Read A Tale of the Other Kind Page 12

  ‘That doesn’t matter,’ she smiled, ‘I’m comfy,’ she replied, snuggling closer to him.

  It was dark in the living room, except for the flashes on the television playing black and white colours across the floor in front of them, slightly illuminating the room. Kai bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. A slight purr escaping his throat as he placed his hand in the small of her back, pulling her closer to him.

  In the light from the television, he could see goose bumps running down her arms as she moved closer to him. Kai’s heartbeat quickened at her touch as she slowly played her fingers down the side of his face. He pushed her back against the couch and slowly lay down beside her, softly moving her hair from her neck. A soft gasp escaped her mouth when he kissed her softly in the curve of her neck. He felt his urgency for her burn inside him.

  He wanted to be close to her, to feel her soft skin against his. He pulled her up from the couch and slowly removed her top, dropping it to the floor next to them. His fingers trembled as he placed his hand on her exposed stomach, kissing her softly. She pulled his top over his head and their warm bodies met each other hungrily.

  Kai pulled back slightly and looked into her eyes. He was amazed at how beautiful she was and he couldn’t believe that he was so lucky to have her here in his arms. The slam of a car door brought them both to their senses. He jumped up and slightly extended the blinds covering the window.

  ‘It’s my mother,’ he said and started pulling his shirt back on and turned to help her dress. He smiled at her glowing cheeks. ‘I’m sorry Sienna I shouldn’t have…’

  ‘Sssh … it’s ok,’ she said, placing her index finger over his lips.

  ‘You are so beautiful,’ he said, pulling her into his embraced and kissed her tender.

  ‘Let’s go, I will take you home.’


  Kai dropped Sienna off and watched her disappear into the house, until he saw her bedroom light turn on. He was too scared to leave her alone, fearing that Quinn would go there and hurt her, so he stayed out in the forest near the house, to make sure she was safe. When the sun began to rise that following morning, he left for home to try and catch a couple hours of sleep before returning to pick Sienna up to go to the pools. It was early and already the humidity was warming up the air. When Kai got home, he fell down on the bed, exhausted. He drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep, for once.


  The sun was shining brightly when they pulled up at the pools. Sienna got off the bike first and immediately took off her helmet.

  ‘Damn, but it’s hot,’ she exclaimed, wiping her forehead.

  The pools were one of the most popular places in the area, and most weekends and holidays students came to picnic there. Girls shrieking as boys pushed them into the water rang through the air as Kai and Sienna made their way over to their friends, and the distinct smell of coals being lit for a barbeque filled the air. They placed their bags down under a large tree close to the water and walked over to their friends.

  ‘Hey guys,’ Kai sang cheerfully, greeting some with a handshake. Sienna shyly walked over and greeted everyone with a smile. Daniel, who was in the water, quickly got out and ran over to them.

  ‘Hey, bro!’ he called in greeting, making his way over large river rocks. ‘Missus,’ he greeted Sienna with a bow.

  A red flush shot to Sienna’s face. ‘Daniel, nice to see you again,’ she said, curling her toes in the river sand, and giving him a shy smile. Kai glanced at her and pulled her closer to him, putting a protective arm around her shoulders.

  ‘Want to go for a swim?’ he asked.

  ‘Sure,’ she replied, ‘I’ll be right back,’ she said, slipping away to put her clothes away.

  He nodded and pulled off his shirt, throwing it on top of a large rock next to his friend Tiny Sebande. Head first, he jumped into the deep river pool. The ice cold water sent shivers up his arms. When he came up for air, Sienna was standing in front of the pool, wearing a dark red bikini. In the light, he could take in more of her body. She was perfect.

  He grinned happily, noticing proudly how every other guy was looking at Sienna, envy flashing across their faces. She jumped in and made a large splash, ensuring that everyone close by got wet. She giggled as she surfaced and swam over to Kai, who immediately pulled her closer and kissed her.

  ‘You’re quite the little devil!’ He joked, taking pleasure in her silly antics.

  ‘Who, me? Never!’

  The girls sitting near by wore disgusted looks on their faces as if they were sprayed with poison, viciously cleaning their sunglasses and retouching their sunscreen.

  ‘You know, they may never talk to you again after that,’ Kai laughed.

  ‘Don’t worry, they’ll get over it,’ she smiled, and gave him another kiss before swimming off towards the small waterfall leading into the pool. Kai lifted himself slightly out of the water and sat on a rock. Daniel sat down next to him.

  ‘She’s great, isn’t she,’ Kai stated.

  ‘Yeah, you got quite a catch there, bro,’ Daniel replied, taking a sip of his drink and passing one to Kai.

  ‘Thanks.’ He opened his drink and took a long, thirsty swallow.

  ‘So, tell me, how on earth did you get it right to bag the hottest chick in school?’ Tiny asked, pulling a cap over his head and joining them on the rock.

  ‘Lucky, I guess,’ Kai grinned.

  ‘I bet it was some sangoma witchcraft,’ Tiny teased.

  Kai shook his head smiling, ‘That’s ridiculous buddy. And even if I wanted to, I wouldn't know where to find one.’

  ‘I still say – nobody gets a girl like that without some magic,’ Tiny laughed, half drifting off to sleep, pulling his cap lower over his face.

  Sienna swam closer and folded her arms across Kai’s legs, which were still dangling in the water.

  ‘What are you guys talking about?’ she asked curiously.

  ‘Nothing,’ Daniel lied. She narrowed her eyes, not completely convinced.

  ‘You don’t have me fooled Daniel,’ she stated.

  ‘Fool you? Never,’ he replied, feigning shock. Kai helped her out of the water and she nestled next to him where she could look at Daniel.

  ‘So, tell me a little about your best friend here,’ she said to Daniel, who looked over at Kai, a little unsure whether he was allowed to dish the dirt, but Kai smiled and told him.

  ‘Go ahead. I’ve got nothing to hide.’

  ‘Are you sure about that bro?’ He smiled devilishly.

  ‘You can tell her anything, but be warned, if you make shit up, then I’m going to kick your ass.’

  ‘So, what do you want to know?’ Daniel asked, convinced and eager to please.

  ‘Mmm, okay then,’ she thought long and hard about what she wanted to ask about Kai. ‘Why haven’t I ever seen him with other girls?’

  ‘Ooh, jump right in don’t ya?’ he replied, rubbing his hands together. ‘He’s been holding out for you,’ he said, making Kai blush a little.

  ‘Really?’ she said, ‘Interesting.’

  ‘Oh no, wait. There was one girl, but Kai keeps her hidden. Only saw her once,’ he continued.

  ‘What girl is this?’ she teased playfully.

  ‘The blonde. Astrid, I think.’

  Sienna’s smile fell as Daniel spoke her name. ‘Oh.’

  Kai suddenly knew that he had made a mistake not telling her what had happened, or explaining about Astrid and their friendship. He should have told her that she was in danger and that Astrid was only trying to help her.

  ‘What a hottie,’ Daniel reminisced, oblivious to Sienna’s reaction.

  ‘I’m sure she is,’ she said, her poker-face back in place.

  ‘Hey, you should come and watch Daniel’s band. They’re really good,’ Kai said, desperately trying to change the subject.

  ‘Sure,’ she replied, ‘Sounds like a great idea,’ she smiled at Daniel.

  ‘Yeah, you should come. We’re pla
ying soon. I’ll text you the details. Then maybe we could do a double date or something,’ he replied excitedly.

  ‘Double date?’ Kai questioned.

  ‘Yeah,’ he said indignantly, ‘I’m capable of catching myself a girl every now and then, you know,’ he said huffily.

  ‘Sure, I know you are,’ Kai smiled back. ‘Who’s the girl?’

  ‘I don’t know yet. I’ll find one though and then we can go bowling or something,’ he said. ‘Maybe Astrid would be interested?’ he teased.

  ‘Sounds like fun,’ Sienna added.

  ‘I don’t think Astrid would be available for stuff like that, Dan,’ Kai insisted.

  ‘Why not? She’s up for grabs,’ he shot back.

  Just then Allison McIntyre walked up to them. ‘Hey guys, do you mind taking over the braai? I have no idea how to get the thing started,’ she said, throwing them her best helpless look. ‘Hey Sienna, I’m so glad you came! We never see you here,’ she said, and bent down to hug Sienna warmly.

  ‘Hi,’ Sienna smiled back. ‘Sorry, now you’re all wet,’ she giggled.

  ‘No problem,’ Allison replied with a smile, tucking her short, dark hair neatly behind her ear. ‘It’s so hot that a little cooling down is welcome.’

  The boys stood up and headed over to the barbeque area.

  ‘You guys look good together.’ Kai heard Allison tell Sienna; his hearing unwillingly catching everything they were saying.

  ‘Really, you think so?’ Sienna replied, happily.

  ‘Yeah, he’s been moody lately, but since you came into the picture it’s been all smiles and that rollercoaster stuff seems to have disappeared,’ Allison explained.

  ‘Mmm, that’s good to know.’

  ‘I don’t mean to interfere, but, I heard you guys speaking earlier and I noticed that you were taken aback when Dan mentioned Astrid.’

  ‘I, no, I mean ... no I wasn’t,’ Sienna stuttered, trying not to show her insecurity.

  ‘Look, you don’t have to worry. Apparently she’s pretty weird, and I doubt she’s his type anyway,’ Allison confided, placing a hand over Sienna’s.

  ‘Thanks. I appreciate that,’ she smiled back.

  Kai’s hearing seemed to be auto-tuned. All around him he could hear all the voices clambering at once. He found it hard to concentrate on one thing at a time.

  ‘What’s wrong, bro?’ Daniel asked.

  ‘No, nothing’s wrong. Slight headache, that’s all.’

  ‘Have you guys been friends for long?’ Kai heard Sienna ask Allison.

  ‘Since kindergarten,’ she replied.

  ‘What was he like before? You know, before I came here?’

  ‘He was quiet and kept to himself most of the time. Kind of mysterious, you know? All the girls have been pining over him; somehow they brood over his broad shoulders, dark hair and beautiful eyes. Not that I notice though. You know, since he’s like a brother,’ she said, unconvincingly.

  ‘But when you moved here, everyone noticed the change in him. So many people despise you, you know?’

  ‘Really?’ Sienna asked, shocked.

  ‘Yeah – you’re the one who got the mysterious guy to fall for her.’ Sienna blushed and looked down.

  ‘Just take care of him, okay. He’s a good guy,’ Allison said as she got up and took over the barbeque tongs from Kai.

  ‘Go, your girl is lonely over there,’ she said, sticking out her tongue.

  Kai smiled at her and patted her lightly on the shoulder, embarrassed that he’d been able to hear their entire conversation. He sat down next to Sienna and pulled her closer. She shivered when he touched her. She looked up at him as he bent down to kiss her.


  The following morning Kai headed off to class feeling hopeful. His life had turned around in a matter of days, and he had never been so happy. He’d found someone who understood and accepted him for being different. He never thought something like this would happen.

  He knew that he would do anything to make Sienna feel safe. However, his good spirits dwindled when he entered the school hallway. Students were running around madly, some were crying and others were whispering together in little groups. He immediately knew something was wrong.

  He walked over to his locker, distracted by the anxiety that was overwhelmingly evident among the students. He was too hesitant to ask what was going on, so he started packing his books into his locker.

  ‘Oh Kai, did you hear?’ came gossip queen Demy’s shrill voice from behind him.

  ‘Geez Demy, don’t sneak up on me like that,’ Kai shot back, irritated and anxious.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ Demy said as tears filled her eyes.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ He asked.

  ‘I can’t believe you don’t know yet. It’s horrible. Nothing will ever be the same again. A body was found at the pools this morning. It’s horrific. Horrible,’ she wailed.

  ‘Demy, calm down. Now tell me, what is going on?’ Kai said slowly.

  ‘Allison! She was murdered. They found her mangled body drifting face down in the pools this morning,’ she stammered, pushing hard at the tears that streamed down her face.

  Shocked at the thought of Allison’s murder. ‘It doesn’t make sense. I saw her just yesterday,’ he said, fading out of the conversation, too shaken to continue. Before long, Demy rushed over to the next group of students who came into the building, eagerly telling them about Allison’s murder. Kai shook his head and turned back to the locker. He closed his eyes, upset at what had happened. He couldn’t understand how something so horrible could have happened. He swallowed back a frog in his as the reality of the news sunk in.

  ‘Hey, what’s going on?’ Sienna said as she walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  ‘I don’t know how it happened, but they say Allison was murdered at the pools last night. They found her body this morning,’ he said.

  Sienna was speechless. She stood blankly, unable to respond to the news. Kai felt the choking feeling rise in his throat, again, as images of Allison’s smiling face flooded his mind.

  ‘Who would do something so senseless?’ he said angrily.

  ‘I don’t know.’ Visibly upset, she placed her arms around him.


  Classrooms were filled with mourning students. Even teachers couldn’t compose themselves. Confusion and unease spread through the hallways faster than a wild fire. A list was compiled of all the students who were at the pools the day before and they were all being called in for questioning, each being treated as a suspect. Kai was the first to be called in and was led into a small room behind the teachers’ lounge.

  He sat down nervously as two police officers looked at him with stern expressions. A beefy fellow with a balding head was sitting behind a large desk, fiddling with a stack papers he held in his left hand.

  ‘Kai, please have a seat,’ he said in a deep voice as he leaned back in the chair. Obediently, Kai sat down, but he could feel himself shaking, unable to hold his composure.

  ‘Why so nervous young man? Do you have anything to be afraid of?’

  ‘No, no sir. I’m just still so shocked at what happened to Allison. She was such a good person.’

  ‘Yes, well, someone thought it wise to get rid of her. And we believe that someone knew her well.’

  Kai didn’t know what to say in response, but the thought of the killer being among his friends scared him more than anything else.

  ‘I can see you are rattled by this. Why so?’

  ‘Well, it’s a horrible thing that has happened, sir. I’ve known Allison since kindergarten and this is truly upsetting to me.’

  ‘How did she seem yesterday?’ the officer said, jumping right in.

  ‘Normal, I suppose. I don’t know. She was fine. Nothing unusual.’

  ‘Some girls overheard your girlfriend, Sienna, and Allison chatting about you. Is that correct?’

  ‘Um, I don’t know, but what does that have to do with anything?’

  ‘Well, we’re just looking at all possible avenues at this point. What was her relationship with you Mr Emery?’ he asked, leaning forward.

  ‘We were friends, sir,’ he replied, ‘Like I said before.’

  ‘Are you sure that is all the two of you meant to each other?’ the officer persisted.

  ‘What are you trying to imply? There was nothing between us,’ Kai said a little too aggressively.

  ‘Calm down young man,’ the tall officer standing in the corner said sharply. ‘We are still investigating. Everyone’s a suspect at this moment.’

  ‘But why on earth would our friendship be a motive?’ he asked flabbergasted.

  ‘Well, maybe you got sick of her and had to get her out of the way of your new relationship with miss Fynn? It happens all the time.’

  ‘That is absurd! There was nothing between us. I can’t believe you are accusing me of this. She was a good person. I had no harmful feelings towards her. We had a good relationship,’ he said angrily.

  ‘Well, we will see about the validity of that,’ the staunch officer behind the desk replied. ‘Now go, but don’t leave town. We might need you to come down to the station for more questioning.’

  Kai got up, astonished by how he was made to feel as if he were a criminal. He desperately needed to get away from campus. His thoughts were reeling. He couldn’t comprehend what could have happened to poor Allison.

  Once he got home, he ordered a bunch of flowers for delivery to Allison’s parents. He fell down on the living room couch with a sigh. He picked up his phone and dialled Sienna’s number, ‘Hey Sienna, are you home safe?’ he asked, weary.

  ‘Hey, Kai. I’m fine. Listen, you need to get here quickly. I think I know who murdered Allison,’ Sienna replied sharply.

  ‘I’ll be right over.’

  Ten minutes later, his motorcycle raced down the road and made an abrupt stop in front of her house.

  ‘Hey, are you okay?’ he asked as he took off his black helmet.

  ‘Yes, I’m fine,’ she said, motioning towards the door.

  ‘So, what is this about? How do you know who murdered Allison?’ he asked suspiciously.