Read A Time of Seasons Page 34

Chapter Twenty-Six

  Misty yawned and then stretched. Dalton’s family would be coming that day. She was very excited to meet them but also a little nervous. In less than two weeks she would be Dalton’s wife. Rachel was almost nine-months-old and trying her best to walk.

  Hearing a noise on the floor Misty looked over the side of her bed and into the beautiful eyes of her daughter. “You need to stop getting out of your crib little girl.” She said as she picked her up.

  Misty nuzzled her daughter’s cheek. “I love you, Rachel. Are you hungry?” she asked as she got comfortable. She watched Rachel’s feet wiggle as she ate.

  Hearing a knock on the door, Misty looked up. She smiled as she watched Liz walk in. “Good morning.”

  Liz walked over to the bed and sat down. She looked at her granddaughter’s feet. “I will always remember that. She is just so fun.”

  Misty chuckled. “She got out of her crib again today. She has no intentions of waiting these days. She is just like her father.”

  Liz laughed. “He really was a morning person. I used to dread the sunrise because it usually coincided with Brent’s rise.”

  Misty smiled fondly at some of her memories. “I am not one to sleep in, but Brent always took it to a whole new level.”

  Liz laughed. “I watched Dalton with her yesterday. When she tried to crawl off the porch, he was adamant that she needed to take after Brent. He was gently telling her how great it would be if she got her safety from her father.”

  Misty grinned. “Brent was surely fond of giving me safety instructions. He would do his best to make sure he covered everything he could think of that I could end up in trouble.”

  Liz remembered that well. Her son was always trying to stay one step ahead of Misty. A part of her would always mourn the loss of her son, but she felt it could be much worse. Here she was able to keep a part of him alive, and she valued that more than anyone could ever know.

  Misty smiled up at her mother-in-law. She said softly. “Are you ready to meet the people that raise Dalton?”

  Liz nodded. “I have been ready since that young man knelt in front of me and told me it would be ok. I am glad I made room in my heart to embrace him as a son. I felt so guilty at first, but then I did what you did. I wrote down what Brent would have said.”

  Misty felt tears stinging her eyes. “He really did love unselfishly.”

  Liz nodded her head. “He really did.”

  The women turned to the door as a knock sounded. Both smiled as Dalton walked in. He walked over and kissed Liz’s cheek. “Good morning Mom Adams. How did you sleep?”

  Liz smiled up at him. “I slept well. Are you ready for your little campout with the men?”

  He smiled down at her. “I am.”

  Misty smiled up at him as he kissed her forehead. “You aren’t nervous?”

  Dalton laughed. “With Wyatt and Brock coming maybe I should be.”

  Wyatt spoke from the doorway. “I can hear you.”

  Misty watched her brother walk in. She knew exactly why he was there. “She isn’t done eating yet.”

  Wyatt smiled. “I know, but since I’m here, I can call dibs.”

  Dalton shook his head. “What? I was here before you.”

  Misty pulled Rachel from her chest and handed her to Liz. She smiled at Liz as she buttoned her shirt. “Nana Adams beat both of you.”

  Liz smiled triumphantly as she stood and headed toward the door with Wyatt close behind. Dalton watched Wyatt put his arm around Liz trying to sweet talk her out of the baby. “He really has an addiction.”

  Misty nodded. “I had no choice but to get used to nursing in front of him.”

  Dalton sat down on the bed. He looked at Misty. “I can’t believe in less than two weeks you are going to be my wife.”

  Misty closed her eyes as he touched her cheek softly. “How did I get so blessed?”

  Dalton stood up and said with a smile. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Misty watched him walk toward the door. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  Dalton closed the door behind him. He walked toward the kitchen to help. He was just about there when he saw Wyatt. He wasn’t trying to get his niece now but instead looked deep in thought. He walked over and sat down. “Are you ok?”

  Wyatt looked at Dalton. “I guess there are some things that I would love to talk about but can’t. I have prayed Dalton and am not really happy with the answer.”

  Dalton looked at the man. It was obvious he was really struggling. He had seen glimpses of it before, but this was a bit more noticeable. “Is there anything you can tell me?”

  Wyatt shook his head. The note Kelly had left had shaken him. She had said she was coming back and she told him to trust her. She also stated that it was better if no one knew how close she and Wyatt were. It was confusing and painful all at the same time. “I don’t think I can. I have prayed so long and hard about this, and the answer is an absolute no.”

  Dalton nodded his head. “I’m sorry you are going through this. I will be praying for you but just a word of advice. If God’s answer is no lean on Him. Find a way to trust that He sees a bigger picture than you.”

  Wyatt nodded. “Thanks. It is nice to know you will be praying for me. I will do my best to remember to trust.”

  The men stood and made their way to the kitchen. Chad saw them come in and smiled at them. “Are you two ready for the trip?”

  Wyatt laughed. “We young men are eager to hear the words of wisdom that you older folk want to bestow upon us.”

  Chad laughed. “When Dalton’s family gets here we plan on eating breakfast and heading out. The women folk can do their thing, and we can do ours.”

  Wyatt became serious as he said. “I actually plan on listening to everything you all say. I really want to be a good husband. Three men from three successful marriages it seems like the best place to start.”

  Dalton had to agree. “I know I will be all ears.”

  Just as Dalton finished speaking Misty came into the kitchen. “You are all ears for what?” She said as she walked over and stood beside him.

  “I’m all ears to learn how to be the best husband I can be.” He said as he smiled down at her.

  Misty looked at her mom. “I can tell you how to do that. All you need to do is let me have my own way whenever I want it and agree with me all of the time.”

  Dalton laughed. “I guess that would be the kind of advice I would get from you.”

  Misty stood on her tiptoes. “I think I need a kiss. Is that a hard….”

  Dalton’s kiss stopped her. When he pulled away, he said. “That order I think I can handle.”

  Liz laughed at Misty’s face. “I’m thinking she likes giving you that order.”

  Chad grinned at Dalton. “That may be the only way to keep her out of trouble.”

  Misty frowned at her dad. “I’m standing right here.”

  Chad winked at Dalton as he said. “I know you are standing there. I may be getting old, but I’m not blind.”

  Brock walked into the kitchen. “Look who came to visit. I don’t know them, but the scene they were causing when they got here makes me think they may be related to Dalton.”

  Jeanie Nelson, Dalton’s mom, smiled sweetly as she pulled Brock’s ear. When he yelped, she smiled satisfied.

  Chad choked on his coffee and Terry chuckled. Dalton watched his dad come in behind her and shake his head. “He isn’t yours Jeanie. You can’t just go pulling people's ears.”

  Jeanie walked over to Dalton and kissed his cheek. “Your father is terrible to travel with. He sang the entire way.” She looked at Misty and grinned and then hugged her. “I do believe you told me that one is a bit of rascal. I’ll keep him in line for your big day.”

  Wyatt looked at Dalton’s mom and grinned. She was shorter than Misty. That darn thing in his brain that shou
ld have stopped his tongue from moving neglected to do its’ job again. He had to ask. “How tall are you?”

  Jeanie turned her four-foot-ten-inch frame around and put her hand on her hip. “I’m tall enough to make a grown man cry.”

  David Nelson obviously had his tongue stopper broken too because he said way too emphatically. “She sure can. Dalton gets his mild mannerism from his father.”

  Dalton grinned at David. “You have always told me that Dad. How did you put it?”

  David leveled Dalton with a frown. “Now you don’t need to be getting me in any more trouble than I already am in. Your mother is a difficult woman to travel with Son. A man needs to stay awake, and that means putting on some tunes.”

  Dalton smiled as David walked up and gave Misty a kiss on the cheek. “Welcome to the family. Now I’m not trying to be disrespectful or anything…”

  Jeanie looked at her husband and rolled her eyes. “I told you not to give her the ‘don’t run’ speech.”

  Dalton watched as his younger siblings came into the kitchen. Darby’s husband and son stood beside her as she looked at her parents and then at Misty. “I don’t know. You may want to rethink this thing.”

  Rodney laughed at the appalled looks. “You did warn them about us right Dalton?”

  Jeanie shook her head. She looked at Rachel. “That little gem must look just like Brent. Look at those eyes. She is an absolute dumpling.”

  Liz and Vince looked at each other as they watched the family interact. They smiled at how comfortable this family was with who they had chosen to be. Liz giggled as Brock and Rodney started to goof around. When Darby walked up to them and smiled they hugged her.

  “Welcome to all of this Mom and Dad Adams. I sure hope you know what you’re getting into.” She said softly with laughter in her eyes.

  Liz smiled at her. “All of ‘this’ is beautiful.”

  Darby kissed the woman’s cheek. She waved her hand at her husband and son. “This is my husband Grant and my son Brayden.”

  Misty looked up at Dalton. “Your family is very loud and…loud.”

  Terry laughed at her daughter’s face. “I’m thinking there is not going to be any dull moments at this wedding.”

  The group gathered around the table and prayed. As they sat and ate breakfast, David looked over at Dalton. “Poppy had something for me to give you. Don’t let me forget.”

  Dalton asked. “How is he doing?”

  David answered. “I make sure I check on him daily. I hired a nurse to stay with him until we get back. He can’t get around like he used to, but he is still sharp as a tack. He wanted to come, but his body just wouldn’t have made it.”

  Vince looked at David. “I’m sorry your father was not able to make it.”

  David looked at Vince. “Poppy is Kyle’s father. My dad passed away three years ago. He is the only grandparent still alive.”

  Darby smiled. “He is the one that spoiled us the most. If I didn’t get my own way, I would just walk over and talk to Poppy.”

  Dalton watched Vince and Liz take in what was being said. He had said some pretty bold things to them. He had meant every one of them. “Poppy knows how to sweet talk Mom and Dad too.”

  Rodney laughed. “We always got to choose which set of grandparents to stay with when Mom and Dad would go away for the weekend. Poppy and Granny always won.”

  Liz had to know. “How did you keep them straight?”

  Darby answered. “We had Poppy and Granny. Then we had Gee Gee and Pawpaw. Last but not least we had Nana and Pap. We were so spoiled.”

  Liz looked at Vince. “I’m thinking we should move back.”

  Dalton and Misty looked very happy with that idea. Dalton spoke. “That will make the dropping by whenever you want easier.”

  Grant laughed. “Poppy still lectures me when Darby isn’t getting her own way.”

  Liz looked at Brayden. “What does he call his other grandparents?”

  Darby grinned. “My mom and dad are Gee Gee and Pawpaw. Grant’s parents are Granny and Peepaw. That means you are Nana and Vince is Pap. Terry is Mimi and Chad is Pops.”

  Liz chuckled. “You all put a lot of thought into this.”

  David grinned. “We have found it is worth it.”

  The group finished breakfast as they continued to socialize. After the dishes had been done and the trucks loaded it was time for the men to leave. Rodney, Grant, and Brayden were going to visit Grant’s parents so the ladies would have the house to themselves. Dalton wanted to say one last goodbye to the love of his life. He found Misty in the barn looking at a new colt. She looked up and smiled as he came toward her.

  “Are you ready?” Misty asked.

  Dalton shook his head no.

  Misty giggled as she stood up and walked over to him. “What did you forget?” she asked in a whisper.

  Dalton kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose. “I forgot that.” He turned to walk away with a smirk on his face.

  Misty grinned as she stepped in front of him. Standing on her tiptoes, she touched his face. “I think you forgot something else.”

  Dalton chuckled as he kissed her. When he pulled away, he looked into her eyes. “I love you.”

  Misty smiled up at him. “I love you too. Be safe.”

  Dalton winked at her. “Make sure you are safe too.”

  The two linked hands and walked out of the barn. Dalton kissed her one last time before he headed toward the trucks.