Read A Time of Seasons Page 18

Chad and Terry started breakfast. They smiled at Dalton as he walked in and started helping. Chad cleared his throat. "So how did your talk with Lil' Pea go last night?"

  Dalton chuckled. "Your daughter is crazy, but she has assured me she will do her best to think before doing something absolutely nuts next time. She does like to keep things interesting."

  Terry looked at Chad and then back at Dalton. "She agreed to stop and think? I mean… she told you she would stop and think? She didn’t insinuate but actually said the words?"

  Dalton looked at her and smiled. "She did. Why does everyone seem shocked at that? She may be crazy, but she is smart."

  Chad chuckled. "I'm thinking because we have been trying to get her to do that since she could walk. That girl doesn't listen to anyone. She has used the smart part to trick us into thinking she would listen without actually agreeing to listen."

  Dalton laughed. “She tried that. I was not going to bed without getting some type of assurance she was going to be more careful.”

  Terry looked at Chad. “She has met her match. Dalton will not be so easily fooled.”

  Brock walked in with Rachel in his arms. "Misty is getting her shower."

  Dalton walked over and took Rachel. "You have gotten so big." He said as he nuzzled her close.

  Terry still was not done with how Dalton got Misty to listen to reason. He had said he wasn’t going to bed without some assurance. That couldn’t have been enough to get her to agree. "Did you threaten her?"

  Dalton looked at Terry appalled. He shook his head no. "I wouldn't do that."

  Misty walked in unnoticed by everyone but Dalton. Terry asked one more time. She just had to know how he did it. "How did you get her to see that she needs to think before she acts?"

  Misty never took her eyes off of Dalton as she spoke. "He told me that he didn't want to lose me."

  Terry jumped and turned around. She gave Misty a good frown. "My goodness, you scared me."

  Misty chuckled at her mom. "That will teach you to talk behind my back."

  Chad grinned at his daughter. "Well you know darn well we have been trying to get you to see reason for years. You can't blame us for trying to figure it out."

  Misty walked over and started to help her mom. She kissed her cheek as she said. "I guess you just didn't know how to ask."

  Dalton winked at her as he kissed Rachel's chubby little cheek. "She is getting nice a plump. I feel like I've been gone forever."

  Misty grinned. "She really enjoys her food. You know that."

  Wyatt walked in and smiled at the group. He seemed a bit nervous. He looked at Misty and murmured. "Liz and Vince are on their way from Florida."

  Misty smiled at him. "I'm ok Wyatt."

  Wyatt looked at Dalton. "I guess I'm wondering if they will be."

  Dalton took a guess. "They are Brent's parents."

  Wyatt nodded. He thought Dalton was great, but he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to see the man who would be a part of their granddaughter’s life. It would be Dalton not Brent there to tuck her in at night.

  Dalton thought for a moment. He knew this could be difficult for Brent’s parents, but he also knew things they may not know. "Would it be ok if I talked to them alone?"

  Wyatt looked at his dad. Chad thought for a moment. "I don't believe that it would be a problem."

  Dalton spoke thoughtfully. "I want them to know that Brent will always be welcomed. I understand their need to know that more than most could."

  Misty looked at Dalton. "How do you understand?"

  Dalton answered softly. "My biological father was killed before I was born. My dad never tried to keep him out of my life. I love my dad for being secure in who he is so that I can be secured in who I am. My father is my father, and my dad is my dad. I love them both even though I only ever got to meet one."

  Chad looked at Dalton in a whole new light. "God does not mess around with divine appointments."

  Wyatt looked at Dalton with tears in his eyes. He missed his friend, but it was nice to know Dalton was ok with that. When the two men made eye contact, Dalton smiled and nodded. Wyatt knew he was understood.

  The group finished making and eating breakfast. Dalton looked at Misty. "I think I would like to check your arm one more time before we go riding."

  Misty rolled her eyes and presented her wounded arm. Dalton winked as he once again unwound the gauze. He felt it for the warmth of infection while looking for any redness. "It looks good." He murmured as he gently put the bandage back in place.

  Brock watched his sister. When she looked at him, he stuck his tongue out. Dalton looked up just in time to see Misty return the gesture. Feeling like a little kid she muttered. "He started it."

  Dalton laughed. "I have siblings. You act like I'm going to think you’re a kid. Believe it or not, you all are tame compared to my family."

  Terry looked over her should from the sink. She couldn’t believe that for a second. "You are lying."

  Dalton shook his head. "Not even close. My little brother still gets put into a headlock and a noogie if he crosses me which usually leads to my sister jumping on my back. That girl will pull the heck out of my ear if I don't get her off."

  Chad had to know. "How much younger are your siblings?"

  Dalton laughed "My sister is twenty-six, and my brother is twenty-eight. You thought they were younger, but nope they are just nuts."

  Misty cocked her head to the side. "You sound like you are joking. How can we trust you?"

  Dalton mimicked her action. "My mom and dad have started food fights at our table, and you will have no doubt I’m telling you the truth the first time you meet them."

  Chad realized Dalton was telling the truth. He could not imagine throwing food at his wife. "That sounds…."

  Dalton busted out laughing. He took one look at Chad’s face and finished for him. "…appalling…"

  Chad grinned. "It sounds fun too but yes appalling would be another way to say it."

  Dalton chuckled. "They do behave when we have company."

  Misty looked outraged. "I hope not too much. They sound like my kind of people."

  Dalton didn't miss a beat. "Yup they are your kind of people alright. They are all crazy."

  Misty punched him playfully in the abdomen. "You are going to regret that when I join forces with your sister."

  Brock chuckled. "That must be why you are so good with Misty. You are used to crazy."

  Dalton shook his head no. "Your sister is a whole new kind of crazy."

  Misty put her hands on her hips. "I'm standing right here."

  Dalton nudged her with his hip. "I know."

  Wyatt walked over and took Rachel from Dalton. "I think it may be safer if I take you." He said as he kissed her brow.

  Dalton had never been accused of being stupid. The second his human shield was gone he ran with Misty on his heels. Looking over his shoulder, he was surprised to see her keeping up. She may be tiny, but she was fast. He turned and stopped. "Is it too late to say I'm sorry?"

  They were in the front yard now, and Misty slowly started walking toward him. He laughed as she shook her head no. "Dalton Nelson, you have crossed a line, and now you must pay."

  He chuckled as she darted for him. He didn't move which made her stop and eye him with suspicion. "What are you up to?" she asked.

  Dalton walked toward her slowly. "I'm trying to figure out if I want to get away."

  Misty looked in his eyes as he walked up to her. "Dalton…?"

  He was right in front of her now. "I think I like holding you more than running from you."

  Misty smiled up at him as he pulled her into his arms. She nestled against his chest. "I think I like that too."

  Dalton kissed her forehead and said softly. "You are a crazy woman Misty, but you are my crazy woman."

  Misty chuckled. "You do say the sweetest things.
I guess I should go feed Rachel so we can go riding."

  The two linked hands and walked back to the house. Their friendship was growing, and it felt right and safe.