Read A Texas Sky Page 22

There was no disguising her panic.

  "Where are we?"

  "In my home in Kinkade."

  He started to bend down a bit.

  "I'm going put you on your feet, and Katy will see to

  you. All right?"


  Darvi nodded, working hard to clear the webs from her

  mind. She felt Dakota let go of her and put her arms out to

  steady herself. His hands were instantly back.

  "Are you there?" he asked, a small smile in his voice.

  Darvi looked up into his familiar face and felt peace

  stealing over her.

  "Yes, I'm here. Did my bag make it?"

  "Right here," Cash said from the door, his eyes not

  missing a thing.

  "Darvi/' Dakota began, "this is my brother Cash, and

  behind you is Katy."

  "Land sakes! I don't know why they can't just introduce

  me as the housekeeper. Thaf s what I am, and proud of it,

  but you would think they're afraid to say the word. Land


  Katy smiled at the woman and got just what she

  wanted: a smile in return.

  "Now you boys get," she ordered. "Miss Darvi and I

  have things to do, and we don't need you. Cash, you check

  that meat if I don't get down soon. I will not have that


  dinner ruined."

  "I will," he said with an amused smile.

  "You do that. Keep an eye on the top."

  Dakota caught Darvi's eye one more time before they

  exited and was pleased to see her looking a little more normal. However, he didn't get far down the wide hallway. After exiting and shutting the door, he leaned against the

  wall. Cash stood with him.

  "Do you want to talk about it?"

  ATexasSty 199

  "I would," Dakota admitted, "but I don't know anything,

  at least not much. It seems a man in Aurora got it

  into his head to keep her. I think it started with a case of

  mistaken identity and then rolled into a full-blown abduction. She didn't seem to be abused Jy them."

  "Them?" Cash frowned, working to follow.

  Dakota slowly shook his head. "If s one of the strangest

  things I've ever encountered." His voice died off, and he

  stood there.

  "Come on/' Cash ordered. "Lef s get you cleaned up


  and fed."

  Dakota went willingly, but his mind was still in the

  room with Darvi. He knew she was in good hands, but he

  felt rather helpless right now. If they could talk he might

  be able to reassure her about any remaining fears, but if he

  knew Katy, she was probably tucking her into bed at this


  Thank You, he suddenly remembered to pray. You got us

  out of there. Lord. I know this. Thank You that Darvi's aU right.

  Help her to heal and be at peace in the days to come.

  "By the way," Cash began once they had reached the

  downstairs, allowing Dakota to go ahead of him to the

  washbasin in the corner of the kitchen, "you got a telegram

  from Brace."

  "Did you read it?"

  "Yes. He was just checking on you."

  "Any mention of Darvi?"

  "No. I assumed her family hasn't missed her yet."

  Dakota shook his head. "I'd almost forgotten about her



  "How long did it take to find her?"

  Dakota's shirt was off, and he lathered his face and neck

  while he spoke.

  "Not long, and I'll tell you something, Cash, the only

  explanation for how things went is that God led the way. I

  was sitting in a hotel when I saw this woman who looked

  like Darvi. Then I noticed a man watching her, so I followed

  200 lori wick

  him. I ended up asking for a job at a ranch where the cook

  died the day before, and I was hired. That led to waiting

  until late last night while the men were coming home from

  town. I took Darvi out a bedroom window and we walked


  Cash was silent with thanks over what Dakota had just

  revealed. He'd prayed the whole time his brother was

  gone/ thinking for part of the time that he might have sent

  him on a wild goose chase. He was so relieved that Dakota

  had been there for Darvi that for a moment he couldn't speak.


  "She refused to be babied. I'm trying to mother her, and

  she won't have it!"

  Katy's words preceded the woman herself, who was

  closely followed by Darvi.

  "Did you check this meat?" she demanded.

  "Six times," Cash told her with wide eyes.

  Katy turned away toward the oven so as not to be

  caught smiling. Slipping into a clean shirt mat Cash had

  handed him, Dakota headed to see Darvi, who was still in

  the doorway.

  "How are you?"

  "I'm okay. I keep thinking about my Uncle Marty and

  family. I need to send word."

  "Brace has been in touch." Dakota told her, "and it

  doesn't sound like anyone has missed you. Did your family

  know when you were headed back?"

  Darvi looked surprised. "As a matter of fact, I didn't

  say, but I would like to wire them."

  "We'll go to town tomorrow and take care of it."


  Darvi nodded. She still looked a bit under the weather,

  but he could see that she was coming along.

  "Hungry?" Cash stepped forward and asked.

  "Very. Is there anything I can do to help?"

  Something akin to a growl escaped Katy's throat, and

  Cash only shook his head.

  ATexasSky 201

  "I think that means no. Why don't you come on through

  here and get comfortable in the living room? We'll eat in no

  time." ^

  Cash led the way, and Dakota brought up the rear. They

  took Darvi to the large living room, warm with earthy

  colors and deep, comfortable furniture. Darvi sank down

  in the first chair and thought she could lay her head back

  and go to sleep.

  "Go ahead," Dakota directed.

  "Go ahead and what?"

  "Sleep. I can see you want to."


  Darvi smiled at being so transparent. "I am tired, but it

  can wait. It feels too good to be awake and know that I'm

  not trapped anymore."

  "When you're up to it, I really would like to hear what

  went on."

  "Well, I'll tell you, Dakota, as soon as I've had a little

  something to eat. I'll tell you everything."

  As though on cue, Katy called them to the table. No one

  needed to be asked twice. And Darvi was good at her word.

  Before her plate was even half-empty, she began to talk.

  starting with "they thought I was a woman named

  Annabelle Hewett," and ending with hearing Dakota's

  voice in the ranch house, Darvi chronicled her adventure.

  She grew emotional at times, but as they shared a wonderful

  Sunday dinner, Darvi explained the details she

  could recall.

  Listening to her, Dakota knew his own range of emotions.

  At some times he thought he could string up Seth

  Redding, and at other times he felt Cassy and Eliot were to


  blame as well. That they hadn't harmed her physically was

  a remarkable reli
ef, but it didn't get them off the hook He

  would see to that personally.

  "If s your turn, Dakota," Darvi finally said. "How did

  you find me? How did you know?"

  Dakota smiled. "I have Cash to thank for that"

  Darvi looked to the tall redhead and waited for

  someone to explain. When Dakota did, she was as amazed

  at his story as he was at her own.

  "So this woman, this reporter, does look like me?"

  "Remarkably so. I had all I could do not to ask her

  where she'd been the day you boarded the train, thinking

  I'd made a complete mistake."

  Darvi shook her head a little. "That day feels like such

  a long time ago."


  V A Texas Sky 203

  "It was," Cash said gently. "Not in actual chronological


  days, but in events, and those are far more emotionally

  draining than just time moving along the clock or calendar."

  "I can't honestly say that I've ever thought of it before,

  but I think you must be right. I don't know when I've been

  so tired."

  Not having meant to hint, Darvi was surprised when

  both men pushed back their chairs.

  "Head out, Darvi," Dakota spoke to her surprised face.

  "Go get some rest"

  "I didn't mean for you..." But they didn't give her a

  chance to finish.

  "I'll look forward to talking with you later, Miss

  Wingate," Cash said, his voice and expression very warm

  and kind.

  Darvi looked into his eyes and smiled.

  "Thank you for a wonderful meal and for allowing me

  to stay with so little notice."

  "Well, don't hurry off. I think youll find Kinkade and

  the Rawlings Cattle Company very much to your liking."

  Cash went on his way then, and Dakota came to get her



  "I'll walk you up/' he offered, and Darvi allowed herself

  to be cared for. As her legs took the stairs, however,

  they began to feel weighted. By the time she reached her

  room, she was nearly wobbling.

  "Will you get some rest too?" she couldn't help but ask

  before going into the room.

  "We take it pretty easy around here on Sundays, so.I'm

  planning on it"

  Acute disappointment sprang into Darvi's eyes.

  "I missed church again," she said with a small shake of

  her head. "It feels like if s been forever."

  "If s over now," Dakota told her very gently.

  "You're right," Darvi agreed, a part of her heart still

  trying to process this.

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  ATexasSky 205


  "Come on down to the living room when you're ready.

  We'll ride out and see a little of the ranch."

  "All right. Thank you, Dakota, for everything."

  "My pleasure."

  Dakota turned for the stairs, hearing Darvi's door close

  behind him. He sought out his favorite chair in the living

  room and reached for Cash's Bible. He was asleep before

  he could read five verses.

  ^"3r-3 -


  this," Dakota pronounced dramatically as they

  rounded the trees, "is the pond."

  "Oh, my," Darvi breathed. "If s beautiful."

  "We think so."

  The two sat astride their horses and took in the scene.

  The pond was almost a perfect circle, a good 300 feet

  across, bordered on two sides by pecan trees.

  //t)o you want to walk awhile?" Dakota asked, all the

  time trying to gauge how she was doing.


  "That sounds nice. Where shall we leave the horses?"

  "Right here. We'll tie Toby, but Eli will stay put"

  Darvi looked at him. "You whistled for Eli in the woods,

  didn't you, just like a dog?"

  Dakota smiled. "That about describes him. He's always

  been like a big puppy. If you look behind us right now,

  you'll find him watching me, as though he doesn't want

  me out of his sight"

  Darvi did as he suggested and laughed out loud at how

  accurately he had called it. Dakota loved hearing the sound

  of her laugh and joined her when her face began to turn


  "And you say he's always been like that?"


  Darvi bit her lip to keep from laughing again. She didn't

  know if it was that funny or if she was still tired. She'was

  trying to figure it out when she spotted a half-circle of

  wooden benches that sat around a^fire pit and gave a perfect

  view of the pond. Going to a seat and getting comfortable,

  Darvi let her mind drift back. It didn't take much


  coaxing. The people she'd left, most especially Gassy and

  the children, were never far from her thoughts.

  "It was strange," Darvi began as though they'd already

  been speaking of it.

  Dakota had taken a seat across from her, but she hadn't

  looked at him. He watched and listened in silence.

  "Gassy and the children were so sweet, and even the

  men were kind, but Seth would not see reason. I woke up

  every morning shaking my head that this had happened. I

  just didn't think such a thing could go on in this day and

  age, and certainly not to me."

  Darvi finally looked at him, and Dakota asked the question

  he dreaded, fearing that the answer would make him

  want to shoot the man in question.

  "Did he hurt you?"

  "No. I didn't feel threatened in any way."

  Darvi suddenly frowned.

  "He wanted to kiss me. I wouldn't let him!"

  "You did the right thing."

  "One time I kicked him."


  "That was good. Your kisses are yours to give, not

  someone else's to take."

  Darvi melted a little. It was such a nice thing to say, but

  as she was finding, memories continued to flood back.

  "He said I had an upside-down mouth."

  Dakota looked at her.

  "If s a very kissable mouth."

  Emotions chased across Darvi's features in rapid succession:

  first surprise, then pleasure that softened her features

  as she looked at the man across from her. But before

  long that softness was replaced by a look of uncertainty

  and then another frown.

  "Dakota Rawlings," she said in soft rebuke "a gentleman

  does not tell a lady that her mouth is kissable."

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  Dakota wished he'd kept the thought to himself.

  "You're right. I'm sorry I said that."

  An uncomfortable silence fell over them, neither

  looking at the other. The water proved to be a helpful neutral


  point, and both took advantage of it:

  Several minutes passed. A breeze stirred the trees, and

  as always, the low sound of cattle could be heard from the

  distance. Not certain how she felt about what had just happened,

  Darvi did not like sitting there with a strain

  between them. She was the first to chance a peek and was

  glad the Ranger's gaze was on the water. She transferred

  her own gaze back before saying, in as normal a voice as

  she could manage, "I've been meaning to ask you, Dakota,

sp; how are your bullet wounds? Has all of this mess with me

  kept you from going back to work?"

  "No, it hasn't. My wounds are fine. I feel I could go back

  at any time, but Brace said he didn't want me for another

  month after I dropped you off."

  "How long has it been?"

  "Let me see. I think I had dinner with you and Brace in

  Austin just four weeks ago yesterday, and after that we

  were in Stillwater with Calder and Merry and then in

  Aurora, so that makes it about two and a half weeks ago."

  "We were in Austin just a month ago?"


  "As far as I can figure."

  Darvi stared at him, looking upset.

  "Is that right?"

  "Yes. You can check the calendar when we get back to

  the house."

  "That means I haven't been home for more than a


  Dakota, who was on the road most of the year, understood

  completely. At times he missed home so much he

  ached. Darvi's face told him she ached right now.

  A bell rang in the distance.

  "Thaf s for us," Dakota told her as he stood. "Katy must

  have supper nearly ready."

  A Texas Sky 207

  By the time they reached the horses, Eli was rather anxious,

  starting Darvi's laughter all over again.

  Dakota listened in silence, hoping to find other ways to

  hear her laughter in the following days. In his opinion,

  she'd been frightened and sad for much too long.



  "Are you just a little bit amazed by it all?" Cash asked

  kindly. Dinner was over, and they were having coffee in the

  living room. "I mean, I thought about it most of the day,

  and if s almost too outrageous to be true."

  "I was just telling Dakota that very thing. Even in the

  midst of it, I could hardly believe it."

  "I don't find it so hard to believe/' Dakota stated calmly.

  The two other occupants of the room stared at him.

  "You don't know her, Cash, but things have a way of

  following Darvi around."

  "Things?" Cash questioned, even as he caught the

  gleam in his brother's eye.

  Dakota shook his head in pity. "Yes, things. They just

  mange to follow Darvi around. I'm not sure why, but there's no doubt about it."

  "Do not believe a word he says, Cash," Darvi finally cut

  in, having gotten over her shock to see she was being

  teased. "Dakota is very imaginative; thaf s all there is to it


  Those other incidents were just circumstances beyond my


  "Following a stranger down the streets of Austin?"

  "I knew you were a Ranger," Darvi defended, trying not