Read A Time of Seasons Page 24

Chapter Nineteen

  Misty was still up when Dalton drove up the driveway. She sat on the porch swing and watched him get out of the SUV. She smiled as Jamie greeted him warmly. For the first time, Misty allowed herself to really look at Dalton as a man. He was not as big as her brothers, but he was still a very muscular man. She knew his eyes were the deepest blue she had ever seen. They seemed to see clear to her soul when she would look into them. As he came up and sat down beside her, she smiled up at him.

  Dalton grinned at Misty's face. He almost chuckled as she inspected him. He had no intention of telling her that he could read her like a book. Instead, he spoke honestly. "I missed you."

  Misty leaned into him as he put his arm around you. "I missed you too."

  Dalton looked up at the night sky. "I love seeing the stars. It is a little hard to see them through the city lights in Houston."

  Misty looked up too. "They are beautiful to look at. There is something so calming about them."

  "You know you don't have to stay up and wait for me, don't you?" Dalton asked looking back down at her.

  Misty snuggled into his side. "I like waiting for you."

  Dalton chuckled. "I think you just like to snuggle and it would be strange doing something like this with your brothers."

  Misty laughed. "I do enjoy a good snuggle. My mom lets me snuggle with her, but it isn't the same as snuggling with someone bigger. Your arms make me feel safe."

  Dalton chuckled. Looking at her, he knew he was drawn to her. At the same time, there was truly more of a feeling of friendship than any other feeling to their relationship. He was not lying to her the other night when he had said he was not ready to kiss her. He really wasn't. He was fine enjoying their comfortable companionship. He did miss her when they were apart but not to the point he could say he was pining for her. He did, however, agree that snuggling was kind of nice. The main times he felt the actual need to hold her was when she was doing something downright crazy that could hurt her. Then he couldn't seem to hold her close enough. He understood his emotions during those times. He really was uncomfortable with the thought that a world without Misty could exist.

  Misty looked up at him. "How was work this week?"

  Dalton shook his head. "Misty your brother is nuts."

  Misty didn't even need to ask which one. "Brock is a mess. I take it he called and told you about the upgrade."

  Dalton laughed. "I was charting and had my phone on speaker. He informed everyone I worked with that I was upgraded. They also know our little adventure story now too."

  Misty was confused. "Your coworkers didn't know about Colorado?"

  Dalton shook his head. "I didn't tell them. I have always been private at work, but I guess that time with you and Rachel was… special. I didn't want to share."

  Snuggling back into his side Misty asked. "Why didn't you want to share?"

  "I don't know how to put it into words. I guess for me, I didn't see what happened as a hero status thing. It was just like I said special. It took all of twelve hours for the entire hospital to take it and turn it into something different." Dalton answered.

  "What did they turn it into?" Misty asked with a yawn.

  Dalton could still see the intranet. "They called the authorities in Colorado and got the entire story from them. The way they made it sound I was this super human that carried you four hours to my cabin and then delivered your premature baby. I then kept you and your baby alive until supplies reached us. The way they made that part sound, you would think I was breathing for you two." His voice was dramatic as he finished that last part.

  Misty giggled and said theatrically. "My hero…"

  Dalton pinched her side. "Brat…"

  Misty closed her eyes and smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "I don’t think I have ever had a best friend like you. It is kind of nice."

  Dalton had to agree. "It is very comfortable."

  Misty thought before she spoke. She had an idea of what they could do the next day but was unsure how receptive Dalton would be to it. She should have probably thought just a bit more before she spoke. "Have you ever shot a bow and arrow?"

  Dalton answered honestly though he was almost positive he was not going to like where this was going. "I have a couple of times. It has been years, though."

  Misty knew he was tense. She thought a moment again and then asked. "Do you want to shoot with us tomorrow?"

  Dalton smiled trying not to picture this accident-prone woman with a weapon. "Are you a good shot?"

  Misty nodded. "I'm actually an excellent shot. Is your face ok? It looks like your eye is twitching."

  Dalton ignored the question. He decided to ask one of his own. "When was the last time you hurt yourself shooting?"

  Misty didn't think before she spoke. "Last year I needed stitches, but that was only a scratch from a broad head."

  Dalton choked out his next words. "Do you ever shoot guns?"

  Misty was quick to answer that question too. "I love shooting guns. I'm a good shot with them too. Are you sure you're ok? Your eye looks super funny."

  Dalton smiled. He knew he probably didn't want to know but darn if he couldn't help himself. "When did you last hurt yourself shooting a gun?"

  Misty thought for a moment. She spoke very carefully. "Well you know those scars I keep telling you I may one day need to explain…?"

  Dalton paled. "Please tell me you didn't shoot yourself…"

  Misty suddenly realized what Dalton had been doing. "I'm not that bad. The kick of the gun going off made me fall on my backside. It just so happens that there was a very sharp piece of glass on the ground."

  Dalton looked at her relieved. He knew he had been busted thinking the worst and tried to look guilty. "Ok. I can see I'm worrying for nothing."

  Misty showed him the side of her ring finger. "This is the scar from the broad head. I only had two stitches. They weren't even going to do that until they read my chart. I guess they figured it was better to be safe than sorry. Dalton, I thought we agreed you were going to try to stop seeing the worst-case scenario with me."

  Dalton grinned at her. "I'm trying. You have to admit that when you start talking about bows and guns, it would be a bit hard for me not to start thinking about what could go wrong."

  Misty punched him playfully and then yawned. "Now who is being the brat?"

  Dalton had to admit. "I guess that would be me."

  Misty stretched. She stood up and looked at him. "I think my time for staying awake is up."

  Dalton grinned up at her. "I may stay here just a bit longer. I need to come to terms with the fact I'm going to see you with a bow and arrow tomorrow."

  Misty shook her head as she started for the door. "Keep it up, and you'll see me with my gun tomorrow."

  Dalton shuddered at the thought which earned him another frown. He sat on the porch taking in the fresh air. He thought about how nice it would be to one day live in this area. He leaned his head against the back of the swing and closed his eyes.