Read A Touch of Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 5) Page 16

  Maeve’s heart set up a racket. Wizard Glissane could kill them all right now. Without hesitation, she sent a wave of energy toward him. He crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes. Her killing power fell harmless to the floor, then he vanished.

  She listened intently and waited for the attack.

  But nothing happened.

  His voice pierced her mind. I want Kiara to live. I hope you succeed, Maeve.

  Where did he go? Greg asked.

  Braden responded. I heard the front door open and close. Best guess? He took off.

  Wolves had excellent hearing.

  Maeve worked to calm her heart. She didn’t understand why the wizard hadn’t acted against her, though she suspected his reasons weren’t good.

  Braden planted a hand on her shoulder. Maeve, Glissane is gone. Let’s get on with our mission.

  When the chanting stopped, Maeve knew the torture was about to begin again. Only this time, it would be death for those who’d been involved on any level with Kiara’s pain and agony.

  Rage filled her and with it a powering of her energy that felt very familiar. She’d become enraged during the forced induction. She’d been out of her mind, except for one thing. She knew she had to escape and the witches had to die.

  She whipped through the doorway that led to the killing room. The final barrier was a red velvet curtain like the gowns of the dark coven witches.

  She pushed past the drapery and with a swift glance took it all in. Kiara lay inert on the central killing platform. She was naked, her wrists and ankles bound with ropes. Her body had been burned with poisons. The wounds leaked blood everywhere.

  To the left of the platform, Veyda stood with both arms raised high. She held a sharp, steel blade in her hands. She had dark green flames on her neck and rising into her cheeks, a sure sign she was addicted to the drug after its name.

  The chanting witches stood at the far end just as they had the night of her attempted induction. Anticipation for the sacrifice held them in thrall.

  To the right was the bank of two-way mirrors where no doubt every manner of perversion occurred.

  All this Maeve saw in a split-second.

  She didn’t have time to think. She simply lifted her arm and leveled a shot at Veyda.

  At the exact same moment, Veyda caught sight of Maeve. Her eyes widened followed by a flash of horror. The blade fell from her hands. But as the shot reached her, she crossed her arms over her chest and Maeve’s shot disintegrated.

  Veyda disappeared.

  The witches started to scream and scatter.

  Braden held her back. Let the team take care of Kiara. Watch for Veyda.

  The team moved forward heading to Kiara. If a witch tried to stop one of them, the wolf used his blade and cut her throat. Maeve was surprised at how many of the women made the attempt. Most, however, scattered toward the two exit doors near the choir seats.

  Maeve kept her senses focused on the room. She worked hard to locate Veyda.

  The woman’s voice was suddenly in her head. I see you’ve used a pinch of emerald flame.

  Maeve didn’t respond. In this situation, silence was power. Instead, she focused all her attention on Veyda’s whereabouts.

  She felt movement behind her, a slight shifting of air as though Veyda had barely brushed by her, then nothing. Does he know the truth, Maeve, about that night?

  Again, Maeve remained very quiet. Braden seemed to understand her silence since he didn’t try to communicate with her. He remained next to her, watching the team free the barely-conscious woman. One of the wolves took her into his arms while another one used his t-shirt to cover her up.

  Veyda again. I’m guessing you didn’t because why would he be with you right now?

  She had no idea what Veyda was talking about.

  You were such a disappointment to me that night, Maeve-the-gifted. I offered you the world and you turned me down. I don’t like being turned down.

  The hardness of the last phrase, ignited Maeve to action. With the entire team safely in front of her, she whipped around and sent her killing power in a broad arc behind her.

  Veyda screamed.

  Maeve had wounded her!

  Good. She kept firing in the same direction though she doubted Veyda was still there. She continued the onslaught of her killing power until the velvet curtains at the entrance to the room caught fire. She heard running from behind the mirrors.

  Braden tracked with her as she began to move around the room.

  Levitating swiftly, she set every bit of velvet drapery on fire. Braden stuck close and often placed his hands at her waist to support her.

  She took her time setting the central killing platform on fire. But because it was made of wood, it lit up like kindling.

  Braden’s voice was in her had. This place sickens me.

  Maeve glanced at him. He was facing the mirrors.

  Have at it.

  Braden lifted his AR-15 and fired at the mirrored glass. The sound was deafening in the enclosed space.

  As the glass fell to the floor, the interior viewing rooms appeared. But they were empty now.

  Maeve extended her killing power into what was three large rooms. Each had a platform of its own, a bar, chairs, just as she’d remembered. The whole thing was disgusting.

  She added her own stream of power. When flames climbed the walls and the heat of the burning platform reached a dangerous level, Maeve headed for the exit near the choir seats.

  She levitated swiftly and found the team on watch in the hallway just beyond. Greg still held Kiara in his arms.

  Stay silent, team. Braden’s deep voice filled her mind. We’re not out of the woods yet.

  He turned to Maeve. Which way should we go? The wrong one and I suspect we’ll be ambushed.

  There were three possible paths. Maeve knew the witches had taken the central one. The hall to the right led back to the private viewing rooms and the foyer.

  We can’t leave the way we came.

  She gestured to the left. This hall will take us to the cells. It’s an unlikely move on our part, which makes it the right one.

  I agree. Braden dipped his chin once firmly.

  Maeve led the way. She had another profound sense that she’d stayed in this part of the compound while Veyda had kept her drugged.

  With the house burning, she said, Let’s get the other women out.

  There wasn’t a single protest. She felt the team’s drive and unified purpose, their need, like hers, to right this wrong. She flew swiftly down the hall to the end. It wasn’t far to the various cells. They weren’t high-tech. Each used the same master key that hung on the wall.

  One of the men took the key and went down the row of cells unlocking them. Most of the women could walk and moved swiftly into the hallway. The wolves whispered to them asking them to keep quiet. Those that couldn’t walk, the wolves carried out. A door closest to the street emptied back onto the spelled path.

  Maeve went first. Just in case, she used her killing power and swept her arm in a swathe, but she had a strong sense no one was there.

  She also suspected they’d be in serious trouble once they emerged onto the street especially with so many captives in tow

  Braden, we need to go up into the night sky and out. There’s no other way. Not with the captives with us.

  I agree. But you’ll have to assist everyone through the spell.

  No problem.

  The women huddled together wild-eyed with fear, not daring to hope. Most were humans. Of the three alter women present, only one could levitate. But Greg had an answer.

  We can fly them across the rooftops one by one. Have Alfonso waiting for us at the entrance to the Landing. He can get us in. Then we’ll come back for more.

  Braden nodded. It’ll work. Maeve will lead you up through Veyda’s spell then wait for you to return. I’ll protect those that remain.

  Maeve levitated above the spelled building. The six wolves carried out
the severely wounded first then took off into the air.

  She remained where she was. As she looked around, she was pretty sure she could now see holes in the spell. She smiled. She’d wounded the bitch, all right.

  Smoke boiled in the air and fire engines now blared in the distance.

  The wolves returned swiftly. She guided them back through the security spell. They quickly picked up the next group. There were fifteen women in all, fifteen at different stages of torture, all awaiting death.

  She led the next group up through the spell and watched as the wolves carried them into the dark. The wolves hustled and returned in less than two minutes.

  As the remaining women were picked up, Braden held is AR-15 upright and ready. Until they were all safely back at the Landing, they were in jeopardy.

  As she led the last group through the spell, however, she felt Veyda’s presence.

  Veyda’s here.

  Hold! Braden held his fist in the air. The team froze where they were. Heat now boiled off the building as flames ate through to the west side where they now hovered above the spell.

  Maeve searched the area and finally saw Veyda at the far end near the well-kept front garden. The witch was burned across her face and chest. I’m coming for you, Maeve, but you’ll never see me.

  The witch vanished. Veyda’s badly wounded and can’t hurt us right now. Let’s go.

  The flight back to the Landing, however, felt like it took an hour. Her back itched as she flew. Was Veyda following despite her wounds and her pain?

  Within less than a minute, they’d reached her compound. Alfonso waited outside and ushered them in.

  Once within, Maeve felt the need to reestablish the security spell. She knew Alfonso would take good care of the victims.

  Braden remained with her. He still held his gun in hand. She didn’t blame him.

  Maeve told him what she needed to do then levitated just inside the wall and gates. She took her time. Maybe it was the touch of emerald flame, but she felt the weak areas of her spell as though they were something she could touch with her hands.

  She had Braden track with her as she traveled the entire perimeter of her refuge. She rebuilt the spell over and over, shoring up the Landing with the last remaining energy she possessed.

  When she was done and knew her compound was safe, she wobbled sideways.

  Braden caught her then lifted her into his arms. “Let me carry you. My guess is that using your killing power the way you did tonight has used up your reserves.”

  “I won’t refuse your help.”

  Braden flew her back to the emergency entrance doors.

  “I’m okay. I can manage.”

  He set her on her feet, but sure enough her legs gave out.

  Braden caught her before she hit the ground and held her in his arms once more. “Maeve, are you sure you’re okay? Do you need to see Alfonso?”

  “I’m done in, is all. I need a meal, a lot of water, and I really need to sleep. I used up a boatload of energy burning down the killing room.”

  “You were magnificent.”

  She leaned her head against Braden’s muscular chest. She felt safe and could finely relax.

  The last thing she remembered was the wonderful scent of Madagascar and how it gave her a tingle all the way to her toes. Then there was nothing.

  She woke up in her bed, her head throbbed and her left hand and arm ached. No surprise there.

  She heard Braden’s voice. “Drink this.” She felt his arm behind her shoulders as helped her to sit up. She guzzled a tall glass of water, then fell back asleep.

  Later, she woke up once more just as Braden climbed into bed. She caught his arm. “How’s Kiara?”

  He turned toward her and pet her curls. “She’s fine. She’s sleeping as are the others we brought out of there. Your people have rushed in to care for them all. You have nothing to worry about. Go back to sleep.”

  So, she did.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next night, Braden leaned against the bedroom doorframe. Maeve lay on her stomach and was still sound asleep. Every once in a while, the fingers of her left hand twitched. She’d been dead to the world for over twenty hours.

  It was almost eleven at night, but a full day had passed since Kiara’s rescue.

  Sheba slept at the foot of the bed. She’d stuck close to offer her cat-comfort.

  Mug in hand, he sipped his coffee, his thoughts sobered and very pointed. He could think of little else than Maeve and what she’d come to mean to him.

  When he’d put her to bed, he’d begun to wonder how far down the road he’d already traveled with her. He even admitted to himself they were as close as he and Laura had been.

  He’d gotten her clothes off, all the while trying not to become aroused and failing. As he settled her on the sheets, he’d even tried to kiss her neck. But she murmured something incomprehensible, rolled on her side and had fallen into a deep sleep.

  So, here he stood, sipping his coffee and wondering.

  Only he really wasn’t wondering anymore.

  After the mission to rescue Kiara, he knew he was in love with Maeve Lennox. Somewhere over the months of getting to know her through his twice-weekly interviews, of being brought back from the dead by her, of being with her and making love to her, and of rescuing her mentor, he’d fallen in love with the witch.

  He might not understand how or why it had happened, but he’d chosen his next alpha-mate. She had red curly hair, a no-nonsense approach to life, a profound, almost wolf-like desire to serve her community, and despite everything she’d been through, she still cared deeply about those in her charge.

  She was a woman of worth and when she woke up, he’d start the process of courting her. Could she love him in return? Would she be willing to serve in Savage Territory the way she did in Elegance? Could she leave the Landing?

  Of course, all he wanted right now was for her to wake up so he could make love to her again. His body was in tune with Maeve and now that he’d come to a full awareness she was the one, he needed to stake his claim. He needed to bond with her.

  It was all he’d been thinking about for hours.

  And still she slept.

  He forced himself to turn away from the bedroom.

  Moving back into the living room, he opened up his telepathy and focused on Warren, the alpha wolf of Caldion Pack.

  How’s it going? Heard you rescued a witch from Veyda’s coven?

  We did. He told Warren about the Landing wolves and the rescue itself. Kiara’s recovering. She’s got terrible burns on her stomach. Acid-like. One of the burns had pierced her intestines. Alfonso had to do surgery.

  Warren was a badly scarred wolf himself and had experienced a similar torture at another witch’s hands. He didn’t say anything for a long moment, but Braden had a strong sense his mind was full of invective.

  Finally, Warren telepathed, Grateful beyond words you and Maeve were able to get her out of that hellhole.

  It was Maeve’s doing. She organized the rescue and I was happy to help. But that leads me to something I need to ask you.


  Braden took a deep breath. I want to bring her back as my alpha-mate. What do you think? Could my pack accept her?

  Warren was silent again, this time for what felt like a year. Fergus’s pack has had no problem accepting Mary as the alpha female and she’s fae. But I see a different issue.

  Because Maeve’s a witch. More statement than question.

  Wolves don’t like them. You know that. On the other hand, her Graveyard rescues are well-known in Savage. There are times around the bonfire when she’s celebrated as a folk-hero.

  Braden thought it was the least his woman deserved. What she does is amazing for a woman who’s gone through so much. Veyda killed her still-human husband just before he left Five Bridges for good. They’d said good-bye and Veyda killed him.

  Braden heard Warren growl telepathically. That woman needs to be brought down for good.

  Maeve wounded Veyda during Kiara’s rescue, but she was still making threats when we left. She’s got power you wouldn’t believe. She can make herself invisible.

  This time, Warren didn’t hold back but sent a line of telepathic invective ran straight though Braden’s head. The words eased him.

  When Warren calmed down, Braden asked, So, how’s my pack doing?

  Holding steady. Jeremy has kept them in good order. As you know, I go over there every other night to check on things. But I have to say, your pack’s humming. I also think the responsibility has brought Jeremy closer than ever to alpha level. I’d expect a dominance fight when you get back.

  Braden smiled. All wolves loved dominance fights, watching or participating. It was part of pack life. I wouldn’t expect anything less.

  Or –

  Or, what? Braden felt suddenly uneasy.

  No one would think the less of you if you didn’t return to Savage.

  Why the hell would you say that? His uneasiness increased.

  You’ve been gone eighteen months. Are you sure you haven’t made a home there, in Elegance?

  Of course not. Savage is my home.

  Right. Then, no worries. You have a pack waiting for you. I’ve got an appointment, so I have to go. I had a wolf shot up by a cartel last night.

  The same one that’s been ramping up production on emerald flame?

  That’s the one.

  All right. Thanks for everything, Warren.

  Braden ended the telepathic conversation, then leaned back on the couch. It pissed him off that Warren would even suggest he shouldn’t come back. He’d stayed away so that Jeremy could work more easily as a placeholder during his absence. But he had no intention of changing his plans. He simply needed to get his answers about his wife’s murder, exact the revenge he needed, then he’d head back home to Savage.

  All roads led to Veyda. When he’d been in the foyer of her compound, he knew Laura had died there.

  As soon as Maeve recovered, he fully intended to enlist her to track the witch down and make her talk. He wanted a confession, then he wanted the witch deader than dead.

  Braden? Are you there?


  He was on his feet like a bolt of lightning, then levitated swiftly to the bedroom. She was still in bed but stretching and yawning. “I’m here. You’re awake.”