Read A Touch of Cinnamon Page 11

  “Well, I for one am ecstatic, welcome to the family,” Millie said, hugging him as well.

  “Jeez, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I said with a chuckle. “Let me get used to one thing at a time. Please.”

  “She’s never been big on change,” Millie told Jericho, as if I weren’t still standing right next to them.

  “This, I know,” Jericho replied, causing me to glare at them both.

  “Just for that, you guys are packing and moving all of my stuff,” I told them.

  “What stuff?” Millie asked jokingly. “My apartment had more in it when it was empty than yours does right now.”

  “As if I’d let you lift a finger in your condition,” Jericho added with a wink.

  I stuck my tongue out at Millie and rolled my eyes at Jericho.

  “Whatever,” I said then turned to Dru. “Hey, favorite sister, what do you say you take me downstairs and help me find some food for my belly while I find a doctor?”

  “Ohhh, favorite sister, I like that,” Dru said, also sticking her tongue out at Millie, who was pouting prettily.

  “I want to come, too,” Millie complained.

  “Oh, fine, you can both come, but no more ganging up on me with Jericho. Sisters stick together, no matter what.”

  Jericho kissed me on the cheek and said, “Let me know what the doctor says and when our appointment is, in the meantime, I’ll find a moving company and get it set up. But, hey, I’d love it if you’d pack a bag and meet me at home tonight.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied, then went in search of some nourishment for me and our baby.

  Jericho ~ Present

  “I PICKED UP THIS DRESSER today, and moved all of my stuff to one side of the closet. Plus, I cleared out some drawers and counter space in the bathroom. If you need any more room, or anything else, just let me know and I’ll make it happen.”

  We’d wheeled Natasha’s suitcases into the bedroom, and I had her overnight bag slung over my shoulder. In reality, with her clothes, shoes, and toiletries packed, there wasn’t a whole lot more for the movers to bring over.

  “Wow, you did all of this today?” Natasha asked, sticking her head in the closet then looking back at me in wonder. “That’s incredibly sweet.”

  “I want you to feel at home,” I replied, setting her bag on the bed. “Do you want to put stuff away first, or eat first?”

  “Eat, definitely,” she said, patting her flat belly, and as I looked down at her hand, I imagined what she’d look like once a few months had passed and she was starting to show.

  I can’t wait.

  “Then let’s go get cooking.” I held my elbow out gallantly, and she tucked her hand inside with a smile.

  In the kitchen, I had the makings for chicken stir fry and rice, one of the first meals we’d ever made together back in my old apartment. Natasha looked at me, her eyes slightly misty, then tucked into me and gave me a hug.

  Then we got to work.

  It was just like when we were younger. I put on the rice, while Natasha started chopping, then we worked seamlessly together until the stir fry was plated and we were ready to share our first meal together in our home.

  “Do you want water, juice, or maybe some ginger ale?” I asked as I pulled out a water for myself.

  “Um, water sounds good,” Natasha said, then looked at the bottle in my hand and added, “You know, you can have a beer, or whatever you want. Just cause I’m not drinking doesn’t mean you can’t.”

  “Nah, like I said, I want to experience everything about this pregnancy with you. That means, no drinking until you can.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to puke when I puke, too?” she asked with a grin as we sat at the table.

  “No, smart ass, but I want to support you and really do this with you.”

  “Sweet,” Natasha said again, with a shake of her head then took her first bite of stir fry. “Mmmmm, so good.”

  “Yeah?” I asked with a chuckle, pleased that we still had it. As if it were a test that we’d needed to pass and had.

  Natasha nodded, and as I joined her in eating, I knew it was time to fill her in on what was going on with my mother.

  “You know how I’ve been busy since we got back?”

  “Yeah,” Natasha replied, hovering her hand over her mouth when she talked.

  “When we were driving back from Maryland, I got a call from my mother.”

  Natasha put down her fork and reached for my hand.

  “She’s out of jail, has been for a few weeks, and I guess she’s been looking for me. She heard about the money from my grandfather, and is looking for a cut. She threatened to come here, but Mick left this morning for Philly. He’s gonna find her and serve her papers, plus tell her she’s not getting a dime.”

  “That’s awful, I’m so sorry. I can’t believe it’s the first time she’s talked to you in all this time, and all she’s worried about is money. Why didn’t you tell me?” Natasha asked. Not angrily, just curious.

  “At first, I was embarrassed. That she’s my mother and as you said, couldn’t care less about reconnecting with me, just concerned about getting money. I think I’m also not used to coming to you with stuff yet. It’s not that things haven’t been going great, they have . . . And it’s not that I thought you’d get scared and not stand by me. It’s more that I’m used to Hector being my sounding board now, and, although I don’t want that to change, you should be the first person I come to when something is going wrong. Or, right, for that matter.”

  Natasha squeezed my hand and nodded.

  “I get it, truly I do. I’m so used to my sisters being my first call whenever anything happens, that it almost doesn’t feel real until I’ve talked to them. But I promise the same, you’ll be my first call from now on.”

  “It’s a pact,” I agreed, running my thumb over her hand before releasing it so we could both resume eating. “How are you feeling?”

  “Great. I mean, I get nauseous sometimes, but when I eat a little something I feel better. I think my body’s telling me to snack more in between meals, rather than getting stuck at my desk and going long stretches of no eating.”

  “Maybe keeping some nuts and string cheese or something at your desk will help.”

  “Yeah, I’ll grab some stuff tomorrow . . . It still seems so surreal. I know I said we had to wait to hear it from the doctor, but I’m ninety-nine percent sure that I’m pregnant. I can hardly believe it.”

  “And, does that make you happy?” I asked, hopeful that she was as ecstatic as I was.

  Her smile was gorgeous when she replied, “Yes. Very happy. And, I take it from your reaction earlier, that you’re happy, too?”

  “Thrilled,” I assured her. “This baby is going to have two parents that love him or her and will do everything to ensure he has a great childhood. We both learned from our parents’ mistakes, and, I for one, plan to be the best dad possible.”

  Part of doing that means, I need to make sure this baby’s grandmother stays far, far away from my family.

  Natasha ~ Present

  “THIS IS GOING TO BE cold,” Dr. Richmond said, right before squirting goo onto my belly.

  I sucked in my breath, because, yes, it was cold. I watched as she placed the end of the wand on my stomach and smeared the goo around, then turned my attention to the monitor, cognizant of Jericho’s hand in mine and his face also turned toward the screen.

  The room filled with a staticy sound, then, suddenly, there was a whooshing.

  “That’s your baby’s heartbeat,” the doctor informed us, and I felt my eyes fill with tears.

  “Wow,” Jericho whispered.

  “That’s amazing,” I managed as the tears began to fall.


  “Thank you,” I said, bringing Jericho’s hand to my cheek and turning toward him. “Can you believe it?”

  Jericho’s eyes were misty as well as he bent down to kiss me first on the forehead, then on the

  “We’re going to be parents,” he mused, and I nodded happily.

  Never had I imagined when Jericho opened Prime Beef on Main Street, right across from Three Sisters, that we’d be here a year and a half later. I hadn’t allowed myself to have this dream, not once I left him, and I was so grateful that he’d forgiven me, because now . . . I had everything I’ve ever wanted.

  “I’ll give you two a few minutes. Go ahead and get dressed, Natasha, and I’ll meet you both in my office,” Dr. Richmond said as she cleaned off my stomach with a tissue and rose from her stool.

  “Thank you,” I told her as I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed.

  I waited until she left to stand up and take off the hospital gown, but before I could put my shirt back on, Jericho was kneeling before me, his hands on my waist. I grinned down at him when he placed a soft kiss on my belly, then felt that same tummy tingle when he looked up at me and took my left hand in his.

  “Natasha Rose, ever since I bumped into you on purpose the first day of accounting class, I’ve been fascinated by you, and although we spent some time apart, I always held out hope that we’d end up back together. I missed you and now that I have you back, I never want to let you go. I can’t wait to live our lives here, to raise our children, to grow old together. I feel like I was born to love you, and I want to show you that love every minute of every day. Marry me, and neither of us will ever be lonely again. I promise you a life full of love, laughter, and support.”

  I was full-on crying by the time he pulled a small velvet box out of his pocket and opened it to reveal a gorgeous, rose gold engagement ring with diamonds running along the band.

  “Yes!” I cried then realized the sound was muffled by the hand covering my mouth. So, I lowered my right hand and extended the fingers on my left and said, “Yes,” once more, louder this time.

  I sniffled as he slid the ring on my finger, admired the shine for a moment, then jumped into his arms the moment he was back on his feet.

  “I love you,” I said, my hands coming up to pull his face down to mine for another, slightly wet kiss.

  “I love you, too,” Jericho replied between kisses. “Thanks for saying yes.”

  I laughed happily, then realized I still wasn’t dressed and moved to get my clothes.

  “When we tell this story, pretend I had clothes on,” I said as I pulled my shirt over my head.

  “You got it, babe,” Jericho chuckled.

  Once I was ready, we walked out of the room and down the hall to the doctor’s office. I stood outside for a moment, unsure whether or not I should knock, but Dr. Richmond must have heard us because she called, “Come in.”

  Once we were settled, she looked at my hand, then up at the two of us with a friendly smile.

  “Looks like congratulations are in order.”

  “Thank you,” Jericho and I said, automatically reaching our hands out for each other.

  “First things first, here are a few pictures I printed out of your baby. At coming appointments, we’ll be able to use the 3D ultrasound machine to get better pictures, and usually, between your twelve or sixteen-week appointment, we’ll be able to tell the gender of the baby, if that’s something you’ll want to know.”

  “Yes,” I said, at the same time, Jericho exclaimed, “Absolutely!”

  The doctor laughed and said, “Sounds good. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. Until then, we’ll plan to schedule once-a-month appointments for the first two trimesters, and here is a copy of What to Expect When You’re Expecting, as well as some informational brochures for you both to start reading.”

  “Thank you so much,” I said as Jericho reached over to gather everything off of the desk and placed it on his lap.

  “Do you have any questions for me?” she asked.

  “Um, yes, I didn’t realize I was pregnant, and I’ve had some wine over the last few weeks, will that harm the baby in any way?” I asked nervously. This was a question that had been bothering me all day.

  “No, small amounts of alcohol will not affect your baby’s growth. I recommend that from this point forth you refrain from any heavy drinking, but a small glass of wine now and again won’t hurt.”

  I nodded, and let out a relieved breath.

  “Anything else?”

  “Sex,” Jericho spat out, as if he had to force himself to ask. “Will sex hurt the baby?”

  Dr. Richmond smiled, and assured him, “Absolutely not. It’s perfectly safe, and healthy, to have a normal sex life. In fact, once you’re ready to give birth, it actually helps move things along.”

  Jericho looked pleased with this information.

  “All right then, if there’s nothing else, you can set up your next appointment at the front desk for one month from now. I suggest you take notes as you’re reading and write down any questions that you have for me over the next few weeks, and bring them in with you for your next appointment.”

  “Sounds good, and thanks again, Dr. Richmond,” Jericho said as he stood and shook her hand.

  “Thank you,” I mimicked, waving goodbye as I led us out of her office, eager to get to the car so I could start reading the material.

  Jericho ~ Present

  “I’M NERVOUS,” NATASHA WHISPERED, TUGGING on my hand to make me stop.

  I turned and looked down at her with a reassuring smile.

  “It’s going to be okay, I’ve got you,” I replied, trying to get her to start moving again, but she stayed rooted.

  “He hates me,” she said, her eyes wide and suspiciously misty.

  Natasha had been pretty emotional over the last few days. Crying at television commercials, songs, and one time when she dropped her peanut butter sandwich on the floor. It was completely out of character for her, and I found it terribly endearing.

  “Baby, he’ll come around, I promise. Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that Dru wanted to fry my heart up like bacon.”

  Natasha laughed at that. “She still kind of wants to.”

  “I know,” I said with a chuckle, “which is why I go out of my way to be extra nice to her. Come on, Hector is a great guy, I swear it.”

  Natasha nodded and unstuck her feet, allowing me to lead her back into the kitchen at Prime Beef.

  Hector was wearing his black chef coat, with Prime Beef stitched over his heart. He was talking to his sous chef and didn’t see us until we were almost next to him. His head swung up, and he started to smile at me, then his gaze shifted so he saw Natasha and he shot me a frown.

  “Hey,” I said in greeting, my tone a warning for him to not be a dick.

  “Jericho,” he replied, his voice conveying his annoyance with me. “Ambush?”

  “Let’s go to the office for a minute,” I suggested, aware of all the eyes in the kitchen on us.

  “I’m pretty busy right now . . .”

  “Hector, just give us a minute of your time, we’ll be quick,” I said, exasperated.

  “Fine,” Hector said grudgingly, holding out his hand to indicate we should go first.

  Not trusting him to actually follow, I mimicked his gesture, smiling when he let out a frustrated breath, but started walking.

  I looked down at Natasha, who was looking a little freaked, and gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before we followed him out and to my office.

  “You’ve got your minute,” Hector said, crossing his arms over his chest as he turned to face us.

  “Quit being a dick,” I managed, getting pissed off. “That’s not who you are, and that’s not who I want Natasha to think you are. We came here because you’re one of the two most important people in my life, so not only do I want it to stay that way, but when something amazing happens, I want to be able to tell you about it. Since it’s not only my news to share, I thought it was about time I brought the two of you together, and let Natasha be here to share our news as well.”

  Hector thawed a bit, but looked at Natasha and me suspiciously.

?What news?”

  “We’re getting married,” I said.

  “And, having a baby,” Natasha added, just like we’d talked about, but her voice wavered as she waited warily for Hector’s reaction.

  It took him a moment. He actually shook his head as if unsure he’d heard us correctly, then his gaze flew down to Natasha’s left hand, before coming back up to look in my face.

  “You’re engaged and having a baby?” he asked, in total shock. Then, slowly, his lips turned up and his grin took up his entire face.

  I heard Natasha breathe a sigh of relief, as my oldest friend came rushing forward to give me a crushing hug.

  “Congratulations, Papi,” he said with a laugh, and I hugged him back just as tightly.

  “Thanks, brother.”

  Hector pulled back, still grinning like a lunatic, then let me go and turned to Natasha.

  Before he could speak, she did.

  “I don’t blame you for not liking me. You’re a good friend to Jericho, and as such, you were there for him when I left him and broke his heart. You shouldn’t like me, at least, not for that . . . But, Jericho has said that in addition to being loyal, you’re fair, and have a big heart. So, I’m hoping, eventually, you’ll find it in your heart to give me a chance. I’m not going anywhere this time, I promise. I’m going to be Jericho’s wife, and the mother of his children, and we both want you to be a part of that life. I understand it may take time, but I’ll be here, if you’re ever ready to get to know me now.”

  Hector looked shocked, and I had to pull her in for a quick hug and kiss before releasing her and waiting to see what he’d say.

  Finally, he nodded.

  “I appreciate your candor, and your understanding. It will take a little time for me, but, making this man happy is all I need from you to help move that along. He’s always wanted to have a family, and you’re giving him that, so thank you, Natasha, and congratulations.”

  “He already has a family in you. I hope you’ll come to accept my sisters and I as well, and our growing family, because we’re happy to have you.”