Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 17

  Chapter 17

  “Sweetheart?” Drake nuzzled her neck. “Time to wake up.”

  Raven quickly looked around confused. “Where?”

  “No, we aren’t at home. Remember, we went away.”

  “Oh. Yeah.” Sitting up, Raven leaned forward so that her head rested against the back of the seat in front of her.

  Concernedly, Drake rubbed her back, “I hadn’t realized just how exhausted you are. I know you went to the doctor today, but I had heard that everything is fine and clear. Are you okay?”

  Raven nodded, “It is. I’m just tired.” She shrugged, “I just haven’t been able to nap like I should when Stephen’s napping.”

  “Guys, if you don’t mind, we need a minute.”

  Quietly all of the guys piled out and shut their doors, walking a few yards away.

  Drake continued to rub her, but he couldn’t keep the anger out of his voice, “That’s it. I don’t want you sneaking away to your office like you have been. I should have known when I first heard about that. I should have stopped you immediately. You have been doing way too much, too soon.”

  Raven’s hands tensed against the seat, “Okay, what is it with ‘you hearing?’ I mean, how in the world do you know all of this? I haven’t even been able to talk to you much these last few weeks, or I would have gladly told you what’s been going on. I’m not trying to keep anything from you, nor am I ‘sneaking away.’ Stephen has started to only wake up once a night now, and whenever he does nap, I seem to have countless energy.” Raven stopped and wiped her eyes, “I have just missed our family dinners these last few weeks. We still have them, but you haven’t been there so it’s not the same. And I miss not hearing your voice. I hate to call you because I never know if you are in an important meeting or not. I tried to go to your office one day with Stephen, but when I was walking down the hallway I overheard a woman say that they were happy I didn’t bother you like some wives would. So I turned around and left. I just wanted to give you a kiss. That’s all. I miss our Bible reading together, I miss our routine, I miss...” Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she angrily wiped them away. “I’m tired, I’m just so tired. And I’m really not making any sense right now, I know.”

  Drake tried pulling her unto his lap, but she resisted. “Get up here.”


  “Raven. Come here.” He forced her to sit on his lap and look at him.

  She glared at him through her tears, “And if you so much as say I’m emotional because I just had a baby. I will scream. I promise you, I will.”

  He had the nerve to chuckle.

  She tried pulling her arms free, but he easily held her in a new special grip that didn’t allow that to happen.

  “I miss you, too. I wish you would have listened to your heart instead of what someone said that day because it would have made my day for you to do that. Believe me, on Monday morning I will make sure that my whole administration knows just where I stand on my doors being an open door for my wife. They were way out of line to even say such a thing, and if they have a problem with that then they can leave. I don’t care what position they hold. You are my wife, if you need me, you find me. I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing. I don’t care if I am in a hot meeting with the military generals. If you feel led to see me, then you had better come to me. Understood?” He glared at her waiting, until she finally nodded her head. “I know you would never take advantage of that. I also know that if there is a need for you to see me than I need to fulfill that need. And I have missed you so much. That is why I planned this trip, that is why I did all of this. For you. For me. For us.”

  She tried to keep her lips tightly shut, but she never could succeed in that. Within seconds her body fell limp against him, and between kisses, she asked, “Why didn’t you ask me how my doctor’s visit went? Why didn’t you ask me what I was doing during the day? Why didn’t you text me and ask, if you couldn’t call? Why do you talk to others about me, but don’t ask me?”

  After her last question, Drake leaned in for one more kiss, then lifted his head. “I have listened when the others have talked. I have never asked anyone about you, I wouldn’t do that. Except the doctor. I did call him to make sure you were alright because I knew the kids were home from school today, and my parents were there and I didn’t think you really wanted to discuss it when they were within hearing distance. I knew everyone was busy getting ready, and I just didn’t even think about texting you to ask you. I had planned to go to the doctor’s appointment with you, but a very important meeting unexpectedly came up just as I was leaving to surprise you. I had to deal with that problem before I could even think about leaving for today and tonight. I’m sorry, I really didn’t want you going to your doctor by yourself. But I also figured that it is understood between us that you would contact me immediately if something was wrong.”

  “I would have. And it’s good you didn’t go because you would have caused a scene at the office.”

  “A scene? When do I ever do that? Well, I’ve come close a time or two with you, but the guys would never let me.”

  “No, for just being there. I had to see the doctor in his office downtown because he had a surprise birth earlier today. He had planned to come and use the medical offices down the hall from my office, but couldn’t make it in time for us to leave for the cemetery. It was bad enough Rick and Agent Gregory had to security sweep the room first, and then wait on the other side of the closed door.” She shook her head and laughed. “It was awfully embarrassing. And I think the doctor was more nervous today than when he was in the delivery room with you there. He was probably afraid that if I said ouch, the door would be busted down and a gun would be pointed at him.”

  Drake laughed, “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I had no idea. Oh, baby...come here.” He kissed her pouting lips. “I knew we needed to get away. I’m sorry it’s been a little hectic with all of the briefings over these last few weeks. When I do come in I know you haven’t been sleeping much so I haven’t wanted to wake you. In fact, when I found out that you had not even been napping during the daytime, I made sure not to wake you.”

  “But I want you to wake me. I miss you. Your voice, your words, your frustrating but adorable impulses. Your endearingly gentle, but aggressive behavior. Your laugh, your looks that you send my way, your playfulness with the kids and myself.” She hid her face in his chest. “I just miss you.”

  “Well, now that I know that I will make sure I wake you. Maybe if I would have woken you, you would have been more tired so that you could take your naps. You know, though, I kiss you every time I come in, and before I leave early in the morning. Along with our babies.” He kissed her. “I always make sure you are all safe and sound in your beds, then I pray over you all. And I climb into bed, firmly pulling you to me so I can hold you.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to put pressure on you. You have way more than enough of that. I hate to whine. And I don’t want to.”

  “For the record, you are not whining. And there is no pressure from you. I am so glad you have just told me all of this because I was afraid that something would come between us. Along with not waking you, I also was afraid the beeping of my texts could wake you. I should have just come out and asked you if it would be alright to text or call you during the day. Okay? Let’s stop analyzing and thinking for each other and just ask.” He pulled her head off his chest so he could look her directly in the eyes. “I am amazed at how wonderful you have handled everything without me being there. You are such a wonderful mother to our children, you are right there when they need you, and when I need you. You always leave little desserts out for me when I come in. And those times that you sent food to my office with those cute little notes in it, they have encouraged me so much. I am so glad that you have clung to Jesus to complete you. Because where I have let you down, or where I am weak with you, He has filled
that void and completed you, so that you don’t hold that against me. You support me more than I could have ever imagined anyone on earth supporting me. I appreciate all of your little things you do for me, and for our children. I love you so much.”

  She smiled at him, “Thank you, I needed to hear that. I love you, too.” She looked outside and frowned, “Where are we by the way?”

  “Well, we aren’t quite there. We just have a little ways to go yet. Are you ready to leave?”


  Drake knocked three times on the window, and the guys piled back in. After a little while down a small secluded, wooded road, Drake reached behind her and blindfolded her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just trust me, and wait.”

  The radio communications continued. “All clear. Continue to approach.” Within a few short minutes the vehicle stopped and she heard the men file out. She instinctively reached to lift her blindfold.

  “Don’t you dare touch that blindfold. See, that’s why I put that on you, you are too curious sometimes. Just trust me.” He helped her climb out of the vehicle and started leading her away from it. “I first wanted to bring you here when it was dark, but I couldn’t wait that long.”

  After a few yards, he pulled her behind him. “Now, hold onto me and continue to walk right behind me, okay?”

  She giggled, “Yes, but I think my foot just got a little wet.”

  “Only at the first step. Now, I will take off your blindfold if you promise to only look into my face, okay? Nowhere else.”


  He lifted off the blindfold then gathered her into his arms. Their eyes met, “I love you, my gorgeous wife. And our lives may be a little rocky sometimes. We will experience sorrow, heartache and loss, but as Jesus has always promised us in His Holy Word, ‘Joy does come in the morning.’ May we always have joy. His joy, so no matter what we may go through we can still laugh and smile inwardly because He fills us when we are weak. Do you remember when Jesus walked on water?”


  “Well, may we as a couple, and as a family, know that we are limited in our bodies. But because we choose Him first in all things, we will have His limitless power and strength always within us. Look down, my love.”

  Her stomach dropped, and she felt like she was falling, her knees automatically buckled as she grasped him.

  He laughed at her reaction. Then he lovingly watched her as she investigated what they were standing on, and how they could possibly be standing on water. “The path lights up at night, you’ll see. Techy even has a few lights that accent the waterfall over there.”

  “Wow.” Raven looked and saw they were in the middle of a beautiful pond, she looked to her right and saw a beautiful waterfall crashing into it. Thick woods were all around them. “Security must be difficult here.”

  He laughed, “Always an agent. No, it’s majorly protected. I bought this land secretly and a few of my buddies helped me out with the design of it. It has a high-tech fencing all around the acreage. And I won’t bore you with any more security details, but believe me when I say that they have it all taken care of.”

  “So,” she blushed and looked up into his chocolate brown eyes, “We really aren’t alone, are we?”

  “Well, we are basically. They have promised to give me a huge perimeter around this pond so that we can be alone, and fully enjoy ourselves.” He winked, and pushed the button on his hidden remote to start the soft music.

  And then he turned her head to her left, her eyes sparkled while her mouth dropped open.

  A table for two was set right on top of the water in the middle of the pond. She blushed, “Dessert first?”

  He felt her tremble under his hands. Their lips softly searched each other out, while he whispered, “Always. It gives us sweet energy to deal with whatever may come our way as we walk our path together.”

  Your righteousness, God, reaches to the heavens, you who have done great things. Who is like you, God?

  Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.

  You will increase my honor, and comfort me once more.

  I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness, my God; I will sing praises to you with the lyre, Holy One of Israel.

  My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to you, I whom you have delivered.

  My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion.

  (Psalm 71: 19-24)

  Jesus, our Lord, our Savior, you protect us on all sides as we turn to you alone. You light our path as we walk into a deeper fellowship with you.

  ~Jesus, you truly are our step beyond protection.

  A Glance at Andie Renee

  Hi, I am a former United States Secret Service Special Agent that has fallen deeply in love with Jesus. I write Christian Romance Novels that I hope will provide you with a few hours of enjoyment. As well as inspire and encourage you in your personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. May you always put Him first in all that you do, and deeply know the victory that only He can provide as the Holy Spirit guides you and instructs you in your journey on earth while your heart is held protectively, and securely in the hands of your Abba (Heavenly Father). I hope that you find yourself laughing, crying, sighing and thoroughly enjoying each story written. As well as gaining a deeper knowledge of living in God's presence and Jesus’s powerful love for you. All Glory and Honor unto the Lord our God, Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigns.

  Please Keep in Touch with Me at:

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  Keep a lookout for my other novels in my Protection Series at your favorite retailer or visit my blog for releasing details:

  #2: In the Shelter of Protection: Released; now available

  #3 Crossing the Bridge of Protection: Released; now available

  #4: Grasping Protection in the Face of Fear: coming Spring 2014

  #5: Breathing in the Freedom of Protection: coming Summer 2014

  ...possibly more, will have to wait to see what the Lord walks me through in this series!

  This series of novels are based on the United States Secret Service and introduces the elusive CAT guys (Counter Assault Team).

  There is a unique brotherly bond between the agents that you will meet. Each novel does stand alone, and you are not limited by having to read the first one to follow the rest. However, reading them in order will help introduce you to the lovable men, and the women they allow near them before you delve into their personal lives. I hope the stories provide you with a few hours of enjoyment as you crawl into their protective lives and find yourself cheering on the heroic, strong women who make them even more protective. Those same women whose lives are uniquely held in the hands of Jesus which draws their men into a closer fellowship with their Savior. Enjoy your glimpse into a rare lifestyle that you would almost have to live in, in order to believe.

  Here is one of my non-series novels that are now available (check my blog for the ones that are on their way):

  “A Love Beyond Life’s Circumstances,” is a novel about an amazing woman, Salena Shreve, who has learned firsthand that Jesus does carry her through her journey on earth. She is physically confined to a wheelchair from the same accident that killed her parents. Having no one else to cling to for help, Salena had desperately clung to Jesus and she has since experienced a miraculous healing that goes beyond what the physical eyes can see and runs deeper than what merely pierces the flesh. However, her heart is set ablaze as she comes face to face with a bitter, lonely man that hates God. Mindfully tired of his lonely existence, but yet determined to keep his anger alive, Byron’s hardening heart proves no match for this joyfully bold woman of God.
She awakens a deep and unexpected desire in him that drives him to his knees as he finds himself craving her healing presence and soft touch.

  Thank you for downloading my book and I hope you have enjoyed it. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family.

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