Read A Simple Story Page 40


  About a week after this, Lord Elmwood went out two days for a visit;consequently Rushbrook was for that time master of the house. The firstmorning he went a shooting, and returning about noon, enquired ofSandford, who was sitting in the room, if he had taken up a volume ofplays left upon the table. "I read no such things," replied Sandford,and quitted the room abruptly. Rushbrook then rang for his servant, anddesired him to look for the book, asking him angrily, "Who had been inthe apartment? for he was sure he had left it there when he went out."The servant withdrew to enquire, and presently returned with the volumein his hand, and "Miss Woodley's compliments, she begs your pardon, Sir,she did not know the book was yours, and hopes you will excuse theliberty she took."

  "Miss Woodley!" cried Rushbrook with surprise, "she comes so seldom intothese apartments, I did not suppose it was her who had it--take it backto her instantly, with my respects, and I beg she will keep it."

  The man went; but returned with the book again, and laying it on thetable without speaking, was going away; when Rushbrook, hurt atreceiving no second message, said, "I am afraid, Sir, you did very wrongwhen you first took this book from Miss Woodley."

  "It was not from her I took it, Sir," replied the man, "it was from LadyMatilda."

  Since he had entered the house, Rushbrook had never before heard thename of Lady Matilda, he was shocked--confounded more than ever--and toconceal what he felt, instantly ordered the man out of the room.

  In the mean time, Miss Woodley and Matilda were talking over thistrifling occurrence; and frivolous as it was, drew from it strongconclusions of Rushbrook's insolence and power. In spite of her pride,the daughter of Lord Elmwood even wept at the insult she had received onthis insignificant occasion; for the volume being merely taken from herat Mr. Rushbrook's command, she felt an insult; and the manner in whichit was done by the servant, might contribute to the offence.

  While Miss Woodley and she were upon this conversation, a note came fromRushbrook to Miss Woodley, wherein he entreated he might be permitted tosee her. She sent a verbal answer, "She was engaged." He sent again,begging she would name her own time. But sure of a second denial, hefollowed the servant who took the last message, and as Miss Woodley cameout of her apartment into the gallery to speak to him, Rushbrookpresented himself, and told the man to retire.

  "Mr. Rushbrook," said Miss Woodley, "this intrusion is insupportable;and destitute as you may think me of the friendship of Lord Elmwood"----

  In the ardour with which Rushbrook was waiting to express himself, heinterrupted her, and caught hold of her hand.

  She immediately snatched it from him, and withdrew into her chamber.

  He followed, saying, in a low voice, "Dear Miss Woodley, hear me."

  At that juncture Lady Matilda, who was in an inner apartment, came outof it into Miss Woodley's. Perceiving a gentleman, she stopped short atthe door.

  Rushbrook cast his eyes upon her, and stood motionless--his lips onlymoved. "Do not depart, Madam," said he, "without hearing my apology forbeing here."

  Though Matilda had never seen him since her infancy, there was nooccasion to tell her who it was that addressed her--his elegant andyouthful person, joined to the incident which had just occurred,convinced her it was Rushbrook: she looked at him with an air ofsurprise, but with still more, of dignity.

  "Miss Woodley is severe upon me, Madam," continued he, "she judges meunkindly; and I am afraid she will prepossess you with the sameunfavourable sentiments."

  Still Matilda did not speak, but looked at him with the same air ofdignity.

  "If, Lady Matilda," resumed he, "I have offended you, and must quit youwithout pardon, I am more unhappy than I should be with the loss of yourfather's protection--more forlorn, than when an orphan boy, your motherfirst took pity on me."

  At this last sentence, Matilda turned her eyes on Miss Woodley, andseemed in doubt what reply she was to give.

  Rushbrook immediately fell upon his knees--"Oh! Lady Matilda," cried he,"if you knew the sensations of my heart, you would not treat me withthis disdain."

  "We can only judge of those sensations, Mr. Rushbrook," said MissWoodley, "by the effect they have upon your conduct; and while youinsult Lord and Lady Elmwood's daughter by an intrusion like this, andthen ridicule her abject state by mockeries like these----"

  He rose from his knees instantly, and interrupted her, crying, "What canI do? What am I to say, to make you change your opinion of me? WhileLord Elmwood has been at home, I have kept an awful distance; and thoughevery moment I breathed was a wish to cast myself at his daughter'sfeet, yet as I feared, Miss Woodley, that you were incensed against me,by what means was I to procure an interview but by stratagem or force?This accident has given a third method, and I had not strength, I hadnot courage, to let it pass. Lord Elmwood will soon return, and we mayboth of us be hurried to town immediately--then how for a tedious wintercould I endure the reflexion that I was despised, nay, perhapsconsidered as an object of ingratitude, by the only child of my deceasedbenefactress?"

  Matilda replied with all her father's haughtiness, "Depend upon it, Sir,if you should ever enter my thoughts, it will only be as an object ofenvy."

  "Suffer me then, Madam," said he, "as an earnest that you do not thinkworse of me than I merit, suffer me to be sometimes admitted into yourpresence--."

  She would scarce permit him to finish the period, before she replied,"This is the last time, Sir, we shall ever meet, depend upon it--unless,indeed, Lord Elmwood should delegate to you the controul of me--_his_commands I never dispute." And here she burst into tears.

  Rushbrook walked towards the window, and did not speak for sometime--then turning himself to make a reply, both Matilda and Miss Woodleywere somewhat surprised to see, that he had been shedding tearshimself.--Having conquered them, he said, "I will not offend you, Madam,by remaining one moment longer; and I give you my honour, that, upon nopretence whatever, will I presume to intrude here again. Professions, Ifind, have no weight, and only by this obedience to your orders, can Igive a proof of that respect which you inspire;--and let the agitation Inow feel, convince you, Lady Matilda, that, with all my seeming goodfortune, I am not happier than yourself." And so much was he agitatedwhile he delivered this, that it was with difficulty he came to theconclusion. When he did, he bowed with reverence, as if leaving thepresence of a deity, and retired.

  Matilda immediately entered the chamber she had left, and withoutcasting a single look at Miss Woodley by which she might guess of theopinion she had formed of Mr. Rushbrook's conduct. The next time theymet they did not even mention his name; for they were ashamed to own apartiality in his favour, and were too just to bring any accusationagainst him.

  But Miss Woodley, the day following, communicated the intelligence ofthis visit to Mr. Sandford, who not being present, and a witness ofthose marks of humility and respect which were conspicuous in thedeportment of Mr. Rushbrook, was highly offended at his presumption, andthreatened if he ever dared to force his company there again, he wouldacquaint Lord Elmwood with his arrogance, whatever might be the event.Miss Woodley, however, assured him, she believed he would have no causefor such a complaint, as the young man had made the most solemn promisenever to commit the like offence; and she thought it her duty to enjoinSandford, till he did repeat it, not to mention the circumstance, evento Rushbrook himself.

  Matilda could not but feel a regard for her father's heir, in return forthat which he had so fervently declared for her; yet the more favourableher opinion of his mind and manners, the more he became an object of herjealousy for the affections of Lord Elmwood, and he was nowconsequently, an object of greater sorrow to her, than when she believedhim less worthy. These sentiments were reversed on his part towardsher--no jealousy intervened to bar his admiration and esteem--the beautyof her person, and grandeur of her mien, not only confirmed, butimproved, the exalted idea he had formed of her previous to theirmeeting, and which his affection to both her parents had inspired. Thenext t
ime he saw his benefactor, he began to feel a new esteem andregard for him, for his daughter's sake; as he had at first an esteemfor her, on the foundation of his love for Lord and Lady Elmwood. Hegazed with wonder at his uncle's insensibility to his own happiness, andwould gladly have led him to the jewel he cast away, though even his ownexpulsion should be the fatal consequence. Such was the youthful, warm,generous, grateful, but unreflecting mind of Rushbrook.