Read A Time of Seasons Page 32

Chapter Twenty-Four

  Dalton woke up to the sound of something crashing to the ground. He jumped out of the bed and ran in the direction of the bang. When he hit the living room, he stopped and looked at Brock holding his mom next to them was a fallen ladder. Terry looked incredibly guilty. "Are you ok?" He asked looking at the older woman.

  Brock looked at Dalton and spoke in a hoarse voice. "She is ok. I caught her."

  Terry knew she was in so much trouble. She smiled at Dalton as she asked. "I don't suppose we can keep this between us?"

  Dalton was not sure if he was calm enough to speak. He opened his mouth and then closed it. He looked up and could see the dust rag hanging on the light fixture. The only way she could have reached that high was if she had taken a chance and stood on the very top of the ladder. He ran his hand through his hair and looked up again. "Brock, did your mom start this without you?"

  Brock shook his head. "I walked in just as she lost her balance."

  Terry knew she was old enough to be Dalton's mom, but right now she felt like one of Misty's students. She also knew that if Brock had not caught her, she would be in very serious shape right now. She knew she needed to speak, but she also knew she needed to proceed with caution. "I wasn't thinking. I have been asking for help and just got impatient I guess."

  Dalton looked at Terry. "You could have been killed. Rachel lost Brent. Does she need to lose you too?" He asked softly before turning to go back to his room.

  Terry covered her mouth with a shaky hand as Brock put her on the ground. Tears formed in her eyes as she realized the truth that rang in his words. She felt Brock put a hand on her shoulder and she looked up at him. Her voice was a choked whisper. "He's right."

  Brock nodded. "He is right. You took ten years off of my life. I didn't think I would get to you in time."

  Terry nodded as Chad, Misty, and Wyatt walked in the front door. She took one look at Rachel tucked safely into her little sling and burst into tears. She turned and walked down the hall toward the bedrooms.

  Chad looked at Brock and then the ladder. He shook his head as he followed his wife.

  Brock looked at Misty and Wyatt. His voice shook as he repeated what he had said earlier. "I didn't think I would get to her in time."

  Dalton spoke softly from the doorway. "You did get to her. You can't dwell on the 'what if.'"

  Brock nodded. "I think you have finally gotten through to her in a way dad couldn't."

  Dalton took a deep breath. "She knew I was speaking the truth. That fact just happened to be one she had not thought of."

  Misty looked at Dalton talking to her brother. When he finished, she watched as he walked up to her. She smiled up at him. When he bent down and kissed her, she kissed him back. "Good morning," she said shyly.

  Tucking a stray hair behind her ear, he said just as softly. "Good morning."

  Wyatt and Brock looked at each other. This was new. They grinned at each other and left the room leaving the couple alone.

  Misty whispered softly. "I'm so in love with you."

  Dalton smiled down at her. "I'm so in love with you too."

  Misty looked up at him and spoke in a whisper. "It is nice and comfortable yet scary too."

  Dalton took her hand and walked toward the kitchen. "I love it, though. We are exploring something fresh and pure. It is scary in a thrilling kind of way."

  Misty understood what he meant. She had some concerns about certain things but knew she could talk to him open and honestly.

  Dalton opened the door, and the two walked into the kitchen. Wyatt gave him a lopsided grin but didn't say anything. Brock had no such sensor on his mouth. "I see you have gotten a bit sweet on my sister."

  Misty frowned at him. "Do you happen ever to think before you speak? It is like you think it and say it all at the same time."

  Brock grinned at her. "I actually have quite a bit of time to think. I just choose not to."

  Dalton laughed at Misty's face. It was more than obvious that was not a great answer. He pulled her back against him when she started for Brock. "I think we should start breakfast."

  Misty looked up at Dalton and frowned. "I think you should hold Rachel and I should teach Brock a lesson."

  Dalton winked at her. "Or we could make breakfast."

  Misty sighed. "I guess so."

  They all turned as Terry and Chad walked into the kitchen. Dalton was surprised when Terry walked up to him and kissed his cheek. "You are loved in this family." She whispered softly.

  Dalton kissed her forehead. "You are too."

  Misty smiled at Dalton's responds to her mom. She was not sure what he had said to her, but she had all intentions of finding out. This was the first time in her life that she had ever seen her mom truly sorry for getting herself into a pickle. When Dalton looked down at her, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

  The group worked in silence. When it was time to eat, Dalton knew he needed to try to lighten things up. He looked over at Terry and grinned. "After breakfast, we are going shopping."

  Terry looked confused. "We are?"

  Dalton nodded. "Call me crazy, but this house needs some things to make it easier on the shorter folk."

  Misty looked confused too. "How are you going to help with that?"

  "Both of you finish up, and you'll see." He said with a grin.

  Misty looked at her mom. "I guess we'll see. If he starts going toward the hospital though we'll have Rachel distract him so we can run. I'm not up for any type of lobotomy."

  Chad grinned. "I take it you have contacts in the loony bin?"

  Terry swatted him. "We are not crazy we just tend to do things without thinking."

  The group finished breakfast. The men offered to clean the kitchen while the ladies went and got ready for their shopping trip. Chad had to ask. "What exactly are you going to get?"

  Dalton laughed. "Everything and anything that will keep our women off the counter and ladder tops…."

  Chad chuckled. "That could be an all-day job."

  When Misty and Terry returned with Rachel, Dalton held out his elbows and said. "Shall we go ladies?"

  Two hours later both Misty and Terry were adamantly telling Dalton he could not get what he had planned on getting them. Terry had her hands on her hips. "I can't let you get this."

  Dalton laughed. "You can and you will. This makes sense for your kitchen. It will allow you so much freedom to get what you want when you want it, and it is safe."

  Misty looked at the rolling ladder system. She had used one when she worked in a library and had to admit it made things so much easier but the price was way too much. "Dalton, don't you think this is a bit much? I mean we can get a step ladder…"

  Dalton looked at the women and said firmly. "If you get a step ladder it won't be tall enough. It will only be a matter of time before one of you starts stepping higher on it than you're supposed to. We have the duster with a handle extension for all the high dusting. We have the same thing in a window washer, but they won't help you two reach the top cupboard safely."

  Misty looked up at him. "It is just so expensive."

  Dalton looked at both of them. "I have never had a family to look after. Now I do. Please let me do this. My mom has one in her kitchen, and it is not just a lifesaver it is a time saver. Let me be the man I was taught to be and take care of you both."

  Terry looked at Misty. "He's good."

  Misty had to agree. "I agree. The sincerity makes it almost impossible to contend with him. His argument makes me absolutely gooey inside."

  Terry had to agree. "Yup all warm and fuzzy…"

  Dalton watched the women have their bizarre conversation. When they finished, he looked at them and smiled. "So, does this mean yes?"

  Terry nodded. "This is a yes. We are grateful for your gift. Thank you for being concerned about our safety while understanding our in
dependent streaks."

  Dalton grinned. "You are welcome."

  Misty looked at Terry. "I can't help but feel like we are rewarding him. His face is adorable."

  Terry laughed as Dalton turned Misty around and tugged her into his arms. "You are not being nice."

  Misty looked up at him. "What happens when I'm not nice?"

  He leaned down close to her lips, but instead of kissing her he said softly. "Your mom sends you to bed without supper."

  Misty wasn't being denied the kiss. When he was starting to pull away, she caught his face between her hands and softly kissed his lips.

  Terry cleared her throat. "Misty umm…"

  Misty winked at her mother. "It was only a little kiss."

  Terry shook her head and looked at Dalton. "That whole supper scenario is starting to sound good."

  Dalton grinned at Terry. "She seemed determined."

  Terry swatted his arm. "I think you liked her determination."

  Dalton winked at Terry. "I know I did."

  The three went and ordered the ladder unit and then headed home. The three had fun on their little outing. Dalton had enjoyed doing something special for them. His time off would end soon enough. Dalton knew that the next time he came back to Austin, it would be to start a new job and live. A sense of belonging folded around him at the thought.