Read A Time of Seasons Page 6

Chapter Five

  Misty sat on the sofa feeding Rachel as she watched Dalton making sandwiches for lunch. They had been together for seven days and had fallen into a comfortable routine. She smiled as he turned and looked at her. He picked up the plate with her sandwich and walked toward her. “Thank you.” She said as he sat it down beside her.

  Dalton chuckled at Rachel’s feet moving. “You are welcome. That little girl is eating everything I give you up fast. Look how chubby her little legs are getting.”

  Misty giggled. “She really does like eating.”

  Dalton touched the baby’s head before he walked out to get his sandwich. “I better eat before she needs to be burped. We all have our jobs you know?”

  Misty laughed. “I guess we do. You deliver her, I feed her, you feed me, you feed you, and you burp the baby.”

  Dalton laughed at the picture. “Well, I would say we both worked on the part of delivering her. It was not exactly like you didn’t do anything. My job there was a breeze compared to yours.”

  Misty looked down at Rachel. “At the time, I thought my mom had lied, but she is right. I don’t remember the pain at all. It just diminished into the shadows the second you put her on my tummy.”

  Dalton smiled. “She really is perfect.”

  Misty had to agree. “I loved her before she was born, but I was not prepared for all of the emotions I would feel when I finally met her.”

  The two finished their sandwiches and Rachel finished her milk. Misty laughed as Dalton took the baby and put her on his shoulder. He grinned as he said. “I think this may be the best job in the world. I get to hold her close.”

  Misty chuckled as she stood and picked up their plates. She walked out to the kitchen and did the dishes. She finished wiping up the countertop and then grabbed the devotion. Sitting down beside Dalton, she opened it up and started to read the last verse of the 23rd Psalm.

  Dalton thought about David’s words. His desire to dwell with the God of creation was one of the things that had brought him to Colorado. He could not help but think out loud. “With all that life throws at us it is good to know that at the end of our earthly journey we will dwell with the God of creation forever. We will be in the very presence of Christ.”

  Misty thought for a moment about what Dalton had said. She had not thought of it that way, but he was right. “No matter what road we take when we put our lives in the hands of Christ and believe in Him our journeys will all end in Heaven.”

  Dalton thought about the entire chapter. “In life, we all travel at least one of those paths at some time or another. He is with us until the end of life here on earth and then with us forever in eternity.”

  Misty thought of Brent. His road had been at times one with hers. In the end, his led to combat and ultimately heaven. A part of her found peace in knowing that Brent was just fine. He was in Christ’s presence. She was the one that was not fine. She hurt. Her road was still going through the valley of the shadow of death. She longed for rest. She had only had a few friends in Colorado, but they just seemed to disappear with Brent.

  Dalton watched the play of emotion on Misty’s face. He knew she was dealing with so much. Her roads were all weaving in and out of each other. The only One with her all the time was Christ. “It is hard for you.”

  Misty looked up. “I know that this Psalm is right. God is with us. I guess sometimes the road seems longer and lonelier than I want it to be. I’m all alone with Rachel. I am not sure if I will be even a fraction of what she needs.”

  Dalton nodded his head in understanding. He looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms. “You will always be more than what she needs, and you are not as alone as you think. I know there is some part of you absolutely sure that I’m not going to stay your friend. I plan on proving that part wrong. You will not be alone with Rachel. I will do everything I can to help.”

  Tears stung her eyes. She knew he really believed what he said, but he was right she didn’t believe him. Her heart hurt at the thought of leaving this sanctuary in the woods. She had felt lonely and afraid for so long, here she found a refuge and a reprieve from the loneliness that sometimes engulfed her. When his arm went around her shoulders, she leaned into him. At this moment, Dalton was her friend. At this moment that was enough. It was the moments after she would leave here that caused fear to consume her. She started to shake at the thought.

  Dalton stood and took Rachel to her bed. He turned and walked back to Misty. He picked her up and held her close. He pulled her as close as he could as he tried desperately to help her see she was not alone. He knew she didn’t believe him. He knew she was afraid of what life held for her outside this cabin. He kissed her forehead. “I’m here now, and I will be here tomorrow. I will stay. I promise Misty I will stay with you as long as life lets me.”

  Misty sobbed into his chest. “I’m trying to believe you. It just seems like friends always go away. I don’t want you to go away. After Brent had died, no one knew what to say. They just stopped being there. My best friend even started to keep her distance. I was hurting, and I needed understanding. They just…left.”

  Dalton could feel her trembling. He continued to hug her tightly. “Real friends don’t do that to each other. I won’t go away and forget you. I promise I will come and visit. I’ll talk to you every day on the phone when we are apart if that is what you need. I am your friend. God Himself arranged for us to meet and help each other. If you don’t trust me, trust Him.”

  “How do you know we didn’t just meet so you could save our lives? How can you tell that we are going to stay friends?” she asked softly.

  Dalton could only be honest. His voice was soft as he said. “I need this friendship too.”

  Misty started to hear what he was saying. A part of her though it was a small part began to believe in this friendship. She began to relax and listen to Dalton’s heartbeat. She closed her eyes.

  Dalton felt Misty relax. When her breathing became even, he knew she was sleeping. He eased her off of his lap and onto the sofa. He scooted himself beside her and pulled her against his chest. He could still feel her trembling. The doctor in him was frustrated that this was not something he could simply fix. Misty didn’t have a broken arm she had a fearful heart. What ailed her could only be fixed by time and faith in Christ. He did the only thing he knew he could do he sought his Heavenly Father’s help. He prayed and asked for God to give her peace. He was still praying when he joined her and Rachel in sleep.