Read A Touch of Flame Page 5

  He turned the water on, stepped in and gave a groan of pleasure. He didn’t hurry, either. He soaped up three times before his sensitive wolf’s nose told him he was clean.

  When he was done, he’d planned on getting dressed and exploring Maeve’s apartment. Instead, the bed called to him once more. He needed to heal the rest of the way before he could resume his life.

  ~ ~ ~

  An hour before dawn and with her satchel in hand, Maeve stood near a rundown strip center off what used to be Shea Blvd. The buildings had once been a medium brown but thirty years of decay had left them looking like they’d been fire-bombed.

  Kiara wasn’t far.

  If she continued up the sidewalk without invoking her own spell she knew what would happen. Veyda’s security spell would hit her, she’d experience profound confusion then end up a mile away without a clue how she’d gotten there. She knew quite well just how close she could get to Veyda’s compound before the spell kicked in.

  She held a pouch in her hands that contained what she hoped was a stronger spell reversal powder than the last time. It should help Maeve pierce then travel more easily through Veyda’s spell. At least, she hoped so.

  Taking a series of deep breaths, she slowed her heartrate. She needed to be calm for her witch abilities to work at their best. She opened the pouch and took a small pinch of the herbal-based powder then flicked it into the air. As before, a wood gate emerged. She pushed it open and saw the familiar stone path most of which was cloaked in a swirl of purple and black clouds, physical evidence of Veyda’s witchcraft.

  She walked carefully along the path, one slow step at a time, until the purple and black clouds began to touch her. Using another pinch of the herbs, she flicked them again into the air again. When the clouds wouldn’t leave her, she forced herself to breathe again and to calm her heart. For whatever reason, a calm spirit made a huge difference.

  She shot another pinch into the air and this time, though slowly, the clouds rolled away and more of the path emerged. This new version of her spell powder was working better.

  She could see the side of the building now all the way to the end. The row of barred windows was now visible. As before, she heard at least one of the women weeping. It took phenomenal effort to keep her rage from overwhelming her. But she feared if she lost it, she’d end up either doing damage or getting confused and finding herself a mile from the compound once more.

  She focused on Kiara instead. When the purple and black swirls encroached yet again, she repeated the herb-flicking process until she reached the last cell.

  She spoke softly. “Kiara, are you there?”

  A long gasp. “Maeve. I’m so glad you’re back. You’ve given me hope.” She coughed after these softly whispered words.

  Maeve didn’t like the sound of it. “What’s wrong? What did she do to you?”

  “More of the same, except this time, she burned my neck.”

  “Oh, God.” Veyda tortured her captives with an acid-like paste that ate through the flesh and caused unimaginable pain.

  “We’ve got to get you out of here, Kiara. But I don’t know what else I can do. I’ve tried conjuring a hundred different potions and powders but nothing impacts this hiding spell of Veyda’s except these ridiculous herbs I flick.”

  Kiara coughed again, but said nothing.


  “What. Oh, sorry. My mind goes in and out. I’m…I’m in a lot of pain.”

  “Well, that’s something I can help you with.” She reached into her satchel and withdrew a packet of wafers made from pain-relieving herbs. She handed it through the bars then let it drop. “Did you get it?”

  “I’m opening it now.” She heard the faint sounds of paper being folded back then Kiara moaning in relief. “Oh, that’s wonderful and so fast. Thank you, Maeve. You’ve been the best friend.”

  “You helped me so much when I first arrived. I thought I’d lose my mind, especially after that horrible introduction to the dark coven.”

  “You did the right thing that night. Now that I’ve felt the nature of the acid, I wish I was dead.”

  “Don’t say that.”

  She chuckled. “Well, I don’t feel that way now, not when I have your amazing tonic inside me.”

  Maeve sighed. Kiara was one of those women all women admired. She was a goddess. Besides being beautiful with long dark brown hair and dark eyes, she had more compassion than a thousand good women combined. How she’d fallen into Veyda’s snare was a mystery. But then Veyda had been working her dark arts far longer than either Maeve or Kiara had been in Five Bridges combined.

  Her thoughts turned to Braden. “You’ll never guess who I plucked out of the Graveyard four nights ago. In fact, he’s the reason I haven’t come back sooner.”

  “Who?” How at ease Kiara sounded now.

  Maeve stood up on her tip-toes to look inside the cell. Kiara was stretched out on her small cot with her feet toward the wall and her head in the center of the space. With no pillow, she had her hands clasped behind her head.

  Kiara’s smiled was crooked as she lifted a hand and waved. “Those wafers are heaven. I’ve tucked the rest beneath the cot for later.”

  Kiara’s dark hair spilled over the mattress. She wore a thin, white sleeveless shift that left her thighs exposed. Maeve could see the red, bloody spots on her neck as well as the older scars on her legs.

  “Did you lose your voice?” Kiara smiled again. “Tell me about Braden. You know I love him. I mean not love-love him. But I adore him. He’s got the biggest heart.”

  “He does.”

  “Yes. He’s really good friends with Alpha Warren.” Her brows rose. “Now there’s a man.”

  Maeve knew who Warren was. He bore scars like the ones Kiara now had. The sides of his face and head were deeply pitted and scar-streaked, yet here was Kiara expressing real interest.

  She told Kiara about Braden’s brush with death, his surgery and wounds, the transfusions and his nightmares afterward.

  “That’s terrible. And you think this was Veyda’s doing?”

  “Her henchman, Ely Gammet and some of his wolves, were the ones who attacked him.”

  “Then it was Veyda for sure. I wonder why?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Kiara smiled suddenly. “So, you slept in the same bed.”

  “It was the only way to keep him calm.”

  “Did you do anything?”

  Maeve could only laugh. “He was in a coma or delirious for four days and nights. So, no, we didn’t do anything.”

  “You have a thing for him, though, don’t you?”

  Maeve didn’t feel like hiding anything right now. “I always liked him. You know I did. But ever since I took him from the Graveyard, it’s as though I’m connected to him now. I mean, I can scent him. How often does that happen?”

  “Never. Unless you’re alpha-mate material.”

  “What?” Kiara had been in Five Bridges longer and knew a lot more than Maeve did, especially about Savage Territory. “What do you mean, alpha-mate material.”

  “I don’t know for a fact, but I’ve heard that one of the signs that a woman can bond with an alpha is that she can smell him. What’s it like, by the way? His scent, I mean.”

  “Madagascar vanilla and so erotic, my knees almost gave out.”

  “Do you think you could be an alpha’s mate?”

  “I have no idea but I’m not exactly thrilled by the idea.”

  “But you’re thrilled by Braden.”

  She sighed. What was the point of not owning the truth? “I am, more than I realized until I’ve been taking care of him for the past several nights. By the way, is it true shifters like you to be on all fours?”

  Kiara laughed quietly. “That’s what I hear, but then I’ve never been with a wolf. I take it the idea appeals.”

  “They bite down on the back of your neck. It’s about control.” Her knees suddenly turned to jelly again.

  She gave
herself a shake. “I have to get back. But as soon as Braden is better, I’m going to ask him to help. I mean, he’s an alpha and stronger than any of the shifters at the Landing. I’ve been working on my spells to see if I can create one powerful enough to bring someone else with me. When I can, I’m sure we can bust down this wall. Something. I swear, Kiara, I’ll do everything I can get you out of here.”

  She watched Kiara struggle to sit up.

  “Don’t get up.”

  “I want to. It’s important.” She finally stood up, wincing despite the pain medication. She pressed her hand to her neck. It was bleeding.

  She drew close to the bars and slid her fingers through. Maeve slid hers over them. Kiara leaned her forehead against the iron. Maeve did the same.

  Her mind reached Maeve’s. Your friendship has kept me alive. I need you to know that. You’re so strong, Maeve. I wish I had half your strength.

  Maeve couldn’t have been more surprised. I feel the same way about you.

  At that, Kiara leaned back and smiled. “Maybe that’s why we’re friends.” She jerked her head suddenly behind her and switched back to telepathy. You should leave. One of the guards is coming.

  Maeve dropped out of sight then crawled her way back up the path. The cell doors had a sightline through to the individual cell windows and the side garden beyond. With her satchel slung onto her back, she kept her pouch handy since the black and purple swirls returned to harass her. She flicked her herbs at it and kept the path clear until she reached the sidewalk once more.

  She spotted a cab and raised her arm. When the cab pulled close, she opened the door and hopped in. She wished like hell she could levitate and fly. It would make her life so much simpler.

  Now all she had to do was talk a wolf into helping her to bust Kiara out of the worst witch-prison in all of Elegance Territory.

  Unfortunately, the hour was closing in on dawn.

  When she got back to the Landing and headed down the spiral stairs to her home, she could hear him snoring. Suddenly, fatigue settled hard on her as well.

  Before either of them could do anything, Braden needed to heal a little more and she needed a good day’s sleep.

  Chapter Three

  “You’re up.”

  Braden closed a photo-laden book called Herbs and Their Uses in Dynamic Potions. He was in a witch’s lair all right. He sat on the couch in her living room and glanced toward the spiral stone stairs to the right. Maeve had returned from wherever she’d been.

  She hadn’t been around when he woke up for the night and he’d been tempted to start looking around, to gain his bearings and figure out where exactly he was. But his instincts had told him to stay put. Her small, black cat had followed him around, keeping him company. He’d found the feline’s presence oddly comforting.

  Another shower had helped bring him to the present, fully healed and rested. Alfonso had checked in on him as well and made sure he’d been fed. But before doing anything, like exploring what was her extensive Landing complex, he wanted Maeve’s permission. He owed her at least that much since according to Alfonso, she single-handedly supported and sustained the lives of her rescues.

  Her steps were quick and her blue eyes bright as she crossed to him. She was an intense woman.

  He rose to his feet. “I am up and I’m glad you’re back.”

  She smiled then looked him up and down. “I can’t believe you’ve been sitting out here? You must feel a lot better.”

  He chuckled. “Much. I slept through the night and the day. I’m almost as good as new. I admit your infuser helped, even though I’m still concerned you’re using emerald flame in your potions.

  “But Alfonso was here as well. He brought me a nice pork loin, very tender and well-seasoned. You’ve got a good chef.” He gestured behind him in the direction of the bedroom. “The bed’s been changed. Everything’s fresh.”

  “That’s good.”

  She seemed distracted. He knew her a little. Her mind was chewing on a problem. “So, what’s going on?”


  “The only good witch in Elegance.”

  She lifted a reproving brow. “I beg your pardon.”

  He held both hands up, surrender style. “All right. I guess there are at least two of you. Did you see her while I was sleeping?”

  She nodded, the serious frown between her brows deepened. “Just before dawn. I need to get her out of that place. Veyda tortured her again.” He watched Maeve put a hand to her neck. “This time, she burned her throat. Which leads me to this. Any chance you could lend me a hand? I won’t be able to do it alone.”

  “Hell, yeah. But let me understand. Are you saying you’ve located Veyda’s compound?”

  She clasped her hands together. Her knuckles showed white. “I found it a few days ago, but it’s protected by a powerful security spell that I’ve only recently cracked, at least enough to get in there by myself.”

  “Was this before you hauled me out of the Graveyard?”

  “A couple of days before.”

  His mouth dropped open. Had he heard right? “You know I have a vested interest. Why didn’t tell me?”

  She drew close. “Because there was nothing you could do about it. I had to figure out a spell first. I would have told you when we next met up. Then I found you in the Graveyard. So, here we are.

  “And the truth is I couldn’t have given you a specific location even if I wanted to, only the cross-streets. Trust me, you would never have found it on your own because of the security spell. Before I figured out an antidote, that only partially works, by the way, I would arrive at the cross-streets then hit a wall of confusion. The next thing I knew, I’d be down the street, a mile away, with no idea how I’d gotten there.”

  He tried to make sense of this. “You should have told me what you knew anyway. Veyda’s my strongest lead. I’m convinced it was her coven that killed Laura. So, what the hell. I thought you and I were friends.”

  “Okay. You’re pissed. But what would you have done if I’d told you where it was, the cross-streets I mean?”

  “I would have headed over there, checked things out for myself.”

  “Bingo. You see, I do know you, Braden. And you would have gotten yourself killed because it seems to me Veyda wants you dead. You would have had no protection going in. We’re talking dark witchcraft, the kind that somehow allowed you to be lured into the Graveyard and nearly slaughtered. Or did you think you’d simply made a foolish judgment call after being a powerful alpha wolf leader for years.”

  His mouth fell agape once more and wouldn’t close. A couple of obscenities rolled off his tongue. He ran his hand through his hair and turned away from her. “You’re right. I’ve been thinking about how I got out there and I can’t remember. Had to be a spell or something.”

  She crossed in front of him to the large stone fireplace opposite the couch. She looked despondent. “You should have seen Kiara. Veyda’s been acid-burning her. She had a gaping, bloody wound on her neck. She was barely conscious this time and every witch sense I have tells me Veyda intends to sacrifice her.”

  He drew close. “Hey. I’ll do what I can to help. You know I will.”

  She glanced up at him. “Thanks.”

  “There is something I’m curious about. You never told me how you came to know Kiara, only that she was your mentor and at times a therapist.”

  She turned toward him and huffed a breath. “When I was abducted by Veyda and used my power to kill those witches, afterward I was left with a memory gap. I can’t remember what happened. All I know is that without knowing how I got there, I ended up at Kiara’s front door. That’s how I met her.”

  “Kind of a strange introduction.”

  “Very. But she took me in. Protected me. Taught me how to develop my security spells to withstand even Veyda. I owe her so much. I mean a month after the abduction she had me back here, at my house, long before it became Hard Landing, and I went to work hauling people out of the
Graveyard. You know the rest.”

  Braden took a step closer to the fireplace. “So, why are you telling me all this now?”

  She met his gaze. “I’ve always trusted you. But ever since you ended up here, I’ve wondered if fate isn’t somehow involved. And things seem different between us. Know what I mean?”

  He leaned his arm on the tall mantle. His lips twitched. “Well, we have shared the same bed.”

  She chuckled, but her amusement dimmed quickly. He sensed how worried she was about Kiara.

  “Look, Maeve. I owe you big time and I care about Kiara as much as you do. She always took the time to answer my questions about Elegance. Maybe if we put our heads together we’ll be able to get her out of Veyda’s hellhole.”

  She held his gaze. “I’m working hard to find the right spell, but I’ll need some muscle going in.” She moved to sit down on the couch. She shared her effort over the past few days.

  He nodded solemnly. “So, we have Veyda’s security spell to contend with. What about Veyda’s compound?”

  “I don’t know much about it. I’ve only been on the west side with the row of cells.”

  He thought for a moment. “It might be wise to start at the beginning. Why don’t you tell me everything you can about the night you were inside Veyda’s compound. Any physical details of the location will help as we put a plan together.”

  “Okay. The biggest problem with my memory occurred at the beginning because I was drugged and spelled. I don’t even recall seeing the outside of her complex, only the inside of the killing room. That’s where I was when the spell or the drugs or both began to peel away and I became aware of my surroundings.”

  He turned to face her fully, his back to the fireplace.

  She shook her head. “The smell was like evil burning, I can’t explain it any other way. I remember I was facing west in a large room with high ceilings. The walls were all covered with red velvet drapes. The south end was the main entrance. On the opposite side were risers, where the witch choir chanted. There had to be at least thirty witches present all dressed in red velvet robes.”