Read A Time of Seasons Page 4

Chapter Three

  Dalton woke up and looked over to the other bed. He smiled as he watched Misty feeding Rachel. "I must have been out. I did not even hear her wake up."

  Misty looked at her daughter. She chuckled as she answered. "She has eaten three times since we said goodnight. I even got up once and changed her."

  Dalton got out of his bed. He walked over to the door and let Jamie out as he asked. "How did you feel?"

  Misty switched Rachel to the other side as she spoke again. "I did not feel bad. I actually laid Rachel down and stood without her in my arms just in case."

  Dalton stood up and walked over to her. He touched her forehead. "You do not feel feverish, so that is good. How do your stitches feel?"

  "I am tender, but overall I feel pretty good. I was able to go to the restroom myself." She answered honestly.

  "You used the bottle as I instructed?" Dalton sat down on the chair beside the bed.

  "I did." She said as she put Rachel on her shoulder to burp.

  Dalton knew he needed to check her stitches and bleeding. Things were not as intense as yesterday, and he was suddenly feeling strange about it. He looked at Misty. "May I examine you?"

  Misty could tell Dalton was uncomfortable. If she had, to be honest, she was too. She nodded as she gently put Rachel back in her bed. Misty let him make sure things were ok. He ended by pushing gently on her stomach before checking her pulse.

  "Your uterus is going back to normal. You can thank that little eater for that. Everything looks good. I used fishing line for your stitches so you may feel a bit of a scratch from the knot. You are doing great. Do you have any questions?" Dalton asked as he pulled her sheet back down over her legs.

  Misty started blushing. She did have a question. She looked at him. She shook her head no.

  Dalton smiled at Misty gently. "Talk to me. I am just as uncomfortable as you. We are now friends, and it does seem weird, but right now I am your doctor too."

  Misty cleared her throat. She looked down at her hands as she said softly. "Rachel is making me a little uncomfortable."

  "I have some lip balm that may help. You can also express a little of your colostrum when she is done eating. It will help with the tenderness. Do you understand how to do that?" he asked praying she did.

  Misty nodded relieved that she knew what he meant. "I do understand."

  Dalton stood up and let Jamie back inside before he walked over to one of his travel bags. He pulled out the lip balm and handed it to her. "This will help too. Go ahead and do both. Please let me know if it gets worse. It is critical that she keeps eating. It will help bring your milk down. I know we do not have everything hygiene wise for you, but we need to make sure you are walking around today."

  Misty suddenly realized that she did not need to be embarrassed. She had just given birth, and that was the most beautiful thing in the world to her. "Am I allowed to shower?"

  Dalton thought about that just a second. "I believe that it will be all right as long as I put a chair in there for you. You can stand, but I want you to have the option of sitting down. We need to keep the door open too. I will respect your privacy of course, but if you fall, I want to be able to hear you. If you want, we can get that ready now."

  "I am absolutely ready." She said as she started to get out of bed. She followed Dalton to the bathroom and watched as he put a chair in.

  "I will get you some more of my clothes. With a couple of old washcloths, we can get you to the point of being comfortable enough to walk around. Call me when you have the curtain closed, and I will put them on the stand."

  Misty smiled as she answered. "I can do that but aren’t you going to run out of clothes?"

  Dalton laughed. "I actually keep some here because of how fast the weather can change. It can get chilly even in the summer. Don’t worry about it Misty I can buy new ones. I just want to make sure we keep you and Rachel healthy until we can leave."

  Misty knew that might take a while. "Do you know how long it typically takes for them to clear the way for you here?"

  Dalton thought for a moment. He had been here before when this happened, but this storm had more snow. "It took them a week to get to me before, but we have six inches more this time. I can only guess and say a little over a week."

  Misty thought about her parents. They were going to be out of their minds with worry. "My parents are going to be upset not knowing what happened to me."

  Dalton had to agree. If they were expecting her, she would have been almost there by now. "My neighbor checked on me last time. He has a snowmobile. If he stops, I will see if he can get a message to them. He may even be able to get to your car and your clothes. We will still have to wait to leave, but at least your family will have some peace."

  Misty nodded. "Ok, then I guess I am ready for my shower."

  Dalton left the area giving her the opportunity to get into the shower. He walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a pair of his boxers and a button-down shirt. It would give Misty the freedom to nurse without needed to lift her shirt up. When he heard her say she was in the shower, he took the clothes in and put them on the stand with some old wash clothes.

  Misty felt the warm water hit her body. She wet her hair and washed it. She saw the curtain move and looked down to see Jamie peeking in. The dog whined a little. Misty sat down on the chair to pet her. As soon as she sat, she felt her knees go a little weak. Looking at the dog, she patted her head as she whispered. "You seem to know just when I need you." Jamie pulled her head out of the shower and sat down. Misty finished washing and turned off the water. She knew she needed help but was once again feeling uncomfortable. "You just had a baby. You are not in a hospital. Now put your big girl panties on and call for help." She giggled as she gave herself a pep talk.

  Dalton heard Misty's soft call. He walked into the bathroom and looked at his dog sitting there looking at him expectantly. "Do you need help?" he asked Misty through the curtain.

  "I am dizzy. I do not want to fall when I dry off." He could hear the uncertainty in her voice.

  Looking around Dalton had an idea. "I will hand you a towel to sit on and one to dry off. Then I can give you your clothes. Are you comfortable with that?"

  Misty was so grateful that he was in tune with her embarrassment. "That would be great." She said relieved.

  Dalton watched Jamie get up and nudge the curtain again. "It is ok girl. I am going to help her. Go look at the baby." He watched as Jamie left the bathroom giving him a backward glance.

  Misty heard him talking to the dog. She chuckled as she said. "If she had not come in you would be picking me off the floor. I sat down just in time."

  Dalton handed her the towels. "How far away were you when she found you yesterday?"

  Misty paused and thought about that. "I was at least a mile away. I was only able to take a few steps at a time."

  "I do not know how she knew you were out there. Were you yelling at all?" he asked as he started to hand her the clothes.

  "I was shouting for help for a little while on the off chance someone would hear me, but I do not think Jamie could have heard me all the way there. Dalton, I think God sent Jamie to me." Misty said with confidence.

  Dalton handed her the last of the clothes. He had to agree. "I cannot see how it could be anything else. I think God used her as a way for me to get to you. It really is a miracle you and Rachel are alive."

  Misty finished getting dressed. She spoke through the curtain. "I am ready."

  Dalton pulled back the curtain. He held out his hand and helped Misty to her feet. She faltered just a bit before she felt her head clear. "Why do I feel like this? I felt fine earlier."

  Dalton held her arm as they walked to the bed. He helped her sit down. "You started losing blood yesterday, and your pressure may be a little low. I am going to have you drinking a lot today. The fluids should help ge
t your pressure up a little, and it will also get your body ready to make milk. Every time you nurse Rachel today I want you to have a cup of juice water or milk."

  Misty thought that sounded like an awful lot of liquid. "I am thinking the bathroom is going to be my best friend today."

  Dalton chuckled. "Just make sure you ask for help. I am going to make breakfast for us."


  Dalton looked down at Misty. "Yes?"

  Misty looked down at her hands. She suddenly felt very sad and insecure. "I am sorry I interrupted your time here. It sounds like you needed a break but…"

  Dalton sat down on the side of her bed. "I need you to know that I do not mind you here. I truly believe that God has done everything for me to be here with you and Rachel at this time."

  Misty suddenly felt like wailing like a child. She nodded her head and burst into tears. "Why am I crying? I never cry." She hiccupped as she sobbed into her hands.

  Dalton chuckled as he pulled her against his chest. "Your hormones are a little crazy right now. I promise they will start to level out. If you feel this way in a couple of weeks, then you need to tell someone."

  Misty got herself under control. She pulled back and looked up at Dalton. "I do not understand why I felt that way. I think I am ok now. I am sorry I leaked all over your shirt."

  Dalton gently touched her cheek. "You have not had an easy time the last twenty-four hours. I am thinking a good cry is ok."

  Misty nodded slightly as she watched her daughter's feet start to move. "I believe that it is almost time to feed her again."

  Dalton smiled. "It is time for you to eat too. You feed her, and I will feed you."

  Misty watched as Dalton walked to the kitchen area of the cabin. She gently picked Rachel up and waited for her to start searching for some food. In less than five minutes her little girl's feet were wiggling as she nursed.

  Dalton puttered around the small cabin kitchen. He poured some orange juice in a cup and walked over to Misty. He winked at her as he put it on the stand. He had to chuckle at Rachel's little feet before he headed back out to the kitchen.

  Misty closed her eyes as Rachel nursed. The lip balm was making it much easier for her not to tense up as her little one fed. When it was time, she switched the baby to the other side. She could smell the food and suddenly realized how hungry she was. She picked up the orange juice and sipped it to help her hunger. She smiled as she watched Dalton coming toward her with a plate of food.

  Dalton walked over to Misty. Setting the plate on the stand next to her, he asked. "Is she done eating?"

  "I think so. I just need to burp her." Misty answered as she pulled the baby from her chest.

  Dalton gently took Rachel. "I will do that. You eat."

  Misty watched Dalton put Rachel on his shoulder. She smiled and wondered what his future wife would be like. Whoever she was she would be blessed. He would be a great husband and father. She nibbled her toast and wondered if God would have someone for her too. She had not really thought about it until now. If she had, to be honest, she would not have been open to another relationship until now. She was not lying when she had said she was letting go. As hard as it was, she knew it was time for her to live. She also knew Brent would have wanted that for her and Rachel.

  Dalton sat down on the small sofa. Rachel had burped, but he wanted to hold her just a little longer. He smiled over at Misty. "I love the smell of new babies."

  Misty had to agree. "They smell so sweet. You are going to be a great dad someday. I know you are not sure why God is making you wait but I have a feeling it will be worth it."

  Dalton smiled. He spoke softly. "What about you? Are you going to let God lead you to a new love?"

  Misty nodded. "I am. I do not think I was ready until now to even talk about it, but I am willing to do that. I cannot say I am willing to do more than that. It has only been six months since Brent was killed. I know I need to start opening myself up to that possibility but just that for now. I do not think Brent would have wanted to me shut love out."

  Dalton watched as Jamie got up and walked to the door. She started scratching. "Hold on girl let me give Rachel back to her mommy."

  Misty smiled up at Dalton as he put her daughter back into her arms. She could not resist teasing the man. "I wonder whom Jamie will drag here next. I am surprised she came in empty-handed earlier."

  Dalton laughed as he let the dog out. He stepped out onto the porch and closed the door behind him. Jamie was having fun in the snow. After doing her business, she started rolling and jumping. When she stopped and looked toward the woods, he followed her gaze. Her ears were perked up, so he knew she heard something.

  "What do you hear girl?" he asked as his eyes continued to focus on the edge of the woods. A few seconds later Dalton saw a snowmobile emerge. He watched as it came up to the cabin.

  The man on the snowmobile turned off the motor. It was not his neighbor, but he seemed friendly enough. "Good day. There is a search going on for a pregnant gal reported missing. We are checking the cabins around here in hopes that she found safety. It looks like she got a flat and had to set out on foot before the blizzard started. Did you happen to see her?" He asked sounding more defeated than hopeful.

  Dalton smiled. "She’s here."

  The man looked up surprised. "You have her?"

  "If the woman in question is Misty, I have her here in the cabin with me,” Dalton said as he watched the man try to process what he had just been told.

  The man got off of his snowmobile and held out his hand. "My name is Cameron. I am not going to lie to you. We were all sure this was going to end badly. We did not get started with the search until almost eight this morning. As soon as the snow stopped, we got on our sleds and started searching."

  Dalton shook the man's hand. "I am Dalton. Please come in."

  Misty had heard the machine outside. She looked up as Dalton, and another man came in. "Dalton…?"

  Cameron looked at the woman holding a baby. He grinned. "I guess we are not looking for a pregnant gal anymore."

  Dalton walked over to Misty. "It seems you were reported missing. This man here has been out for a couple of hours looking for you."

  Cameron smiled down at the new mother. "When you did not contact your mom after she called your cell phone that woman brought the wrath of Texas down on us. She knew you were in trouble and demanded we at least try to find your car. After getting the route from her that you were supposed to take, we told the snow plows to watch out for your vehicle. They found it early this morning. It is a good thing you made it here."

  Misty felt tears stinging her eyes. "My mom is worried? Please tell her I am fine. I have a little girl."

  Cameron smiled at her gently. He looked at Dalton. "How did you manage to help her have a baby? I bet that was an experience."

  Dalton laughed. "I am a doctor. Of all the cabins to come to this was actually the perfect one."

  Cameron smiled. "I am going to be so happy to deliver this news. This storm has everything shut down. Even if we make this cabin a priority you two are stuck here for at least another week. What do you need to care for our new mom here Doc?"

  Dalton smiled at the man's straightforwardness. "Can I make you a list?"

  "You sure can. I will have it back up here before dark. Mam, it is nice to know you and your baby are ok. I will not lie to you. We were not sure this one was going to have a happy ending." Cameron talked as he sat down on the chair and took her hand.

  Misty smiled at the older man. "I am glad my mom will be able to know I am ok. Thank you so much for looking for me."

  Dalton spoke from the table as he made the list. "Let her mom know that I will be traveling with her. She will not be alone until she is safe at their home."

  Misty looked at Dalton. "You do not have to do that."

  Dalton laughed.
"If you think I can just let you travel alone after giving birth you are crazy. We are friends now, and I plan on being a good one."

  Cameron stood and took the list that Dalton offered. "Like I said folks I am sure glad this turned out to be a happy ending."