted as he threw off two or three turns of the rope.

  Up, up the little craft rose as the great green waves swept beneath, andthen when the hawser chucked her and the fall began, the signal wasgiven:

  "All hands with a will now!" the old sailor shouted; and in an instantthe crew were rushing madly aft, the heavy cable nearly dragging themfrom their feet.

  Bob had been correct as to the precise time when this maneuver should beexecuted; but he failed to give due consideration to the force theunder-tow would exert in such shoal water. The hawser had but just beenloosened from the bitt when the drag of the waters began. All handsclung with a force born of desperation; but their efforts were vain.

  A crew of giants could not have resisted the strain upon the wet,iron-like rope, and Bob shouted wildly when he was almost at thetaffrail:

  "Let go! For your lives let go!"

  Fortunately this order was obeyed before any one had been injured in therush, and as the hawser disappeared over the stern Joe muttered half tohimself, but so loud that Harry could distinguish the words:

  "We've done all we could to wreck the little craft. It would have beenbetter to let her labor with the risk of chafing the rope apart, ratherthan deliberately throw one anchor away when two hardly held her!"