Read A Time of Seasons Page 38

Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chad watched as Grant pulled into camp. He stood up and walked over to the minivan. “Hey there…”

  Rodney smiled. “Did David get our texts?”

  Chad shook his head. “I don’t think any of us have service here.”

  The rest of them men walked up to the van. Grant looked at them and smiled. “Get in. We need to go down the road just a little.”

  Dalton looked confused. “Why?”

  Grant and Rodney looked at each other. Rodney answered. “We gave our word not to say anything.”

  The men could only guess this had something to do with the ladies. They all grinned and got into the vehicle. “You have your phone on you Dad?” Rodney asked.

  David nodded. “I don’t have any service, but yes I do.”

  Grant started driving. “We only have to go far enough for you to get our texts.”

  David pulled his phone out. He could see bars in less than five minutes. “Ok.” He watched as the texts came in. He opened them and started laughing. He passed his phone around.

  Vince chuckled. “Is my wife sleeping with a soda can?”

  Dalton chuckled at what looked like an empty candy bag beside Misty. “How many bags of candy did they eat?”

  Rodney pulled out his phone and texted how many he saw.

  Chad about died. “They ate eight bags of candy? How much soda did they drink?”

  Grant did a quick count in his mind. He texted what he remembered seeing.

  Dalton paled at the amount of sugar they had consumed. “You counted twenty cans in the garbage?”

  David asked. “Were they all sick?”

  Rodney sent a text.

  Wyatt read the answer. “They all deserved to wake up with a killer headache. I’m not surprised Misty threw up. She knows she will get sick the next morning. What were they thinking?”

  Everyone laughed as Grant texted that they obviously weren’t thinking.

  Grant drove back to camp. As they all got out of the car, Wyatt unhooked Brayden from his car seat. “You can come with Uncle Wyatt.” He said as he scooped the little guy up and got out of the van.

  Brayden beamed at the idea. “I’m almost four.” He said proudly.

  Wyatt put him down and took his hand. They started walking toward the tents as Wyatt said. “That is a very big age. I know for a fact that almost-four-year-olds can ride ponies if their mommy and daddy say yes.”

  Grant looked down at his son. “I think riding a pony would be great.”

  Wyatt smiled down at Brayden. “When we get back I will get you on one for sure.”

  Grant looked over at Wyatt. “When you and Brock get married you two are going to be great dads. You both are great with Rachel and now Brayden.”

  Wyatt smiled at him. Dalton couldn’t help but notice a sad look in Wyatt’s eyes as he answered. “Thanks.”

  Brock came up on them and scooped Brayden up. He put the little guy on his shoulder. “Are you ready for Uncle Brock? I’m way more fun than Uncle Wyatt.”

  Wyatt laughed as the little boy giggled gleefully. He looked over at Dalton. “How much trouble is my sister in?”

  Dalton laughed. “She doesn’t do this often. I’m not going to fuss. If she were still pregnant, that would be another ball game, but they seemed to have fun. I think letting her think I’m upset will be more fun.”

  Vince laughed. “That is because she cuddles up to you and gives you kisses.”

  Dalton gave the man a lopsided grin. “That Sir would be correct.”

  Grant laughed. “Once you are married. Those kisses get just a little sweeter.”

  Wyatt smiled at Dalton. “Are you blushing? I do believe he is.”

  Vince swatted Wyatt. “You are terrible.”

  Dalton laughed. “I guess I am.”

  Wyatt gave Vince a friendly elbow. “I told you.”

  Dalton looked at his dad. “I am glad I blush. You did a great job teaching me to value my wife enough to be only hers.”

  David nodded. “We live in a world that doesn’t value that any longer. I’m glad you listened. Once you give yourself away, you can’t take it back.”

  Brock agreed. “If you give yourself away you have given away something that wasn’t yours to give.”

  Chad smiled proudly. “That is what I have taught you.”

  Wyatt looked at Dalton. “I can’t imagine that was easy with you being a doctor.”

  Dalton agreed. “It wasn’t. I have had more than one offer. I just knew it was wrong.”

  Brock laughed. “I guess the offers tend to come at you when you are ‘healthy.'”

  Dalton chuckled. “She really was adorable. I was trying to figure out what I did to upset her.”

  Brock told the story, and everyone chuckled at it. “It was hysterical.”

  Wyatt looked at Grant and Rodney. “You two do realize you will be in so much trouble once they realize you outfoxed them?”

  Grant smiled. “It won’t be a problem. I kind of got Darby wrapped around my finger. All I have to do is whisper sweet nothings and kiss her.”

  Rodney smirked. “That is the same tactic she uses with you.”

  Grant raised an eyebrow. “It is a good tactic, and it is fun.”

  The men sat around and chatted. Wyatt and Brayden played and ran. They all enjoyed each other’s company and took the time to get to know each other on a more personal level. It was a very good time in many ways.