Read A Time of Seasons Page 28

Chapter Twenty-One

  Dalton had been back at work for a few days when he was called into a meeting. He handed his chart off to one of the other Residents and then followed Dr. Huff down the hall. Walking into the room he was a bit surprised by the other staff there. He sat and waited for the meeting to start when a young woman came in and sat beside the Chief of Staff. He glanced at her briefly before turning his attention to the Chief of Staff.

  Dr. Huff watched Dalton. The man seemed totally relaxed even when the nurse who was the reason for this meeting walked in. He watched the young doctor's face for any recognition and found none. He knew he wasn't the only one that had been observing his reaction. He looked across the table to the Chief of Staff.

  Chief of Staff Harold Swank looked around the table and started the meeting. His voice was clear and firm as he spoke. "I'm sorry to pull all of you away from your duties, but an emergency session of the ethics committee was called on to address a case of sexual harassment."

  Dalton looked at Dr. Huff confused and asked in a whisper. "Why are we here?"

  Dr. Huff nodded for Dalton to turn his attention back to Dr. Swank.

  Dr. Swank looked around the room and spoke again. "We have an allegation on the table by Mindy Forney RN. She has claimed that during the last year a doctor on staff has pressured her into a sexual relationship. She also alleges that this doctor threatened her job if she did not comply with his request. The result of this relationship has ended in pregnancy."

  Dalton's eyes stayed on the man talking. He still had no idea why he was there, but he felt sorry for the nurse in question.

  As Dr. Swank continued talking he couldn't help but note Dr. Nelson seemed relaxed. He didn't look at all uncomfortable like one would expect if this allegation was true. He had the man's undivided attention as he continued to speak. "I will now name the doctor in question and hear his side of the story. Dr. Dalton Nelson, you are the one she has accused of this misconduct. How would you defend yourself against these allegations?"

  Dalton knew his jaw dropped open. He looked at Dr. Swank and then at the nurse at his side. He looked around the room and realized why he was here. He looked at the nurse with sympathy and then at Dr. Swank. He didn't yell but spoke calmly and softly. "I have never met this nurse. I don't know why she has accused me of this, but I have never pushed anyone into this kind of relationship." He looked at his accuser and asked softly. "Why did you say this?"

  The nurse turned her face away and started to cry. "I am the victim here. He has no right to question me on this."

  Dalton shook his head. "I have every right because you know you are lying. When your baby is born, the DNA will show that I am not the father."

  Dr. Swank looked at Dalton. "You deny having a relationship with this nurse?"

  Dalton nodded. "I do. I have never seen her before today. I have not had any sexual contact with her ever. I don't understand why she is saying this."

  The nurse started to weep into her hands. "He is lying. I'm going to have his baby, and he is scared."

  Dalton looked around the room. He could see some of the people there actually believed what this nurse was saying. He spoke with confidence. "I don't know why this woman is saying this, but I am telling you right now there is no way I could be the father of any child at this point in time. I serve Jesus Christ. I live a life that reflects Him. I may not be perfect, but I am not guilty of doing this."

  The nurse stood and yelled. "You want me to abort this baby. Maybe that is what I should do."

  Dalton shook his head and looked at the woman. He didn't yell back at her but remained calm. "Who did this to you?"

  The nurse started pacing. She looked at him and yelled. "You did!"

  Dalton could see the fear and madness in her eyes. He stayed calm and spoke softly. "You and I both know that isn't true. What I do know is you are afraid. If a doctor did this, it is time to tell all of us the real name of this person."

  Dr. Swank watched as the nurse started to rub her hands on her skirt as she paced. Looking at Dr. Nelson, he had no doubt the man was innocent. He spoke sharply. "You came to us and lied about this man. What do you have to say for yourself?"

  Dalton put his hand up to silence Dr. Swank. He then continued to speak softly to the nurse. "Who did this to you?"

  Dr. Huff was upset that this nurse had tried to set Dalton up. His voice rose as he asked. "You can't believe what she is saying. Dr. Nelson, she just wanted to set you up for child support why do you even care?"

  Dalton never took his eyes off of the nurse. "You work in the ER. What do you see? If she were a patient what would be your first instinct? Just because she lied doesn't mean we can ignore what we see. We are doctors we took an oath to care."

  Dr. Huff had to admit what he saw. Dalton may not be the one who hurt her, but something was very wrong with this young nurse.

  Dr. Amanda Berth had to agree with Dr. Nelson too. Looking around the room full of men and only a few women, she realized how difficult it would be for them to get answers. She cleared her throat and spoke. "I think it is time to clear the room of everyone but Nurse Forney and myself. Does anyone disagree?"

  Dalton and Dr. Huff walked out of the room with the rest of the doctors. As they walked down the hall, Dr. Swank caught up to them. He shook Dalton's hand and said. "I really am sorry about that. I knew the second she walked in you were innocent. You didn't even recognize her."

  Dalton smiled at the other man sadly. "I'm innocent, but my gut is telling me something is still very wrong."

  Dr. Huff was still confused. "Why do you care?"

  Dalton smiled at him. "I was not lying in there I am a Christian. If I can't see her through Christ's eyes, who will?"

  Dr. Huff shook his head. "If I had been accused of forcing a relationship, I'm not sure I would care regardless of my beliefs."

  Dr. Swank had to agree. "You never once got angry. I don't know if I could have stayed calm."

  Dalton looked at the doctors shocked. "You don't think I was angry? I was furious. I just refused to let it control my actions. Once I saw her start to pace the anger left because I saw someone that was hurt and needed help."

  Dr. Swank held out his hand to Dalton once more and shook his hand. "You are an asset to this hospital. I'm proud to have you on staff, Dr. Nelson."

  "Thank you. I appreciate your confidence." Dalton said as he shook the man's hand.

  Dr. Huff and Dalton watched the man walk away. They started down the hall toward the ER. Dr. Huff cleared his throat and spoke. "You need to know that the rumors have already begun. I don't know how the others will treat you until this is cleared up."

  Dalton looked at his colleague. "Did you think I was guilty?"

  The older man shook his head. "I never for one moment thought you were capable of what she had accused you of."

  Dalton nodded. He looked back down the hall and took a deep breath. "I guess it is time to go figure out the damage."

  The two walked into the ER. Dalton watched Kim walk up to him and smile. "I see they could see what bull hockey this was."

  Dalton nodded. "It is nice to know you didn't believe what was said."

  Kim chuckled as she handed him a chart. "I know you may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a pretty nice guy all the same."

  Dalton laughed. "I am not sure whether I need to be upset or thank you."

  Miriam walked up to the two and answered. "I say just consider the source. Not to end this little heart fest but we have three people coming from an MVA. One of them is being brought via life flight. Time to roll up our sleeves and get dirty…"

  Dalton looked at Dr. Huff. "Are you doing the life flight patient, or am I?"

  "I've got the patient via life flight. Find out what you can about the other two and let's get these rooms ready."

  Dalton started giving orders. "I need as much informati
on on every patient coming via ambulance. We need to get all three rooms ready for the worst. The one coming via life flight is Huff's let's make sure the room for him is set up first, and the surgeon on call knows he may be up. All right people let's move."

  Kim started giving information as she got it. "We have a family of three hit by a drunk driver. The passenger of the drunk's car is the life flight patient. Mom was killed on impact. The dad and child are on their way via ambulance. Child's age is estimated at nine years old and is a female. Dad's age is verified via driver's license at thirty-four. The dad appears to have head trauma and is unresponsive. His vitals look stable for the moment. A female child is awake and responsive. Her abdomen is rigid and distended."

  Dalton put on his protective gear. "Alright people. Dr. Stevens, you take the dad. I'll take the child. We are going to get messy in here people. Gown up and protect yourselves. Kim, we need the pediatric trauma surgeon here yesterday. I need you to get them here STAT, please. I need the lab to release two units of O negative to us and have at least four more ready to run. Let's get them stable and ready for surgery."

  The teams worked frantically to save each life that came in the door. Dalton gave his undivided attention to the little girl in front of him. They got her sedated and blood running into her to replace what she was losing from internal injuries. Everything seemed stable, and then Dalton watched as her heart stop. He did everything to bring her back. When all hope seemed lost the heart monitor picked up a weak but steady rhythm, and the child was rushed to surgery.

  Walking out of the room with Miriam and Kim he said softly. "She is in God's hands now."

  Dalton went to the desk and sat down to sign off on all of the orders he had given. Dalton hoped that the only things coming from here on out were sore throats and broken arms. He was exhausted both mentally and physically.

  Four hours later Dalton walked toward his car. His phone rang as he pulled out of the parking garage. He put it on loud speaker. "Hey…"

  Misty knew something was wrong. "Are you ok?"

  Dalton's voice was emotional as he answered. "We had a family hit by a drunk driver today. The mom was killed on impact, and the dad died later in surgery. The little girl is in very critical condition. I lost her once but was able to get her back. It just…" his voice trailed off.

  Misty felt tears sting her eyes at the picture of the child fighting for her life. "I'm sorry your day was so hard."

  Dalton thought about the nurse's accusation. He spoke softly. "Things happen. I guess that is life."

  Misty listened to his voice. She didn't know how but she knew something else was going on. "Dalton" she whispered "let me be there for it all. What else happened?"

  Dalton didn't know how to tell her. He continued to drive for a few more minutes and then whispered. "A nurse accused me of sexual misconduct. She said I forced myself on her and that she was now pregnant with my baby."

  Misty was shocked. "What? Who in the world would believe that?"

  Dalton smiled at her absolute trust in his innocence. He relayed the story of the meeting to her. It had been angering at first, but he was truthful when he told Drs. Swank and Huff, he had been more worried about what the nurse was holding back.

  Misty's voice was sympathetic as she asked. "What did they find out about her?"

  Dalton answered her. "She actually is pregnant, but the baby is her boyfriend's. It took a while, but they figured out that she has a delusional mental disorder. She was being treated for it but went off her meds when she found out she was pregnant. She saw the story of you and me on the Intranet and fixated on it and me. She had already been a nurse when she was diagnosed, so she flew right under the radar. I won't lie to you. I actually thought she had been the victim of something."

  Misty remembered the father of one of her former students. "Mental illness does stink, but at least we are starting to advance in treating it. I had a student with a father who had chronic depression. It was hard for the student, but he always said the meds and therapy helped his father immensely."

  Dalton had to agree as he turned into his neighborhood. "It is one of those things people don't want to think about."

  Misty watched the headlights come toward her and Wyatt. She spoke softly. "There you are."

  Dalton looked at his front porch as he pulled into his driveway. There sitting on his front porch was Misty with a car seat and his dog at her feet. Wyatt sat beside her and grinned as his sister stood and walked toward Dalton.

  Misty walked up to Dalton and smiled up into his face. "Friendship goes both ways."

  Dalton chuckled. His voice was raw with emotion as he asked. "How did you know? How did you know I needed you?"

  "That still small voice that comes when God wants something done." She answered as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  Dalton and Misty turned and joined Wyatt on the porch. "I guess letting you and Brock crash here last month has its benefits."

  Wyatt laughed. "When Misty knew you had off tomorrow, she was pretty adamant about crashing here with us too."

  Dalton unlocked the door and picked up Rachel. He watched as Jamie went in and settled onto her bed. "I guess you haven't forgotten me after all."

  Misty laughed. "She just prefers country living."

  The three talked for a few more hours before seeking rest. Dalton had needed a friend and Misty had been there to meet that need. He went to sleep comforted by the fact that God had provided what he needed at the moment he had needed it most.