Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 11

  Chapter 11

  Her days seemed to drift by. As each day passed, she didn’t think she would be able to sleep anymore, but she always did. And every time she awoke her first thoughts were to see where Drake was. It seemed that he was always waiting for her to wake up so that he could feed her. Then they would read the Bible together and talk about what they had read. There had only been a few times, however, that she had awoken alone. But each time there was a note reminding her to stay put.

  She leaned back in bed and sighed. In the past she would have never been able to sleep this much. The only other time had been during her mourning months, however this sleeping was so much more peaceful and restful. Grabbing the note again, Raven looked over his handwriting. She smiled, ‘I love you’ was scrawled at the bottom. Her fingertips traced his writing as a softness stole over her, filling her.

  How would she ever be able to go back living without him? He had so effectively snuck in under her guard and seemed to fill every crevice of her life. Well, their time here had to end sometime. He was the President of the United States and he most definitely would not be able to live underground during this time. His small command center could only do so much. He had meetings he had to attend, and press conferences, not to mention public speeches. And not only that, he had a family that needed him.

  A tear escaped, it would be so hard to say goodbye. She dreaded that day. Her heart ached just thinking of it. However, it would be better if she did leave soon because the more she was around him, the more she depended upon him, and the more she couldn’t handle being completely apart from him. And she couldn’t keep putting it off, she was a single woman with her own needs to take care of. And the more she thought about it, the more things there were to do. She still had not called about her lease yet, then there was the long drive home she would have to do, along with phoning her doctor and transferring her records, and scheduling a follow-up appointment for her ankle. Not to mention, her vehicle.

  Oh my, she had forgotten all about it. Her personal bags and clothes were in the closet with Drake’s, but everything else she had just forgotten.

  Without thinking anymore about it, Raven picked up her crutches and started heading to the door. Hobbling into the other room, she glanced around and didn’t see anyone so she headed straight to the other door and tried to open it, but it wouldn’t open. She looked for a lock, but the only thing she could find was a button on the side, so she pushed it. Lights and sirens started blaring off, she quickly tried pushing it again, but they continued. Oh great, now she had done it! Raven tried to quickly back away from the door when she heard boots pounding down the outside corridor, but just as she got only a few feet away from it, six agents filed into the room, guns out. She turned in surprise, her hands quickly shot up, and the crutches fell. She wobbled slightly, but was still able to thankfully stay upright.

  Zeak started laughing so hard he had trouble holstering his gun.

  “It’s not funny, Zeak.”

  Soon the whole room was holding their bellies laughing. Every now and then pointing at her.

  Only slightly wincing, Raven was able to bend down and get her crutches. She continued to just stand there and wait for them to calm down.

  “Raven, you should have seen your face! Ha ha ha ha.”

  “Yep, so funny, Zeak. So funny.” Raven shook her head, and continued to wait. Until it dawned on her that the door was now wide open. Making her way to the door, Raven kept on hobbling. She got about twenty feet out of the room when Zeak angrily yelled at her to stop.

  She yelled back as she kept on hobbling, “What? I can’t hear you correctly. Are you ordering me to stop?”

  “I said that you had better stop right there!”

  The nerve of him! She shot around as fast as she could, “I am not a prisoner here. Why can’t I leave?”

  “Your detail is not ready. Nor do you have permission to leave.” Zeak glared over at her.

  “Permission!? Whose permission should I have? I am a grown woman with a lot of things to do. I have got to go. I have been in bed for far too many days now.”

  Blatantly ignoring her permission question, Zeak walked towards her, his arms crossed. “What do you have to do that you need to leave before you are even ready to leave?”

  “How do you know when I am not ‘ready’ to leave?”

  He tilted his head down, “Really?”

  “Yes. And furthermore, I have doctors to call, appointments to make. I have to get my vehicle, or find it if you have moved it. Which I am sure you have. I have to contact my landlord about the lease I need out of it, and I have to drive all the way to my home in Illinois. And that is another property that needs dealt with. I can’t continue to live in fantasyland here with Drake, I can’t.”

  Zeak snorted, “Well, I can tell you that you are definitely not going to Illinois. And furthermore, your doctors’ follow-up appointments have already been made. Your landlord has already found someone to finish out your lease. Oh, and your vehicle, is safely parked at Lawrence’s house.”

  Her eyes got huge, “How dare you say I am not going to Illinois? My ankle specialist is there. I have to go. And thank you for contacting my landlord, but tell Lawrence to meet me at the agent entrance with my vehicle. So thank you for your help in advance and tell Drake he can text me when he gets a chance on that high-tech batman phone, which I assume is from him.” And with that, she quickly turned back around and started pretty much running on her crutches.

  “You have a new ankle specialist here, and he is going to even travel from Baltimore to continue to see you, so you don’t have to go to him. Raven. Raven! If you dare go through that next door, I will not be held accountable for my actions. You are to report back to your room. Got that?”

  “No, I don’t ‘got that.’” Shaking her head, Raven’s jaw twitched and regardless of his warning, she continued forward through the next door which led down another long corridor. Wavering slightly, Raven forged on with gritted teeth. She could do this, she could. She had to get out of here. This was all just too much. How dare he even think that he could control her? She wasn’t in the service anymore, nor had Drake gone public about them, so there really wasn’t much more that could harm her. Her arms started aching, and exhaustion tried creeping in.

  Lying in bed for days had really taken its toll on her body.

  Facing another set of steps, Raven placed her crutches together under her right arm, then took a deep breath and went up them. She had just made it to the top when she heard boots behind her. Oh great, here comes the cavalry. Slightly surprised they had taken this long to chase after her, Raven picked it up a pace and was able to make it down another small hallway where there was no other outlet. Resting against the wall, she wiped her brow, she was lost. She should have thought this thing through, she had never seen where Drake had been going, nor had she seen the other time when the agents had escorted her there. Oh, why did she think that she could find her way? It just seemed like an endless set of dark and creepy hallways.

  Carefully, she sat down on the floor, then laid down. They could just shoot her, step on her, carry her, or bury her, right now she really did not care. All sorts of noises, and boots running actually seemed to be coming from everywhere now. She giggled a tiresome giggle that was void of any energy, they apparently weren’t even on her trail as she had thought. These long, endless hallways echoed. They must have picked the opposite doors to the random ones she had gone through. Maybe in a few minutes she would get her energy back. Tenderly rolling onto her side to try and get comfortable, she closed her eyes. Why did she have to get herself into these crazy situations?

  Because she was stubborn that’s why!

  She prayed that someone would find her, Drake’s handsomely rugged face came to mind. Well, maybe not just someone. A slight smiled touched her lips, he would do nicely.

  Drake stormed into the hall
way, and the agents standing around quickly moved out of his way when they saw his very stern expression. Eight hours of intense meetings and briefings, another hour of an appallingly long interrogating news conference where the media was more interested in asking him more personal questions regarding his woman and her alleged past in working as a Secret Service agent then they were about the main purpose for the press conference. His throat felt raw from all of the continuous replies of, ‘Please, no personal questions at this time. This conference was solely called on behalf of the Justice Department and what they are facing. I will only be answering questions regarding that.’

  Drake stormed through the last few agents and abruptly stopped.

  Curled on her side, an innocent smile touching her lips, Raven was sound asleep in the middle of a hallway. An unexpectedly sweet emotion squeezed his heart. No wonder the agents said they just could not wake her. Oh man, he was definitely a goner. He placed his hands on his hips, maybe he could just keep her locked up in that room until his administration was completely over. Because there was no way he could stand around and let them interrogate her in the way they had just him, nor could he allow them to diminish her beautiful character all because they had no idea what was going on, but yet wanted a story.

  “Do you see what we mean?”

  “Yeah. I see what you mean.”

  “She was determined to leave. She said she had a lot to get done and had to drive home to Illinois.”

  Lawrence chuckled, “She wouldn’t have even made it past putting on her seatbelt.”

  “No. She wouldn’t have.” Frowning, Drake knelt down, and lifted her hair off her forehead. “Raven, sweetheart. Wake up.” He delicately stroked her cheek.

  Moaning, Raven slowly lifted her eyes open and was shocked to see Drake kneeling in front of her and a whole group of CAT guys looking down on her. “What? What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. You fell asleep right here in the hallway.”

  His tired, frustrated voice put her on edge. Puzzlement creased her brow as she looked around. “Oh, yeah. Sorry. Okay, I better get going again.”

  Carefully helping her to her feet, Drake immediately handed over her crutches to the guy in the group who stood the farthest from her. She reached out for them, but they all shook their heads no.

  “Burn them.”

  “What? No. I need them. Drake!”

  Taking her arm, he guided her back to the wall and held her there. “Where do you think you are going? Back to bed? Yes. Anywhere else? No.” That said, Drake lifted her up into his arms and told Zeak to call Techy to get both doors reset, including the opening from inside the room so that she couldn’t open it up again.

  Drake blew out a breath, he was way too tired to have to deal with this happening again.

  “Are you keeping me prisoner here?”


  “What? No you’re not.”

  “Okay. Then I’m not.”

  “Thank you.” Looking over his shoulder, Raven tried to get a glimpse of her crutches, but the guy was gone. “Okay, I’m not fooled. There is no way he will burn them, right? And furthermore, guess what? I just remembered, they are metal.” She smiled brightly.

  Drake ignored her and kept walking. She questioningly looked up at him, ready to yell at him, but then she saw how tired and angry he really looked. His eyes were heavy, his jaw twitched. He quickly moved his eyes to look at her, and then they looked straight ahead again.

  “Have you been gone all day?”


  “What time is it?”


  “No, seriously, what time is it?”

  “Time to stop asking questions. I have had way too much of them today and I am in no mood to deal with more.” His eyes quickly shifted to her again, then just as quickly looked straight ahead.

  She rested her head against his shoulder, and started to run her fingers through the back of his hair. She would just wait until he was in a better mood to press for more information, and to remind him that she had to leave. Wait a minute was that the look he had told her about?

  “Hey, okay, I won’t ask a question, but I bet you that was the ‘look’ you told me about. Zeak. Zeak!” Her face looked to the front of the group.

  “Yes?” He turned, his eyebrow raised.

  “Okay look over here at Drake. Is that the look in his eye that says he needs to beat someone up, or beat himself up, or whatever horrifyingly crazy fighting things you all do in that gym of yours?”

  Drake almost dropped her. He slammed his body against the wall, as he tried to let her down gently. Agents all around her started laughing.

  Concern screamed through her, was he passing out? As soon as her foot was on the floor she grabbed his face to make sure he was alright, but he was bent over holding his belly. “Drake? Are you alright?” Dread painfully washed through her. “Are you hurt?”

  He just kept shaking his head no. His body started jerking and he turned his head to the wall. Then he couldn’t contain it any longer laughter as never before rushed out of him. He laughed so hard tears streamed down his face, and he fell to the floor.

  Appalled, Raven jammed her hands to her waist. Whatever was so funny, she just did not get it. Looking down both directions she saw the agents were having the same trouble, especially Zeak, who looked like he was a red tomato.

  Now what was she supposed to do? Out of the corner of her eye she spotted her crutches. While they were totally unaware of her, she held onto the side of the wall that had less men against it and hobbled down to get them. Within record time she was making her own way down the hallway, it was tricky, but she managed to get past them all without soundly whacking them upside the head. Men!

  Remembering that she had come up stairs the first time, she made an immediate right to go back down them. Then at the bottom of the stairs, she stopped completely unsure of which way to go. She started hearing boots clamoring across the floor. Finally, they’re up again. Shaking her head she immediately picked the door to the left, but it was locked.

  “Raven!” Drake’s voice yelled after her.


  “Stay right where you are!”

  “I am. I don’t know which way to go, now.”

  He flew down the stairs and slid to a stop. The sharpness of his features softened as he saw her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t, I couldn’t...” He started laughing again.

  “Okay, so I really don’t understand, but I would like to get out of this hallway. I think I’ve been here practically all day.”

  “Sure. You are just too funny. I haven’t laughed that hard in so long.”

  She leaned against the wall, trying to get strength to continue as the other men started filing into their little section of the hallway. “Well, I must not be too funny, because I sure did not crack myself up.”

  They all chuckled. Drake walked up to her lifting up her chin, “We work out in that gym, that’s all.”

  “Well, I guess I just haven’t been there enough times to know that. You’ve just been so aggressive whenever I did see you in there. And I sure have never worked out like that before in my life. That’s crazy.”

  “Hey, you didn’t see me like that the last time we were there. Well, not until after you ran away, though.”

  “Yeah, well, the first time, believe me I got an eyeful. And I might add that when you do go today, this time it won’t be my fault! I’ve been in prison for a few weeks and haven’t caused any trouble. Well, other than re-banging my head, and getting lost.”

  Turning, she tried to leave, but he stole her crutches from her. Picking her up, he growled, “You are not in prison, and I will carry you.”

  “Just don’t almost drop me again.” Resting her head on his shoulder, she playfully hit him across his chest when he started chuckling.

  “Then you better keep that gorgeous mouth of yours quiet so you
don’t say anything funny again. And yes, baby, it was ‘the look.’”

  “I thought so. Boy, it’s intimidating, superbly handsome, but intimidating. Well, we better go the other way because you better get to that gym before you let loose and have to apologize to a lot of people.”

  “I have to change first. And you need to put on a jogging suit.”

  “Raven, put on the black one you bought a while back, during that one weekend you snuck away. That will work perfectly for sneaking you back in and out of here.” Lawrence stated matter-of-factly.

  Raven lifted her head, her eyebrows drew together, “What?”

  “You know, the solid black one. I was hoping you wouldn’t pick the blue one you were eyeing. It was way too bright, right Miller?”

  “Yeah. Or that yellow one. Boy, no hiding that one.” Miller snorted.

  “I didn’t see those other ones, but when she walked back into room 407 at the Marriott, I could hardly see her in the dead of night. So she made a perfect choice.” Techy chuckled.

  “You knew where I was?” Unbelievable! She had been so watchful, never once had she seen them, and she had even been looking for them.

  “Of course. It’s our business to know.” Lawrence shrugged and started to walk over to the couch to sit down.

  “Did you know?” Her eyes searched Drake’s.

  He leaned his head against hers, “Yes. I had to know you were safe.”

  She sadly nodded, “But it was awful. I had nightmares all weekend, and I didn’t sleep much at all.”

  “I’m sorry.” He nuzzled her neck. Carrying her over to the bed, he set her down, then immediately went to his knees. His arms went around her waist on both sides, then he rested his head on her lap.

  Raven’s heart melted. She tenderly stroked the side of his face and hair. “Rough day, eh?”


  “Did you remember our Bible verse we read last night? About God giving you His strength in your time of need?”

  “Yep. And He wonderfully did, each and every time.”

  “Isn’t it amazing how He does give us what we have need of, even before we need it?” Amazement colored her voice, and she continued to stroke his neck and back. “Why I waited so long to really see it, I’ll never know. But now I know I will never go back to not searching for Him, to not learning about Him. To not talking to Him. Wow, these days have been so wonderful in getting to know Him all over again. As soon as you told me I should desire to hear Him how I need to hear Him, and how He is talking to me, not how I want to hear Him, I can’t explain it but something drastically changed. He has healed my barrier I had up. Thank you for guiding me back to Him, and teaching me to abide in His Word. I see now how He was strongly trying to let me know that I wasn’t alone during those months of mourning. I can see it so easily now, the Holy Spirit had comforted me. I just was wanting Him to do it in a specific way, and when I didn’t get it, I rebelled more. How precious it is that He forgives us. He is so wonderful. I just feel so ‘not lost’ anymore. You have shown me how His Holy Word comes to life. I can’t wait to continue to get to know Him even more. Thank you so much for that Drake. I love you.”

  Drake nodded. “You’re welcome, and I love you, too. Just remember that whatever happens, as long as you are clinging to Jesus you will be alright. When you live your life by first seeing Him, first hearing from Him, and first going or giving to Him then that is the only way to live because He is our light, and you will always experience His victory. No matter what you are facing, or dealing with. But looking first to your problem, illness, or anything else that isn’t Him, is to look into the darkness first. And, of course, there is no light to guide your path in that direction. And His victory, isn’t what we would think, or should think it is. It is His victory and it is much better than anything we could imagine even if we aren’t physically healed on earth. Healing is His children’s bread, and we are always healed because His victory is eternal.” His arms hugged her, and his eyes drifted shut. Within minutes he was lightly snoring.

  He looked so precious sleeping on her lap, the tiredness in his voice had been so pronounced. Her heart quickened, oh how she loved this man. Continuing to lovingly caress him, Raven praised Jesus for him.