Read A Ticket to the Boneyard Page 28

Page 28


  Bugs Moran, intended victim of the St. Valentines Day Massacre, knew right away whod machine-gunned his men in a Chicago garage. "Only Capone kills that way," he said.

  You couldnt say that here. All too many people kill in all too many ways, and Motleys murders didnt run to type, not as far as I could see.

  All the same, this was one of his. That was obvious right away. I didnt have to look at the murder scene or interview the victims friends and fellow workers.

  All I needed to know was her name. Elizabeth Scudder.

  Back in my room I flipped through the Manhattan White Pages to my own last name. There were eighteen listings, three of them businesses. I wasnt there, but Elizabeth was, listed as Scudder E J, with an address on Irving Place.

  I picked up the phone and started to call Durkin but stopped with the number half-dialed. I sat there, thinking it through, and put the receiver back in its cradle.

  The phone rang a few minutes later. It was Elaine. Shed had a call from him herself, and once again hed begun by demanding that she turn off the answering machine and pick up the phone, and once again shed done it. At that point he stopped whispering and began talking in his normal tone of voice, whereupon she reached over and flicked a switch on the answering machine so that it would record the conversation.

  "But it didnt," she said. "Can you believe it? The fucking machine malfunctioned. Maybe I positioned the switch wrong, I dont know, I cant figure it out. The tape advanced as if it were recording, but when I played it back there was nothing on it. "

  "Dont worry about it. "

  "He told me all about killing a woman last night. I would have had it on tape, they could have checked it for voiceprints or whatever it is you do. And I screwed it up. "

  "It doesnt matter. "

  "Really? I thought I was being brilliant when I switched the tape on. I thought hed incriminate himself and wed have something on him. "

  "We would, but I dont think it would help. I dont think this whole things going to resolve itself on the basis of some piece of evidence that comes to light. The whole idea of an investigation seems pretty pointless to me. I can spend forever groping around in the dark while he goes on doing what he did last night. "

  "What did he do last night? He wasnt that specific, so maybe it wouldnt have helped to have a recording of the conversation. I gather he killed somebody. "

  "Thats what he does. "

  "He told me to look in the newspaper but I didnt have one to look at. I put the all-news station on but they didnt have anything, or if they did I must have missed it. What happened?"

  I filled her in, and she gasped predictably enough when she heard the victims name.

  "Its no relation," I told her. "Im the only son of an only son, so I dont have any relatives named Scudder. "

  "Did your grandfather have any brothers?"

  "My fathers father? I dont know, he may have. He died before I was born, and I didnt have any Scudder great-uncles that I was aware of. The Scudders came from England originally. At least thats what I was told. I dont know much about that side of the family. "

  "So you and Elizabeth could have been distantly related. "

  "I suppose so. I suppose all the Scudders are related if you go back far enough. Unless one of my ancestors changed his name, or unless one of hers did. "

  "Even so, we all go back to Adam and Eve. "

  "Right, and were all children of God. Thanks for pointing that out. "

  "Im sorry. I may be taking this lightly because Im not letting it register. Its so awful that I dont want to have to take it seriously. He must have thought she was a relative of yours. "

  "Maybe," I said. "Maybe not. Theres something you have to remember about Motley. Its true that hes cunning and clever and resourceful, but that doesnt change the fact that hes nuts. "

  The phone book was still open on the bed. I looked at the list of my namesakes. It occurred to me that perhaps I ought to call the rest of them and warn them. "Change your name," I could say, "or face the consequences. "

  Was that what he was going to do next? Would he actually try working his way through the list? Then he could move on to the other four boroughs, and after that there were always the suburbs.

  Of course if he killed enough people with the same last name, sooner or later some brilliant cop would spot a pattern. One of the listings was for the Scudder group of mutual funds; he could travel all over the country, knocking off all their shareholders.

  I closed the phone book. I couldnt call the Scudders, but was there any point in calling Durkin? It wasnt his case, it was a long ways from his precinct, but he could find out who was in charge and get through to him. Elizabeth Scudders murder would generate a lot of heat. The killing had been bloody and fierce, there was a sex angle, and the victim was young, white, upscale and photogenic.

  What good was a tip from me? For a change there was no danger the case would get written off as a suicide, or a family squabble. A full lab crew would have long since labored over the scene, and every shred of physical evidence would have been measured and photographed and bagged and bottled. If hed left prints, theyd have them, and by now theyd know whod left them there. If hed left anything, theyd have it.

  Semen? Skin under her nails? Some part of his physical being that would do for a DNA match?

  It wasnt like fingerprint evidence, where you could run a computer check and see what you had in your files. To get a DNA match you had to have a suspect in custody. If hed left sperm or skin behind, theyd need someone to tell them whose it was. Then, after theyd picked him up, forensic techniques could put the rope around his neck.

  The rope was figurative, of course. The state doesnt hang killers. It doesnt fry them, either, which is what it used to do. It does put them away, occasionally for life. Sometimes a life sentence translates into seven years or less, but in Motleys case I figured theyd want to hang on to him a little longer. The last time, he went away for one-to-ten and served twelve; if he was true to form the second time around, theyd bury him inside the walls.

  Assuming he got there in the first place. DNA matching and similar sophisticated forensics added up to good corroborative evidence, but you couldnt expect to build a whole case out of it. Juries didnt know what the hell you were talking about, especially after the defense had brought in their hired experts to argue that the prosecutions hired experts were full of crap. If the accused was the victims boyfriend and if they picked him up in her bedroom with her blood on his hands, then a DNA match on his semen would ice his cupcake nicely. If, on the other hand, the accused had no connection to the victim beyond the fact that she had the same last name as the cop whod arrested him over a decade ago- well, under those circumstances it might not carry much weight.

  I did give Durkin a call, finally. I dont know what I might have said to him. He wasnt in.

  I didnt give my name, or leave a message.

  * * *

  I left the hotel around eleven-thirty intending to go to the noon meeting at Fireside. Thats the name of the group that meets at the Y on West Sixty-third.

  I didnt get there.

  Walking wasnt as much of an effort as it had been the day before. I was still stiff, and my body was holding on to a considerable amount of pain, but my muscles werent as tight and I didnt tire as quickly. And it was warmer today, with less of a breeze blowing and not so much dampness in the air. Good football weather, I suppose youd call it. A little too warm for the raccoon coat, but brisk enough to make you appreciate the flask on your hip, or the flat pint of rye in your overcoat pocket.

  I ambled over to Eighth Avenue and turned south instead of north. I walked downtown as far as Toni Clearys building and stood looking at her landing site, then up at the window hed thrown her out of. A voice in my head kept telling me it was my fault she was dead.

  It seemed to me the voice was right.

  I circled the block and wound up right back where Id started, which s
eemed to be my current role in life. I gazed up at Tonis window again and wondered if shed had a clue what was happening to her, or why. Maybe hed told her that she was being punished for being one of my women. If so, hed very likely referred to me by my last name. That was what he called me.

  Had she even known my last name? I hadnt known hers. Shed been killed because of her association with me, and she might well have died without knowing who her killer was talking about.

  Not that it mattered. Shed have been in the twin grip of pain and terror, and an understanding of her killers motivations would have been fairly far down on her list of emotional priorities.

  And Elizabeth Scudder? Had she died wondering about her long-lost cousin Matthew? I might have gone over and stared at her building if it hadnt been a mile and a half to the south of me and clear across town. Her building couldnt have told me anything, but Tonis wasnt giving me much, either.

  I looked at my watch and saw that Id missed the meeting. It was still going on but it would be all but over by the time I got there. That was fine, I decided, because I didnt really want to go anyway.

  I bought a hot dog from one street vendor and a knish from another and ate about half of each. I got a cardboard container of coffee from a deli and stood on the corner with it, blowing on it between sips, finishing most of it before I got impatient and spilled the rest in the gutter. I held on to the cup until I got to a trash basket. Theyre sometimes hard to find. Suburbanites steal them, and they wind up in backyards in Westchester. They make efficient and durable trash burners, enabling their new owners to contribute what they can to air pollution in their local communities.

  But I was public-spirited, your ideal solid citizen. I wouldnt litter, or pollute the air, or do anything to lower the quality of life for my fellow New Yorkers. Id just go through life a day at a time while the bodies piled up around me.


  I never set out to look for a liquor store. But here I was, standing in front of one. They had their Thanksgiving window display installed, with cardboard figures of a Pilgrim and a turkey, and a lot of autumn leaves and Indian corn placed appropriately.

  And a few decanters, seasonal and otherwise. And a lot of bottles.

  I stood there looking at the bottles.

  This had happened before. Id be walking along with nothing much in mind, certainly not thinking about drinking, and Id come out of some sort of reverie and find myself looking at the bottles in a liquor-store window, admiring their shapes, nodding at various wines and deciding what foods theyd go with. It was what Id heard people call a drink signal, a message from my unconscious that something was troubling me, that I was not at that particular moment quite as comfortable with my sobriety as I might think.

  A drink signal wasnt necessarily cause for alarm. You didnt have to rush to a meeting or call your sponsor or read a chapter of the Big Book, although it might not hurt. It was mostly just something to pay attention to, a blinking yellow light on sobrietys happy highway.

  Go home, I told myself.

  I opened the door and went in.

  No alarms went off, no sirens sounded. The balding clerk who glanced my way looked me over as he might have looked at any prospective customer, his chief concern being that I wasnt about to show him a gun and demand that he empty the till. Nothing in his eyes suggested any suspicion on his part that I had no business in his store.