Read A Time of Seasons Page 8

Chapter Seven

  Dalton and Misty pulled into the long drive that led to her parents' ranch. A half mile later Misty could see her mom and dad standing out in front of the house. She looked over at Dalton. "Just heads up my parents are huggers."

  Dalton laughed. "I think I can handle it." He said as he parked the car and got out. Walking around the SUV, he opened Misty's door and then Rachel's. He unlatched the car seat and pulled it out. Jamie jumped out and followed Misty toward her parents.

  Terry Bishop rushed to her daughter. "Thank God you are ok. I was so worried." Looking past her daughter, she walked up to Dalton and gave him a hug as well. "Thank you so much for saving our girl and her baby."

  Dalton returned her embrace with one arm. Looking down at the woman he asked. "Would you like to meet your granddaughter?"

  Terry grinned. "I would like that very much." Terry watched as Dalton set the seat down and pull back the blanket. Tears filled her eyes as the most perfect little baby slept peacefully in the seat. She looked behind her as Chad walked up to them.

  Chad shook Dalton's hand. He looked down at the sleeping infant and then at his daughter. "You did good Lil', Pea."

  Misty giggled as she patted Jamie's head. Her dad's nickname for her would never change, and she didn’t mind that at all. "Now you have a Lil' Pea Jr."

  Chad looked at Dalton. "I can’t thank you enough for helping out little girl. If you need anything, all you need to do is let me know. While you are here, you are family."

  Dalton smiled at the man. "Thank you, sir, I'm honored to be considered a family member."

  Chad looked at the man and asked. "Where are your bags? The boys and I will get them. Those two should be driving up anytime now."

  Dalton spoke. "It is fine. If you want to take Rachel, I'll grab our bags."

  Chad was hearing none of it. "No, sir. You have done your part. You go on with Terry and Misty. The boys and I will get them."

  As if on cue Dalton observed a pickup truck heading down the drive. He conceded and showed Chad which bags were needed. As the 'boys' got out of the truck, Dalton chuckled. Coming toward him were two of the biggest men he had ever seen. "Your 'boys' are giants."

  Chad laughed. "I guess they are."

  Brock Bishop looked at the man standing beside his father. He assumed this was the doctor that had saved his sister's life. Holding out his hand he introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Brock. This ugly cuss beside me is Wyatt."

  Wyatt elbowed his brother before he shook the man's hand. "Like he said I'm Wyatt. I have to disagree with the ugly part, though."

  Dalton laughed as he shook each of the men's hands. "I'm Dalton. It is very nice to meet you."

  Wyatt looked at the car seat Dalton was still holding. "Is that little hiccup in the car seat our niece?"

  Dalton gently laid the car seat back down. "She sure is."

  The men smiled as they looked at the sleeping baby. Dalton knew she would be getting awake any second to eat. "I better get her to Misty. This little gal likes her food. That wiggle her little feet are doing right now is a surefire sign things are about to get ugly."

  Dalton turned and walked toward the house as the men got the bags out of the car. He saw Misty and her mom on the swing waiting for him and Rachel. He smiled at the peaceful look on Misty’s face. Jamie was lying at the women's feet. As he walked up to them, he smiled at Misty. "Her feet are moving, and we know what that means."

  Misty laughed as she watched Dalton taking Rachel out of the seat. Dalton gently laid Rachel in Misty's arms as he helped her get comfortable to nurse. Terry laughed as her granddaughter started eating. "She really does move around when she eats."

  Misty watched as her brothers came up to the house. She pulled the blanket over herself to be a bit more discrete. When she started fumbling Dalton walked over and helped her. "Thank you." She whispered.

  "You're welcome." He whispered back.

  Terry couldn't help but notice how gentle Dalton was. He was a perfect gentleman with Misty. She looked up at him and said. "We have the guest room all made up for you. If you need anything, you let me know. I will be upset if you don't ask."

  Dalton smiled at the older woman. "I will do that, but I think I have everything I need."

  Misty watched Dalton go into the house with her brothers and father. She looked over at her mom and asked. "Did you get a chance to make that appointment for tomorrow?"

  Terry chuckled as she answered. "I made the appointment for you. They seemed a bit troubled that you had fishing line that needed to be taken care of."

  Misty laughed. "He kind of had to use what was there."

  Terry looked down at the dog. She gave her a little pat on the head as she asked. "What is this girl's name?"

  Misty smiled as everyone came back out. Dalton heard the question and winked at her as he answered. "This is Jamie. I'm hoping she is still my dog, though. She seems to follow Misty everywhere."

  Misty spoke softly. "She saved my life. She found me and wouldn't leave me until she heard Dalton's voice. When she came back, Dalton was with her."

  Chad finally had to ask. "What exactly happened? They told us you were safe but nothing more."

  Misty looked at her family. "I got a flat tire on the way here. When I tried to change it, I discovered the spare was dry rotted. That was when I realized I needed to find help. I looked around and saw smoke. I started walking, and about an hour later my contractions started…."

  Dalton knew she was remembering how afraid she was. He walked over to her and sat on the chair beside the swing. She looked at Dalton and took a breath then started to speak again. "Two hours after the contractions started I knew I was in big trouble if I didn't find help. I was leaning against a tree, and my contractions were getting closer together. I looked up and saw Jamie. I followed her, and she stayed with me. When my water broke, my fear kept me walking. I knew I had to keep going. It was really starting to snow at that point, and my contractions were on top of each other. I have never prayed so much in my life. I…" Misty looked at Dalton. She could feel the fear trying to come again. She breathed deeply trying to gain control as her eyes begged Dalton to finish the story.

  Dalton continued the story. "I knew we were in for a blizzard and was out looking for Jamie. When I heard Jamie barking, I tried to get her to come but when I saw her she wouldn't come to me I was concerned. She started whimpering, and I knew she had found something I just didn’t know what or in this case who. I was surprised to find out it was Misty. I took one look at your daughter and knew she was going to have a baby outside if I didn’t get her back to my cabin quickly. I picked her up and ran all the way back."

  Misty was able to swallow her fear. She felt more confident as she spoke again. "When he told me he was a doctor, I could have cried I was so relieved. Dalton spent the next hour helping me bring Rachel into the world. I don't know what I would have done without him."

  Chad and Terry looked at each other. They had not been told how close to death their daughter had been. The way they had been spoken to. It seemed like Misty had been sheltered the entire time. "We almost lost both of you…" Terry said in a strangled voice.

  Dalton spoke softly. "God made sure you didn't. Try not to think about what could have been."

  Brock looked at Dalton. He knew the man was right. Looking at his mother, he rubbed his stomach. "I couldn't help but smell the food you have in the oven."

  Terry frowned at her son. "I just bet you couldn't. Did you peek?"

  Brock grinned. "I may have."

  Chad chuckled. "It wouldn't be Brock if he didn't peek."

  Misty was hungry too. She looked at Brock. "What did you find in the oven?"

  Brock winked at Misty. "Mom has baked chicken, green bean casserole, and apple cobbler in the oven."

  Misty's mouth watered. "That sounds so yummy. When is it done?"

sp; Terry took Rachel and started burping her as Misty fixed her shirt. She looked at her youngest son and answered. "It will be ready in about ten minutes."

  Wyatt looked at Brock. "I say we go set the table."

  Chad laughed at his sons. "You two are very helpful when food is involved."

  Brock gave his dad a lopsided grin. "If the food is mom's cooking that is more than true. I don’t even try to deny it."

  Dalton laughed as he stood up. "I'll help. If I have, to be honest, I'm starving."

  Misty watched the men go back in the house. She smiled as her brother Wyatt gave her a devilish wink. Laughter filled her voice as she said. "Those two are never going to grow up. They are the biggest kids I have ever seen."

  Terry kissed the top of Rachel's head. Her voice was wistful as she said. "They grow up faster than you think. Before you know it, your babies are having babies."

  Misty smiled gently at her mother as she asked. "Does it make you sad?"

  "It does not make me sad. It just reminds me how fast time goes by. I feel like it was just yesterday you were a baby in my arms. I hold this little girl and remember her mommy being this small. You really did a great job. She is perfect." Terry answered.

  Misty leaned her head against her mom's shoulder. Her family had no idea how much she had changed. Brent’s death and her near miss in the wilderness had stunted her. "I miss being a little girl."

  Terry knew Misty was thinking of Brent. "It will get easier. I know it hurts right now, but you will survive this and thrive."

  Misty felt tears sting her eyes as she spoke. "It hurts so badly. I feel like I have a hole in my heart."

  Terry spoke softly. "It will be ok. I promise. As I said I know that it hurts now, but God has plans for you. He wants you to heal and grow strong not wilt away in pain."

  Misty knew her mom was right. She just didn't know how to let go of that very real pain. "I know God will work in my heart. I will always do my best to listen to His leading. I trust that He will show me how to let fully go and embrace His will. It just seems so hard to do that right now."

  Chad opened the door and smiled at his wife and daughter. "The table is set. Are you two ready to come eat?"

  Misty wiped the tears from her eyes. Getting up from the swing she walked over to her dad and smiled up at him. "I think we are."

  Chad hugged his only daughter and whispered. "It will be ok Lil Pea. Let us help you. Remember that God has a season for everything in our lives. This season will pass."

  Misty whispered into her father's chest. "I'm trying to remember that."

  Chad pulled her closer. "You serve a big God. Don't lose faith now. You may not see it, but I think your future is closer than you think."

  Misty looked up into her father's face. She smiled as she touched his face. "Thanks for letting me come home."

  Chad kissed her forehead. "You are always welcome here. We don't stop being your parents just because you become an adult. We were thrilled you wanted to come home."

  Misty turned and looked at her mother. "Do you need me to take her?"

  Terry looked down at the sleeping baby. She said softly. "I think I would like to stay out here and hold her just a little longer. Go ahead and go eat."

  Chad looked down at Misty. "I guess we are being dismissed."

  Misty smiled up at her father. "I suppose we are."

  Terry watched the two go into the house. She sat there for an hour holding her first grandchild and praying for her daughter. It was time for the sad moments to lessen and the happy ones to once again become abundant. Terry prayed that her daughter would see that.