Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 15

  Chapter 15

  Ten months later...

  Raven sighed, her husband looked so handsome up there at the podium. His commanding voice echoed through the Capitol Building, his arms were tense while he tried to express the necessity of what he was proposing. She looked around and saw that most of the House of Representatives and Senators were agreeing with him. But there were still some that were blatantly ignoring him. Her heart ached when she saw the ones that still fumed over what he chose to do. She wanted to shake them and say, trust him. Couldn’t they see the benefits of it in the long run?

  Wiping her brow, Raven shifted her weight. Her stomach was big, and their child was not happy today. Maybe she should have listened to Drake’s mom and stayed home this morning with her feet up, especially since she had not slept at all last night. But she loved to watch him give his speeches, she just loved the passion in his voice as he stated his point. And he wasn’t disappointing her. Her eyes looked to his face, at least Drake didn’t look as tired as she felt, at least he was able to get a little more sleep than she had. He just refused to let her stay awake by herself. She smiled as she remembered him rubbing her hand and falling asleep. Only to wake up and start again, then back to sleep again. Finally, she had left their bedroom so he could sleep, but soon after she had left, he had followed her out into the living room. He was so adorably infuriating.

  A cramp shot through her and she tried to breathe, but it was proving a little more difficult than earlier. Worry creased her brow, not here, just another hour or two, please. She patted her belly trying to soothe their little one, and shifted her weight again. Her ankle gave a little twinge when she accidentally moved it wrong. This added weight was really upsetting it since she had put off the ankle reconstruction surgery until after the baby was born. A bigger cramp formed and seemed to hug her waist. She looked to the floor, trying to ease the pain.

  “Raven? Are you alright?”

  Zeak’s voice filtered through her service earpiece that the men had commanded her to wear in case she needed them.

  She nodded, knowing he would see her. She breathed and wiped her brow. Panic surfaced, she should leave, but how? Her husband was just getting to his favorite part. He had told her all about it with such excitement. Wait, please wait, she patted her belly again. Sweat rolled down her face, as another cramp hugged her.

  “Raven? Answer us, now.” Rick’s voice was adamant.

  “Yes.” Her feeble response did not in any way soothe them.

  She looked up to her husband, he was so in tuned with his audience. The Vice President had reviewed the speech just in case the baby would come, but she wanted Drake to share his vision, himself. His hand came clamoring to the podium and all of a sudden warm liquid rushed from her.

  “Zeak, oh, no. Water.” Within seconds Zeak and Rick were in front of her, carefully helping her up. The room became a flurry of activity as all eyes turned to the few men in front of her jumping up and screaming over the water rushing under their feet. “This is an historical building, too. I’m sorry, so, so, sor...” She grasped her middle and clamped her mouth down hard. Her grip almost crushed Zeak’s hand. Warm, familiar arms came around her. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll personally pay the cleaning bill.”

  She nodded and let them escort her out of the shocked room. She just concentrated on breathing through each pain. “I stop.” She leaned against Drake. “Just one second.”

  He soothed her brow.

  Tears ran down her cheeks, “I’m so sorry, you couldn’t say...” Another cramp, and her hands grasped his shirt until she was sure her fingers would bleed.

  “That’s it.” Picking her up, Drake began to run down the hallway. Raven closed her eyes and clung to him.

  Laying her down on the limo seat, Drake put a wet cloth to her head. “Don’t you dare apologize about any of that. I’m glad you came today, and I wouldn’t know what to do if I just got a call and had to meet you at the hospital separately. I want to be with you during all of it.”

  “Raven, don’t worry about it. It’s natural, and it could have been a lot worst.” Zeak patted her arm, trying to comfort her.

  “Now, really, I have to ask, how in the world could it have been any worst then having your water break on live television with the Senators and House of Representatives screaming like little girls and jumping up and down. In a historical building, I might add?”

  “Lawrence! Not now!” Zeak covered his red face, while Collars bit down a little too hard on his lip to keep from laughing outright.

  Raven’s eyes continued to remain closed, she braced herself for another wave of pain, “Remind me to fire him later when I have the energy to.” Her mumbled words made them all chuckle. Drake stayed on his knees in front of her, his face nuzzling hers, while he tenderly stroked her belly.

  “She is always saying that. My sweet protectee, just hold tight back there, I’ve already radioed ahead and Miller is there with the wheelchair in hand, and your doctor is waiting. And our motorcade is flying, I don’t think we have ever traveled this fast before.”

  Tears dropped from her eyes, “Drake. I’m scared.” She turned to him, her fingers grasping him.

  “Oh, sweetheart. It’ll be fine. Just let your body do what it has to do.” He wiped her tears as another wave wracked her body. He could feel the tension move across her belly under his palm.

  She glared at him, and through gritted teeth ground out, “I don’t think I have a choice in what my body is doing!”

  Drake smiled and brushed her hair out of her face, trying to pull it back into a neat ponytail. She and their baby would be just fine.

  Drake held his new little baby boy against his chest.

  “Do you think Maddie will be upset?”

  “How could she be? He is too cute.” Drake looked in awe at Stephen James Hawk.

  “That’s because he looks just like you and Jake.” Raven smiled, and closed her eyes. Her mother-in-law came up behind her and worked at putting her hair back up, trying to get it off her hot, sweaty neck.

  “Yes, he does look just like his father and brother, but I suspect he will probably have his mommy’s blue eyes. Although, you can’t tell yet, they are just a little different then Drake’s was when I first held him. Is that better, dear?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “I tell you your father is just beside himself with the name you chose. He is so honored that you chose Raven’s father’s name, as well as his for him. He is one proud Grandpa, he could hardly wait to bring the children in. So they should be here soon.”

  “Where is he!?” Raven laughed, right on cue Madeline came bouncing in followed by Jake and Grandpa.

  Drake sat down in the chair next to Raven’s bed, then lowered Stephen to lay flat in his hands.

  “Oh, mommy, he is beautiful!” Madeline cooed over him.

  “He is so little. How long will it take him to grow?” Jake looked at him as if he was afraid to touch him.

  “Not for a while, I hope.” Drake laughed. “You both have grown up way too fast, so he probably will, too.”

  “He looks just like a doll baby. Mommy, I could dress him in my doll clothes.”

  “It better not be any girly things.” Jake glared at his sister.

  Raven yawned, her eyes were so heavy and she wasn’t able to keep them open.

  Drake stood and handed his son to his father. He walked back over to Raven and kissed her. “Are you okay? You suddenly look so pale. Raven? Sweetheart?”

  “Uh...” Raven turned towards Drake’s hand.

  “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, then grabbed his hand and tucked it under her, “Tired.”

  Drake looked to his parents with concern, “Maybe you should take the kids and head back to the house. She hasn’t been sleeping well this past week, and last night she didn’t sleep at all. The doctor said that she had lost a l
ot of blood during the delivery, but extra IV fluids should help with that. It has been a really long day and night for her since Stephen was a little hesitant after his water broke this morning.” Drake looked to Jake and Maddie cooing over the baby, “And my two big kids, you have school in the morning and it is way past your bedtimes. So come kiss mommy goodnight, then give me one, so Grandpa and Grandma can get you back to bed.”

  They each kissed Raven, who was already sound asleep. Drake wrapped them both in a big hug and lifted them. “I love you both and be good for your Grandpa and Grandma, and your agents. Do you hear me? You both have been doing great with behaving, but please be extra good now, okay? I’ll need your help, and mommy will, too. It may take her a little while to be back to normal, so every little bit helps. Okay?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Yes, Dad. You know I’m getting too big for this.”

  Drake laughed, “Never Jake. Never.” He put them both down, then gave them each a big hug and kiss.

  His father came over and gave him a big hug and kiss. “See Jake, I’m not too big for my Dad’s hugs and kisses.”

  Jake rolled his eyes, “I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about lifting me up like that with Maddie.”

  “Oh.” Drake winked to his dad, “As long as it’s not the other thing, then I’m fine with that.”

  “Goodnight son. I love you, and take care of her.” His mother leaned up for a hug and kiss.

  “I will. Now, give me my little guy. The nurses said that they wanted to do a few things with him after his visitors left.” Drake followed his family out of the hospital room, and asked the agent standing there if he wouldn’t mind sending in the nurse. He then walked over and cradled Stephen against his chest while he watched his beautiful wife sleep. Thank you Jesus so much for healing my path and hers. May we both continuously cling to You, and may our new little guy cling to You, as we have asked of our other children as well. Please continue to give us wisdom and strength in raising them for Your glory.

  “Mr. President. I will take your little man, now. We are just going to finish a few things with him, especially since your wife is sleeping.”

  Drake handed him to her and then looked to Raven, “Will she be alright?”

  The nurse smiled, “Of course. She is fine, and the extra fluids will really help. She just needs a lot of sleep, especially while she can get it. Don’t worry, sir. And I think you could use the rest, too. So why don’t you try to sleep while we handle little Stephen.”

  Drake nodded, “Thank you.”

  “You are very welcome, I am honored to be his nurse.” The nurse turned off the main lights in the room, only keeping the dimmed one on above Raven as she left.

  Drake yawned and then stretched in the chair by her bed, but after a few minutes he was still unable to get comfortable. Standing, he carefully moved his wife closer to her IV pole in the bed, then climbed in beside her. He didn’t know if it was against regulations or not, but his wife needed him to hold her. And, he needed to hold her. Raven sighed as she felt her husband’s arms come around her. Drake kissed her as he placed her head on his chest. His tired voice rushed over her, “Thank you, again, for my little guy. I love you, sweetheart.”

  The next afternoon, each agent on duty took turns filtering in to see their new little eaglet. The CAT guys came last. They wanted to be able to spend just a little more time with him. Drake smiled to Lawrence and handed him Stephen. “You should hold him like...”

  Lawrence brushed him off and waved him away, “Get out of here, Big Eagle. I know what to do.” He very carefully held the baby against his chest, as if he had been doing it all of his life. The room looked at him in shock. “What? So I have a lot of brothers and sisters.” Shaking his head, he turned his attention to the little guy, all bundled up, wide eyed and so unsure of what was going on. His heart melted, “You know what? He is adorable and Uncle Lawrence is just so proud of him. Yes, I am. I have to tell you, though, my grandchildren are going to be writing about the day of your birth. You know those history classes that have you searching for odd and fun facts about the presidents? Well, one just actually happened yesterday with you. Yes, it did. And I got to watch it first hand, then I got to drive you to the hospital. But the most exciting part was when that water of life you drank, and peed in, flowed right through those stinky guys cleansing them up. Yes, it did.”


  “What? We’re making history here. And they better not act all high and mighty over this, either. It is much cleaner water than they drink, let me tell you. And you see, Uncle Zeak, who’s all red faced and yelling at me? Well, he gets to tell his grandchildren that he was right there when your momma just called his name to help out. Yep, he sure beat your dad over to her. Well, then again your daddy just had to swim through your special water, jump over the guys screaming like girls, and push right through the ones too shocked to move. But hey, he made it. Yes, he did.”

  Raven grabbed her side, and tried so hard not to laugh. Her husband was bent over her bed too, his face getting redder by the minute, his shoulders convulsed, only making her laugh all the more.

  “Lawrence, come on, man!”

  “Alright, Uncle Lawrence has to go.” He kissed him on the cheeks, and carefully handed him back to the only agent not bent over. He looked to Drake and Raven, they were definitely in no condition to hold their little bundle of joy. His voice whined as he hung his head, “I’ll just get back and relieve Rick with limo duty.” Then he stopped at the door, shook his head and whistled, “Wow, I mean really, forget the President, one smack on his podium and bam...the First Lady just cleaned house. Woo-hoo you go, Mrs. POTUS.” With that he quickly left the room.

  That was the final straw, Raven hid her face into her pillow holding her side, and tears ran down her cheeks. “I hurt, I really, really do. Please don’t until I am healed.” Her laughter rang through the room, mixing with everyone else’s.

  Alone again, Drake turned to his tired wife, “We need those crazy guys in our lives you know that? They keep us grounded.”

  “Yes, they sure do.” Raven laughed, “I’m sorry to be making such awful history for you.”

  His eyes sparkled, “My baby is in no way considered ‘awful’ history. Nor is my beautiful wife. I love you. And just think, we still aren’t halfway through this term. It’s going to be a long one.” He laughed, “Forget the gray hair, I’m going to have no hair from pulling it out when I’m trying to deal with them.”

  “We just have to make sure Lawrence isn’t put on the Eaglet detail. He and Maddie would be way too much to handle, you really won’t have any hair left if that happens.”

  Drake hugged her to him, “Believe me, as soon as we get home, I’m going to make sure that can’t happen.” He looked to his baby boy sound asleep in the hospital cart, then to his wife whose eyes were so heavy. He traced her face, and tucked her head in the crook of his arm. Softly kissing her, Drake sighed, “Sweetheart, we need to sleep. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She fell asleep within moments so secure in his arms.

  Drake smiled, “Thank you, Jesus for your beautiful path and Your Light that lights our way, may we always see it before anything else.”